How often do you weigh?



  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    I just posted a blog about how to track your 10-day weight average instead of your daily weight, in order to minimize freak-outs over (usually harmless) water weight fluctuations. Check it out here:

    Great Idea!

    I very rarely weight myself, maybe once a month...if that! If I do It more than that I get crazy obsessed!
  • natural813
    natural813 Posts: 186 Member
    Once a week. It works great, every week I see weight coming off :)
  • momofwish
    I weigh myself first thing in the morning with no clothes on after using the restroom. Only exception is during "that time". I don't weigh at all during that week. :)
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I normally try to weigh myself everyday, but lately I haven't since it's no longer my priority at the moment.
  • Shishkeberry
    Shishkeberry Posts: 95 Member
    I weigh once a day right after I wake up and go to the bathroom. Sometimes I weigh myself before and after going to the bathroom just to see how much it weighed. :P
  • horror_hamster
    i weigh once a week because the scale fluctuated up and down during the week and it would get discouraging. So i weigh on tuesdays, first think in the morning, stark naked, after i've pooped. (sorry, wasn't going to sugar coat that)
  • weezie0821
    weezie0821 Posts: 11 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, but lately i have found myself weighing in more than I should. I don't let the fluctuations bother me because i continually lose weight
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Every morning. If I lose, I feel encouraged to keep going. If I stay the same, I make some minor adjustments from the day before to make sure I show a loss the next morning. If I gain, it's the reality check I need to get focused and make sure the number doesn't continue to creep up.

  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    I weigh every day ~ first thing in the morning without clothes on. I also check measurements daily. I like seeing the # drop, even if its just a lil bit, or stay the same. If I dont weigh daily it bothers me. I've also weighed at night just to see what I've eaten thru out the day has added on ~ I know its going to be more so it doesnt bother me.
  • BenKnowsFitness
    BenKnowsFitness Posts: 451 Member
    every day. when I get out of bed and when I get home from work. I can tell you within a pound what it will read. Some folks say don't worry about it and I agree. I don't worry about it but I still check each day.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    once a month, on the 15th in the morning after nature calls, anymore than this would drive me insane.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    Almost daily. I don't have the will power to do it once a week so Monday through Friday I weigh myself after I shower for work. On the weekends I work out before I shower so I skip it since my routine is different.
  • RockHardAngel_777
    I only weigh myself once a month now. That is only because I am pretty close to my "ideal" weight that I really don't need to check it very often. I am more or less "maintaining". But I believe it depends on how much weight you have to lose. If you have a great amount of weigt to lose, I would say the best thing would be to pick one day at the end of your "exercise" week and weigh in in the morning. If you have about "20lbs" to lose, I would say weigh every 2 weeks, but if you are very close to the "goal" or right at it, there is not a good reason to freak yourself out every day about a few lbs gained and a few lost. ( can gain anywhere from 3-5lbs in a week, from water fluctuation, among things that I may have eatin that are "bloaters") Hope you figure it out darlin, but don't stress the scale, best thing is to do "measurements"! Or go by "how my clothes feel" (thats how my husband does it!) ;d
  • troysunde
    troysunde Posts: 3 Member
    Always walk back to our shipping dept. 7 step on the certified scale every Monday morning.
  • mrimike
    mrimike Posts: 139

    I have been on MFP for only 3 days. I'm just curious, how often does everyone weigh? For me, it seems that in the beginning, I become too discouraged by the the scale. The inpatient part of me kicks in and I feel defeated.

    I check in every day. I wish I wouldn't some days:)
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Once a week. I think there are too many fluctuations throughout a week that can discourage you.

    I check once a week. Same time, same day every week. (Saturday mornings right after my shower, before breakfast)
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Sunday morning.
  • rockytu
    rockytu Posts: 18
    once a week.not gonna go nuts over daily.:tongue: