

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Saturday, All,

    Well, as you can see from my new profile picture...I attempted to take a photo with my phone of myself in my "maybe" dress for youngest son's wedding. DH was out in the boat, so this attempt was pretty funny. I put one more in my profile pics, but couldn't get one of all of me...probably for the best:bigsmile: Anyway, I'll keep thinking about it. DH is not the one to ask as he always likes everything OR says he does! (SMART MAN:laugh: )

    I am heading to dock to meet up with DH to go out on the boat. He enjoys being out ALL day. I prefer a couple of hours, so he can take me to try to get some of my much-loved shrimp again.) I got my exercise in and it is a gorgeous, but bit chilly day.

    Jane; I am glad to hear the biopsy results were good, but so sorry you cannot get your walking in. Keep us posted!

    Robin: Hope you got out the door or on your treadmill and are feeling really good by now:flowerforyou:

    Take care, dear ladies! Kackie:heart:
  • mynyddisamrs
    Hope you're all having a good weekend folks!

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I hope everyone enjoyed the day. It was a great day here in Rhode Island. My husband got diagnosed with vertigo (not the flu) and has an appointment with the neurologist in two weeks. In the meantime, he is on a med for the vertigo that makes him sleepy...but he is getting better. I am glad that the doctor is looking into this....he has had ocular migranes and auras this summer and fall so I think it is time to look at the bigger picture.
    I tutored one student today and then made a grocery list and went shopping. I felt like a slug this afternoon and I didn't get to the gym ( I know I should have gone). Tonight after dinner we did a good walk about the neighborhood so I am glad I got some exercise in.

    Jane…..glad to hear the biopsy came back normal. Hopefully you will get to the bottom of this soon and be on the mend for good.
    Cathy …Congrats on your loss this week!
    Kackie….I love the color of the dress and from what I could see in the pics, it looks great.

    Have a good night,
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good night all!
    sally-glad hubby is looking into things.Hope he feels better soon.
    Cathy,praying for your son`s safe arrival home.My son was in Afghanistan and I was a wreck til he got home 9 months later.
    Hope everyone else has a good week-end.
    back to the Dr on Mon-new symptoms cropping up beside the pain.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Jane - how wonderful the biopsy was normal! I know that you're relieved for that. So sorry to hear about your back.

    Robin - my sincerest hopes that things will work out for you.

    barbie - thanks for the wonderful idea. I was just thinking of what should I put into my cereal tomorrow, and you gave me the great idea of applesauce! Thanks. Now I'm looking forward to breakfast. Isn't it amazing how when you don't eat sweet things, suddenly just the tiniest bit of sugar is too much. The same goes for salt. Since I've been cutting back on my salt, I can taste salt in foods so much more.

    kackie - from what I see of the dress, I like, I like. The neckline, the "sleeves" (not sleeveless but yet not full sleeve)

    Did an hour of yoga today after going to the farmers market. I guess in one sense it's good that next weekend is it's last weekend. I barely have time to finish the veges that I get one week before it's time for the next one. One man had some corn on the cob, said it was late because he planted it late. I do hope it's nice and sweet. He also had some tomatoes, I only got 3. We shall see how they are. Tomorrow I think I'll do Wii hula hoop, haven't done that in a while.

    Still getting ready for the social. Brought the tables for the desserts and the drinks upstairs. I'm thinking that one table should have a leaf in it so more people can sit at the table. We also have an Ikea table downstairs (seats 4), a 6' banquet table which I think I can get 6 chairs around, 2 card tables that were loaned to us plus ours. Plus the 7 seats at the bar, so I think we should have enough seating.

    Monday a guy who Vince worked with is coming here, not sure for how long. I guess in one sense I wish it weren't right now. Tuesday we have Newcomers board meeting, Wednesday is senior bowl and Newcomers bowl. Putting up decorations, etc. Wish it were next week, but oh well....we'll survive.

    Sally - that must have been so scary for your hubby. Glad he's getting it looked at.

    Guess that's about it for me. Gonna take a shower then maybe watch some television. Have a great evening everyone

  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Evenin' Everyone!

    I missed you all yesterday! It was one of those days that I had trouble staying awake when I got home from work..I went to bed before 9. We...mostly Eric...has the tradition of watching It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and Ichabod Crane. It's his fall kick off tradition since he was alittle kid. I had trouble staying awake through them...and woke up today feeling really yukky. After some meds and alittle more rest, I was good to go. We just went shopping at a couple of stores....and they were giving out all kinds of samples (scallops, pie, cheese, pizza, etc). It was all delicious.... I have no idea how to log all of that! and I have to back track to figure out yesterday's food too. No exercise yesterday or today...other than taking Hershey, my pooch, out to the yard to chase tennis balls. Tomorrow will be better. I'm ordering my kettlebells after I finish this post, so I'll have a new type of exercise to keep me busy n motivated (I hope).

    Jane...I'm so happy for you! The normal biopsy is great news! Hopefully you can get back to your walking soon.

    Cathy...Congrats on your loss! Do you have an idea when your son will be coming home?

    Kackie....I like the dress. Good choice. Eric is the same w/his opinions. He says everything looks good...but the fact that he thinks I have a good shape (I'm apple shaped..very apple shaped) makes everything he says suspect. I'm glad he loves me the way I am....but keep making me those salads, Eric!!

    Sally....Glad your husband's on the mend.

    Lisa...Hope you didn't get too bored putting the labels on the wine. It sounds kind of therapeutic to me...of, course, I would have also had a glass or two while I was doing the labels. Call that more therapy!

    Chat with everyone tomorrow...Have a great Sunday. My guys will be watching all of the football games and hopefully winning in their fantasy leagues. I especially want them to win in the money league :drinker: I will be doing homework, cleaning, laundry, painting trim.:ohwell:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I just finished reading an easy to read book called “Food Rules” by Michael Pollan. Here are some of the rules:

    What should I eat?
    eat food
    What kind of food should I eat?----mostly plants
    How should I eat?---not too much

    Avoid foods you see advertised on television.
    If it came from a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant, don’t.
    It’s not food if it arrived through the window of your car.
    It’s not food if it is called by the same name in every language (think Big Mac, Cheetos, or Pringles.
    Don’t eat breakfast cereals that change the color of the milk.
    The whiter the bread, the sooner you’ll be dead.
    Eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself (how many chips or French fries would you eat if you had to make them yourself?).
    Don’t get your fuel from the same place your car does.
    Break the rules once in awhile.

  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I just finished reading an easy to read book called “Food Rules” by Michael Pollan. Here are some of the rules:

    What should I eat?
    eat food
    What kind of food should I eat?----mostly plants
    How should I eat?---not too much

    Avoid foods you see advertised on television.
    If it came from a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant, don’t.
    It’s not food if it arrived through the window of your car.
    It’s not food if it is called by the same name in every language (think Big Mac, Cheetos, or Pringles.
    Don’t eat breakfast cereals that change the color of the milk.
    The whiter the bread, the sooner you’ll be dead.
    Eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself (how many chips or French fries would you eat if you had to make them yourself?).
    Don’t get your fuel from the same place your car does.
    Break the rules once in awhile.

    Barbie..... thanks for posting these rules and reminding me......I read this book quite some time ago (I have it on my iphone).... some great food rules.... one I really like was "never eat anything your grandmother wouldn't recognise".... this can apply to sooo many things in our supermarkets these days.... I can't say I live by this all the time but I do try to make the majority of my food fresh, preferably organic and homemade if possible.... and now that I am tracking calories I must say I have a new attitude to rubbish.... i figure if I'm really must have chocolate then I am not going to waste my calories on crap from the supermarket but a really really good piece of quality chocolate (which funnily enough often has less calories than the stuff from the supermarket).... can you tell I hate supermarkets!!

    At the same time as reading that book I also saw a movie called Food Inc.... also something that changes the way you look at the food you put in your mouth.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Happy Sunday

    Hello, everyone, I wish I could respond to all and real all but I just can't find the time to stay on the computer as much as I use to. That is a good thing because I'm moving more. Working real hard at keeping my weight down. Feeling pretty good these days. Have some health problems I'm dealing with but I know I will get through it.

    Love the fact I'm going down on the scale and my close are getting loose. Now I have to buy winter skinny closes because I never really had any. Just a few jeans and tops. But, I wore them out. 2008 was the last time I was down to 165 almost the same date, Wow. That was the year I started MFP.

    But I am very excited to be so dedicated to what I am eating. I do have my little sweets here and there but I account for it. and my eating habits have sure changed. Just got to keep working on it.

    Kathy (plantlady99)
  • kerrynev
    kerrynev Posts: 20 Member
    :smile: bump- mark my spot for later
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning ladies.

    @jane... so HAPPY to hear about the biospy....hope your back gets better soon

    @cathy...praying for your son ...and thank you to your son for his service to our country

    well i returned from las vegas on friday morning(we took the red eye, left at 11pmPST and arrived at 6isham EST) needless to say i was DEAD tired...i had such a wonderful trip with my oldest son, we spent the weekend walking and touring around the strip and sunday went to the valley of fire national park ...it was awesome to see the beautiful rock formations and the color of the mountains
    during the week while my son was in his conference i would walk, walk and walk(i wore a pedometer the least i walked was 10 miles and the most was 16 miles)...visited as many hotel along the strip as was possible.....i was so impressed with all the hotel one more beautiful than the next....we got to see a couple of cirque shows(KA and VIVA ELVIS)we got tickets at the discount kiosk.....now to food....my choices were not good though i would try and stay within the calories allowed(i adjusted my calories to maintance so i would have more daily calories) i would logged everything i ate and some days my dinner was something very light(soup).....i need to get back to my MEALS AND EXERCISE, asap.......

    i read some post about sons....i have 3 boys(30, 27, and 21) and yes they are wonderful and they share their feelings when THEY want...i just have to wait(usually a little prodding helps)but i love them so much....

    have a wonderful sunday all
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Another beautiful sunny, fall day here today. Hubby and I will get out for a walk a little later to enjoy the day.

    My son hopes to be home for Christmas, his mission ends December 22nd but where he is, the trip could take a day or 2 to get home, so he is hoping upon hope to be home in time and I am sure the Canadian government will do their best too, to make sure these fellows are home to their families too by Christmas. See, he is in the Special Forces, so his tours are much shorter than the normal tour, more dangerous, but shorter. The 2 tours he did in Afghanistan were 6 months each, but that is long enough. He also did a tour in Bosnia in a Peacekeeping role. He loves the action but it is hard on us here and he knows that; his wife is good about it but his little daughter is now getting old enough (almost 4) that she realizes he is gone and she misses him terribly. Jane, you know how it is, your heart is in your throat until you here they have landed home.

    The scale says I am down again today and I hope that it is right!! I am going to continue this week to be strong and stay to my plan of healthy eating and see where I get to next Saturday when I do my "official" weigh in :wink:

    Kackie, your dress almost looks like a copper colour or something like that, is it? It looks nice though.

    Well, gonna run and get ready for my walk. Talk to you later. Have a great day.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    marking my spot. been absent since Augsut - gained back 6 pounds. Starting again for the 100th time
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :grumble: Feeling really low today. Dragging myself and hoping the flu has not returned. :noway: :noway:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    :grumble: Feeling really low today. Dragging myself and hoping the flu has not returned. :noway: :noway:

    feel better soon:flowerforyou:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    marking my spot. been absent since Augsut - gained back 6 pounds. Starting again for the 100th time

    Just have to tell you that starting for the 100th time is better than not starting at all. One of my favorite quotes:

    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. - Thomas Edison
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    marking my spot. been absent since Augsut - gained back 6 pounds. Starting again for the 100th time

    Just have to tell you that starting for the 100th time is better than not starting at all. One of my favorite quotes:

    I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. - Thomas Edison

    I love that quote.... and I agree.... welcome back (from a new girl) ..... better to start again and again than whatever the alternative might be.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Just completed latest instalment in my C25K challenge.... I think I'm actually enjoying this.... those endorphins must be doing something as I feel fantastic for hours afterwards.... now if I can just get the wine under control (I'm not a drunk or anything.... just like a glass or 2 too often).

    Its a lovely day here today.... first really summery day.... going to be over 32°C.

    Have a nice day everyone, Lisa:bigsmile:
  • Quilter1024
    Goals: I am almost weary of thinking about them.
    Goals: Sometimes set me up for failures. (I never make New Years resolutions)
    Goals: Are important.
    Goals: Make you think and more aware.
    Goals: Should be attainable in a relatively short period of time. (Small ones)
    Goals: Need not be just about weight loss.
    Goals: Once reached should be celebrated.

    I believe there are more positive thoughts listed, and although leary, I am going to jump in.

    Goal 1: Allow God to guide my footsteps every day.
    Goal 2: Joy for this journey and life.
    Goal 3: One size down in pants (and here lies the set up) by January 1, 2012.
    Goal 4: Do not get down (beat myself up) for enjoying holiday parties.
    Goal 5: Love my life and me (This I already have covered, like to remind myself of it every so often).
    Goal 6: Be accountable. (here and at the scales)
    Goal 7: Be honest about my successes and my failures. (Admit the failures begin and end with me, as do the successes)
    Goal 8: Kept in mind a healthy food plan
    Goal 9: Do my best to find and keep an exercise routine.

    If I am able to meet these goals, my last goal for this year would be:

    Goal 10: Weight in at or below 200 by January 1, 2012.

    What will be my reward for this accomplishment? I healthier ME!!

    Goal 11: Journal, Journal, Journal. Everything related to my goals 1-10. Not just my food plan, how I feel. What motivated me for the day. What disappointments came my way and what accomplishments came along also. May there be more joy than sorrow, but journal them both. Journal life. As Erma Bombeck said: "Life is what happens while you are making other plans." (I hope I remembered that correctly, if not I am sorry, but you get my drift.) I want to take time to celebrate the wonderful life I live, I just want to change the body I live it in.

    Hope I have not rambled on too much, setting even small goals for me is difficult. I usually take my life as it comes. I am a roll with the punches kind of gal. If my daughters need help tomorrow, I am packed and on the road in an hour. My husband had stage 4 cancer 11 years ago, 5 surgeries later, I am still blessed with his company. One step, one hour, one day. In the 11 years we have been blessed with two son in laws and 6 Grandchildren. Our life is full of miracles. I try to enjoy every moment of every day.

    Take care!
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Why do weekends go by so quickly???? At least I had some "me time" today. I was doing homework in another part of the house while the guys were watching football. For a few hours it was just me...and some mellow tunes on my laptop. So far, it looks as if Patrick's girlfriend issues have calmed. He just left for her house all smiles! Hubby made stuffed green peppers for dinner...another experimental dinner....rice, beans, alittle gr beef....very yummy! I think I'll keep him.

    Quilter....All wonderful thoughts...thanks for sharing your goals. You have a wonderful outlook on life!

    Renny...Feel better. Time for more soup!

    Lisa....You've been really doing great on that challenge!!! Inspiring!

    Cathy...Praying your son makes it home for the holidays and stays safe while he's away. How long will he be in the service? And congrats on your weight loss. You are an inspiration, too!

    Pam...Glad you enjoyed your trip! I've been to the midwest/west coast and loved it. Vegas is on my list of places to go...I haven't been there yet. Sons....full of mystery. I've found "dragging" mine out for cappuccino is a great way to get him to open up....especially when I buy!

    Kackie...How's the dress decision coming along?

    Jane...I hope all goes well at the drs tomorrow. Here's hoping he'll have some new thoughts/treatments to help you feel better.

    Barbie....I am totally in the mood for applesauce. I'm glad this is a pay week coming up....I'll be shopping based on all the delicious things I'm reading on this site! Hubby and I get paid every other week...both on the same week. We do our big shopping every 2 weeks. I'll be checking out that book at the library. I've never read it...but I think I should.

    Kathy....I admire your dedication. You should be very excited!

    Time for towel folding...and a hot soak in the tub.
    Talk to everyone tomorrow!

  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    Hi ladies, It is almost the end of October but I would love to join you. I am 50 and embarked on this journey awhile ago. Lost 20 pounds more or less and now need to continue on with this. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
