Skinny Minnie by Christmas Challenge



  • djanson24
    djanson24 Posts: 42 Member
    Ok Don...we're gonna do it this week!!! I need a 2 lb least!!! Cut yourself back to 1900 calories and see what happens!

    I need some mojo myself...crazy busy w/ teaching preschool, running my brownie troop and working on the yearbook for the kid's school. I have officially spread myself too thin! :( Of course, in the process, I'm not getting thin LOL
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    My challenge for you this week

    Monday: 50 push ups and 100 crunches
    Tuesday: Drink 1 glass of water before each meal.
    Wednesday: Eat an extra vegetable and fruit.
    Thursday: 25mpush ups and 100 crunches and 20 burpees
    Friday: 1 glass of water before each meal + eat 200 mgs (is that what measurement they use?) less of sodium.
  • Biggest Loser of the week:

    Group 1: nobody met goal
    Group 2: alwaysangel
    Group 3: nobody met goal

    Group 1 only had 2 out of the 5 people check in.
    Group 2 had 6 out of the 7 people check in.
    Group 3 had 1 out of 4 people check in.

    WOW I'm so excited to be the biggest loser!!!

    My challenge for everyone is a team building exercise.

    Answer these questions...

    What is/was holding me back?
    What will it be like WHEN I reach my final goal?
    What is your favorite healthy/ good for you food?

    Let's rock it this week!!!
  • wildbeal
    wildbeal Posts: 124
    ok im with the challenge going to smash it ....danielle lets dig in and show out!!!!!!! ..OOOOOORAH!!!!!
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    I added the percentage of weight loss lost so far to the spreadsheet! Check it out!

    On a personal note, when I look at my percentage lost and then watch the biggest loser it makes me angry that they lose that in a WEEK!
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    Biggest Loser of the week:

    Group 1: nobody met goal
    Group 2: alwaysangel
    Group 3: nobody met goal

    Group 1 only had 2 out of the 5 people check in.
    Group 2 had 6 out of the 7 people check in.
    Group 3 had 1 out of 4 people check in.

    WOW I'm so excited to be the biggest loser!!!

    My challenge for everyone is a team building exercise.

    Answer these questions...

    What is/was holding me back?
    What will it be like WHEN I reach my final goal?
    What is your favorite healthy/ good for you food?

    Let's rock it this week!!!

    I love these challenges! I love getting to know you guys and hope we can continue some type of challenge after christmas. Maybe a lookin good for summer challenge?! Anyways, here is my little blurb.

    What is holding me back- MYSELF. The past 3 weeks have been death for me, while I have been eating right (95% right) I have not been able to exercise. It's been midterms so I have been swamped with papers and tests.
    What was holding me back- Before I transferred to the university I'm at now, I was living in the dorms and basically forced to eat that food. Before that I was living at home (in high school) and life was not so great. While my dad was and is so great his girlfriend was horrible to me and my brothers. I would cry myself to sleep most nights so that put a damper on me emotionally and physically and that pushed me to gain weight. Now that I am living in my own condo by myself (plus my two kittens who are my whole life now) I have really found myself and want to get healthy.

    When I reach my goal- I feel that I will feel better about myself. I don't have the best self-confidence so I hope that the weight loss will boost that. I have also never really had a boyfriend (shocker I know, everyone who finds that out about me doesn't believe me. I have no idea why), maybe its because I don't put myself out there but I hope when I look better I will have the confidence to. WE'LL SEE :)

    My favorite healthy food- Ah, that's a hard one. I don't know if there's one certain thing. But since finding out what is good for me I have realized that I can eat HEAPS of food without going over my calorie allotment.
  • I guess I should start...

    Biggest thing that was holding me back was using food to push down my emotions and not realizing exercise is my empowering "Me" time not a chore.

    When I reach my final goal I will know I have accomplished something BIG! I will be proud to say I am a good example for my kids, and my husband will tell me I'm beautiful again.

    My new favorite healthy foods are: hummus, mango fruit bars, and 100 cal sandwich/bagel thins instead of bread and bagels.

    I'm eager to hear everyone else's.

    Love to all of you!
  • Oops I didn't get mine in first but i don't mind. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you for sharing something so personal, fearless leader! And thank you for keeping up with all of us despite your hectic schedule! I'm in the same boat.

    I work full time as a 1st grade teacher, I go to grad school and I have a husband and 2.5 kids (stepson who comes over on the weekends).

    I recently learned I have to schedule in me time so I don't burn out. Thank goodness its gym instead of ice cream and TV now!
  • wildbeal
    wildbeal Posts: 124
    What is/was holding me back? ME somedays i just wonder why bother but im going to break through that mental state
    What will it be like WHEN I reach my final goal? ill look and feel like the champ i use to be
    What is your favorite healthy/ good for you food? ? does pizza count ?:blushing:
  • KimmehL
    KimmehL Posts: 373 Member
    Biggest Loser of the week:

    Group 1: nobody met goal
    Group 2: alwaysangel
    Group 3: nobody met goal

    Group 1 only had 2 out of the 5 people check in.
    Group 2 had 6 out of the 7 people check in.
    Group 3 had 1 out of 4 people check in.

    WOW I'm so excited to be the biggest loser!!!

    My challenge for everyone is a team building exercise.

    Answer these questions...

    What is/was holding me back?
    What will it be like WHEN I reach my final goal?
    What is your favorite healthy/ good for you food?

    Let's rock it this week!!!

    What is/was holding me back? Nothing now:) I just don't think I was ready for the commitment before now.
    What will it be like WHEN I reach my final goal? I hope I continue to have the drive to improve myself.
    What is your favorite healthy/ good for you food? Spaghetti squash:)
  • wildbeal
    wildbeal Posts: 124
    hey erica that was really personal and i thankyou for being willing to share it took courage ! but humility is a good sign of a leader . and i DO find it hard to believe no boyfriend you are a gorgeous young lady
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    hey erica that was really personal and i thankyou for being willing to share it took courage ! but humility is a good sign of a leader . and i DO find it hard to believe no boyfriend you are a gorgeous young lady

    Thanks you Don! I'm hoping by the time I get to my goal some of those will change
  • fstender
    fstender Posts: 165 Member
    People who are being cut from the challenge:

    fstender- 5 weeks of not checking in
    jamieht- 3 weeks of not checking in

    Oh no...I must not be posting in the correct way. I think i got it now. Can i still be in!?
    175.4 last week...176 this week. (holloween candy)
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    People who are being cut from the challenge:

    fstender- 5 weeks of not checking in
    jamieht- 3 weeks of not checking in

    Oh no...I must not be posting in the correct way. I think i got it now. Can i still be in!?
    175.4 last week...176 this week. (holloween candy)

    Unfortunately I have already deleted you from the spreadsheet so I won't be able to get that data back but I will add you back. I did send you a private message asking if you were still in the challenge and I did not get a reply
  • fstender
    fstender Posts: 165 Member
    Ok...thanks...I've have been so busy this last month that i can barely remember to eat. Things have slowed down a bit and i'm ready to be on it again. What group am I in...having a hard time finding what challenge i'm suppose to be doing. My starting weight i believe was at 176. Thanks for the second chance!
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 320 Member
    You had originally chosen group 3, did you want to change that?
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    What is/was holding me back? ME I guess. I was working none stop at my job before I met my husband. lol Actually, I was working none stop then too. I was definitely trying to get my bills paid off and to be able to afford the stuff that I had. Before I met my hubby I wanted to spend spend spend. Well that's how I got myself into so much debt and I'm only 26 years old. Well thank goodness for him and our son because I now know that I cannot spend spend spend. As much as I hate it I am definitely on the right track. I had well over $18,000 in debt last year (that's including student loans) and now I am down to just about $11,000. I know it's still a lot but I am working on it. Being in debt is like being overweight. You build it up sooooo fast but it takes forever to go down but once it does go down you are an extremely happier person.

    What will it be like WHEN I reach my final goal? I honestly don't know what it will feel like when I finally reach my goal. I just know that I will be very proud of myself for setting my goal and accomplishing it. (I will let you know exactly how I feel when I reach it. Deal?)

    What is your favorite healthy/ good for you food? Hmm, I'd have to agree with the other Erica on this one. I don't know if I have a favorite I just love the fact that I can eat pretty much everything I love but in a healthier version of it as long as I make it myself and not buy it in a box. I can however say that I have learned to cook a lot of very healthy foods since starting in August.
  • sandrahg
    sandrahg Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I have been really off track but just returned from a much needed vacation.

    SW: 225
    CW: 221

    The past week I only walked about 5 miles.
  • lorimur
    lorimur Posts: 30
    What's a burpee ????
  • lorimur
    lorimur Posts: 30
    What is/was holding me back?

    *I think the fact that food is not something I tend to crave and that I really enjoy my work...meaning I skip meals, am not hungry or am quite happy with a cup of tea is holding me back.....but I am finding MFP is really helping by making me think about the fact I have to get my calories in...

    What will it be like WHEN I reach my final goal?

    *I will be able to wear quite a few outfits that have been in the wardrobe...just waiting for me to fit into them !

    What is your favorite healthy/ good for you food?

    *I love yogurts...all flavours except natural...