
  • Lisa& Renate: I had trouble with the water drinking too, but now I keep a bottle or jug of water and a glass beside me all the time, and it really helps.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning! Well, I managed to make it out of bed and to work today. I am armed with an apple, some fresh pineapple, pretzels, Fiber One bars, and cheese sticks for my extra food today, so it may not be too bad. It is a cold blustery day here, and that kind of mirrors the way that I feel today. However, there is a very bright note ahead in my day! After I make it through school, detention supervision, and church activities including bell choir practice, my baby is coming home for a few days! (She is soon to be 27 years old, but still my baby.) She will drive in from Kansas City after she gets off of work tonight, and gets to stay until Sunday! My husband's birthday is Friday, and she decided to spend it with him, since Walgreen's actually granted her vacation day. That should brighten my week!
    Have a great Wednesday!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Mary: Enjoy your BABY:flowerforyou: How nice for you and your DH to have her for a long weekend. And what a perfect Birthday Present for your husband! Enjoy every minute!!!

  • Afternoon all...I'm a new to this thread, and new to being 50! I just had my birthday in July. I've always thought I had time to get healthy, I've got at least 40 pounds to lose, and when I turned 50 a shot of panic went through me. THEN my doctor's office called me the other night to tell me my cholesterol is 213!!! Time to take this seriously. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and hope everyone has a great afternoon!
  • Afternoon all...I'm a new to this thread, and new to being 50! I just had my birthday in July. I've always thought I had time to get healthy, I've got at least 40 pounds to lose, and when I turned 50 a shot of panic went through me. THEN my doctor's office called me the other night to tell me my cholesterol is 213!!! Time to take this seriously. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and hope everyone has a great afternoon!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome Euni!
    mary enjoy your baby!
    everyone have a good night!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome to the new people.

    Mary....Hope you feel better and enjoy your weekend.

    I had a busy day today and I didn't get to the gym...I'll get there tomorrow morning---before I do anything else. I want to spend the rest of the day cleaning and organizing.
    Be back tomorrow!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: to all the ice cream addicts
    If it's in the house, it's in the mouth
    we have banished all sweets, cereal, peanut butter, and cheese from our house because we have no sense of moderation about any of it.

    :bigsmile: it was 34 degrees and especially dark when I walked the dogs this morning
    for awhile I wondered if it would ever get light

    :bigsmile: my life is still filled with making applesauce :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Melba, Keba, Eunie: Welcome to a great place for support and friendship! And good luck on this journey:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I have visions of you surrounded by apples in your kitchen! I love apples...they are my favorite, everyday treat:heart:

    Sally: Good for you for organizing. I always feel so wonderful after I force myself to do that. I'm sure your gym day today will be a good one

    Jane: How is your back? Hoping it is better!

    Joyce: Good advice about how to exercise with such a work schedule. Good for you for fitting it into 12 hour shift:flowerforyou: And you are so right...every bit counts!

    Lisa: I didn't know what C25K was until I googled it. Wow...that is great. I have been adding in some jogging to my walk every day and after reading how that program is set up I am going to try to modify mine to more like that. I think my mistake has been trying to jog some part of each walk.(Every day) So yesterday I made myself just WALK, even though I walk at a very brisk pace. Today I will add back in some jogging. I had gotten up to 14 minutes of jogging mixed into my 40 minute walk, which is 3 miles. I will be curious to see if this helps me be able to "up" my jogging minutes. The most I have ever been able to do at once is 5 minutes, but is usually only 2 minutes at a time. Keep us posted on your progress with this! Good luck:flowerforyou:

    Speaking of. walking...I ordered a new pedometer...lost my old one...and yesterday was my first full day wearing one again. It is amazing how it works as a motivator. I kept looking at it during the day and it would get me out the door for a quick walk down the dock or over to the garden when I don't think that I would have otherwise. When the days start to shorten I tend to stay indoors more in the evening. Last night I went out after dark when the stars were out for another walk around...DH joined me to enjoy the stars, and the owls calling to each other. I love to see the numbers getting higher and higher:love:

    Regarding to keep or not to keep the dress for DS's wedding...I am going to keep it, but keep looking whenever I get other chances to look. If I find one that I like better, I will have this one shortened (it is floor length) and wear it to some other weddings we have for friend's children this year. I don't find things like this that I like often, so I think this is the best solution and the one I have now wasn't too expensive. Thanks to those of you who gave me some input!

    Have a good day, ladies:heart: Kackie
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    Speaking of. walking...I ordered a new pedometer...lost my old one...and yesterday was my first full day wearing one again. It is amazing how it works as a motivator. I kept looking at it during the day and it would get me out the door for a quick walk down the dock or over to the garden when I don't think that I would have otherwise. When the days start to shorten I tend to stay indoors more in the evening. Last night I went out after dark when the stars were out for another walk around...DH joined me to enjoy the stars, and the owls calling to each other. I love to see the numbers getting higher and higher:love:

    i also having been wearing one, and i agree it makes more active during day even though i workout daily i find that the pedometer keeping me moving....good luck with the dress....

    @jane hope your back is better....do stretching exercise help?

    @sally i too feel so much better when my home is organize, in fact i rather give some exercise time to make sure its done!!!!

    i dont remember who mentioned that they didnt drink enough water, but i do find that it helps me feel lighter(maybe not in the scale dpt)and also less hungry(????)maybe...anyways its so good for you, the tip of taking a bottle with you or having one at your desk works great...

    welcome all the newbies,,,off to spinning class then weight session...have a great day all:flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    kackie - I sometimes really like my ice cream. Like if it's Healthy Choice Mint Chocolate Chip...forget it. When I'm even NEAR it, it's no longer a Healthy Choice! Therefore, what I have in the house is ice cream that Vince will eat (chocolate) but that I really don't care for. I wish he'd like peanut butter ice cream...that I have no desire for

    Hey there Keba! I'm sure you'll get lots of ideas on this forum. Can you do a DVD at home before/after work (probably before since after you're probably dead tired...which means that you aren't eating....lol)

    Welcome melbasic! Love your picture

    frogle - 12 minutes is better than 0 minutes, I'll take it

    Monday I took an extremepump class, today (Tues) I did incline intervals on the treadmill (2 minutes at 3%, 6%, 9% 12%, 3% etc). tomorrow (Wed) I'm going to take the deep water aerobics class. Then I'll stop at one food store, and if I have time I'll stop at the drugstore on my way home to pick up Vince's prescription. I have this dry cough, so I might get some Vicks Formula 44 (I have a coupon at this store). Been helping Vince put out the outdoor Halloween decorations. Wish we could do the indoors ones, but I'm sort-of afraid to since the cats will probably investigate. I really don't like waiting until the last minute to do things. Update: they didn't have any Vick's formula 44. Wonder if that's even made any more???? I got some throat losenges, also some sort of pills that are cough suppressants but I think I'll take those back since I didn't know it (I probably should havae surmised as much) that Vince has a few bottles of Robitussin expectorant.

    Mary - I hope you're feeling better fast. I like your attitude about eating. You have to eat so you're going to eat healthily.

    Went to Wal Mart yesterday, had to get some chickpeas and lawn and leaf bags for the social. I decided to look to see if they had a beverage container that would hold a fair amount. While going there, I saw this Halloween decoration that I thought was neat. It's this tombstone with what looks like hands coming out of the ground and scratching it. I bought this, didn't realize how expensive it was. But I still think it's neat. I did get a 34oz cup for keeping water in my car. I'll take that to bowling. Actually, I took it yesterday and I finished 3 cups.

    Been cleaning for the social. I'd forgotten how much work preparing to host a social in your house is, even tho it is fun to do. In a way I'm a bit surprised for the December social four families are hosting, they're looking to have it catered. To me, when it's not at your house, you don't need four families, maybe two but that's it. We're only having two. If it's not catered, they're looking for people to bake turkeys, etc. To me, the people who are hosting should be doing the cooking. But that's just me. I have the cornmuffins made and in the freezer, I'll make a ratatouille, and a brains panacotta (dessert). That's also the last day of the farmer's market so I'll get some rome apples (which I can use for baking, so there is a method to my madness).

    Right now, for some reason, I just can't sleep. So....I had a yogurt (yoplait light...I'm really not crazy about it since it has artificial sweetener in it, but that's about all we had in the house at 3 a.m. and an apple). I'm also roasting the chickpeas

    Steve (Vince's friend) left this morning. Don't ask me to explain it, but Vince left extra early and went to Waffle House for breakfast. I would have thought with his friend here, he would have forgone Waffle House and stayed home until he had to leave for his meeting. At least I stayed home and cleaned the woodwork on the cabinets and the stainless steel appliances. Then exercised then went to WalMart. When I got home, I helped Vince more with the decorations and put a load of laundry in.

    Today is going to be a busy day, the senior bowl, come home for a few hours, just long enough to take out the recyclables and garbage, then Newcomers bowling. The good thing is that I won't be eating. I made these zucchini cakes ...they're light so that's what I'll have for dinner tonight. I made some crab cakes and pickey Vince wouldn't eat them...too much spice. He's had them before and never complained. Well, I'm sorry, I just can't have bland food, I need something with some flavor. So I'll make them again, even if it's only for me. Maybe I can have them on the days when we have senior and Newcomers bowling since they aren't very heavy.

    Mary - regardless of how old your children get, they are always your baby. I remember my father always telling me to call him when I got home from staying with him. I was in my 40's, on my third house, had three children, but he STILL needed to have me call him. Happy early birthday to your dh.

    Hey Euni. What an interesting name!!! You'll get lots of support and good advice here.

    It's Thurs, did an hour DVD with weights. Later today I'm going to play canasta since Vince is going shooting and all of the outdoor Halloween decorations are out, we just need to do the inside and there are things that I really can't do until the last minute (like put the centerpieces on the table). Hopefully, the canasta won't be like last month where I paid $5 to just sit there for 3 hours and do absolutely nothing. Actually, I sort-of wish it was that way this month, I do need to stop at one food store on my way home. Do you know that very few stores around here sell heavy cream, most of them sell heavy whipping cream. That surprises me, I would have thought that here in the South heavy cream would be a bit seller for gravies, etc.

    Better post this before it gets toooooo long.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I think that I feel a little bit better today. Anyway, I hope so! Just maybe I can manage to feel human over the weekend.

    My baby arrived last night as planned. My daughter that lives here in town and I both have band rehearsal tonight, and the visiting daughter is going to come and play if I can borrow an instrument for her. We both play bass clarinet, so it is a fun way to spend time together. Hope you all are doing well!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Nice day here in Ontario, but very cool.

    For those who don't like to drink water - find a glass that you like to use, if necessary treat yourself to something new and then it becomes more of a pleasure to drink because you are using something you like to hold and drink from. I always take a water bottle to my aquafit classes (only 2 people do, although the instructors try to encourage everyone). While I don't drink too much while I'm in the water, I usually finish the rest on my way home. That having been said - I need to go and get some water.

    Have my Knee strengthening class today and will then go for a mall walk afterwards.

    Have been trying to reach my friend who is in the hospital. I went to visit him on Monday, but he was asleep. Sat with him, holding his hand and talking to him for a while, but he didn't wake up. I've been trying to reach him by phone since, but without success. He is very poorly. I'll have to try to pop in again and hope he is awake next time.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    I have been so swamped at work again that I am getting behind again!! Looks like there are new faces again, Welcome!!

    I hope you are all well. It seems like everyone basically seem to be doing well for the most part.

    Rebel, hope you get your thyroid under control soon.

    Mary - sure hope you feel better soon.

    For those of you who don't like to drink water, what about adding a flavour to the water? Like Crystal Light or something? I drink too much water, can you believe it?? Gets me up about 4 times a night even when I stop all fluids at about 6 at night but I have consumed so much through the day, that it gets me up at night!!! I cannot stop drinking it though.

    Our weather is really changing here, winter is almost here. Brr, don't know if I am ready for that!!

    Are you all ready for Halloween? Do any of you go to dances or anything?

    Anyway, gonna run. So, talk to you later. Take care

    Love, Cathy xx
  • Hi ladies! I'm excited to find this thread. I could sure use some MFP friends as I embark on this journey. I just turned 50! I have about 25 pounds to loose. I have lost about 66 pounds from my heaviest. This is the weight where I always get stuck. Then I begin the slow ride back up the scale.

    My goals for October are to: make better food choices
    exercise 5-6 days a week
    stay within my calories
    drink 8 glasses of water a day

    I look forward to hearing about your lives, sharing struggles and hopefully successes too!
    Karin Smith
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    I am soooo frustrated! Feeling very low:sad: ... I feel like I am really trying hard.... logging everything as accurately as i can and nearly always under.... eating mostly healthy food (I did have a breakout and had some caramels the other day but I logged the calories)....I'm doing my C25K walk run every second day and have been pretty active lately although not always logging it all.... but when I weighed myself this morning I've gone back up to 83.4kg.... I originally underestimated my starting weight as 84kg when it was more like 85kg.... but a few days ago I was down to 82kg and now it has gone back up so much.... and don't say its because I'm building muscle because my clothes do not feel any different at all....I've been doing this for 4 weeks now and I'm getting very close to giving up.... except that I like all my new friends I probably would!

    I've already had lots 4 big glasses of water today (needing to pee every 5 minutes).... and I'm going to be extra strict for a couple of days and see if it makes any difference.... and I guess I need to up the exercise.... back to the gym for me I think.:embarassed:

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I am soooo frustrated! Feeling very low:sad: ... I feel like I am really trying hard.... logging everything as accurately as i can and nearly always under.... eating mostly healthy food (I did have a breakout and had some caramels the other day but I logged the calories)....I'm doing my C25K walk run every second day and have been pretty active lately although not always logging it all.... but when I weighed myself this morning I've gone back up to 83.4kg.... I originally underestimated my starting weight as 84kg when it was more like 85kg.... but a few days ago I was down to 82kg and now it has gone back up so much.... and don't say its because I'm building muscle because my clothes do not feel any different at all....I've been doing this for 4 weeks now and I'm getting very close to giving up.... except that I like all my new friends I probably would!

    I've already had lots 4 big glasses of water today (needing to pee every 5 minutes).... and I'm going to be extra strict for a couple of days and see if it makes any difference.... and I guess I need to up the exercise.... back to the gym for me I think.:embarassed:


    lisa...DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!....im sorry, i know it tough, specially when we are doing all that we are supposed to.....maybe go back in see your food diary, see if there is anything that can be tweaked....also make sure you are eating enough calories, if we eat too little we dont lose weight....and water, water, water it really helps.....and of course exercise....:flowerforyou:
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi All!

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    I kept wondering if it was possible to have 2 full moons at the same time. Very odd day. All kinds of weird computer glitches too. I bought a new scale and it looks like my old scale was lying to me..sadly in the wrong direction...I get to add 2 lbs! The new one seems to be more accurate. I feel like I'm starting all over.

    Barbie...I'll gladly pay for the shipping if you want to send me applesauce! I love applesauce! with alittle touch of cinnamon..mmmmmm

    Mary...enjoy time with your daughter. My sons will always be my babies...even though they're both just about 6ft. My oldest broke his leg playing softball and had to come home for a bit. He had to stay off his leg for a while and didn't have a walking cast. I had a great time taking care of him again. I spent most of my time in the kitchen. That kid didn't stop eating!

    Genealace...I'll include your friend in my prayers. Sometimes it's hard to keep in touch w/someone in the hospital..they're asleep, out for tests, visiting w/drs, etc. When my brother was in the hospital and I wanted to talk to him, I had to show up at the door. He hated talking on the phone. Fortunately, the hospital is very close to me,

    Lisa...I feel your pain! But we can't give up. At least we know we're trying and moving in the right direction. Eventually, the work will pay off. I'm feeling super puffy and totally uncomfy. (grabbing my water bottle!) The first thing I did when i got home from work was put on my relaxing clothes....big bulky shirt and jammy pants with an elastic waist. I admire your exercise dedication.

    It seems we may be getting some wintry weather this weekend! We've had some really great fall days here in South Jersey. A nor'easter has been mentioned! There's a chance..slim (unlike me)...that we could get a good bit of snow. I don't think it will happen, but I'll get the shovel out just in case.

    Everyone have a great Friday!

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :smile: Started on my increased dosage of thyroid medication today. It will take at least a couple of months before I would notice a difference. Thyroid meds are like that. This would take me to January 2012. I have been on thyroid medication since 1989 after going undiagnosed (and misdiagnosed) for many many years. My life literally started at age 40!!! I remember when I started feeling human, when I could go for a walk, when I could wake up in the morning not exhausted, when I could make it through a day, when I was able to look after my family, when I could think. All those things that can be taken for granted when one is healthy!

    :heart: :heart: Rebel
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: early to bed tonight so we can get up at 4:30 for DH to fishing.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: about water:drinker: :drinker: someone on this thread told me that she kept a small pad of paper and pencil on the counter in the kitchen and made a tally mark for each glass of water.:drinker: I've been doing that since I got the idea (over a year) and it works:bigsmile: I like watching the marks accumulate and I treat water like a prescription
    I don't wait until I want to drink water, I just drink it because it's good for me.:drinker: sometimes I've had to stand in the kitchen near bedtime and drink three glasses of water before going to bed.:drinker: yes, I get up to pee three times every night, but with practice, I've gotten so that it doesn't keep me from going back to sleep.

    :bigsmile: about giving up.:bigsmile: the reason I got to be 62 years old weighing over 180 pounds is that I'd try to lose weight for awhile, get discouraged and give up and gain a few more pounds. This time, I took never, never, never, give up as one of my mantras and so far it's working.

    :bigsmile: for anyone who's wondering why she's not losing weight, consider opening your food diary and asking for suggestions.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I love my pedometer and never go anywhere without it. It makes me walk more when I don't want to, just to see the numbers go up.:laugh: