Why don't people get it?



  • Oh, ffs. Why do people on this site automatically assume that everyone is out to get them with food because they are jealous? People offer food out of generosity and kindness, usually. It is hardly some evil plot to keep everyone fat.

    Just because our lives revolve around fitness and calorie counting doesn't mean that everybody else's lives need to.

    Continue to say no, but seriously, please stop putting some kind of sinister twist on others trying to feed you. It's ridiculous.

    I wasn't putting a twist on anything. All I was saying is I wish they would just respect my choice to not eat whatever food they're trying to shove in my face
  • There is another side to people in offices who comment on people who look thin and thinking that they need to lose weight. How thin people perceive themselves in the mirror when they think that they need to lose weight can be very skewed. There is a woman in our office that is a perfect size 3-4 who is extremely thin but whenever conversation turns to diets she is right there wanting information and jumping in with both feet. I care very much about her but I know that she does not need to lose weight, she needs to excercise to build muscle tone and get fit, but she does not need to lose weight - there is a huge difference there. She gets so obsessed with calories that she consumes that she will eat an apple for lunch and that is it. This is not healthy. It is important to know what a healthy weight is and don't go below it because being under a healthy weight is just as unhealthy as being over it.

    I understand this. I am trying to tone and cut body fat. I also know that by doing this I am going to lose weight. I work with a trainer at my gym and I fill out a food log for him to look at each time I see him. I am going about this the healthy way
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I wasn't putting a twist on anything. All I was saying is I wish they would just respect my choice to not eat whatever food they're trying to shove in my face

    I think this was probably referring to all of the people assuring you that "they're just jealous." Maybe ask them if you were trying to quit smoking would they offer you cigarettes or if you were in AA would they offer you a beer? Some people really don't mean any harm but that might get the point across.
  • skinnygirlinhiding
    skinnygirlinhiding Posts: 14 Member

    This post was meant for pooch74
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    No one is forcing you though. You still make all your own decisions. If you want it bad enough you will continue to say no. Or fit the bagel in your daily calorie allowance

    No, but when they continuously try to get me to take a bagel, it gets harder and harder to say no. What I am saying is, they should respect me and what I am doing enough to let it go. If they ask and I say no, that should be the end of it. And it isn't about how many calories right now, it's about what kind of calories

    Have you tried saying no nicely once, not as nicely the 2nd time, then the 3rd time giving some attitude, looking at them seriously and in your rudest voice (but with a smile, always use the smile) saying "I already told you no! I don't want the bagel. Now stop asking!"
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I wasn't putting a twist on anything. All I was saying is I wish they would just respect my choice to not eat whatever food they're trying to shove in my face

    I think this was probably referring to all of the people assuring you that "they're just jealous." Maybe ask them if you were trying to quit smoking would they offer you cigarettes or if you were in AA would they offer you a beer? Some people really don't mean any harm but that might get the point across.

    Yes. It wasn't really directed at you, OP. This is an all too common response on this site and it seriously annoys me.
  • I wasn't putting a twist on anything. All I was saying is I wish they would just respect my choice to not eat whatever food they're trying to shove in my face

    I think this was probably referring to all of the people assuring you that "they're just jealous." Maybe ask them if you were trying to quit smoking would they offer you cigarettes or if you were in AA would they offer you a beer? Some people really don't mean any harm but that might get the point across.

    Yes. It wasn't really directed at you, OP. This is an all too common response on this site and it seriously annoys me.

    I understand that. I really do think they're just trying to be nice and possibly trying to make me feel better by saying I don't need to lose any weight or one bagel won't hurt. It just gets aggravating. Most days it's something I can easily just brush off but some days are worse than others
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member

    Really????? Believe it or not, not everyone in the world is jealous of everyone and everything around them, right down to the bagel. Shocking, I know.
  • jealousy

    Really????? Believe it or not, not everyone in the world is jealous of everyone and everything around them, right down to the bagel. Shocking, I know.

    I just wanna say I like your sig about the carbs and drunk sex, very true lol
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Oh, ffs. Why do people on this site automatically assume that everyone is out to get them with food because they are jealous? People offer food out of generosity and kindness, usually. It is hardly some evil plot to keep everyone fat.

    Just because our lives revolve around fitness and calorie counting doesn't mean that everybody else's lives need to.

    Continue to say no, but seriously, please stop putting some kind of sinister twist on others trying to feed you. It's ridiculous.

    I wasn't putting a twist on anything. All I was saying is I wish they would just respect my choice to not eat whatever food they're trying to shove in my face

    You should only have to say "no" to them one time. If they keep pushing it, that's incredibly rude on their part. If they caught me on a bad day, I'd tell them "ask me one more time if i want a bagel and i'm going to shove it up your *kitten*!"
    Honestly, mind your own business with what other people are eating! You don't try to force feed people apples and salads right? I feel your pain.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    You are going to have to quit pointing fingers, be accountable for you. When you cave, no matter what the temptation, it's no ones fault but your own.

    You got this! Good luck!
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member

    Really????? Believe it or not, not everyone in the world is jealous of everyone and everything around them, right down to the bagel. Shocking, I know.

    I just wanna say I like your sig about the carbs and drunk sex, very true lol

  • You are going to have to quit pointing fingers, be accountable for you. When you cave, no matter what the temptation, it's no ones fault but your own.

    You got this! Good luck!

    I am not trying to point fingers. I realize if I ate the bagel it's because I caved to their pressure. What I am trying to get at is that I think it stinks they won't leave it be after I say no one time.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Tell 'em you'll take one home for breakfast tomorrow. Then, either conveniently forget, or take it home either to eat, or if you don't want it, tear it up and toss it outside for birds.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Tell them that you are on a gluten free diet! That should work!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I find it easier to just say I'm not hungry than try to convince someone that the bagel doesn't fit my diet. Offices are a lot like this site sometimes. Say you don't want to eat something (carbs, saturated fat, loads of protein, tons of water, whatever) and there will be someone there to argue that you should. But it's hard to argue that you should eat when not hungry.
  • mastidon
    mastidon Posts: 5 Member
    Amen, sister! No one understands when you say, "No", to their food offerings. Food is love for some people, and they keep pushing their love on you. I have a hard time saying no to my Italian mother, but now she gets it. Plus, there is always food no matter where you go (occasionally the right kind of food), and only the strong will persevere. Keep up the hard work. I'm looking forward to my 2nd annual no-sugar November coming up.
  • Amen, sister! No one understands when you say, "No", to their food offerings. Food is love for some people, and they keep pushing their love on you. I have a hard time saying no to my Italian mother, but now she gets it. Plus, there is always food no matter where you go (occasionally the right kind of food), and only the strong will persevere. Keep up the hard work. I'm looking forward to my 2nd annual no-sugar November coming up.

    No sugar in November? Thanksgiving? Lol you have way more will power than I do lol. This is the time of year I eat very very very healthy so that when I eat something sweet at Thanksgiving or Christmas, I can say oh well I ate super healthy the last couple of months this is my reward!
  • LOL - I love it! I think I'll try the 'accidentally slamming my chair into a coworker'!!

    At my office it's always a 'bake sale' to raise money for charity... once they did a bake sale to raise money for a famine... seriously??? We're supporting a famine by eating cookies?
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    I loved reading this........... there are some people who might do it out of niceness, but really when they ask for the 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th time......... they're doing it because they want you to cave! This has happened to me numerous times. Or the best is "You're too skinny", "You don't need to lose any more weight", blah, blah, blah.

    Keep strong girl!