30 Day Shred! Join me!!



  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Finished D1L1 Man I need to get back into this I am sooo Out of shape my leggs kept shaking during the workouts cant wait till I get stronger but the end went alot better for me other than thoes darn BICYCLE CRUNCHES!!!
  • weimawhat
    weimawhat Posts: 25 Member
    I would love to join too! I have done this workout a few times but it's been awhile and it's a killer. Maybe if I would actually stick with it longer than 2 days at a time, I would get faster results. It's late and I did the elliptical today so I will start tomorrow. I have a LONG way to go. Need to get into better shape for Florida with my family at Christmas. :)
  • gottaloveit7771

    My whole body is still sore :( I am still having to take a few 4-5 second breaks, but not as many as on day 1 so that is good! Also my arms a VERY weak. I guess I never realized this until I started working out, haha. I am only using 3 lb weights too... I would dread using the 5 lbers!

    ***Keep up the good work every one!! You are all doing wonderful :)***
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Thats ok I lost one of my 3lbs weights so I used none I need to buy a new on whenever I get any money

    My whole body is still sore :( I am still having to take a few 4-5 second breaks, but not as many as on day 1 so that is good! Also my arms a VERY weak. I guess I never realized this until I started working out, haha. I am only using 3 lb weights too... I would dread using the 5 lbers!

    ***Keep up the good work every one!! You are all doing wonderful :)***
  • gottaloveit7771
    Thats ok I lost one of my 3lbs weights so I used none I need to buy a new on whenever I get any money

    You could always use two water bottles... equivalent to 2 lbs? lol! That is what I would do if I didn't have my weights :)
  • gottaloveit7771
    I would love to join too! I have done this workout a few times but it's been awhile and it's a killer. Maybe if I would actually stick with it longer than 2 days at a time, I would get faster results. It's late and I did the elliptical today so I will start tomorrow. I have a LONG way to go. Need to get into better shape for Florida with my family at Christmas. :)

    I have trouble sticking with things too. That is why I started this. I wanted to be held accountable :) I hope you find this a good support for you too!
  • bnbandy
    bnbandy Posts: 25 Member
    Ok. Yesterday was an incredibly long full day and I didn't get a workout in. I know myself and if I don't get back to it, I will quit so I am going to try to do day 5 today.
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    I know if you start early in the morning doing it first thing it helps you have more energy all day long. Thats what I do on the weekends but on weekdays im out of my house by 6am for school so i do it after
    Ok. Yesterday was an incredibly long full day and I didn't get a workout in. I know myself and if I don't get back to it, I will quit so I am going to try to do day 5 today.
  • gottaloveit7771
    Ok. Yesterday was an incredibly long full day and I didn't get a workout in. I know myself and if I don't get back to it, I will quit so I am going to try to do day 5 today.

    I know exactly how you feel. I know if I skip a day, it is all down hill from there. Stay strong!! You can do it! =D
  • gottaloveit7771
    I feel like a lot of people dropped of the topic! If you are still with us give a little shout out so we know how you are doing!!

  • weimawhat
    weimawhat Posts: 25 Member
    L1D1 complete!!! Yea!
  • Liopleurodon
    Well I've done the first four days now and my fiance swears it's making a difference but I think that may be his imagination at this stage. It's taken me a little by surprise how much my calves hurt compared with everything else. Anyone else find that the first set of cardio is a killer, and much harder than the second set?

    It's doing something to my body anyway :) I still can't do a bicycle crunch. I have no idea how that thing even works but I know my body doesn't want to do it.
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Nice keep up the good work
    L1D1 complete!!! Yea!
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    I agree with you on that, the bicycle one is my least favorite but keep it up you can do it!
    Well I've done the first four days now and my fiance swears it's making a difference but I think that may be his imagination at this stage. It's taken me a little by surprise how much my calves hurt compared with everything else. Anyone else find that the first set of cardio is a killer, and much harder than the second set?

    It's doing something to my body anyway :) I still can't do a bicycle crunch. I have no idea how that thing even works but I know my body doesn't want to do it.
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    I just Finished D2L1 GREAT WAY TO STAY MOTAVITED is... if you have skype and have friends or family who will do it with you do it over skype I just did my workout with my cousin who lives in another state. Love it

    REMEMBER: try to post pictures from day onr or starting then post pictures of the results after just 10 days on L1 then do the same once completed L2 day 10 and L3 day 10

  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Are you still with us
    Sorry, first picture posting for me.. If I got it wrong, please educate me... nicely. :)


    <div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="http://static.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf&quot; flashvars="rssFeed=http%3A%2F%2Ffeed1198.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Faa443%2FSnowridesbikes%2Ffeed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="http://photobucket.com/redirect/album?showShareLB=1&quot; target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif&quot; style="border:none;" /></a><a href="http://s1198.photobucket.com/albums/aa443/Snowridesbikes/&quot; target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif&quot; style="border:none;" /></a></div>

    SO what I did was copied this code below, and change the IMG to img
  • CaseyLeah87
    Just finished L1D4... and my shin is KILLING me!!! I thought my shin splints from running last week had healed up but maybe something I did today put more pressure on it. I'm just going to ice it down, take some ibuprofin, and relax. And attempt my day 5 tomorrow.
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Be careful if you feel that its bothering you too much take a day off and start back up again when your better
    Just finished L1D4... and my shin is KILLING me!!! I thought my shin splints from running last week had healed up but maybe something I did today put more pressure on it. I'm just going to ice it down, take some ibuprofin, and relax. And attempt my day 5 tomorrow.
  • CaseyLeah87
    Thank you! :smile: Yeah, I am going to take off until Tuesday to give my shin some rest, but I WILL continue this!!! I'm way too determined to quit!!! I'm pretty upset with myself though for even having to take a break:grumble:
  • gottaloveit7771
    Well I've done the first four days now and my fiance swears it's making a difference but I think that may be his imagination at this stage. It's taken me a little by surprise how much my calves hurt compared with everything else. Anyone else find that the first set of cardio is a killer, and much harder than the second set?

    It's doing something to my body anyway :) I still can't do a bicycle crunch. I have no idea how that thing even works but I know my body doesn't want to do it.

    I know this sounds funny... but I think the jump rope is the WORST!! I used to love it when I was a kid, but maybe if there was an actual rope involved, I would like it more... haha!

    Also, I feel my muscles are WAY more firm. Only 4 days and I can feel a result... can't wait until 30 :)