**CLOSED** Skinny Chics & A Rooster **CLOSED**



  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    1 I have nice ta tas
    2.I am a great friend
    3.I am a good cook
    4.I am a good mom/wife
    5.I am smart

    1.My double chin
    2.I am moody
    3.I complain too much
    4.I make too many excuses
    5.I worry too much

    1.I don't spend enough time on me
    2.I need to be more organized
    3.I need to get commited to getting healthy
    4.Spend less time in the company of the T.V.
    5.I need to stop putting things off until tomorrow

    Beyond my control:
    1. My hubbies work schedule
    2.The weather
    3.The traffic
    4. Whether people like me or not
    5.Hot water tank is empty
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Great idea Eileen.

    1. To be able to see the best in people
    2. Generally a very happy person
    3. I love who I am as a person. Inside and out
    4. Being the best mom to my daughter and wife to my husband
    5. That I don't care what other people think of me, because its their loss not mine

    Don't Like:
    1. I don't always complete my projects. Be it a craft or personal
    2. Being a push-over
    3. Not standing up for myself
    4. Not voicing my options when I feel strongly about it
    5. That I judge people

    1. To take charge of situations
    2. To have more confidence in myself
    3. Not to reward myself with food
    4. Hold my head up high, instead of down in embarrassment
    5. To stop my procrastination

    Beyond my Control:
    1. My workaholic husband
    2. The weather
    3. My fertility
    4. Other people opinion of me
    5. Again, my workaholic husband

    I agree with Staci, this took longer then I expected. It really made me think of who I as a person. Thanks for the idea Eileen.
    P.S. in a good way, I feel kind of exposed.
  • MrsRazor7
    MrsRazor7 Posts: 332 Member
    Love the idea!

    1. I love unconditionally.
    2. That I am close with my parents and talk to them several times a day.
    3. I am a good teacher and I am able to have an impact on my students.
    4. That I am smart and I LOVE math!
    5. I am making a change in my life. It may be a journey and have bumps, but I am making a lifelong change.

    Don't Like:
    1. I am a control freak.
    2. That I have lost my patience with my boys and I can't stay calm with them like I used to.
    3. That I worry what others think about me.
    4. That I don't have many friends.
    5. I don't have a good relationship with my brother.

    1. I can start realizing that things don't have to be perfect and I don't have to control everything.
    2. I can start taking a deap breath and deal with my boys in a calm way, without yelling at them when they are driving me crazy!
    3. I can try and work on myself so that I feel an inner peace. If I can truly be happy with myself, then I know I won't care what others think.
    4. Start living today for today. Stop trying to plan everything out and start to "just go with it."
    5. Start giving myself confirmation to how great I am doing, that I am a great and caring person, that I am going to make it through this.

    Beyond my control:
    1. My husband's problems, his recovery, and his love for me.
    2. How small our house is how it always seems to be messy.
    3. The fact that my brother never calls me.
    4. What the army makes my husband do.
    5. Money issues. (it seems like no amount is ever enough to do everything you need or want to do).

    That was great. A great way to start my day!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    I am a little overwhelmed with the response. I agree with Julie that it does expose us but in a good way. I hope that it has helped put things in perspective.

    **TMI ALERT** (just in case it is too much for our rooster)

    I made the appointment for another in office consultation next Thursday. I am still debating over silicone or saline. Silcone has a better shape and feel whereas Saline is more natural and if it leaks the body would just absorb it. I also need to decide whether to have nipples reconstructed as well. That would add to the number of outpatient surgeries I would need. Who thought there would be so many decisions? Oh, and my surgeon is getting ready to go on maternity leave so I might have to wait until next year unless I can find another surgeon. I still have some concerns on how this will effect my lymphadema as well. Urggh!


    I need to figure out my Christmas shopping and start. My MIL usually wants to have everything wrapped and under the tree at Thanksgiving. Of course, she always says she is "scaling" back on her spending but every year she outdoes herself. There were so many presents last year that we almost couldn't walk in the room!

    Have a Fantastic Thirsty Thursday!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    OK - this was actually FUN! And I realized it helped me set a few goals. If you all look at YOUR lists you will realize that we are probably working on the things we don't like and changing the things we want to change! This gives me some motivation. Thanks Eileen!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    1. Love the life my husband & I have built for our family
    2. That I have changed my lifestyle
    3. That I have a positive attitude
    4. That I am a women of my word
    5. That I set a good example for my girls

    Don't Like:
    1. That I let myself go for so many years
    2. That I don’t thank my husband enough for all does
    3. My stomach
    4. My lack of a wardrobe
    5. That I am less confident than I was 20 years ago

    1. To move more and watch less TV this winter
    2. Smile more
    3. Seize the moment with my kids more
    4. Tighten our budget so we can save for a family trip
    5. I will be chopping most of my hair off next spring so I can be more carefree!

    Beyond my Control:
    1. Mean people
    2. That I work with a few real jerks
    3. That chocolate tastes so damned good
    4. My husbands obsession with clean vehicles
    5. Long Maine Winters
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Oh ReNae, if only chocolate didn't taste so good!!

    Eileen, from a surgery persons perspective I agree that the silicone one look and feel better than the saline and that the saline is better if it leaks. If it were me I would research to see how often one type may leak compared to the other. I can only remember one time that we did surgery to replace a leaky implant and it was more than 10 years ago. I don't remember what kind it was because I wasn't in that case. I am sure there have been improvements over the years as well. And we don't do a lot of reconstructions or enhancements in our surgery either, but it is just something I would check out.
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Good Afternoon everyone,
    Haven't been to the gym for 3 days. Was sick on Tuesday. Planned to go Wednesday but looked at a new truck that was 1 1/2 hours away from us. Well we decided to buy it, then went to pick it up today and my future sister in law is coming over tonight to look at the family pictures. But tomorrow I will get in for a damn good burn. Then Saturday is my nephew birthday party, then Sunday back at the gym. Fall has arrived here. Its cold and damp out and I am loving every minute of it. That is all I have. Hope everyone is enjoying their Thursday and see you all later.
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member

    1. I have an IQ of 152 and can do anything I set my mind to.
    2. I am self centered, at peace with who I am, and where I am in the world.
    3. I can control any situation I want, when I want, if I choose to do so. I've had too much training & innate ability not to.
    4. I am still in my heart a nice person, I will strive to go the extra mile for someone because it makes me happy to make them happy.
    5. In a firefight with our backs to the wall I know my husband has mine, and he knows I have his and we'll both go down guns blazing for each other should it come to that.

    1. Being corrected when it's only a difference of opinion, not a matter of fundamental structure or firmament.
    2. People who promise something, then don't deliver. Welchers. Flibberty gibbets. Flighty people. Untrustworthy individuals.
    3. My intolerance for certain groups of individuals because they just irritate the living **** out of me.
    4. Having to give up my house I've worked on so hard to move.
    5. I am not living in Maui yet.

    1. Less lazy, more do.
    2. Complete my training for scuba.
    3. Complete my training for pilots license.
    4. Learn to surf, rollerblade, paddle board.
    5. Get the **** out of Phoenix before next Summer and move to Maui.

    Beyond my Control
    1. Husbands Attitude problems
    2. Crazy inlaws
    3. Crazy mother
    4. How fast my body releases the adipocytes
    5. The collapse of Western Civilization and Democracy as we know it. Including but not limited to the slow revocation of our inalienable civil rights as put forth by the Declaration of Independence and revoked by section 215 of the Patriot Act. (Which if you were allowed to read it, but aren't due to the secrets act, it states the government can put a bullet in your brain for no reason given, no trial needed. TYVM.) Yay. Progress.

    Okay off to make cookies for husband. Or he's threatened to make them himself *rolls eyes* which means a huge mess in the kitchen. Have a great day to everyone.

    TMI TMI TMI )for Greg(
    Oh and Eileen, I asked Hubby to get a male opinion. ;) He says, "whichever material is safer" and "Get the nipples, you don't want to look like Barbie". Which I hadn't thought of that, but now that he's said it. I can't get the barbie no nipple boobies out of my head. I gotta go with Yes to nipples. As for silicone vs saline. The rational half of my brain says SALINE! the half that want's to be hot says MOLDABLE SILICONE! ;) So you know... I think that one, is all up to you darling. ;) *HUGS* Squooshie titties are squooshie titties... no more knoobies ;)
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well I've been banned from the gym today and tomorrow and its been recommended that I take it easy Saturday and Sunday. My leg muscles have been tired for about 3 weeks now and my trainer wants me to get recovered. That said, I asked a question a while ago but I think I got lost in the thread.

    For those of you who have done 30 Day Shred - what kind/weight of weights are you using? I'm used to pretty heavy weights at the gym but I know thats not appropriate for this (I 1-arm press 40lbs) so what would you recfommend using??
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Steph- I personally use 2 5lb dumb bells.It sounds like you could go with 2 20lbs dumb bells. Let me know how it goes.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Steph - I haven't tried the shred yet. One of these days though. One of these days.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    woot woot! Those mystery 3lbs were gone this morning. It was either the fact I practically drowned myself yesterday with all the water I drank AND/OR taking Cynthia's advice and upping my protein the last few days. Happy Friday! Half term next week for me so lotsof gym time!
  • erh20000plus
    erh20000plus Posts: 205 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Staci - From what I understand, they both have the same life span. I will make sure that the surgeon address this when I see her next week though. I know that she leans towards silcone because that is the norm. But I appreciate the advice!

    Julie - I hope that you are feeling better!

    Cynthia - Hmmm, Barbie? I guess there could be worse comparisons. I am leaning that way but it is on my list of questions for the surgeon. If I remember correctly they would have to be tattooed the right color as well. My first tats. Maybe I should buy a Harley and just do it all in style! Should I start calling you Ms. Smarticoles? That is what my son (Mr. though not Ms.) when he gets a good grade.

    Steph - Banned for working out too much? Geez, if only I could be sooo lucky! I might get banned for not going enough. Oh, wait I haven't join one yet to get banned from! Congrats on the release!

    As for me, I crocheted my first croobie to donate to the local cancer center. I might have to take it in to the local shop and make sure I did it right because I have never done it before. Christmas shopping this weekend and hopefully gym shopping as well!

    Have a Fantabulous Friday!
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Busy office day. Bought a NEW outfit!! Feeling great in it. Pants that FIT!!! WOW!!!

    Have a great weekend everybody. Make it count.
    ~keep it skinny
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    -- Congrats!!! Clothes that fit well, are always awesome :)

    -- Congrats my darling. Whether it was the water, or the protein, all that matters is that it worked and I couldn't be happier for you. *HUGS*HUGS*HUGS* :)

    -- I never would have thought of the comparison either. leave it to a man. ;) And tattoos huh? The things they think up these days! I would have figured that it came pre stained, but I suppose it makes sense as a skin graft shaped and all. Wow, I wonder if it's a biker dude they get to do the work ;) He's a happy guy I bet. *teehee*

    Nope so it doesn't work embedding the iframe into the message board. I'll have to write and ask if they allow it, I doubt they do. In the meantime I made a new spreadsheet to track your measurements. If you have a Google account you can copy the sheet to your account then change the data to represent your own measurements. :) Enjoy!

  • KnottyNCrotchety
    I have been down and out with a cold the last couple of days. Still had to go into the shop (my boss is such a *****...lol) but then would come home, crawl into bed and sleep for hours and hours. I fought this baby off for almost two weeks and then my body just shut down. I am feeling a little more human and woke up after only a few hours of sleep tonight, so I am hopeful that I will be much more back to normal tomorrow.

    I did wear a totally sassy outfit today in an effort to feel human and it was really fun to feel like I looked good. It was a size 14 stretch denmin skirt too! I got lots of compliments. I have not worn skirts much in the last few years as my legs carry all my weight and were covered in cellulite. I got some great tights at the Nordstrom's outlet and don't feel so bad about wearing skirts since I lost some of the weight.

    NSV, tonight I was sitting here at the computer and my shirt kept falling off my shoulder. Its way too big, but I am cheap and figure it still works for pj's. Well I went to push it back up on my shoulder and realized that my shoulder is all bony. I can feel all bone covered with skin, very little fat there. Its not a part of my body I study very often but I was just amazed to see that one little change.

    I will be back to read through what I missed and catch up tomorrow if I am feeling up to it. I hope everyone is well.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    For all of you boot lovers....I have a pair of knee high size 10 boots with a very wide leg. I think I have worn them twice, the bottoms aren't even scuffed. They are baggy around my calves now (yay!). They need a new home.....
  • mrsduck77
    mrsduck77 Posts: 104 Member
    Morning Everyone
    NSV I went out last night and bought myself a pair of knee high black leather boots,a plum coloured sweater dress and grey leggings all size xl.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Ok, I know I'm a little late to the party...as in, I've purposely stayed away a little too long. I just needed a break from all the srious focus on weight, not just from this thread (so don't think it has anything to do with you all) but this site in general. In fact, I haven't been in any serious threads all week. If it wasn't a joke or something I could be a total ***** in, I just didn't go there. I needed to know that my life didn't revolve around the changes I was making to my body, that there was more to the process, I guess. Anyway, I'm back, and while it's no longer Wednesday, I'm going to take Eileen's challenge and make my lists here:

    Things I like about myself:
    1. I can find a solution to almost any problem, even when I'm the problem
    2. I care what others think and feel, but I don't let it determine my values and actions
    3. I finally realize that my happiness is worth fighting for, and worth letting others go who don't feel the same way
    4. I'm not jaded and still believe in the inherent good in people even after all I've been through
    5. That I don't live in the past

    Things I don't like about myself:
    1. I can be kind of standoffish without even realizing it
    2. I have a hard time trusting people, especially men, which makes relationships hard
    3. I'm not very good at saving money, and I haven't taught my girls how to either (yeah, that's gonna come back to bite me)
    4. I don't have many RL friendships...sometimes it gets lonely when I hear what others are going out to do with their friends
    5. I can't always keep my emotions in check, especially when people say or do really stupid stuff (no poker face here)

    Things I want to change:
    1. I want to be able to let someone get close without looking for ulterior motives
    2. I want to be more genuinely outgoing
    3. I need to be more patient with people and things around me
    4. I need to remember that each day is a gift and that I decide how the day will go (proactive instead of reactive)
    5. I need to stop spending unnecessary money out of convenience rather than necessity

    Things beyond my control:
    1. The number of hours in a day and days in a week
    2. How other people react to me
    3. The nature of others whether I like it or not
    4. Teacher salary beyond what I've already done (either change careers or learn to live within that number)
    5. genetics

    Thanks Eileen, it was quite therapeutic to do this and it goes along with my favorite prayer (Serenity)...my grandmother lived it, and I have always wished to one day follow in her footsteps with this; I'm not quite there yet!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Morning Everyone
    NSV I went out last night and bought myself a pair of knee high black leather boots,a plum coloured sweater dress and grey leggings all size xl.

    That sounds utterly wonderful! Well done on your achievement, and enjoy your new sexy clothes!