The OFFICIAL University/College Challenge



  • andforpoise
    My student card comes with a free membership I think... I just have social anxiety problems and don't like showing up to things by my lonesome! There are a lot of really awesome classes though! I might have to give it a go... And also! Don't worry about the you said, just chill, concentrate on how you look and feel!

    I'm going to have to scout out new indoor sports... and maybe try to convince a friend to join me...
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    I had that problem when I first went to the circuits class. I had a friend who said she'd go with me, but she's still not been to one and I've been to loads, and I'm so glad I didn't sit around and wait for her, unreliable girl. Even though it's now a good few weeks into term, there's still a lot of new people coming, so I'm sure you wouldn't be the only one turning up who hasn't been before :)
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    I think joining the classes is a great idea! I do a gymnastics bootcamp twice a week, and all the people are really kinda and open!! Plus it kicks my butt!

    Finally saw a lower number on the scale today! Booyah to 146.2. You know, this is one of the hardest, busiest semesters I've ever taken -- so I'm incredibly thankful that I've so far pulled off working out really consistently, and still (very slowly) losing weight. I still think I'm on track for my goal this quarter.
  • MikeDailyIntake
    Hey, my names Mike i'm living in florida and going to college mon-fri, i've always been on the light side so my goals will be gaining some weight to my frame Currently im 140lbs by the end of next month i would like to be 150 lbs, It's hard out here for an ectomorph.
  • bitterbrownie
    hey mike :) good luck in gaining and in reaching your goal!
  • andforpoise
    Welcome Mike!

    And hello all! I found a solution :) My friend/team-mate from frisbee wants to do Karma yoga with me this winter! We had talked about it in the summer but were too busy...and she texted me the other day to ask if I was still up for it. Also, when were running around the field warming up for our last game last night, she asked me if I was looking for a running partner for the winter!

    I'm going to do my update for the week today, because I start my volunteer job at the Multiple Sclerosis Research Unit tomorrow and then have an exam tomorrow evening (what a way to spend a Friday night! Especially when Fridays are my days off from school...stupid online class :P)

    So update: weight decreasing at a steady pace... stepped on the scale this morn and it was even at 160... what a journey/process this has been! Down 33 lbs altogether... Going for another 5 before I go home for the Remembrance Day weekend. I'm nervous and excited! My family hasn't seen me since the beginning of July... I wonder if they'll notice? lol
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Yay, that's awesome that you've got a solution! I'm sure your family will notice :) Do they know what you've been up to, or will it be a complete surprise?

    My update: Weight is stable, have decided the gain is muscle because I'm lifting higher weights than a couple of weeks back in the circuits class, and my measurements are stable. Running going well, up to 14km at the mo, which is more than I ever thought I'd do. And still loving the circuits class.

    Think I've worked out what my maintenance calories are - my eating has been a bit carefree this week, and my skin is suffering for it. Had looked the best ever since dropping my calories and improving my lifestyle, and now... eek. Think that's what happens when I go over. Much as I enjoyed the chocolate at the time, not sure it was worth it, to be honest! Going to make a conscious effort to indulge less this week.
  • kyleighmacd
    kyleighmacd Posts: 19 Member
    Not sure if I can still join or not, but anyways!

    My name is Kyleigh, I go University of Ontario Institute of Technology in Ontario in Canada. I'm in my 3rd year of Public and Social Policy. My program is pretty interesting, I now know way to much about politicians and policy. I am currently at 188lbs, I usually frutuate between 182-190. In high school I used to weight a167 so ive gained quite a bit, around 20lbs. Ive tried to lose the weight a few times but I always give up. However this time it's different. I think it will be easier with support and people to talk to with the same issues etc.

    Glad to meet everyone!
  • andforpoise
    Oh yes you can join! Join anytime :) We kind of just update each other on our weight loss progress/lifestyle changes and encourage each other. We've had a couple challenges but haven't in awhile...

    Are you from Ontario? I am! :) I was looking at a program at the UOIT but decided to stay out here in Nova Scotia instead...can't remember what the program was... hmm.. I think it had something to do with business!

    Welcome aboard!
    Not sure if I can still join or not, but anyways!

    My name is Kyleigh, I go University of Ontario Institute of Technology in Ontario in Canada. I'm in my 3rd year of Public and Social Policy. My program is pretty interesting, I now know way to much about politicians and policy. I am currently at 188lbs, I usually frutuate between 182-190. In high school I used to weight a167 so ive gained quite a bit, around 20lbs. Ive tried to lose the weight a few times but I always give up. However this time it's different. I think it will be easier with support and people to talk to with the same issues etc.

    Glad to meet everyone!
  • andforpoise
    Yay, that's awesome that you've got a solution! I'm sure your family will notice :) Do they know what you've been up to, or will it be a complete surprise?

    My update: Weight is stable, have decided the gain is muscle because I'm lifting higher weights than a couple of weeks back in the circuits class, and my measurements are stable. Running going well, up to 14km at the mo, which is more than I ever thought I'd do. And still loving the circuits class.

    Think I've worked out what my maintenance calories are - my eating has been a bit carefree this week, and my skin is suffering for it. Had looked the best ever since dropping my calories and improving my lifestyle, and now... eek. Think that's what happens when I go over. Much as I enjoyed the chocolate at the time, not sure it was worth it, to be honest! Going to make a conscious effort to indulge less this week.

    My family somewhat knows that I've been watching my eating/exercising... and I've updated my mom on my weight loss here and there... also 2 of my friends were out here visiting me at the beginning of the month, and they noticed... but as for the rest of them I don't know if my mom has told them or not! So it shall be interesting! :)

    Congrats on the 14K! I can't imagine running that much yet... I really hope I get to the 5K with training this winter (weather permitting) the only thing that really turns me off of the idea is the black ice that we get sometimes! That stuff is dangerous! And I really don't want to injure myself so that I am completely unable to exercise...

    And I know what you mean with the skin thing... mine has always been terrible (ie I don't even remember the last time it was completely clear) but I do know that when I started watching what I ate and when I was running a lot in the summer and playing ultimate frisbee twice a week that it had improved a lot. A little bit of chocolate shouldn't hurt it too much though... but I do agree with the people who say that overindulging on sweets and what not does affect your skin (there are people out there that think its a myth, but I'm pretty sure there's scientific proof that it isn't!)
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Yeah, it gets pretty bad over here in Edinburgh in the winter. Really hope I can still run outside, as my long runs hit 22k by xmas. Crazy amount. Would be torture trying to do that in gym. Been looking at... Think is yaktraxs or some similar spelling for running on snow but not sure how well they'd work on ice...
  • bitterbrownie
    study week over :( back to college tomorrow with a lot of work for this term....ah well - 7 weeks till the xmas holidays haha!

    anyone undertaking any challenges/got any good tips for moving into november?
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Not got a challenge, but I'd certainly like one too. Maybe some sort of points system would work? Like as an extra incentive to keep doing things - but I'm not quite sure how it would run or what winning would get us lol.

    I know that by the end of November, I'll be hitting 21km, so I need to keep going and doing my runs regardless of the weather. My plan is lots of new routes (I get bored doing laps and going to the same places all the time), new music, and some new cold weather tops (at the moment I have either strappy tops or a huge jumpery thing, and nothing in between). New things work well for me. It's good having a goal to aim for - maybe set yourself an intermediate goal to something?

    I'd like to keep going to my circuit classes despite it getting dark so early. My fiance and I have arranged our schedules so he goes and does his weights in the evening at the same time then we can walk together. Safety and all that.

    This week, my challenge was to do something completely unlike me... non exercise related, obviously.... so I dyed my hair red! Lol.
  • andforpoise
    A challenge would be good... though I'm drawing a blank on ideas...

    I've been going through a personal struggle (not weight related) lately and my challenge has been to think about what worked before when I was in a similar situation last year... and I found it! I start voice lessons again tonight... when I stopped I felt like I lost something and I wanted it back! It helps keep me grounded :)

    Now my next personal challenge is to get back to that running! And to start yoga... my friend and I were supposed to on Sunday but the weather was too crazy to go out in... craaaazy rain storm! So hoping for this Sunday... in the mean time, I need to start running on my own...not sure if it will happen or not...

    I am now however, in the 150s! Yay! I had to step on my scale 3 times this morning to confirm :P It's only 159...but still! And that means I've finally hit my personal back to school challenge of losing 10 lbs instead of gaining! :)

    New personal weight loss challenge - 10 lbs by Christmas! (149 lbs)
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    My weight has been all over the place this week - with a general downward trend despite eating unreasonable amounts of ice cream, yum. Am attributing it to coming off the pill - I take the packets back to back for several months then take a break - so whilst I know other people talk about what happens to their weight at particular times of the month, I'm completely clueless in that respect.

    Had to buy a belt for my jeans today. Been feeling like every time I stood up, they'd fall down. Haven't yet, thankfully - but apparently my body shape is still changing. In the meantime though, I don't want to spend money on stuff that might not last me very long. And I ordered the most gorgeous red coat in a UK size 10 - tried it on - massively too big for me. Having to reorder it for a size 8. Apparently I don't know what size I am anymore. Or I think I'm bigger than I am. Better than the other way round though I guess! Shame though, I'm incredibly impatient and I really REALLY wanted to wear my coat already :(

    Andforpoise, I'd love to do voice lessons. Love singing, but not confident enough in my voice to even sing when my fiance is in the flat! Occasionally he sneaks in on me doing it when he's been out for an evening run, mortifying!

    Yoga has always intrigued me a bit. I'm incredibly inflexible, so it would probably be good for me, but I'm not sure I'd want to give up some of my time to do something that doesn't really burn that many calories? And I used up all my nerve starting one class by myself. Considering asking a friend to be a running buddy sometimes - bumped into her when I was doing some laps of the park and she was headed to the gym, and she jogged along with me for a bit - nowhere near as awkward or irritating as I thought it would be to have someone with you. I've always been a music only sort of girl. Might be worth a try, anyway. Especially since I've just found out that after Xmas, my uni timetable changes completely - 9-5 pretty much every day, which will play havoc with my training schedule, and I'm slightly panicing about it already. Hate it when things don't go to plan! Anyway, it's a long time off - might as well make the most of it all going so well at the moment!
  • andforpoise
    Singing in front of a teacher isn't too bad! I have to warm up to this guy though first before I start...I was super nervous despite his goofiness to calm me down... I was comfortable with my teacher back home, but had him for 4 years! And it took him a month to get me to actually sing! It was nuts... but now I love it! :)

    I guess next semester you'll either have to do really early runs or ones in the evening? Any breaks in between?

    I don't think yoga burns too few calories... and it also tones your body... does wonders for that! And calms the mind! And I NEED calm right now! haha

    Congrats on the coat! I know what you mean not knowing what size you are anymore... I have that problem with jeans... it's a fun time!
  • mudya
    mudya Posts: 128 Member
    I'm 20 years old, studying Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Leicester.

    Current weight: 208lbs (haven't weighed my self for 2 weeks, don't plan on doing so for another week. My scales are at home :P)

    Goal for the end of November: 202lbs

    As for recipes, I generally cook what I want. I pretty much know what flavours work/don't work together and so go along those lines. I hate following recipes, and even when I do, I always tweak them to suit me. Cooking this way allows me to cook in a more healthier way and its really so much more fun! I love cooking!
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    I think some days I have three hour gaps, so might try doing some runs between lectures. As long as I can have time to shower and change so no one sees the sweaty mess I transform into! There is a gym out here as well, but it's completely tiny, only one of each machine, so think I'll avoid that. Oh well, shall have to wait and see. Am resisting the urge to plan my life so far ahead - I don't even have a training plan for after Xmas yet, so I probably should give myself a challenge of learning to chill out a bit more!

    Currently, my issue is snacking. And not the healthy kind of snacking either. It has reached the point in the term where my brain has rebelled a little and is only staying alert in lectures if I feed it constantly. It's something I need to get out of before it becomes a habit and is hard to shift. Find something else to eat instead. Have cereal and toast and yoghurt for breakfast, and fruit in the morning break, then a sandwich and crisps for lunch, so its not like I'm starving myself! Anyone know anything that's easy to take to classes?

    And rewarding myself for revision is all very well, but doing it with food makes me feel bad even as I'm eating it, so there's none of the fun there. Might buy some new music instead. Just got some new running headphones and one of those arm band things (I've been tucking my iPod in my underwear until now!) so is kinda logical. Worth a try, anyway.
  • bitterbrownie
    Running in between lectures is a great idea - I'm finding my running is having to be neglected until the weekend due to not getting home until pitch black :(

    As for snacks - I have the same problem! But here are some of my favourites:

    Rice cakes
    Meat free meatballs (quorn or just tesco meat-free brand)
    Soup in a flask is also a great snack - often only about 100-130 calories per half can

    I always find that I eat my breakfast at 6-6.30 (about 420 calories) but by the time it gets to 8.30-9.30 I'm staaarving again!! Haha
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    man, my eating has been all over the place... I had a few too many cheat / binge days... played hooky / date day with my ex/boy thing... went out to chocolate and scotch and italian food, baked a few too many pies... started snacking on too many sweets. I was sick too, and missed like a week of running... Then I kinda freaked out about my eating, and about how much money I was spending, and have been way too far under these last few days. Gotta reach a normal again somehow. Problem is I've been trying to avoid buying snacks at school cause it's soo expensive. And I actually find the less I eat during a day, the less I think about it, the less likely I am to want to eat other crappy food. Gotta figure out a good balance though, don't want to wreak havoc on my metabolism by only eating breakfast and dinner...

    Also, I think I'm starting to lose the muscle tone I had post P90X... don't think this twice a week gymnastics bootcamp is cutting it for strength training, may have to do another round of P90X again soon.


    So, the challenge, should you chose to accept it, is no added sugar until the end of the term (this includes fake sugar / splenda, etc.). My roommate and I are on about day 4 of it, and it's great! Keeps me from rewarding myself for long hours of studying with scones and cookies... lol.