support group for losing those last 10 lbs.



  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I missed the spreadsheet post, but I'm entered in now! I'm also the heaviest! :ohwell:
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    shannon, you are also one of the tallest probably. so try not to get upset with your weight. i am only 5'4" so i need to only weigh 127. if i had another inch, i'd allow myself another 5lb. it's ok because we are all here to lose and i'm sure you'll be able to do it!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    shannon, you are also one of the tallest probably. so try not to get upset with your weight. i am only 5'4" so i need to only weigh 127. if i had another inch, i'd allow myself another 5lb. it's ok because we are all here to lose and i'm sure you'll be able to do it!

    Thanks! Yeah I realize my height has to do with it, I'm also medium framed. I think it's neat how we're all different; like how my goal weight is some people's heaviest weight! :laugh:
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    no weight loss this week. i'm going to change my food cals
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    since we are all very different people i added body frame and height. feel free to add yours or not add yours. might help us understand how we all have different body shapes and goals in mind.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I missed the spreadsheet post, but I'm entered in now! I'm also the heaviest! :ohwell:

    not for long :sad:

    I (not surprisengly) gained 2 pounds this week, which is par for the course. Gain 2 lose 1, gain 1 lose 3, lose 2 gain 4......
    Since february people....
    Yes I am pissed.....However I am keepin on truckin. I am actually increasing my intake to maintenance for a month and try to reset my metabolism and then start cutting back again.....
    Havent filled out spreadsheet yet, will do that later today.
    Hope you all are having a better scale day than me!!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    143.2, 17 lbs away from goal :(

    things I have done well this week: Workouts on track
    things I have done poorly this week: food choices
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    hi up from monday...i am 148.4...ugh..entering data..i know that i need to focus....

    * exercise goal this week is to do something 6x a week starting this week
    *dont go over maintainence level calories this week and try to stay at weight loss calories for most of week...

    we can do this!
  • coldcoffee
    i just have the 10 pounds left to go! im having a lot of trouble with stopping eating junk after i have like even 1 bite, over all ive been trying to be pretty healthy, but tht once bite kills me! at the same time ive heard ur suppose to indulge every so often, does anyone else have this problem? has anyone else overcome this problem?
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    i just have the 10 pounds left to go! im having a lot of trouble with stopping eating junk after i have like even 1 bite, over all ive been trying to be pretty healthy, but tht once bite kills me! at the same time ive heard ur suppose to indulge every so often, does anyone else have this problem? has anyone else overcome this problem?

    HA! No way could I have just one bite of a junk food that I like. I try to eat very well (healthy) most of the time. However, if I want a treat here and there, I will have a treat and keep it within my calorie goals. Yesterday, I had apple pie for lunch. Was it the healthy thing to do? No, but it was within my calorie goals. Would I do it often? Absolutely not! However, we all need to live a little.
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    i just have the 10 pounds left to go! im having a lot of trouble with stopping eating junk after i have like even 1 bite, over all ive been trying to be pretty healthy, but tht once bite kills me! at the same time ive heard ur suppose to indulge every so often, does anyone else have this problem? has anyone else overcome this problem?

    HA! No way could I have just one bite of a junk food that I like. I try to eat very well (healthy) most of the time. However, if I want a treat here and there, I will have a treat and keep it within my calorie goals. Yesterday, I had apple pie for lunch. Was it the healthy thing to do? No, but it was within my calorie goals. Would I do it often? Absolutely not! However, we all need to live a little.
    Amen sister...I agree with you..a splurge every now and then is worth it. sometimes before I even taste that first bite..I either give the other half away, portion it out..or throw it away!...Life is too short not to live... within moderation and with balance:-)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    So excited to see so many new faces!! Just a few things...

    * weighing in on sure to post your weight
    *let us know at the end of the week what you thought worked for you or didn't
    *try doing the exercises through the week that you don't care for (mine is core)
    *positive attitude..its about the journey

    We are all fearfully and wonderfully made women..appreciate your body and how strong you are and are becoming.
    We can get through this together!! Take care:smile:

    I entered my data and my weight is up as usual! I lose and gain the same 5 pounds as I mentioned earlier. Today is not my usual weigh in day, so that may change in a few days, because monday is was 2 pounds lighter, so I know its probably fluid, but still sucks.
    Its hard to say what is not working, except for nothing is working.I think that part of the problem is that I am trying different things and only waiting a week and if they dont work I try something else, and i think I need to give things more time...So as of Monday I changed goal to maintain, and I am trying to average 2000-2200 calories per day. ( I average 2500 cal burn per day). I have been told by a few that I should eat more, so I am going to stick with this for at least another 2-3 weeks. Then I will start cutting back and see what helps!!
    Still trying to figure out what exercise I can do that I dont care for!! Honestly I like working out, so this is hard. One thing I am not really good at is pull ups, but doing p90x, I cant do them on off days otherwise when I have them during the workouts, I will lose steam....
    I am trying to be positive....trying....
    I appreciate everyones support here as well!!! Its very frustrating that when I started on MFP I had roughly 10-12 pounds til ultimate goal and as time goes by that number is climbing even though my calorie defecit is getting bigger!!!
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    i dont know if my current weight is right, its what i weighed last saturday. i have been totally stressed out this week for personal stuff which effects my weight. then this afternoon i spent in a hospital with a student. im exhaustion and not cooking tonight.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    Well, my official Thursday weigh in is 134.5 ....up 1.5 pounds. How does that happen? Although maybe my body is still getting used to going off of Atkins 3 weeks ago.

    TOM is only 4 days away too, so I've been craving and caving in to sweets/junk. Just had a horrible meal at Tumbleweed. Could have been worse, but I think it was the chips and queso dip that killed me!

    It will be really hard for me to exercise starting tomorrow thru Sunday because family is in town and they are staying in the guest room/ exercise room. Hoping for better numbers next week! Just have to really clean up the eating, especially while not being able to exercise for 3 days!

    Hope everybody else had a great week!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Yesterday was Day 10 for me. I was down 3 lbs! (Mostly water-weight, I'm sure.)

    Anyway, today was Day 11. I did record in the spreadsheet. I only managed to walk for 30 minutes, today, and so keeping track of my calories is key. But, I'm hungry today, for sure.
  • sissamae
    sissamae Posts: 232 Member
    I would like to join this group. I know I am about a week late, but really need some help with the last 10 pounds. I have been going up and down the past two weeks between 125 & 126.6. I hit 124.6 two weeks ago and haven't seen below 125 since. I have been exercising almost daily and mixing it up between C25K, 30DS and Zumba. I know that my sodium intake has been a little high some days, but feel like I have been doing pretty well so I am getting frustrated. Hoping some ideas and some support will help!
  • majoca
    majoca Posts: 21 Member
    Hi all, would it be okay if I joined as well? I've reached my official WW goal recently (top end of healthy BMI) and would like to lose another 7-10lbs to give me a bit of wiggle room and at the moment i could just eat eat and eat some more, lol, Have decided to double track with WW and MFP as MFP has a brilliant android app as well as giving me a better view of all the free fruit and veg on WW and how this affects my calorie intake. So far so good!

    My least favourite exercise has to be crunches, sit ups and anything to do with that although my tummy is the area that still needs the most attention so i vow to concentrate on this. Actually push ups are another one of my pet hates and my arms remain very big so that's another area, lol.

    Generally I'm very active, running about 3 times per week, 2 high intensity step classes and Zumba whenever I can fit it in as well as body tone. My body is still changing a lot despite not losing much anymore and generally I'm very happy with myself with the normal ups and downs when looking in the mirror lol

    Hope everyone has a good week so far!
  • amys31
    amys31 Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome to the new ladies who joined our group....

    Sounds like many of you are in a transition phase...I encourage you all to give your "new" diet/exercise changes some time..preferably a few weeks.

    I just started eating more calories(4 days ago)...and my weight has increased and now stayed the same for the last 2 weeks, but I am hopeful that by next week..I will start to see the number drop. I feel I guess that accounts for something!

    Just remember that our bodies are very sensitive...meaning to hormones (TOM)...stress whether from exercise or personal life...and also sodium etc. Look at your body as a machine that is becoming stronger and that needs to be taken care of..and that includes rest and fueling it with proper nutrition.

    this week's challenge:

    Continue to incorporate1-2 workouts that focus on exercises that you like the least.

    Look back at your diet...if you have a few "less desirable" eating habits..pick one and vow to eliminate it this week.
    example: mine is to cut out my afternoon (3pm) chip snacking..and eat a healthy snack instead.

    Pick an outfit/ jeans etc and have that be something that you work towards fitting into better. You could even weigh in Thursday and try on you clothing of choice that day too (so we can see inches). I have a pair of jeans that are my goal to fit into..:smile:

    "You don't always get what you wish get what you work for."

    Lets work hard this week!!:happy:

    Good luck ladies
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Taking a day off from workout today and eating whatever the heck I dang please. My birthday today! :smile:

    Tomorrow is back to workouts, and trying to maintain a decent calorie consumption. I have a tendency for too much or almost nothing, so it is quite the task for me to stay on target. I have been taking my weight every morning and each Wednesday I calculate the past 7 days average. I am really hoping to see at least a few ounces drop off this week, but I will understand the 'new' gym routines may be the cause of some weight retention.
  • misty_gene2005
    misty_gene2005 Posts: 21 Member
    Congrats to reaching your WW goal! Im trying to double track too. ive been doing WW for a couple weeks and only lost 4-5 lbs : (.
    I cant get myself to workout like i should.. I want to lose 10 more lbs.