p90x 90 day challenge October 1



  • Week 4... Core synergistics today!

    I am still going to be lifting weights as well as doing week 4. I just love lifting and we have this nice bench and weights at home now... Cant pass up the opportunity to burn extra cals to eat a bit more as well. I finally got myself an inexpensive hrm to know what I burn.

    Will let you all know how it goes tonight, I'm scurrrred!!

    GREAT JOB and GREAT PLAN! There is nothing wrong with burning extra calories! Keep up the good work! :happy:
  • MIne and the hubby's new weights come in on Tuesday. I can't WAIT to pump up the lbs. I am SO ready for some heavier weights.
    Great run today too! You are kicking behind!!! WOO HOO!!! Anymore races coming up??? XO Kelly :flowerforyou:

    SO exciting to get new equipment! I just got a set of Bowflex Selecttechs, and I can't wait to get back on weights next week. I really like the resistance bands, but sometimes it takes too long to get set up with them. And these weights feel good!
  • I've been struggling a bit lately. I'm been really tired and getting frustrated that the scale has not been moving. I've even missed some workouts (I know, I know -- bad stuff)! Just wanted to let you guys know that when I've felt really bad, I come back here and read this thread and you guys motivate me all over again. Thanks so much Coach Kelly and thanks to all of you guys for your inspiring stories. Can't tell you how much I appreciate it. We can do this!

    Struggle is okay; frustration not so much. If you started with the rest of the group, you should be in the Recovery Week right now. At the end of this week, we should all do a round of pictures and - most importantly - of measurements. Those measurements are what count - NOT the scales. In P90X the scales are not your friends. The tape measure IS. Just hold on to that for now and have faith. This program works if you work. It's just that it takes 90 days, not 30. For myself, I've gained maybe half a pound since the beginning of the program, but my friends are noticing positive changes in my body, which is what matters.

    Don't beat yourself up over the missed workouts. You're working out now, and that's what matters. Keep pushing-play - and keep posting. We're all in this thing together, and we will all get through it together!

    Thanks so much for the encouragement. I am ABsolutely seeing results in terms of how my clothes are fitting and its definitely easier to do some of the workouts. I am still however struggling with being tired. I'm not sure if I'm eating too much/too little, etc. MFP suggested 1200 calories, but the P90X suggests much more. Not sure what to do and so I've settled on 1350 and sometimes have difficulty eating even that. Other days, I am starving and can't seem to get enough. Ultimately, I guess I'm still trying to figure out the diet part. Any help the group has on this would be welcomed. My diary is open.

    Thanks again!

    The diet part is the most difficult, I find. If you've been sticking with 50% protein, you've probably gotten entirely through your store of easy energy. Next week, when we go back to a more normal diet, your energy level should increase. Are you, by the way, doing a recovery drink after your workouts? And are you drinking Shakeology? If not, it might be worth a try. Kelly and I can speak more to the value of Shakeology. Just message me if you want more info.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey all was peeking through your thread...I just restarted P90x today and was wondering I could join your conversation. I had purchased P90x at the end of last year...got through 60 some days and the holiday came and I puttered out. Picked up Insanity, kicked that's butt and now I'm back to P90x and I want that 'aha, achieved the whole program' thing that comes from starting and completing a whole program. :smile:
  • Hey all was peeking through your thread...I just restarted P90x today and was wondering I could join your conversation. I had purchased P90x at the end of last year...got through 60 some days and the holiday came and I puttered out. Picked up Insanity, kicked that's butt and now I'm back to P90x and I want that 'aha, achieved the whole program' thing that comes from starting and completing a whole program. :smile:

    Absolutely! I would love you to join our challenge. Congrats on day 1 of your redo. You are going to kill it this time just like you did with Insanity. Welcome aboard!
    Kelly :flowerforyou:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Thanks Kelly! Your goals are kick @ss!!

    I did yesterday's workout in the AM, tonights will be in the PM. This sinus/cold crap has AMs sucking but Plyo needs checked off and there is NO way I'll skip day 2. :noway:
  • loved11
    loved11 Posts: 92 Member
    hey everyone, uhg!!!! i guess i am a little behind you all, in my third week. this is my 3rd time around doing p90x. i just finished chalene extreme. STILL NOT WHERE I WANT TO BE!!!! I am very frustrated. I am substituting chalene in for cardio X and kenpo, i dont like either workout. kenpo is boring and i have to wear ankle weights and hand weights. Funny now any yoga is so annoying. I used to love it and now i just cant mentally do it. chalene is a hard workout but not as many minutes, about a 200 calorie difference according to online investigation. Do you think thats a big deal?

    I think i have diet down, but cant meet calorie needs without going over in sugar or carbs? any suggestions?

    desparately need motivation with p90....... I am really getting bored
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    new 30 day progress pic!!!I like what I see :love: I will post them here whenerver I get home!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey y'all! Just thought I'd pop in from the other P90x group to throw out some support! Been flicking through this thread and I see some awesome folk bringing it! Canelly - Sweet day 30 shot! Keep it going! Mamareese - way to push through the ill time! Can be tough I know...

    Me, I'm on day 53. Looking forward to hitting the day 60 mark next week and pushing through the last phase to completion!

    Keep pushing play guys. BRING IT!

  • Hey y'all! Just thought I'd pop in from the other P90x group to throw out some support! Been flicking through this thread and I see some awesome folk bringing it! Canelly - Sweet day 30 shot! Keep it going! Mamareese - way to push through the ill time! Can be tough I know...

    Me, I'm on day 53. Looking forward to hitting the day 60 mark next week and pushing through the last phase to completion!

    Keep pushing play guys. BRING IT!


    Hi Jay, Thanks for stopping by! Is this your 1st time through p90x or any Beachbody workouts? Keep stopping by we would love to hear about your progress! Kelly :happy:
  • <
    new 30 day progress pic!!!I like what I see :love: I will post them here whenerver I get home!

    WOOO HOOOOO YOU LOOK AMAZING! Way to go girl! Keep up the great work! I LOVE to see these results.
    Thanks for sharing your pictures. They are a great motivation for the rest of us. I will take my measurements and pics on Monday. I'm hoping to see some sort of results with all the upper body p90x and running I've been doing. :wink:
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey y'all! Just thought I'd pop in from the other P90x group to throw out some support! Been flicking through this thread and I see some awesome folk bringing it! Canelly - Sweet day 30 shot! Keep it going! Mamareese - way to push through the ill time! Can be tough I know...

    Me, I'm on day 53. Looking forward to hitting the day 60 mark next week and pushing through the last phase to completion!

    Keep pushing play guys. BRING IT!


    Hi Jay, Thanks for stopping by! Is this your 1st time through p90x or any Beachbody workouts? Keep stopping by we would love to hear about your progress! Kelly :happy:

    First time through any BB program. I just really want that 'P90X Grad' badge of honour! :)

  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    So excited!!! My hubby just got me this pull-up assist thing....its goes on the bar and has bands that hook onto your foot. It takes 50lbs off my weight, which is perfect for me right now!!! Then as you get stronger, you can remove some of the band for less assist until I can do them on my own!!!! I am super excited to try this out!!! Its still very hard for my with the 50lb assist, I can probably do only 5 at a time...but its progress!!!
  • So excited!!! My hubby just got me this pull-up assist thing....its goes on the bar and has bands that hook onto your foot. It takes 50lbs off my weight, which is perfect for me right now!!! Then as you get stronger, you can remove some of the band for less assist until I can do them on my own!!!! I am super excited to try this out!!! Its still very hard for my with the 50lb assist, I can probably do only 5 at a time...but its progress!!!

    That sounds so cool! Where did her find it? I want one LOL! :D
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 694 Member
    So excited!!! My hubby just got me this pull-up assist thing....its goes on the bar and has bands that hook onto your foot. It takes 50lbs off my weight, which is perfect for me right now!!! Then as you get stronger, you can remove some of the band for less assist until I can do them on my own!!!! I am super excited to try this out!!! Its still very hard for my with the 50lb assist, I can probably do only 5 at a time...but its progress!!!

    That sounds so cool! Where did her find it? I want one LOL! :D

    He got it on amazon...its called the Pull-up Revolution made by Lifeline
    this is the link for it on amazon:
  • Puddle4
    Puddle4 Posts: 5 Member
    Today is my Day 30 of the original Power 90, after measuring everything, I've lost 10 pounds, and dropped 2% in my BMI! I'm very happy with the results. I've been sticking with the MFP diet plan and doing the C25k in parallel.

    I've found only having 2 different work outs in the P90 program thus far extremely boring, I've heard Tony's same jokes at least a dozen times. Its nice seeing the work outs get easier to show my progress, but I've gotten so I dread the same dialogue (I now put him on mute and just play music). So far I've resisted jumping to the Sweat 3-4 and Sculpt 3-4 just to do something different.

    Any suggestions on how to mix it up? Should I go ahead and try the 3-4 and jump to the master series once I get bored with that?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Tony's FORVER yoga today...seemed like it would never end but it was needed, especially after my short run. Legs tomorrow...always love a legs day. Probably should have thought about that before I headed out for my first run in weeks. Opps!:grumble: Have a great weekend!!
  • ddoohaluk
    ddoohaluk Posts: 40 Member
    Starting week 4 today since I took a week off when I had to travel out of town for a family emergency. Last week I hit all of my goals including 3 P90X strength workouts - back/legs, chest/back, and shoulder/arms (all with ARX) and X stretch combined with 3 runs, 2 bikes, and 2 swims. I think X stretch could be my most favorite workout so far as I am horrible as I never take the time to properly stretch and this walks me through it.

    This weeks goals are: 5 P90X workouts - legs/back; 2X core synergistics, and 2X X stretch mixed in with 1 swim, 2 bike workouts and 1 run. I am in the process of taking my training from endurance events (ultrarunning and half/full ironman training) to shorter quicker events (Xterra triathlons and half marathons) and its hard both mentally and physically. I feel weird only running/biking for 1-2 hours instead of 4-5 and often wonder if I am doing enough. And then on the second side, mile repeats at sub-5K base are way harder than my easy run pace I am used to.

    How are my fellow challengers? Let me know what I have to look forward you when I move into week 5 next week (and cycle 2).
  • HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I hope you all survived the goblins, ghosts and the candy! LOL!

    How many of you tuned in and saw Tony Horton on the Dr. Oz show today? I loved hearing Tony's story and the amazing transformation stories. It was so cool to hear how p90x was a major roll in transforming those ladies lives.
    It seemed the key to each of their success and mastering p90x was modifying their moves until they were strong enough to do the more advanced moves and they KEPT PUSHING PLAY! You don't get anything in life without hard work! WAY TO GO LADIES! I wish I could reach out and hug each and every one of those women. SO AMAZING!

    My day...
    I ended up having the day off so I was able to get in a some great workouts. p90x Legs&Back was on the list. Besides running I haven't worked legs sense I have been training for my marathon. Tomorrow might end up being an OOHHH OUCHY kind of day! :tongue:

    Your day...
    How are you all doing??? Time to check in my p90x-ers!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hey all. Check-in time. I'm on track and on schedule. Today was yoga, not all of which I can do - some of the moves are too advanced, so, like Kelly suggests, I modify, modify, modify. I'm getting stronger and more flexible, so at least I'm making some progress. Diet has been a problem this past week. Too many dinners out!

    Btw, I wasn't able to catch the Dr. Oz show live, but I'll watch the video on the web. I actually almost know one of the participants - Kim Parker. She spoke at an event I was at last month. Very inspiring! And motivating. It's all about commitment and discipline. Push-play - every day! And Bring It!

    Hope everyone is doing well. If so, please post. If not, please post! This is a great support group. Let us know if you need us! Have a great night everyone.