October Challenge – Leslie Sansone Walking Team (SWAT)



  • I walked 3 miles with Leslie yesterday and 3 mile tonight on the treadmill while watching Biggest Loser..Love that show. It helps keep me motavated. I love Bob :love:
    Keep walking everybody.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Haven't done much walking--only 5 miles total so far for the week.

    A bunch of my friends got laid off on Monday when Lowe's closed 20 stores over the weekend, my DD in TX is having a hard time finding financial aid to continue school and I am just depressed and eating all the wrong things.

    I WILL get out of this funk I am in.

    This is my last day at work for this season and I am going to concentrate on healthy eating and exercise habits. (And maybe I'll find a job that isn't temporary or seasonal!)
  • Walked 5 miles with Leslie doing her " 5 Mile Fat Burning " DVD.
  • archers
    archers Posts: 24 Member
  • panda742002
    panda742002 Posts: 68 Member

    Walked two miles with Leslie, that is even after a childs Halloween Dance at school
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Walked 4 miles yesterday--2 with the Biggest Loser walking workout in the morning and 2 with my grandson (he was in the stroller). Sure are a lot of people in the neighborhood that have decorated for Halloween! (We did, too!) Looks good!

    Plan on walking downtown a lot today and taking a walk after supper again--it was nice!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Wednesday~ 2 miles with Leslie.
    Thursday~ 4 miles walked on a blustery fall day.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    sorry guys i have not logged last week coz most of the days i did pilates, will resume it again tommorrow
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    today instead of walking i did winsor pilates just to give rest to my sore knees

    teabea what is the difference in boosted n power walking

    Oh - "boosted walking" is Leslie Sansone speak for jogging and other higher impact moves. Leslie only does "boosts" in short bursts (90 seconds) - so the workout is still mostly low impact. Better for my joints - I can do these workouts on carpet or a heavy weight exercise mat.

    I guess the "power" in the other DVD would be the light handweights - no part of that workout is high impact.

    thanks thinking to wear my handweight gloves then ill say I GOT THE POWER :)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Walked a total of almost 6 miles yesterday but I counted it as 4 because I did a bit of stopping. I also spent some time SLOWLY walking around an antiques mall downtown. I saw lots of old memories there--especially the decorations my mom used to put out every year for the various holidays.
    I hope to get in a walking workout today and also go for another after-dinner walk. I am finding that I really enjoy the evening strolls, even in the rain!
  • amyhac
    amyhac Posts: 11
    Hi During October i have been steadily increasing my weekly miles. I am trying for 12 a week and i am averaging 10. My ultimate goal is 14 a week. I thought i would post to keep in touch with other walkers. I walk both outside and inside with Leslie's DVD. I alo do eliptical and count the miles too.
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    it was pleasant here so I did 30 minutes walk outside the house but i modified it with leslie's sideways move for almost 10 meters left then right and some other moves which i know were targetting my outer and inner thighs
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    Monday 3 miles 42 minutes Leslie and Latin Core. Walking with attitude!

    whats latincore
  • Walked 4 miles today :smile:
  • amyhac
    amyhac Posts: 11
    walked 5.5 miles this weekend.
  • I just found this topic today! Too bad it's almost the end of October! Oh well, I plan to keep it up after October too!
    Just have a question, how are you logging the walk on your exercise? Would you just log it as walking, brisk for __ minutes?
    I'd appreciate finding out how you all do it!
    Thanks and good luck to all! :)
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Another one pound gain. This is not a good. I've had gains the past two weeks. I know the first time was most likely due to my overindulgence of pastries at Wildflower Bread Co, but this past week I did not have any sweets. This included staying away from the dessert table at a work potluck last Wednesday (and it was sooooo tempting). They assigned people for what to bring and my luck, I was assigned to desserts. To make it easy, I bought a triple chocolate cake from LoneStar (they are giving 50 cents for each slice sold to the Children's Miracle Network, so I thought I would be doing a good thing for charity and for me in not having to make something that I would sample as I was making). There were four slices left and I had quite the challenge trying to get someone to take it so I wouldn't. I was thinking I would freeze the slices and just have a bit here and there, but fortunately I found someone who took the leftovers. So, even avoiding sweets I'm gaining.

    On a good note, I tried Leslie's new tape, Burn Body Fat and Sculpt Your Arms. It has a one mile, a two mile, and a three mile walk all on the same DVD. On Thursday, I did the 1 mile using three and five pound weights (Leslie uses one pound and then three pound weights); on Friday, I did the 1 mile again and then added the 2 mile using just three pound weights. Boy, did my arms feel the burn. On Friday, to give my arms a break, I used the 5 Mile Slim Down.

    Wish I could be as consistent with my eating as I am with my workouts! Hope you all have a good week. Welcome, Amy and Florida!

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I just found this topic today! Too bad it's almost the end of October! Oh well, I plan to keep it up after October too!
    Just have a question, how are you logging the walk on your exercise? Would you just log it as walking, brisk for __ minutes?
    I'd appreciate finding out how you all do it!
    Thanks and good luck to all! :)

    There are 2 methods:

    Low impact aerobics can be used. When I used my heart rate monitor (regularly) - the low impact aerobics calorie count was fairly close for Leslie Sansone workouts.

    Miles per hour can also be used. Leslie Sansone is approximately 4 MPH. Her "miles" are typically 15 minutes each. I know from my treadmill experience that 4 MPH is a really brisk pace for me - anything much higher than that is jogging (for me).

    Music can also help you "guesstimate" your MPH. 4 miles per hour is music in the 140's BPM (beats per minute). Jogfm.com can help you find music for your MPH pace.

    Yes, you would log in ___ MPH for ___ minutes.
  • I just found this topic today! Too bad it's almost the end of October! Oh well, I plan to keep it up after October too!
    Just have a question, how are you logging the walk on your exercise? Would you just log it as walking, brisk for __ minutes?
    I'd appreciate finding out how you all do it!
    Thanks and good luck to all! :)

    There are 2 methods:

    Low impact aerobics can be used. When I used my heart rate monitor (regularly) - the low impact aerobics calorie count was fairly close for Leslie Sansone workouts.

    Miles per hour can also be used. Leslie Sansone is approximately 4 MPH. Her "miles" are typically 15 minutes each. I know from my treadmill experience that 4 MPH is a really brisk pace for me - anything much higher than that is jogging (for me).

    Music can also help you "guesstimate" your MPH. 4 miles per hour is music in the 140's BPM (beats per minute). Jogfm.com can help you find music for your MPH pace.

    Yes, you would log in ___ MPH for ___ minutes.

    Awesome, thanks very much!!

    I was able to do 3 miles today, hurray! I had been doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, but I have back problems and that has re-triggered some of my problems, I'm now sticking with Walking :) I think I was able to build up some more endurance from doing the 30 day shred :)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome to our new walkers!

    On Saturday we went to a pumpkin patch with the little guy. It was fun and we did a fair amount of walking--slower than I usually walk but it was fun! Bought a lot of winter squash for some really good prices, too!

    On Sunday I walked the neighborhood in the morning and then did some grocery shopping. I have also been taking a walk after dinner with my grandson in his stroller. Sure are a lot of Halloween decorations up this year!

    It was SO nice yesterday that I ended up walking to the park with my grandson. Its about 1/2 mile away because we have to go around--there are no sidewalks on the most direct way (it would be about 3 blocks that way!) and it is not a very safe road to walk on. I climbed on the play-toy (what are those things called, anyway? It is SO different from when my kids were small!) with him and we had a good time. There was a family there that had a dog and a cat (with them and he was in heaven--he just LOVES animals!

    Today I have to go to Worksource because I am having trouble filing my weekly claim. More extra walking--nothing seems to be very convenient here--nothing is actually ON a bus route. I wonder why that is?

    Have a good day, all!