*~ Gamers In Control~* Open Group!



  • AmberXenon
    AmberXenon Posts: 118 Member
    Gamer through and through. I used to identify as a consoel gamer only (nintendo, PS, PS2, PS3) but now I have branched into the computer gaming. I am currently kicking some butt ( ha ha I'm only level 16) in Lord of the Rings Online. I have enjoyed the Witcher. I love Heroes. Sims is fun to goof around with from time to time.

    On Playstation I love: the persona games (esp 3 and 4), Final Fantasy series (esp 10), Dragon Age (I and II), Little Big Planet (1 & 2), Crash Bandicoot games, Metal Gear Solid series, Kingdom Hearts, etc

    On the Wii: Trauma Team, Super Mario Bros, Mario Party, Mario Kart


    I just borrowed the Persona games from a friend at work. :) And I'm playing Devil Survivor on my DS right now...sooo fun!
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    Anyone have any good ideas for raiding snacks?

    I tried just drinking tea and well we had to stop so many times so I could use the restroom that it was fairly annoying.
  • NinjaTurtleDude
    Hello my name is drew and I'm a gamer I play FF,Pokemon,dragon age mortal kombat and many others so if you don't mind's I like to join
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    Awww, this is awesome :) Geeks unite :P

    I play Magic the Gathering every other day with a group of guys at a local coffee shop and Half Life (online) regularly. I go to Sci Fi conventions all the time. And, in my opinion, Vin Diesel is the "perfect" guy. He is both gamer and body builder :D

    I also used to play Phantasmagoria and the Myst series religiously.

    I have only been to a few cons. Love them. It's so fun to be around people who love the same things you love.

    What's your fave con? Fave con moment?
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Anyone have any good ideas for raiding snacks?

    I tried just drinking tea and well we had to stop so many times so I could use the restroom that it was fairly annoying.

    For healthy ones? LOL
    I would recommend maybe some crackers with peanut butter on them if that doesn't float the boat to much do a bowl of grapes. But if you do something with like a peanut butter, it will fill you up more :D OR get some 100 calorie popcorn! I know they have some good popcorn out there that will work for you :D I am trying to think what is in my kitchen that will help and those are the things that care coming to mind :D
  • AmberXenon
    AmberXenon Posts: 118 Member
    Popcorn and fat-free pretzels. Air popped popcorn is amazing, and you can put whatever you want on it afterwards. :)
  • secretsof2113
    Anyone have any good ideas for raiding snacks?

    I tried just drinking tea and well we had to stop so many times so I could use the restroom that it was fairly annoying.

    Carrots! I always had some of those when I was raiding! Also, in shell sunflower seeds were always a nice snack!
  • AmberXenon
    AmberXenon Posts: 118 Member
    Anyone have any good ideas for raiding snacks?

    I tried just drinking tea and well we had to stop so many times so I could use the restroom that it was fairly annoying.

    Carrots! I always had some of those when I was raiding! Also, in shell sunflower seeds were always a nice snack!

    Cause it takes you forever to eat them. lol In the same vein, in shell pistachios.
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    If you do cellary you can actually burn calories while eating them because they take so long in your body to digest!
  • theaquallama
    Hi everyone!! I too have been a gamer all my life! And I know exactly what a good MMO will do to the hips haha

    Let's see... The first game I ever played was, I think, this game called Castle Quest. At least I think that's what it was called, It's been so long >.< It was for the NES and all I remember is that you went around collecting colored keys that went to the corresponding colored doors.

    I'm currently playing EverQuest 2, The Sims 3 Pets, Oblivion (preparing for Skyrim!), Just Dance 3 (awesome for exercise), and Amnesia.

    Can't wait for Silent Hill Downpour! I can't even begin to tell you how much I love the series. Fatal Frame too, if they ever start releasing games in the US again... D:
  • AmberXenon
    AmberXenon Posts: 118 Member
    When I was in college, I did Dance Dance Revolution competitively

    No. Srsly.

    We had an arcade machine in our student union, and I would play 3 songs everyday. Absolutely great for cardio... I even did a speech on it fir one of my classes. After I left school I found out that they'd removed the machine....now I have to go find another one to get my DDR fix!
  • nataliejade
    Hey! I've been gaming most of my life, i'm currently at university so confined to my PC games, at the moment playing a lot of Sims 3, Minecraft and recently downloaded Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 (feeling incredibly retro haha). Back home I play a lot of WoW, Rift and Guitar Hero, definitely a WoW addict, unfortunately my laptop doesn't run it too well so I have to wait til my visits home to be able to play, which sucks!
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
  • AmberXenon
    AmberXenon Posts: 118 Member
    Calling all gamers!!
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I started out with a Sega Genesis because my mom liked Sonic the Hedgehog. :tongue: I later got myself an SNES so I could play Chrono Trigger, which is still my favorite game ever! I like jrpgs and mmorpgs (never played WoW, mostly f2p games). I mainly like the older type of rpgs like the ones that were on SNES and PS1.

    I would sometimes sit and play games for 12 hours at a time and forget to eat. I think I messed up my metabolism doing that, since I never really overate and have always been a diet soda drinker.

    I like to play DDR too, but I'm not very good at it. I never really got past playing on Basic. :embarassed:
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    I'll join this shenanigan.

    MMO's: UO, EQ1/2, WoW, SWG, DAoC, AoC, and am waiting for SW:ToR

    Also waiting on Skyrim.

    I can not wait till SW:Tor. I don't know if I will leave Rift, but I am excited.

    In other news.... I tried the sunflower seeds in ROTF dg last night. We wiped because evidently i care more about shelling sunflower seeds than keeping us alive. Whoops! Going to try carrots.
  • Scarl3tt
    I was a huge computer gamer a few years ago. Guild wars started it all. Then wow and lotro. I became a full time raider we would go 6-7 times a week. I never did add up hours played across the account I'm sure it would make me cry! It almost ruined my marriage. What can I say I loved healing lol. Now I have a son and it's impossible to play I try to use my Xbox kinect at least 3 times a week. I do miss WOW but not the zombie I was

    Ps hard candy works for raids... I did sugar free. But I used to concentrate hard and sucking helps... No pun intended lol
  • AmberXenon
    AmberXenon Posts: 118 Member
    Oops on the sunflower seeds....lol

    I've had snack mishaps that have caused me to wipe raids (for I too was a healer) Best one was dumping my water on my keyboard...so pro. ><!
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    Awwwwww yaaaaa. I started playing WoWcrack, and now I'm getting bored with it, and my friend's turned me onto Starcraft Dos. I play some PS3 too now and then.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Psssssh! Video games? If it ain't Call of Duty, then it ain't a video game, amirite? Seriously, there's no other games in existence!

    I've been a gamer nearly all my life as well. Started out with my NES when I was a child, and the love bloomed from there. From Bubble Bobble and Ducktales, to the vast mix of stuff I play now, games have always been part of me. I enjoy action/adventure platformers, RPG's, puzzle games, and I was a Warcraft player (retired after Cata's release).

    Like Amber, I too, work at the video game monopoly! We're actually old coworkers, and now good friends.

    I'm also heavily into cosplay, and that's a HUGE part of the reason I started losing weight to begin with. I was getting sick and tire of being picked on at conventions about my weight. I almost ended up giving up cosplay entirely because of it. But I got my butt in gear and started working hard, and the results are finally starting to pay off!

    I just quoted you because I recognize Tao. You obviously play, or at least know of, BB (and I know you won't reference BeachBody, when I use the acronym). It's such a refreshing rarity to see a fellow gamer of one of the greatest fighting games I've become addicted to. In my prime, I'd 6B Haku-stomp you. But sadly, I've gotten rusty and am probably a high-ranking scrub.