Long distance relationships?

Kimmy546 Posts: 102
edited October 4 in Chit-Chat
As you know everyone on here meets people from pretty much everywhere, so what's your take on the long distance thing?
Have you tried to actually meet anyone on here and pursue more than a friendship? If so how's that working out? =) Just wondering as this has been propositioned to me and I'm not sure what I should do if anything. I'm not having any issues getting dates where I live, so it's totally not that! Normally I would never consider something like this, but obviously someone is standing out in the bunch. Just wondering if anyone thinks a truly committed long distance thing can work or like I said has worked. Thanks all!


  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    When I first met my hubby he lived 3 hours away. He would drive down every other weekend to come see me even if it was just for the day. Eventually I moved in with him.. after I graduated high school. Lol! We've been together since November 11, 2005. Married November 10, 2007 and had our son November 12, 2009. :)
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    2 years - we didn't even meet eachother for 6 months, we see eachother every 6 weeks for about 5-6 days.

    I love him, he is magnificent. We have a great relationship and appreciate eachother in ways that the lucky ones who get to see eachother everyday don't.

    he has plans to move here, he is fantastic to my children

    and when I don't spend the day in tears because I miss him so much, I feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

    It is a HUGE comittment, and requires a lot of patience, devotion and faith.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    on this site? no. on the internet? yes. met him in 05, starting 'long distance dating' in 07, moved across the country to live with him in 08. We celebrated our 4 year 'dating' anniversary just a week ago. :) life is good.

    I was in Ohio, he in Arizona.
  • I never did, but isnt that the thing now? dating sites/networking? I see nothing wrong with it.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Well you don't pick who you fall in love with or how far away they live. My thought is if you fall for someone and there is a connection. there is no distance too far if that is what you really want. Why not! Wish you all the luck m'dear.:smile:
  • On this site, no, but on another site, yes. We met almost 2 years ago and have been together now for 7 months.

    Its been difficult with more than just a few hours distance, but I don't regret it at all. I'm happier than I've ever been.
  • My boyfriend and I have been in a monagamous long distance relationship for the past four years, but we have been together for five years all together. Most of that time, he was 3-4 hours away by car, but for a good 6 months, he lived in Arizona (I live in Pennsylvania). It's tough, but worth it if it's the right person. <33
  • I think there are a few factors that come into play. For one, how far away is he? If it's possible and affordable to spend the weekends together 1-2X a month (as in you live 3-5 hours away) then you have a good chance. If you're more like 12-20 hours away from each other.. not so much. If you're in the same country things have a better shot. If you're in different countries there are many more hurdles to jump. Finally how willing is one of you to relocate in the future? If you both have commitments that make moving somewhere else in the future impossible, should the relationship get serious you likely face a make or break scenario.

    Now all of these things can be overcome, but if you're closer, in the same country and willing to relocate you certainly have a much better shot.

    I've had two LDR. In one he fit none of the top 3 and we didn't last long. In the other he fit 2 of the top 3 and I was willing to relocate. We've been together since 2000 and married since 2002. I moved to be with him 9 months after we met online. Having said that though, my BIL (in Canada) met his wife (in Argentina) online and they are very happy together and have been together for 6 years.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    I met my wife via the 'net and she was a 4 hour drive away when we initially met. After a year of driving back and forth (both of us) whenever possible, we got married and are coming up on our 2 year anniversary in less than 2 weeks! :happy: So yes, it can definitely work out!
  • AreneeG31
    AreneeG31 Posts: 256 Member
    If someone is standing out in the crowd and you are open to it...then dont let the opportunity pass. I feel that a long distance relationship can def work if the two involved want it to. :smile: Good luck!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    Having done the long-distance thing twice, I'd never do it again.

    Someone is going to have to give up their entire life for the other. Pretty high expectations, right there.
  • Kimmy546
    Kimmy546 Posts: 102
    It's nice to hear it can work and so far than no one thinks it's crazy to consider. :bigsmile: You guys rock! I love the positive replies..... interested to see if any zinger replies are posted, meaning the nightmare long distance thing. I do realize it will take a lot of trust.
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    My husband and I did the long distance thing years ago before we got married. We had been together for a little over a year when he ended up moving 2300 miles away to go to school. We made it 3 months before we decided we didn't like it and he took the train across country to come help me pack my car and drive back to live with him. Those 3 months we missed each other like crazy but I truly believe our relationship grew stronger because of it and we completely trusted one another. We talked every day though. Honestly when it comes to a long-distance relationship I believe it's just like any other in that if it's meant to be then it's meant to be. Yes, it's work but then so are all relationships. You've just got to make time for each other whether it's talking on the phone, skyping, taking a weekend trip to see each other in person.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    oh yes

    If flying(or even driving a long distance) is needed..

    You cannot be in a position you cannot pay for the travel
  • Kimmy546
    Kimmy546 Posts: 102
    I think there are a few factors that come into play. For one, how far away is he? If it's possible and affordable to spend the weekends together 1-2X a month (as in you live 3-5 hours away) then you have a good chance. If you're more like 12-20 hours away from each other.. not so much. If you're in the same country things have a better shot. If you're in different countries there are many more hurdles to jump. Finally how willing is one of you to relocate in the future? If you both have commitments that make moving somewhere else in the future impossible, should the relationship get serious you likely face a make or break scenario.

    Now all of these things can be overcome, but if you're closer, in the same country and willing to relocate you certainly have a much better shot.

    I've had two LDR. In one he fit none of the top 3 and we didn't last long. In the other he fit 2 of the top 3 and I was willing to relocate. We've been together since 2000 and married since 2002. I moved to be with him 9 months after we met online. Having said that though, my BIL (in Canada) met his wife (in Argentina) online and they are very happy together and have been together for 6 years.

    I'm in AZ he is roughly 1800 miles away, I fly alot for work so Delta miles could get me free tickets most the time. =) Although I do think he would pay for the flights... money isn't an issue in the factor. :)
  • I've been in a few long distance relationships. Even though they didn't work for me, it's not to say they won't work for you. It depends on the people in the relationship, what they are looking for and what they are willing to contribute and/or sacrifice. If you have similar life goals and really are meant to be, then it will work :)

    Life is for living and learning, so if you have the time/resources and interest to pursue it then go for it! :)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    My last LDR was a person I met through work, not on here but has not worked well. We gave it a try this spring/summer and when we got together for a work event, he was very distant and blew me off quite a bit. It was a challenge to be discreet because of our work relationship.. About a week or two after I got home he slowly stoped calling and things just kind of poofed.

    Actually it's kind of still in the open. We've recently made another try after he called and apolpgized for the first issue and professed his feelings for me. Things picked up where they left off and it was good for a couple weeks but once again, I haven't heard from him in almost a week and I'm not going to bother. When I do he is going to get an earful and a big eff you!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I suppose I should add that in late 06 I was in a relationship with a man in GA while I was in OH. That didn't turn out well. It did not deter me, however, from making my next relationship a long distance one, as well. :)
  • Yes, absolutely. I know several couples who met through online gaming, and the relationships have stood the test of time. One couple just celebrated their 8th wedding anniversary, and have been together over 10 years total. She was originally from Canada, he from the UK. They met playing "Everquest" together. She initially moved to England, and about 2 years ago they relocated back to Alberta. They're one of the most solid couples I know, and are still in that honeymoon-like state of being in love.

    Another couple I know met playing "Ultima Online." They've been together since 2002, and married since 2003. He's in upstate New York, she originally from Arkansas before she relocated.

    From this site specifically? I'm not at liberty to say...a gentleman doesn't discuss such things out of turn, but let's just say it's very possible. :bigsmile:
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Met my SO when I was 17, started dating him 2 days later. 1200 miles apart. Moved in at a year, now a year later we're doing just fantastic. I love him more and more every day. :)
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