200+ Sheddin' the Stuffin



  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Bumpin bumpin. Sorry I've been quiet the past couple of days on our other board! I LOVE this group, I read every day, just been slammed like hell with midterms at school. I'm still here truckin along though :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I don't even know if I set goals last challenge or not.

    1. Exercise three times a week.
    2. Find a calorie intake setting and stick to it
    3. Stick to these two goals for the whole of six weeks. In other words, be consistent.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    So, I didn't meet goal for the last challenge, and I am bummed. I'm trying to turn being bummed into a positive thing though, to get motivated for this next challenge.
    I think part of it is that I set myself up to fail. I wanted so badly to get down under 210 by my 30th birthday (this coming Sunday) that I made a goal that is unrealistic for me. I was at 217 at the start of the challenge, I got down to 213 at one point - which I think was a fluke because I only saw it on the scale once (I'm a daily weigher), and this morning I was at 214.2. I tend to lose about a half a pound a week, and it's been steady like this about six months now. I wish I could find a way to shake my metabolism up a bit that is realistic for me (I lose slowly, but I never feel like I'm starving or doing things that I cannot maintain), but I shouldn't set goals that are unrealistic.

    So, for this six week challenge:

    I would like to add 10 minutes to my exercise routine each day. I tend to workout to either Jillian Michaels or Marie Windsor for 30min in the morning before I go to school. I think eeking out 10 extra minutes to add to that is doable, even if it's just bundling up my daughter and I and going for a walk around the block. I will not log the 10minute walk or whatever, it's just to try and shake up my metabolism a bit.

    I would like to get down to 210.

    I would like to plan meals, and ideally try at least one new low cal recipe a week. I bring the same PB and J to school every day for lunch. I know the calories, it travels well and doesn't need to be refrigerated. But, it's getting old real fast ;-)
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Okay, I stayed the same this week at 304.8. I have slipped a few times on my NO SWEETS and I can tell a difference when I do. I am still working on getting down a total of 50 pounds by Christmas. I know the 18 pounds is a lot to lose in that amount of time but it is my goal!

    I would like to actually get active at least once a week. With my schedule I just can't seem to find the time to do anything above the normal walking around teaching and the occasional other thing here are there.
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Okay - time to reply...

    Last goals:

    1. Complete 30 day shred and start six week six pack - mmm - have probably completed 30 days of shred - not continuously - and totall (conveniently) forgot about the otehr - was thinkin of starting in November but why put it off - 6 week challenge - 6 week exercise...
    2. Establish exercise routine - gonna give myself a yeah for this one - running on a saturday; circuits Tuesdays; walk - wednesday; excercise early am (on the whole) - and will also circuit on a Friday
    3. Cut simple carbs past 1800 - yeah (few fail days but overall success)
    4. Shop more regularly so healthy food in house - glad I did not put a number on this but have definitely done it more regularly!!!
    5. Weekly menu plan - total fail.
    Weight 175 - yeah, I did it - now to keep it going...

    Goals for this challenge:

    1. To log food daily
    2. To be within a few days of completing 6 week programme
    3. To be in 160's weight wise
    4. To get back on track with my 100 day challenge - need to update and 'fess up - not looking too pretty on the numbers
    5. To maintian exercise routine - am's tuesday; friday and saturday.
    6. ?Menu planning (said very quietly in hope noone will notice)

    Pam: meant to say last challenge, love your pics and yeah for the hot bf!!! Also Intention definitely counts in respect of 5k - how is your hip? Wonderland only 12 away - go girl....

    Amy: log log log!!!! Did fill in diary yesterday and no, it did not look pretty, then hit wrong button and wiped it. Am not going to do it again - but have done todays!!!!

    Bobbie: congrats to our biggest loser - well done.

    Rikki: biggest % loss - well done you for keeping at it - you have totally turned the corner :flowerforyou:

    Katheryne: love that you trying Hubby on new foods - keep it up!!!!

    Kristina: thank you for sorting out new thread and updating chart. Looking forward to hearing how you are doing.

    Megan: enjoy your fishing

    Jessi: hope your sorting out went well

    Nava: yeah for a good weekend. Keep us updated on your move.

    Lacey: just in case you missed it in the thread switch - when you back to logging dairy?

    Victoria: Amy and I are 'practising' the accountabiltiy bit for logging on diary - we are ready to crack that whip for you....

    Kendal: Love the badge - tried to get it but failed miserably - any more help you can give this techno-idiot?

    Hello all newbies. Hope you stick around - this is a wonderful set of ladies who are super supportive

    All this talk of sleeping - seem to be napping in the afternoon on a more regular basis - definitely not pregnant (hubby sent to sort that one out, after all, I bore the child!!!!!!) - think it must be a) age or b) total laziness - think I need to go for b....
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    earthsember and gonnadoitjenn, i got your weights and they'll be your starting weights for this challenge.

    So yes, I had pretty much fallen off the face of the earth. I'm feeling gynormous. I've been off-track. It sucks. I feel horrible about myself.

    This group has always been super supportive, and I really appreciate all the kind words and checking in that many of you have done with hem. It's very very sweet. I know support is a two way street and I'd just gotten really busy, and the thread was so busy that there was no way to keep up with everyone, and I felt like I really needed to be a part of the conversation, and I just couldn't keep up, then just got lost, and sort of gave up. Perhaps with this new challenge if there's less of an influx of new people (I like the compromise that was landed on), I might be able to keep up. Be prepared that it's going to take a bit for me to understand what the heck has been going on with everyone. I'm completely lost of pretty much what everyone has been up to the past several weeks.

    Work has been stressful. Time management is an issue. My first year here was before I got my promotion and I had a lot more time to be on the site and keep up with the thread, log, and everything. Plus, while I love my dog immensely, having her has put a damper on my ability to get to the gym. I just haven't adapted as well as I should. I'm really going to try and be a better support for you ladies this challenge. I haven't weighed in recently, but my pants are really tight and I know I need to seriously kick it into high gear. My parents are coming in less than a month, and I would prefer if it didn't look like I ate a whale since the last time they saw me.

    I need to figure out with my newer job and life how I can really fit all of this into a routine that is manageable. I realize I can't do what I was doing before, because I just don't have the time, but once I get settled in a good established routine (which is hard to start), I'll be okay. You all have been such an amazing support, I don't want to lose this or you all. You're all fabulous and hugs and kisses to all. If you have specific questions about what's going on with me, I'm glad to answer, but just wanted to do a summarization of what was up with me. Originally my plan was to just PM some of the people I've known the longest and let them know what was up, but since it's the beginning of the challenge, it's a nice way to start. Plus, if the tracking everyone's weight is more manageable this time around (with not having to add new people until they've made it through a whole challenge), it'll be less daunting.
  • I am a total newbie and would love to join this thread!!

    Here are my goals for this challenge:

    1 - Meet twice a week with my personal trainer, and once on my own

    2 - Would love to lose 6lbs

    3 - Eat super well and stay away from those bad cravings!

    4 - LOG daily!!

    5 - To get ready for a 5K December 3

    SW:230 // GW:176
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    But since the new challenge starts today, can I join?

  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Welcome Julie & Trisha! Jump on in and introduce yourselves.

    Kristina: I'm sorry you've been going through so much work stress. I understand how sometimes life can get out of hand and it's super easy to let healthy habits slip. Can you somehow make your walks/runs with Emma into your workouts for the day so you don't have to try and fit the gym into your already over-packed schedule??

    Annette: I'm just taking the logging one day at a time, but it really helps me to know that you are gonna be looking at it and calling me out if I leave it blank.

    Jenn: Can you fit in some activity over the weekends since your work week is so busy?

    Kiki: I'm a slow loser too, it sucks.

    Lacey: The finding a calorie intake goal is harder than it sounds. Even with my BMF, I still haven't found exactly the right calorie intake to make the weight come off at anything approaching a consistent pace.

    Megan: I've been fishing - once. I was about 10 and it was the most horribly boring experience of my young life. I hope your fishing excursion is better than mine was.

    Jessi: What is it about deer that freaks you out? When I lived in Texas, the deer were slightly suicidal so I developed a fear of them darting out and smashing into my car but I've never been afraid of them in any other setting.

    Victoria: I'm back to logging my input/output calories here daily as of tomorrow so I'll holler at you if I don't see yours.

    Katheryne: Bummer that the mushrooms didn't work out.

    Nava: I noticed that you and I gained exactly the same amount of weight last challenge (um...yay us...I guess). Let's do better this go-around, k? I'm glad the zoo experience was a good one.

    Kendal: Thanks for the challenge badge- it's beautiful!

    Way to go Bobbie & LadyG for rocking the last challenge!!!

    Since it looks like we're picking up so newbies, I'll give you a little re-introduction. I'm Amy, I just turned 33, I've been married for almost 10 years (this coming December), I have an 8 year old boy, a grumpy cat, A Bernese Mountain Dog and a Siberian Husky. My husband is in the Air Force and we are currently stationed in Southern Germany. We've been here almost 2 years now and I really like living overseas but I miss the little things about the United States (like paying for things in dollars). I've been with this group for over a year and I LOVE all these ladies. I really could not have lost the weight I've lost without all their encouragement and support....so that's me in a nut shell.

    Me & The Hubbs did the P90X Shoulders & Arms and Ab Raper workout and it was SO much harder this week for some reason. Maybe it's cuz I'm still sick and not at 100%. I don't know, I felt like a wussy. But I got through it. Yay!
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!!! Tell us about yourself! Where are you from? SO? Kids? Pets? Job? Fav workout? Least fav workout? Questions about food or trying a new workout? We are NOT shy around here.

    Thanks for the welcome :) I'm originally from Chicago, but I've moved around quite a bit for college and work. I've recently landed in Virginia and will be here for at least the next 4 years. I just started a grad program for clinical psychology, which I absolutely adore and keeps me SUPER busy. I'm learning slowly how to balance a hectic schedule with taking care of myself. As of now no SO, no kids, no pets... but considering a plant (maybe). lol. I'm working hard to keep myself alive and fed and then I'll worry about another living thing :) I love most cardio exercises, except cycling. I despise mountain climbers and push ups...ick. I also love making a complete fool of myself with Just Dance 2 and 3 for the wii. Those are hilarious to me and feel like a work out if you really get into it. I'm pescatarian, so if you have delicious seafood recipes (or veggie dishes), feel free to swing them my way!

    I'm hoping to be one of those newbies that sticks around for quite some time :)
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Keshia: I consider myself a vegetarian but I do occasionally eat fish (maybe once a month or so). Have you gone to the website PeasAndThankYou.com?? It's a vegan website but the recipes are AWESOME. There's a crock pot recipe for Spicy African Peanut Stew that is to die for and so awesome cuz you just throw it in the crock pot before you head out for the day and you come home to delicious dinner all ready for you almost like magic.
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    Hi, Im trisha, Im 20 years old 224 pounds and 5'9"
    I've been married to my husband for almost 3 weeks now and we have a beauitufl little girl who's 3 and a half months old :)
  • projectkristy
    projectkristy Posts: 29 Member
    I'm really glad you're taking newbies...I'm new to MFP and am really looking for a supportive group that I can check in with every day and it seems that most of the groups are closed. My name is Kristy. I'm a wife (married 9 years), mom of 2 girls (8 and 5), and a full-time nursing student. We live on a farm in Kansas, which was a major adjustment for me since I lived in the city (population 300,000+) and moved to rural america (Population 4). Over the 10 years I've lived here I've gained about 10 pounds a year and now I'm sitting here at 232 pounds. I would love to lose 100 pounds. I'm currently an LPN and will graduate in May with my RN. I just turned 39 in September and with everything I've been learning in school I didn't want to be another statistic. I plan to be fit by forty and I hope MFP and all of you will help to get me there.

    My goals for the next six weeks:

    1. Finish 30 Day Shred (I'm currently on day 2 and my muscles hurt so much I can barely type this post.)
    2. Log all of my food and stay within my calorie range.
    3. Drink 64 oz of water daily. (You have no idea how hard this is for me to do)
    4. Give up regular soda. (ugh...the reason for my 10 pounds a year)
    5. Visit my friends and journal here at MFP daily.

    Again, thanks for opening this up to newbies and I look forward to getting to know each of you.

  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Amy, I just had the Spicy Peanut African Stew for lunch! And for lunch yesterday, and for dinner the day before that. Have I mentioned THANK YOU for introducing me to Peas? :smile: Also, you are seriously awesome for doing P90X even though you haven't been feeling well. That's great dedication!

    Kristina, I'm sorry it's been tough for you lately...I know that it's hard getting back on track, but I have 100% faith in you. If there is anything I can do to help be more supportive to you, just let me know!

    Annette, thanks! The hip is better, but it still freaks out a bit when I run on it, so I'm looking to find some new cardio options for awhile. Hopefully this isn't a permanent thing!

    Lacey, it's been hard for me to find a calorie intake in which I get a consistent loss too. What I'm doing right now has gotten me losses pretty consistently lately (knock on wood) except for during TOM. I think I posted this already, but I got my intake suggestion from this calculator: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm

    Megan, my ex used to love fishing and he took me out a couple of times...it's exciting when you actually catch something! I never wanted to take the fish off of the hook though. Poor little guy.

    Jessi, interesting about the deer thing. I have a friend who was out trail running in the early morning and a deer actually ran into her! It got scared, ran straight to her, and bumped her off of the trail. How crazy is that?!

    Victoria, you're going to kick this challenge's butt!

    Katheryne, thanks! I definitely plan on framing a copy of it. I'm thinking it would look nice on my desk here at work! I'm with your hubby on the mushroom thing...I can deal if they are chopped and in something or if there is not too many of them in something, but overall they are not for me...

    Nava, I should've added the sodium thing to my list! I struggle with it so much, even when cooking my own food and not eating packaged stuff. I've gotten better, but some days....yeesh. Especially when I go out to eat, which I love to do. I'm glad you had a great weekend!

    Kendal, if I can run for 30 minutes at a time then I know you can too! I was always the one dying in gym class in school, never being able to run the mile. I am also the slowest runner in the world and I NEVER thought that I'd actually be able to do 30 minutes. I still can't believe it!

    Bobbie, I've been wondering how much Thanksgiving will throw me off too....luckily it's only one day!

    Keshia, welcome! You should definitely check out that cookbook; it's my new favorite, thanks to Amy! I've been a vegetarian for about 14 years now, but actually have become a pescatarian in the past year or so....I eat fish or seafood once a week or once every couple of weeks, but usually I still say I'm a vegetarian when people ask me because most people have no idea what a pescatarian is. :laugh: Also, I tried Just Dance 3 this past weekend and then I immediately bought Just Dance. Love it! I lived in northern Virginia (Fairfax County) for my high school years until two years ago when I moved to West Virginia. Norfolk is a fun town! Not far from Williamsburg either, where I used to love to visit when it's all decked out for Christmas!

    Kiki, adding 10 minutes to your routine is totally doable, and a great goal. If you're looking for new meals to make, I highly recommend that cookbook that Amy mentioned! Love love love it!!

    Kristy, welcome! My starting weight was 232 also, and with the help of these wonderful ladies I've lost 20 pounds since June. I'd like for the weight to come off a little faster, but hey, it's coming off! I did 30 Day Shred too, and am now doing Ripped in 30. I hate to tell you this, but 30DS doesn't get any easier after day 2. :laugh: You can do it though!

    Trisha, Julie, Marie, and anyone else I may have missed, welcome! Jump right in!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristy: welcome, welcome! We have lots of great and supportive people on this thread. Many of us check in several times a day, some check in once a day or a couple times a week. Where are you living in Kansas? I lived in Wichita for a year about 11 years ago. I'm from California so it was pretty shocking to move to a place with practically no trees and no hills.

    Trisha: congratulations on your new marriage and baby!

    My friend is hosting a Halloween party this Saturday and being that Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday ever AND that she is throwing the party primarily because of that fact (I have awesome friends, BTW), I felt obligated to pitch in with party food. Somehow volunteering to help turned into me making two different kinds of cupcakes (pumpkin and chocolate), pumpkin donuts (not even my idea), and candy corn jello shots as well as some vegetarian chili (this was my idea as most meat eaters tend to forget vegetarians at parties) and pumpkin cornbread. I got tired simply making the shopping list for this culinary adventure!

    Please excuse any awkward spelling, my iPad autocorrect is really kind of lame. I think I caught them all but I wanted to put out the disclaimer just so you wouldn't think I was short-bus special or drunk or something.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I totally love the name of the new thread. It cracks me up. Thanks again Nava!

    So apparently last challenge I didn't actually make any goals. Say wha?! Yeah I know. It was when work was so crazy busy and I didn't post for I think the first like 10 pages or something awful. So... we'll make some goals for this challenge. I'm taking last challenge as a win, because I saw 15-something on the scale, and I completed my 1/2 marathon. Success!

    So, this challenge...

    1. Get back to 7 days a week of workouts. Even if one of those days is just X stretch. I think my flexibility has dwindled a bit, and I blame that on less yoga and less X stretch as of late.
    2. 156. I'm realising that the days of crazy loss are over, and if I can just lose 4 pounds in the next 6 weeks, with pumpkin carving/food craziness happening this weekend, plus Thanksgiving, I'll be happy.
    3. Work on increasing my running speed. I'm basically going to restart my 1/2 marathon training, but just try to be faster.
    4. Strength, strength, strength. P90X2 is coming, and I want to be all kinds of ready for it.
    5. Food-wise... this may seem silly, but I need to chew less gum. I've become addicted. Like, hardcore. Today already, I think I've chewed like 12 pieces of sugarfree stride. Eek.

    For the newbies, my name is Kerry, and I'm pretty sure I joined this group in March or April of 2011. I'm 28 and married to the greatest guy ever, Chris, coming up on 3 years. I started on MFP in January of 2011 at around 240 pounds (I'm 5'8 1/2"), and have busted my butt down to 159. This group of girls is hands down the best thing about MFP for me. They are all such incredible people and have inspired and supported me in ways I didn't even know were possible. I love them.

    Kristy, welcome! One of my best friend's name is Kristy, so you'll be easy for me to remember! I like your goals... regular soda is the DEVIL!

    Hello Trisha and congrats on the marriage!

    Keshia, hi there! I'm completely with you on not taking on anything extra... Chris and I are a no kids, no pets, no plants kind of household. Its hard enough to take care of just the 2 of us! I'm excited to hear more about your eating habits... I really enjoy fish, but hardly ever cook it.

    Amy, I would imagine being sick would make the strength training P90X days somewhat grueling. You are so awesome for powering through! I feel like I have the weakest shoulders in the world. I always feel the burn in them really easily and really quickly.

    Hi Julie! Tell us more about you!

    Kristina, I am SO happy that you filled us all in on everything that has been going on with you. We all love you so much and are here for you in whatever capacity you need us to be. You'll figure out the work/life balance thing, I promise. Just remember that at the end of the day, its what you eat that matters. Start there. Don't beat yourself up if you can't find the time for running and Insanity and all that madness. Just watch what goes into your mouth to start. Again, glad to at least have some idea of what's going on with you, and hope that it gets less stressful soon!

    Annette, I TOTALLY noticed your menu planning goal, and its an AWESOME one. I think one of the easiest ways to stay on track for a day is to plan it out in advance. I also blame this on why my Saturdays are always so ugly.

    Kendal, You will totally accomplish running for 30 minutes straight. You are a warrior, after all. The badges are so cute! I tried to add it to my signature, but MFP said I had too much in there already. WTF?

    Pam, I'm lovin' your goals. You got this!

    Nava, glad you and Joe had such a lovely weekend!

    I have to go out to a customer's house in about 15 minutes who is a total douche. Seriously. I'm actually taking someone else with because I'm scared to be alone with the guy. He's THAT creepy. Ick.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Just when thought I'd get a few months without travel. I am going to Ontario the week after TG. So my new goals for this challenge are as follows:
    1. walk every day. Even if it is just 1 mile.
    2. stick to the cal goal MFP (1700 something) gives me and eat my exercise cals back. I am going to log what MFP gives me for exercise cals too.

    Thats all I have time for. It looks like life won't slow down like I thought. I have a feeling traveling is going to become more prevalent in my work. Which is both awesome and not at the same time! LOL>
  • projectkristy
    projectkristy Posts: 29 Member
    Pam...Thanks for being honest about 30DS. I may be stuck in level 1 the entire 30 days. I'm hurting from head to toe at the moment and am afraid I won't be able to get out of bed in the morning. 20 pounds is Awesome! I've decided that I'm going to concentrate more on my goals and habits, which are (were) really bad. Too much focusing on the scale usually sets me up for failure. It's nice to meet you :)

    Amy....Really?! Wichita is where I'm from, born and raised. I now live 140 miles North in the middle of nowhere. I'm 50 miles NW of Manhattan, Kansas. I still go to Wichita quite a bit, since that is where my family and all of my friends live. I also love the hills and trees of Kansas, especially with all of the leaves turning right now. I bet you miss the seasons too :) Today it's 80 degrees outside and the cool front is moving in right now and it's supposed to be 50 degrees tomorrow.

    Kerry...All of us Kristys are pretty special :) It's nice to meet you.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Kristy, 30DS is HARD, but it will get better! It never became easy for me, but it definitely became easier, if that makes sense. Just take your time with it and don't worry about flying through the levels. I spent at least 2 weeks on each level...maybe more! I really like her workouts though, because they are hard but fast. Great for doing in the morning before work, when I can actually get myself out of bed. :smile:

    Kerry, I can't believe that you didn't make any of your goals! You did so many great things during the last challenge! I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you were 240 in January and are now in the 150's. That is truly amazing and inspirational! Good luck with the creepy customer. Eww.

    Amy, I forgot about the pumpkin cornbread. Oh yumyumyumyumyum, I need to make that!
  • Hello Everyone,

    I am completely new to this..not sure how it all works but I think I could really use a challenge. Can I join in?

    I am finding motivation difficult and using no time as an excuse all the time. I am 46, mother of 2 18 yr old girl and 22 yr old son. Grandmother of 10 mo old baby girl and have an amazing man.

    I was 298 lbs, got down to 193 with Jenny Craig then was laid of and couldnt afford it. Was rear ended and used my accident as an excuse to not work out (just becasue I couldnt work out the way I had) and the lbs started packing on...funny how quick they come back when the took so long to loose. So now I am 239 again and need to do something now before I hit 300. I know support and accountability and keys to my success...so her I am.

    Ready to do this for the rest of my life.

    My goals at this time

    1) work out 2-3 times a week (actually use the gym membership again that I am paying for).

    2) Log Log and Log

    3) Watch closely and limit my liquid calories and be honest with them in my logging (girls nights with a bottle of wine needs to be without the bottle)

    4) 12/1/11 230 lbs

    5) Dont expect to much to fast - take it one day at a time and do not give up!!

    Sooo glad to be here..hope I am not to late for this challenge!!
This discussion has been closed.