Thanksgiving Challenge - 08/17-11/23 // (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I am at 188. (I have not stopped being amazed by that fact yet!)

    That is really great Jenny!!!

    I'm at 312 down 1.8 for the week! Last night when I finished logging my food I got "If every day were like today... You'd weigh 299.4 lbs in 5 weeks" I realize that not everyday is going to be this way but just seeing a number under 300lbs is making me cry. Can't wait to see it on my scale! :bigsmile:

    It's exciting to see those numbers shrinking, even when I am not there yet it just suddenly feels possible.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    There is always a little danger in setting a weight loss goal in 'pounds' cause so many factors effect what the scale says. I prefer to focus on the daily and let the pounds going down be a reward of it's own.

    Like Ash I struggled in Sept, so maybe next year we should cancel September - as it is obviously an unhealthy month. lol

    I will not be hitting my original stated goal, but that's ok cause I am happy with the progress I am making!!!

    I have lost 5 pounds throughout this challenge. Last year I probably gained 5 pounds in September alone, so if you apply fuzzy math that's a 10 pound win!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    There is always a little danger in setting a weight loss goal in 'pounds' cause so many factors effect what the scale says. I prefer to focus on the daily and let the pounds going down be a reward of it's own.

    Like Ash I struggled in Sept, so maybe next year we should cancel September - as it is obviously an unhealthy month. lol

    I will not be hitting my original stated goal, but that's ok cause I am happy with the progress I am making!!!

    I have lost 5 pounds throughout this challenge. Last year I probably gained 5 pounds in September alone, so if you apply fuzzy math that's a 10 pound win!

    OK, 2012 we are canceling September! If that goes well we can look at 2013. :bigsmile:

    I like your fuzzy math. I normally gain about 30 from May to Sept and then lose it during the winter so I can tack 30 more on to my loss!:laugh:
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I forgot to post my loss this morning!!! I lost 1 pound. Sunday morning it said I was down 3, so was really hoping it would still say that today, but it didn't. :( Oh well - down another pound!

    When I set my goal, I was just stating my overall goal, and didn't think to set one for the end of the challenge LOL. I don't think I am going to lose nearly 25 pounds by I'll think on that and set a reasonable goal. Good idea!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    I'm sooooo wanting to start all over again.
    Here's my stumbling blocks during our thanksgiving challenge:
    ♦ Lack of motivation
    ♦ Lack of time
    ♦ Will power struggles in sticking to calorie goal
    ♦ Sick
    ♦ Sick
    ♦ Sick!!
    ♦ Oh, not to mention i've gone back to drinking very little water.

    Daughter and I tried the P90X, but found out that trying to do an hour+ video each night was too time consuming in our already time-limited schedule. So we switched to the 30 Day Shred, which we've started twice. Made it up to Day 2 before I got sick. Then I started feeling better and we started over and got up to Day 4, then i felt bad again. We were ready to start a couple days ago and now she's sick.

    I could swear that this was whining-Wednesday, but thank goodness it's already Thursday!
    I know we've all had struggles along the way, but I'm really glad that many of you have managed to overcome some of your hurdles and still ended up with some great weight loss and loss of inches!
    Don't give up!
    When Thanksgiving comes, we can still continue to motivate each other and maybe start up another challenge, maybe a little more realistic in goals taking into consideration all the unforeseen circumstances that can arise.
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    219.8 for a total loss last week of 4.8 pounds :)

    I cheated right after weigh in last week because there was no change. Apparently it worked! :)

    Wow! That's great!! 4.8 pounds is amazing! way to go!

    I'm hoping that will work for me! I didn't have a loss last week, so i had a total cheat day yesterday (is it bad to say it was wonderful???)

    soooo, maybe that will jump start me this week!!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Okay - my Thanksgiving goal weight is 134. Right now I am at 138, my MFP is set to a .8 lb loss each week, and we're 5 weeks to Thanksgiving.

    Working on the totally basic "drink more water!" today.....sigh. Why is that so hard to keep up? Oh yeah, because I am FREEZING and drinking water makes me colder lol.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I just spent some time on the spreadsheet and as a group, overall, we have made good progress. There are several people that look to be on target for their goals! If that is you then - way to go!

    Of course we all have different stories but after slowly gaining and gaining and gaining even a plateau can signal that a change has been made, and even the littlest loss is still a WIN!

    And then there are those who may have even seen the needle on the scale edge the wrong direction. We have been collecting data for about 9 weeks now - do you see a pattern, was there a vacation, what change do you want to try next? Feel free to PM me if you want someone to bounce ideas off of :)

    We have roughly 1 month left of this challenge- let's see what awesomeness we can make happen in that time frame!!! :flowerforyou:
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Is there any way we could get the "pounds to go" and % lost updated? I'd be glad to help if given permissions for the spreadsheet! :)
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    shauna121211 - I just updated all of them. Can't believe we have a weigh in again tomorrow and I'm sooooo not making any progress. *sigh*
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I was sick this past week and had to increase the calories or I was dizzy when I stood up. I was hoping to just maintain but I'm afraid I might have a gain of a 1 or 2 lbs. I did do some gentle yoga, stretching, and some hula this past week but overall not very active.

    I hope to get back on track this week. I was so close to my next goal and was hoping to hit it this week but looks like it will be about 2 weeks now.

    I hope everyone is doing good!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    shauna121211 - I just updated all of them. Can't believe we have a weigh in again tomorrow and I'm sooooo not making any progress. *sigh*

    Thank you! :)

    I know right... blah... I weighed in and only lost .2 lbs.... better than gaining. I'll add it to the spreadsheet. :/
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I know right... blah... I weighed in and only lost .2 lbs.... better than gaining. I'll add it to the spreadsheet. :/

    Shauna, you look like you are on track to hit goal though! I'm hoping for the best in the morning. Unless something radical happens I'm not going to make my original goal. Sad since it was very reachable when I set it. I will just shake it off and readjust and move forward. All I know is I better get under 300 before this year is up!
  • vdlomas
    vdlomas Posts: 36
    Nope nothing.... for the 3rd weigh in - in a row I'm at 201.8... But gotta say I had an NSV this morning i fit into a skirt (size 12) that I hadn't been able to fit in since last year.. OOOhhhh such a great feeling! Plus I even got a compliment from the hubby (he's not one to give compliments at all --- Ever!!)... So overall feeling pretty good even though no lose here...
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    I lost 2 pounds this week!!

    I'm 1 pound from my thanksgiving challenge goal!!!
    (11 pounds from my ultimate weight loss goal!)
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Nope nothing.... for the 3rd weigh in - in a row I'm at 201.8... But gotta say I had an NSV this morning i fit into a skirt (size 12) that I hadn't been able to fit in since last year.. OOOhhhh such a great feeling! Plus I even got a compliment from the hubby (he's not one to give compliments at all --- Ever!!)... So overall feeling pretty good even though no lose here...

    Fitting into the skirt is a good NSV! And a compliment is an extra bonus!

    I lost 2 pounds this week!!

    I'm 1 pound from my thanksgiving challenge goal!!!
    (11 pounds from my ultimate weight loss goal!)


    WTG! Amy you are really doing awesome!

    I'm up .4 lbs. Not as bad as I had thought considering this past week. I need to get things moving again. I won't make the Thanksgiving goal at this point but I really need to get under 300lbs by the end of the year. Very doable but not the way it's been going since September. The weather is cooling so I'm hoping to get more walking in.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    137 this week. 3 pounds from my Thanksgiving goal weight.......4 weeks left in which to get it done! I think I can I think I can....
  • For some reason I can't get to the spreadsheet, it just won't load, but I think I am down from last Wednesday.....203 lbs, done so much yoyoing this month, it's making me dizzy, but the general trend is downward, so that's ok....4lbs to onederland, would like to be there by Thanksgiving.....
    I think without this challenge and the accountability, I would've found it a lot harder...thank you!!
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    Seagazer, you are doing GREAT!!

    almost 20 pounds lost since we started!

    way to go and keep up the good work. . . 'One'derland is right around the corner!!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    For some reason I can't get to the spreadsheet, it just won't load, but I think I am down from last Wednesday.....203 lbs, done so much yoyoing this month, it's making me dizzy, but the general trend is downward, so that's ok....4lbs to onederland, would like to be there by Thanksgiving.....
    I think without this challenge and the accountability, I would've found it a lot harder...thank you!!

    Seagazer you've hit your Thanksgiving goal and before Halloween! WTG!!!