Summer 2009 WILL Be Different Challenge!



  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    Better late than never :blushing:

    Internets been down so I didn't get a chance to post yesterday:

    w2 156.4
    w3 156.4
    w5 155.6
    w6 156.4

    Guess I need to step up my game!


    Summer 2009 WILL Be Different!

  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    how is everyone's weekend going?

    i did ok today, no exercise cuz i worked for 12 hours, am wrecked, but i was good with my cals, so thats something at least

    hoping to go walking tomorrow with hubby :drinker:

    hope you are all doing great! :flowerforyou:
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    So far this weekend has been great. I have been eating a ton (so it seems like) yet I've been good with my calories. I worked out twice yesterday just from boredom. My kids were away for the day with the hubby so maybe that's why.

    Hope everyone else has a great weekend!! :drinker:
  • lreilly16
    lreilly16 Posts: 26 Member
    This sounds it too late to join?
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    This sounds it too late to join?

    Never!! So welcome :flowerforyou:

    Plus...the way it's going with the weather will take awhile for summer to get here :bigsmile:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    This sounds it too late to join?

    Never!! So welcome :flowerforyou:

    Plus...the way it's going with the weather will take awhile for summer to get here :bigsmile:

    welcome! never too late to join! :flowerforyou:

    and yea we could be waiting for our summer here too! :grumble:
  • soon2bgaudet
    hello all my summer challenge friends! this weekend has been pretty great! stayed in my food range....worked out HARD yesterday, and took it a bit easier today. roomie and i went to the spa yesterday after killing ourselves at the gym for an hour and a half. it was an amazing day! just for grins, yesterday morning she got on the scale and saw that she was down a couple more pounds! yeay for her! so, i thought, "what the heck. ill get on too." this is something i never do. i always wait to thursday to get on the scale in the morning. anyway, got on and i was down another pound! woot! not going to put it on my ticker though. that is something i save for thursday! have a great palm sunday everyone!:heart:
  • smithiekat
    smithiekat Posts: 112 Member
    hello fellow summer 2009-ers!

    i hope everyone's weekend is going well! in general my weekend is going really well-i'm squeaking by under my calories (by planning ahead for the drinks involved this weekend :drinker: ).

    i had a wonderful moment in yoga this morning when i was looking in the mirror i noticed that my chubby legs were not longer touching all the way down from hips to kankles! my ankles are loosing weight! i may have to STOP calling them Kankles! there's actually space in between my legs from knees to ankles. i was so excited! (ok i still am :tongue: ).

    also i was trying to weigh my dog at the vet the other day, and the vets scale thinks her and i are 184 pounds, and that she is 30 pounds (by maths that would mean i am 154 pounds--which is 5 pounds less than my scale at home PLUS i had clothes on, which i normally do not--on the scale that is. i'm pretty sure i always wear clothes to the vet :laugh: ). i'm trying to figure out another place i'll be soon with a reliable scale (no doctor's appts coming up, no scale at yoga). . . i mean my scale i've had for 3 years and was $10 so how much can i trust it? :huh:

    anyways, happy palm sunday!
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    today is already the 6th of april and my mini goal of reaching 134.4 by the 30th is not looking to realistic. I just want to get out of the 140's. This happened the last time too i was just stuck . The weather has changed its been great and im like i take the dog for walks this week to get my excersise back in and wouldnt you know its raining today! Its so hard once you havent been excersisng and logging calories to get back in. I know it benifts me i saw the difference atcually everyone has seen the difference :happy: but its like ldkfgnldknfldgf . Hope everyone else is doing great and had a good weekend. Heres one more week closer to summer.
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Good Monday morning all.

    I feel pretty good about the weekend. I worked out on Sunday and my knee isn't giving me any grief at all.

    My hubby went out to dinner Sunday night.
    I skipped the wine and had a fairly healthy meal and 2 bites of my hubby's dessert :bigsmile:
    The meal portion was bigger than I needed so I'll have to watch that next ime. :wink:

    I hope you all had a good weekend. :smile:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member

    How long is long enough to be doing something before deciding it's time to give up? Now there's a strange question to begin a motivational article with – or is it?
    Losing weight, just like any other change we make, doesn't happen overnight or in a straightforward manner so it's not unusual for people to sometimes doubt themselves and consider giving up.
    Let's say, for example, you have decided you want to learn how to drive.
    LESSON 1:

    1. First of all you need to make a definite decision that you are going to learn.
    2. Next, you need your provisional driving license.
    3. Now you need to find someone reputable to teach you how to drive.
    4. Initially you will feel very excited and proud of yourself to have gotten this far.
    5. Behind the wheel for the first time, most people feel excited and nervous in about equal measure.
    6. You check the mirrors, turn on the car and.......the engine cuts.
    7. You feel a bit unsure and perhaps even a bit silly
    8. The instructor reassures you and you try again
    9. And again (feeling less confident)
    10. And again (thinking, “This is ridiculous, I can't even get the car started!”)
    11. You find the 'bite' and the car takes off.
    12. You relax a little bit and start to feel hopeful that you might actually be getting somewhere.
    13. Your instructor tells you that time is up and “See you next week”

    Twelve steps so far and you have only completed the first lesson and moved the car maybe 50 metres down the road. Not the glorious start you had thought it would be.
    But do you give up?
    LESSON 2:
    It takes a couple of tries to get the bite, which you do and now you start learning all about changing gears, indicating, staying in your lane etc. Under your hands the car chugs, jumps, moves slowly etc. Your knuckles are white as you grip the wheel. You wonder how on earth anyone ever manages to co-ordinate their movements so that they can actually drive properly. You wonder if you'll ever get the hang of it and you can't even bring yourself to imagine driving in city traffic. But do you give up?
    LESSON 23:
    Weeks have gone by and you are still using 'L' plates. You think that by now you should be happily driving around, full licence in your pocket, feeling like you are king – or queen – of the road, but you aren't. There's no doubting that you have learned a huge amount about driving a car; in fact you never knew there was this much to know about driving. In your innocence you thought that all you had to do was sit in, turn the key and take off. You still aren't 100% you know all the rules of the road. You wonder if you will ever achieve your dream having a full drivers licence. Sometimes you feel more than a little disheartened.
    But do you give up?
    Why not? Why don't you give up after lesson 1 or 2 or 23? What stops you settling for buses or taxis? So what if you don't drive, it's not the end of the world, is it? Originally you thought that learning to drive would be a smooth progression from step 1 to step 2 to step 3 etc but along the way you learned that it was more a case of ' One step forward, two steps back'. But still you didn't give up.
    And why didn't you give up? Because....

    1. Learning to drive was something YOU really wanted
    2. You wanted it enough that you accepted the challenges along the way
    3. In your minds eye you could see what the future held for you IF you could drive
    4. You wanted that future more than the future where you couldn't drive

    I bet every driver reading this article can relate to the descriptions I've just written. Even people who don't drive can appreciate how learner drivers could feel like this. No one, absolutely no one ever expects a person to learn how to drive in a straightforward, no-looking-back manner.
    So why is it that we cannot give ourselves the same time, space and understanding when it comes to losing weight? Yes, some people take to driving very quickly while others seem to take an age, but they both get their licences in the end, if they both stick with it. In the same way, some people lose their weight quickly while others take longer – but they both get to goal weight so long as they don't give up too soon.
    Along the way to goal weight, you may have taken a break, lost your way, even lost faith in your own ability. None of that means you have given up. You may have gone back to a number of your old habits, but very few people give up all the good habits they've learned so far. If you are reading this, envying people who are still on the road to goal weight, wishing you hadn't 'given up', then show yourself a little of the compassion and understanding you so readily show other people.
    Don't beat yourself up or put yourself down. Stop judging yourself, because no one else is. Everyone who cares about you, including your Leader, wants you to be happy and living the life you want, not the one you settled for.
    Next time you feel tempted to 'settle' for something you don't really want repeat this little mantra:

    “To start again I must begin from where I'm AT– not where I've BEEN”


    Summer 2009 WILL Be Different! we have to stick with it :flowerforyou:
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    That's awesome realta!! Thanks:flowerforyou:
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Hope everyone is doing great. I am still here, not losing but still trying.
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    Realta, that was fantastic. And oh so true.

    I had a hard time learning to drive because my sisters car I was practicing with was HUGE but I still kept at it until I reached my goal!!!!

    destiny_206 don't give up, even if it's one step forward, two steps back :wink:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    how is everyone doing this week? so lazy this week, will be finished my college course in 4 weeks, then i can concentrate on my fitness levels again! so many assignments to do and i have no motivation when it comes to anything this week! :grumble:
  • phetzgetfit

    i'm doing good. I'm almost in the final two weeks of my bikram 60-day yoga challenge (16 days to go) and I'm both tired and charged by it. I like how my body is toning. My mind keeps telling me i need a break.

    I'm trying to get more water in. That seems to help everything in life for me. so simple and yet so hard for me to do.

    I snuck a peak at the scales (I've been trying to just weigh once a week) and they were kind of quivering toward my plateau breaking finally so I have hope again for this week's weighin.

    have a great day everyone.
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member

    i'm doing good. I'm almost in the final two weeks of my bikram 60-day yoga challenge (16 days to go) and I'm both tired and charged by it. I like how my body is toning. My mind keeps telling me i need a break.

    that is so amazing, well done :flowerforyou:
  • cloverluv
    cloverluv Posts: 413 Member
    Happy Hump Day everyone!! Here's to a great weigh-in (I hope :ohwell: ) tomorrow :drinker:
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    wk 0 - 177
    wk 1 - 176
    wk 2 - 174.8
    wk 3 - 174.2
    wk 4 - 173
    wk 5 - 172
    wk 6 - 171 :bigsmile:

    slow and steady is my motto every week i think, would love a 2 pound weight loss next week to get into the 160's, gotta try much harder :happy:

    i hope you all had a great week, will post challenges later tonight when everyone has weighed in, and remember our CHECK IN is in 3 weeks, on the 30th April, how close are we to meeting our personal goals? i want to be at/under 168 and i want to fit into a new black shirt that i have, cant wait! :drinker:
  • whatabelighter
    Have a Safe and Happy Easter Everyone!!

    I weighed in at 166.9 pounds this morning....NOT my ususal weigh in time because I'm going on a road trip...