how many calories burned with 30 day shred levels?



  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    I just started this morning and loved it! I added Level 1 to the Fitness Pal database at 190 calories.

    Hello, I'm doing a few of Jillian's fitness routines including 30 day shread and no more trouble zones, which is a longer work out but similar in intensity. I put down 40mins of circuit training in my exercise log and it said I only burned 22 calories, I don't seem able to change the calories manually. How do you record it? Are you saying that you have manually added an exercise with the number of calories because I can't figure out how to do it! Thanks
  • vicky022389
    vicky022389 Posts: 1 Member
    I just searched for something similar (aerobics) for 20-30 mins and it came up with 213 calories...I am 5'5" and 158lbs so I think that sounds about right
  • Wibikerlady
    Wibikerlady Posts: 73 Member
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I use the calorie counters here:
    to gauge. I also have an HRM and I have to say this site has the most accurate results, compared to that. At 210, I burned between 310-350 depending on level.

    NOTE: On this site above, you have to enter 30DS as Aerobic, high impact.
  • When I first started LEvel 1 9 days ago my HRM said about 220 for the workout, down to 180 now so not finding it as tough, thinking of moving onto Level 2 tonight.
  • karireyn
    karireyn Posts: 8 Member
    I just did level 1 for the first time last night and it kicked my butt. I'm feeling it in my legs this morning. I did the calculator and came up with 150 calories per workout which seems about right for me. How do you know when to move onto level 2?
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    I just did level 1 for the first time last night and it kicked my butt. I'm feeling it in my legs this morning. I did the calculator and came up with 150 calories per workout which seems about right for me. How do you know when to move onto level 2?

    Jillian suggests 10 days, but if you are in good physical condition, challenge yourself. But give it a couple of days, so you don't get super sore.
  • Aries03
    Aries03 Posts: 179 Member
  • I did this workout system over the summer and lost about 3 inches off of my stomach it was great! I stopped doing it for the last couple of months though and i'm just starting up again, I think it roughly burns about 200 calories in level one which is great for only 20 minutes! :)
  • I'm on day 3 and feel amazing. So strong!

    I entered 20 minutes of circuit training into my log and it calculated at about 230 calories burned.
  • i think it's a great dvd. my mom lost 10lbs from using it so far. i use it as morning cardio workout to get my day started. i use 10lb dumbells though so on level 3 i burn about 300cals. great 20min burn.
  • but it is a 20 minute work out right?
  • i used to have an account at and the 30ds for level 1 is 500 calories burned ( that was for me at 218lbs) per 30 minutes.
  • but it is a 20 minute work out right?

    it is a 20 min workout with a 5 min warm up and a 5 min cool down totally 30 mintues
  • but it is a 20 minute work out right?

    Yes but there is also a 5 min warm up and 5 min cool down
  • zenthebird
    zenthebird Posts: 46 Member
    I weigh 145 and burn 220 for level1 and the same for level2--- BUT, I "jump rope" in place while she is explaining all of the moves that I already know.
  • Get a lot lower when doing all the exercises that helps burn more and makes you push your body more
  • PattyCake123
    PattyCake123 Posts: 156 Member
    I just finished my daily dose of 30DS :) with my HRM it said that I burned a little over 300 cals on the first level. I am 5'6", 201 lbs and increased the intensity I do 30DS by getting lower and using larger weights (for me that is, I'm up to 5lb weights).
  • I'm not exactly sure how to calculate how many calories I'm burning with 30 day shred... I'm imaging somewhere between 180-200??? I put in myfitnesspal that its circuit training for 20 min and it said 221 calories?? I guess it's pretty similar, but wouldnt the level and how much you put into it make a difference?
  • jlsmith4
    jlsmith4 Posts: 1 Member
    I use the "circuit training, general" entry and it comes up with about 200 calories for the 20 minute this sounds about right based on what everyone else has indicated.
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