Let's go sugar-free!

whether you want to go cold turkey or just control the sweets intake,
whether you want to set up an example or just look for support,
whether you have already succeeded at this or want to make a turn,
whether you want to commit for the remaining of the year or set up weekly goals,
whether you have a plan to share or want to take up other's idea,

.... I challenge you to limit the intake of/eliminate sugar from your life ....

...at least for a while :). Set up a goal ("no more then, say, 200cal-worth sweets per day" or "counting the days when I am not having sweets for desert" or "no sweets past 4 p.m.") and then post regularly in this thread to tell us how it goes for you.

Who's in with me? :flowerforyou: We start on November 1st (gives us time to train for the challenge - and NOT to stuff our faces in fear of the deprivation to come :wink:).

Note: this is not a thread on sugar-alternatives. I'd strongly recommend keeping such debates outside of it - if you do want to speak up your mind, please open a new topic and simply link it here. Thank you :wink:.


  • I did Atkins for two years a while back and loved it. This time around I'm just trying to watch calories, which usually means limiting sweets anyway. I had gestational diabetes and hypoglycemia issues run in my family so keeping the sugar to a limit is a long term goal for me.
  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    I just started watching my carb and sugar intake and have it pretty low for the past 4 days . I lost 4 lbs ( which I know isnt really 'fat' loss but mostly water weight ) . It definitely motivated me though as I was stuck in a rut for the passed couple of months . I'm hoping to keep it low , about 50 carbs and 20 sugar , and see how it goes so I am in !!
  • hopeitlasts
    hopeitlasts Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Looking to cut the sugar intake. Wow is it hard!

    Looking to keep my sugar under 25g per day and cut from there.

    I'm in!
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    Im IN! my nutritionist last night challenged me to try No sugar and No gluten, Im all in cold turkey, I know myself as a person, and moderation is not an option for me right now. Looking to get over my plateau and feel better in general :)
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Are you saying there will be no bananas?
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I'm ready (of course everyone realizes that we are starting this challenge after all the Halloween calendar goes on sale right? :grumble: )
  • when you say sugar free, you aren't counting sugar, right?
  • kkarrolle
    kkarrolle Posts: 120 Member
    There are a couple of great books about going sugar free (well almost sugar free) by David Gillespie..Sweet Poison and the Sweet Poison food plan....the first book is a definite 'must read' if serious about going sugar free.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Pretty sure you need healthy sugars in your diet..
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Hi dew! Thanks for getting us started.:flowerforyou:

    I am in, but I need to think about how I want to structure the challenge for me. I am not concerned about the sugar that is in yoghurt or fruit, etc. It's the processed sweets/chocolate that do me in, like the Reese's peanut butter cups and snickers bar I had the other day.:blushing:

    So, by Nov. 1, I will articulate my challenge/goal and post it to keep me honest. Thanks again, dew!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Dew~Thanks for this challenge! :flowerforyou:

    Ok, this is going to be SOOO HARD but Im in!

    My goal for November: 20 days of NO SWEETS! :noway: Thats about 5 days a week of no sweets. I know it seems like an easy goal but it will be a challenge for me. I like to have my little snacks after a long day (moderation is key :bigsmile: ). I can do this, I can do this... (will be chanting this all month)

    Good Luck Everyone!!!! :smile:
  • irishdancer23
    irishdancer23 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi! I would love to join! I am going to keep eating sugars in natural things like fruit and vegetables, but I would like to cut out all or most of the processed sugar in my diet. loveme445- would you mind if i joined in on this goal with you? we can support each other! i know this is going to be rough, but together, I think we can do it! :)
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    There are a couple of great books about going sugar free (well almost sugar free) by David Gillespie..Sweet Poison and the Sweet Poison food plan....the first book is a definite 'must read' if serious about going sugar free.
    Thanks for the book suggestion!!:flowerforyou:
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    whether you want to go cold turkey or just control the sweets intake,
    whether you want to set up an example or just look for support,
    whether you have already succeeded at this or want to make a turn,
    whether you want to commit for the remaining of the year or set up weekly goals,
    whether you have a plan to share or want to take up other's idea,

    .... I challenge you to limit the intake of/eliminate sugar from your life ....

    ...at least for a while :). Set up a goal ("no more then, say, 200cal-worth sweets per day" or "counting the days when I am not having sweets for desert" or "no sweets past 4 p.m.") and then post regularly in this thread to tell us how it goes for you.

    Who's in with me? :flowerforyou: We start on November 1st (gives us time to train for the challenge - and NOT to stuff our faces in fear of the deprivation to come :wink:).

    Note: this is not a thread on sugar-alternatives. I'd strongly recommend keeping such debates outside of it - if you do want to speak up your mind, please open a new topic and simply link it here. Thank you :wink:.

    Sounds good to me! Thanks for getting us started Dewie:heart::wink:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    loveme445, I like your challenge and goal so I will adopt it as my own. :flowerforyou:

    Goal: 20 days without sweets for the month of November.
    Hopefully, tomorrow I will get to post Me:1 and Sweets: 0. We'll see. At least I don't have any Halloween candy in the house.

  • mtbke5
    mtbke5 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm in. I'm going to limit my sugar consumtion to 3-4 days of processed sugar (candy, baked goods) a week. I only eat about 50-100 calories a day of it already but it seems to stare me in the face every time I pass by it. I have to cut out dairy anyway so this is a good addition.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Are you saying there will be no bananas?

    No, I am not. I, for one, am not counting the sugars from fruit (grapes, bananas). I believe that their vitamins and minerals counterbalance the sugars. Plus, I am not eating them in large quantities (I like the apples sour and nectarines not fully ripped).

    This being said, if you feel like giving up sugary fruit or if you need to (such as doctor's orders :)), then yes, no bananas :). It's up to everyone to set up their goals in this challenge.

    If you do have freedom in fixing your goal, don't be harder on yourself than you need to be. Constant failure/deprivation can lead to frustration and frustration can discourage oneself. Good luck with finding the right thing for you and sticking with it!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Lorna, that's the very point of this :wink:. Saving some of the sales' sweets for others ;).
    Pretty sure you need healthy sugars in your diet..

    Me too - I should have said "processed sugar-free" :wink:

    Loveme, Zaza, there's three of us with the same goal, then :smile: : I am going for (at least) 20 days of no sweets, but I am allowing myself a max of approx. 200cal a day. I'll decide at the end of each day if I deserve the point or not.

    Since I do not drink coffee/black tea, I will allow myself a few squares of dark chocolate a day.

    Good luck, everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • leigh33ca
    leigh33ca Posts: 104 Member
    I would like to give this ago. Will have to start tomorrow as I got into the Halloween chocolate:blushing: :blushing:

    My goal will be to cut back and hopefully go cold turkey.

    I did go two weeks without buying a chocolate bar at work (normally eat at least one a day). I know I know!:grumble: :grumble:

    In lue of chocolates and cookies I normally will eat granola bars and fibre bars...so will have to see how much sugar are in them as well. Good bye diet coke...hello water!:drinker:

    whether you want to go cold turkey or just control the sweets intake,
    whether you want to set up an example or just look for support,
    whether you have already succeeded at this or want to make a turn,
    whether you want to commit for the remaining of the year or set up weekly goals,
    whether you have a plan to share or want to take up other's idea,

    .... I challenge you to limit the intake of/eliminate sugar from your life ....

    ...at least for a while :). Set up a goal ("no more then, say, 200cal-worth sweets per day" or "counting the days when I am not having sweets for desert" or "no sweets past 4 p.m.") and then post regularly in this thread to tell us how it goes for you.

    Who's in with me? :flowerforyou: We start on November 1st (gives us time to train for the challenge - and NOT to stuff our faces in fear of the deprivation to come :wink:).

    Note: this is not a thread on sugar-alternatives. I'd strongly recommend keeping such debates outside of it - if you do want to speak up your mind, please open a new topic and simply link it here. Thank you :wink:.
  • mellissabee
    mellissabee Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in, I've actually been doing it for 1 week already and I've lost 5 lbs. Today it's sucking a bit- there is a ton of Halloween Candy in my house!!! But I have been strong all day!! I have a bit of a headache and I'm not feeling really energetic as of yet but my cravings now are very manageable. Day 3 was awful!! Good luck everyone.