Near or post menopausal group



  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Thanks!....I checked out the Mayo Clinic link and it is amazing that more than half of the things I have been to the doctor for over the last three years are ALL listed on the symptoms chart !!......but I don't think my doctor has ever looked at everything together just treated each symptom as a natural progression of menopause and getting older !

    The symptoms listed include:

    *Fatigue and sluggishness - thought this was me just taking longer to recover from the usual nights out etc..
    *Increased sensitivity to cold - thermal pj's in August...then strip off when get a hot flush..etc..
    *Constipation - have IBS
    *Pale, dry skin - not pale but skin has got a lot drier and told again ...just a natural age progression.
    * A puffy face - thought I was just starting to age and look like my mother !
    * Hoarse voice - have completely lost my voice on 4 occasions in the last three years..
    * An elevated blood cholesterol level - nope, fine on this one.!

    * Unexplained weight gain — occurring infrequently and rarely exceeding 10 to 20 pounds, most of which is fluid - attributed to IBS..

    * Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness, especially in your shoulders and hips - had six months of injections in my shoulders as unable to raise my arms up sufficiently to undo my own bra..! Was told I must have strained the muscles somehow.

    * Pain and stiffness in your joints and swelling in your knees or the small joints in your hands and feet
    Every morning over the last two years...have felt like walking on glass getting out of bed in the morning and told it was probably due to me wearing high heels when younger...just a natural aging big toes are now getting so stiff ....finally doctor is sending me for xrays (have appointment for next week) !!*

    * Muscle weakness, especially in your lower extremities - have felt loss of power in my arms..and knees get a bit sore climbing stairs (but more going down stairs).

    * Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) - Thank you periods anymore !!

    * Depression - not clinically diagnosed but my friends have asked on a couple of occasions if I am feeling okay...just not myself and certainly find I am interested in same activities as before....(but also put that down to not being able to sleep at night).

    Without treatment, signs and symptoms gradually become more severe and your thyroid gland may become enlarged (goiter). In addition, you may become more forgetful, your thought processes may slow or you may feel depressed.

    **Forgetful !!!!.....have to write everything down...and then will maybe have to ask for a telephone number two or three times as write the numbers backwards..!....and my timekeeping has really gone downhill as I just don't seem to be able to time things as well as before...

    My last blood test results were:

    TSH T4 Libre T3 Libre Antiperoxidasa Anti tiroglobulina
    0.40 - 4.5 0.85 - 1.8 2.5 - 4.4 0 - 60 0 - 60

    0.02 2.31 6.6 Not tested Not tested
    10.46 0.87 3.5 >1300 336.9
    4.3 1.01 3.5 Not tested Not tested
    2.66 1.15 3.1 Not tested Not tested

    My next blood test is on Friday and if those results are similar as last one then doctor has said that I would only need a blood test once a year to double check all still okay...

    What should I do however if the doctor keeps telling me that everything is just related to the Menopause and just to accept it and get on with it!!
    (which is part of the reason I joined MFP)...??
    I have a lot of the symptoms on this list and I'm glad the mental thing isn't just me! LOL!
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • lorimur
    lorimur Posts: 30
    One of the great things about this thread is that reading through everybody else's experience has allowed me to take a step back and realise that I am doing okay...and that I am responsible for my own state of if I could just remember where I left it!!!!
  • RoadsterMomma
    RoadsterMomma Posts: 161 Member
    :flowerforyou: bumping to find later- I'm in- 52 years old- post menopausal now- started peri at age 38... llllooonnggg time.... reasurring to read others' stories.... bbl
  • dbra58
    dbra58 Posts: 15 Member
    I love this...I too am 53, and struggling. Hot flashes + night sweats=no sleep, which makes it even worse. My cholesterol was also up, for the first time. I went to the doc, and he started me on HRT...I have mixed feelings about that, but do feel so much better both mentally and physically that I'm going to stay with it for now.

    I lost weight about 9 years ago, kept it off 4 years until I started nursing school. The stress of that put on 25 lbs. Last summer I started working on it, lost 15 lbs, then hurt my hip. Had to stop exercising; gained and lost the same 5 pounds about 5 times, lol. In August of this year I got serious again, found MFP, and started working on it again. It's coming off very slowly, even though I've been pretty faithful. Some days I wonder if it is even really possible, but I will not give up...

    It is wonderful to know that so many other people are experiencing the same things I am; I have to admit that sometimes I think I'm just a whiner!
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Hi all, Can't tell you how happy I am to have found this group. I started the night sweats last year and thought they were done with but over the past week or so, they are back along with the hot flashes and a big ole BAAAD mood, and NO libido. I am not the most pleasant of people to be around right now. The night sweats are whats bringing me down the most. Hot/Cold, Hot/Cold all night long does not make for a very restfull sleep. I recently had my physical and all is good except that I need to lose a bunch of weight of course. Anyway if anyone would care to add me, I could use the support.
    Best Wishes, Deb
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    On a completely different note - have any of you ladies noticed that your er umm sex drive isn't quite what it used to be? I'm in a very happy loving relationship! But somedays it seems I've lost me mojo (as Austin Powers would say).

    Hoping that once my hormones quit going bonkers I'll be back to be more frisky!

    Thoughts ladies???

    I know exactly what you mean! :sad:

    Oh I notice! But hubby's the one with the tears!

    Yes I know exactly what you mean too!!
    And ummm the drying out doesnt make either of us very happy either :grumble:
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    On a completely different note - have any of you ladies noticed that your er umm sex drive isn't quite what it used to be? I'm in a very happy loving relationship! But somedays it seems I've lost me mojo (as Austin Powers would say).

    Hoping that once my hormones quit going bonkers I'll be back to be more frisky!

    Thoughts ladies???
    I know exactly what you mean! :sad:
    Oh I notice! But hubby's the one with the tears!
    Yes I know exactly what you mean too!!
    And ummm the drying out doesnt make either of us very happy either :grumble:
    Another sleepless night..... spent the night doing the hot/cold sheet dance .... the weather is starting to warm up here so its soon going to be the hot/warm dance ..... i must dig out the neckscarf I used last summer ..... its filled with a sort of gel which you wet and then it stays cool around the neck all night.... I really found it helped me sleep..... but its very hard to feel sexy when there's so much going on INSIDE your body ..... can't cope with any outside stimulus as well!:blushing:
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks!....I checked out the Mayo Clinic link and it is amazing that more than half of the things I have been to the doctor for over the last three years are ALL listed on the symptoms chart !!......but I don't think my doctor has ever looked at everything together just treated each symptom as a natural progression of menopause and getting older !

    The symptoms listed include:

    *Fatigue and sluggishness - thought this was me just taking longer to recover from the usual nights out etc..
    *Increased sensitivity to cold - thermal pj's in August...then strip off when get a hot flush..etc..
    *Constipation - have IBS
    *Pale, dry skin - not pale but skin has got a lot drier and told again ...just a natural age progression.
    * A puffy face - thought I was just starting to age and look like my mother !
    * Hoarse voice - have completely lost my voice on 4 occasions in the last three years..
    * An elevated blood cholesterol level - nope, fine on this one.!

    * Unexplained weight gain — occurring infrequently and rarely exceeding 10 to 20 pounds, most of which is fluid - attributed to IBS..

    * Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness, especially in your shoulders and hips - had six months of injections in my shoulders as unable to raise my arms up sufficiently to undo my own bra..! Was told I must have strained the muscles somehow.

    * Pain and stiffness in your joints and swelling in your knees or the small joints in your hands and feet
    Every morning over the last two years...have felt like walking on glass getting out of bed in the morning and told it was probably due to me wearing high heels when younger...just a natural aging big toes are now getting so stiff ....finally doctor is sending me for xrays (have appointment for next week) !!*

    * Muscle weakness, especially in your lower extremities - have felt loss of power in my arms..and knees get a bit sore climbing stairs (but more going down stairs).

    * Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) - Thank you periods anymore !!

    * Depression - not clinically diagnosed but my friends have asked on a couple of occasions if I am feeling okay...just not myself and certainly find I am interested in same activities as before....(but also put that down to not being able to sleep at night).

    Without treatment, signs and symptoms gradually become more severe and your thyroid gland may become enlarged (goiter). In addition, you may become more forgetful, your thought processes may slow or you may feel depressed.

    **Forgetful !!!!.....have to write everything down...and then will maybe have to ask for a telephone number two or three times as write the numbers backwards..!....and my timekeeping has really gone downhill as I just don't seem to be able to time things as well as before...

    My last blood test results were:

    TSH T4 Libre T3 Libre Antiperoxidasa Anti tiroglobulina
    0.40 - 4.5 0.85 - 1.8 2.5 - 4.4 0 - 60 0 - 60

    0.02 2.31 6.6 Not tested Not tested
    10.46 0.87 3.5 >1300 336.9
    4.3 1.01 3.5 Not tested Not tested
    2.66 1.15 3.1 Not tested Not tested

    My next blood test is on Friday and if those results are similar as last one then doctor has said that I would only need a blood test once a year to double check all still okay...

    What should I do however if the doctor keeps telling me that everything is just related to the Menopause and just to accept it and get on with it!!
    (which is part of the reason I joined MFP)...??

    If your insurance will permit, go to an endochrinologist instead of your family doctor or even your gyn. They deal with hormone issues daily and typically have a much better grasp of where your levels should be. I originally was treated by my gynocologist, but he was not quick to react to fluctuations (I once gained 15 pounds in 2 months and my gyn still said everything was fine and my numbers were only a little off). At that point I decided to see a specialist. My endochrinologist is quicker to realize when I need an adjustment in medication and he realizes that the numbers on the test results are not the only part of the diagnosis.
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    On a completely different note - have any of you ladies noticed that your er umm sex drive isn't quite what it used to be? I'm in a very happy loving relationship! But somedays it seems I've lost me mojo (as Austin Powers would say).

    Hoping that once my hormones quit going bonkers I'll be back to be more frisky!

    Thoughts ladies???
    I know exactly what you mean! :sad:
    Oh I notice! But hubby's the one with the tears!
    Yes I know exactly what you mean too!!
    And ummm the drying out doesnt make either of us very happy either :grumble:
    Another sleepless night..... spent the night doing the hot/cold sheet dance .... the weather is starting to warm up here so its soon going to be the hot/warm dance ..... i must dig out the neckscarf I used last summer ..... its filled with a sort of gel which you wet and then it stays cool around the neck all night.... I really found it helped me sleep..... but its very hard to feel sexy when there's so much going on INSIDE your body ..... can't cope with any outside stimulus as well!:blushing:

    I feel your pain with the hot/cold sheet dance. I started out with pj pants - then they came off, next went the quilt, then blanket. Then I got cold and put pj pants back on, then hot again. Finally fell asleep good around 4:30 - alarm went of at 6:05 as usual. It is just starting to get cool here in SC, so it will get a little better when I can use the power bill as an excuse to keep the heat turned down.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Anyone who has been into menopause for a few years, I would be interested to know how long the hot flash thing lasted! I would love to get some sleep and I'm afraid of doing hormones!:noway:
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    So I finally gave in and started taking the birth control pills my doctor prescribed for me (to replace the lost hormones). Son of a B, now I'm getting these "fake" periods! It's like my body is playing a sick joke on me. Honestly, I'd rather have the hot flashes. :mad:
  • lorimur
    lorimur Posts: 30
    Thanks Vicki - that sounds like a good idea.

    Here is Spain it is the local doctor we have to go through to get the appointment with a specialist when I go back next week to get the results I will ask for an appointment with the endocrinologist...if she doesn't want to give me an appointment then I will go private...HAVE to get this sorted once and for all..
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    So I finally gave in and started taking the birth control pills my doctor prescribed for me (to replace the lost hormones). Son of a B, now I'm getting these "fake" periods! It's like my body is playing a sick joke on me. Honestly, I'd rather have the hot flashes. :mad:

    It's a hard choice isn't it!!

    I don't like the hot flushes, but I was soooo over having periods.... haven't had one for 10 months now (almost classed as post menopausal, yeah).... my feeling is that if I can handle it without taking anything then that has to be for the best.... I totally understand that there are those here for whom taking something is a necessity because of much more severe symptoms than I have:flowerforyou: .... and I know I am very lucky in that way.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    I'm thinking of cutting out caffeine entirely! After doing some reading on the internet, I have found out that caffeine could be making my hot flashes worse. I have been drinking more tea lately, so I'm thinking of a trial period of only caffeine free tea in the afternoon and see if that helps. I am not liking this tossing and turning at night due to the getting hot and then cold every 30 minutes!! Has anyone else had this problem?
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    I'm thinking of cutting out caffeine entirely! After doing some reading on the internet, I have found out that caffeine could be making my hot flashes worse. I have been drinking more tea lately, so I'm thinking of a trial period of only caffeine free tea in the afternoon and see if that helps. I am not liking this tossing and turning at night due to the getting hot and then cold every 30 minutes!! Has anyone else had this problem?

    I go through this every night and the lack of sleep is driving me crazy! My husband gets a little annoyed too :frown: I keep tossing and turning and pushing and pulling blankets all night. The hot flashes are pretty intense. I'm not sure I can cut out my morning coffee though. I tried to a few months ago and nearly died from all the headaches and general sluggishness. Not sure it is worth it.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    I'm thinking of cutting out caffeine entirely! After doing some reading on the internet, I have found out that caffeine could be making my hot flashes worse. I have been drinking more tea lately, so I'm thinking of a trial period of only caffeine free tea in the afternoon and see if that helps. I am not liking this tossing and turning at night due to the getting hot and then cold every 30 minutes!! Has anyone else had this problem?

    I go through this every night and the lack of sleep is driving me crazy! My husband gets a little annoyed too :frown: I keep tossing and turning and pushing and pulling blankets all night. The hot flashes are pretty intense. I'm not sure I can cut out my morning coffee though. I tried to a few months ago and nearly died from all the headaches and general sluggishness. Not sure it is worth it.
    I think the lack of sleep is making me more sluggish than anything. I would love to sleep soundly for just one night a week!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    So I finally gave in and started taking the birth control pills my doctor prescribed for me (to replace the lost hormones). Son of a B, now I'm getting these "fake" periods! It's like my body is playing a sick joke on me. Honestly, I'd rather have the hot flashes. :mad:

    It's a hard choice isn't it!!

    I don't like the hot flushes, but I was soooo over having periods.... haven't had one for 10 months now (almost classed as post menopausal, yeah).... my feeling is that if I can handle it without taking anything then that has to be for the best.... I totally understand that there are those here for whom taking something is a necessity because of much more severe symptoms than I have:flowerforyou: .... and I know I am very lucky in that way.

    Same here. My symptoms aren't that severe, just a few mild hot flashes during the day. My doctor recommended the BCP's because hormone loss can lead to bone loss (osteoporosis). There has got to be a better way. I don't know if calcium supplements are enough.
  • BackwoodsMom
    BackwoodsMom Posts: 227 Member
    I'm 51 and started this "lovely" stage a couple years ago. My hot flashes will come for a few months and then disappear for a few. My TOM is very irregular with such heavy bleeding on one day that I can't go anywhere. (Ibuprofen is about the only thing that slows it down some.) I've restarted my regimen of projesterone cream because I won't do the HRT. I'm watching what I eat carefully and trying to avoid the spicy foods.

    My husband, son, and I have been running consistently about 20+ miles/week but the weight comes off sooooo slowly that it's depressing at times.

    Glad to see we're not in this alone!

    Oh, and the sex drive, or lack of, is hardest on my husband! :-(