***Shorty's 12 Week Challenge***Open



  • lisasdoinit
    lisasdoinit Posts: 216 Member
    my daughter is too old to go out now (16) and my husband is out of town, so for the first time ever I'm going to be the cranky old lady on the street, turn off all the lights and go hide in my room and read a great book! No candy in the house = no candy in my belly!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I also am going to be hiding with the lights off. I just cant have candy in my house...

    And what a good idea to bring the food scale to parties! I am going to do that, my family wont care.
  • DeterminedToBeHealthy
    @ oliveoil87 many thanks for the chart, looks great and some good results. Hope everyone’s had a good weekend. Good luck for the week!
  • oliveoil87
    oliveoil87 Posts: 141 Member
    Arrgh! I have a cold and I hate it. Hopefully it goes away! It sucks the energy out of me and I have an exam tomorrow 8am and just don't feel like studying or working out!
  • manda127
    manda127 Posts: 145
    Good luck for your exam tomorrow morning Olive, hope your cold goes away soon for you. Maybe you could try going for a short walk instead of a full on exercise session?
  • Little_Ms_
    Hey can I join too please? WOW other shorties like me! Great to see you all :)

    I hope I can give you my weight in kilograms as I'm in Australia and not sure of pounds etc. The graph results look great!

    Height: 4' 11'
    Starting weight: 64kg
    Goal: 53kg

    Thank you!
  • empressM
    HI everyone! I saw this post earlier, but wasn't ready to jump in. I'm a newbie and wasn't sure I'd be up to a challenge right away.

    But, I think I could use the support and would like to join now, if I still can. I (usually) weigh myself on Mondays so I'll send my starting weight tomorrow, if that's ok.

    Here are my other stats:

    Height: 5'1"
    Starting weight: (to come tomorrow)
    Goal: 115

    Cheers! :happy:
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Whew!! Chart's posted.....I hope I didn't make any mistakes..I am still trying to see how that BMI column work,. I think a formula is needed so it can calculate itself??? Anyway, great job everyone!!!!!!!!!!! 21 pounds in the first week!! Amazing!!!!

    Hi all! Sorry again for forgetting to pet my Friday weigh in but it was up 0.4 at 152 lbs. I have been super busy at work and also preparing for a big Halloween bash my husband and I threw last night. It was worth all the work but good eating took a back seat these last few weeks. I am ready to jump back in tomorrow and hopeful shed a few pounds before the holidays.

    P.s. Let me know if you need help with the charts. If all of the other fields are complete the BMI should calculate automatically... There should be a formula built in that cell. Inbox me if you need help.
  • DeterminedToBeHealthy
    @ oliveoil87 good luck with the exam. Cold and study, not a good mix, do hope revision goes well! Good luck!

    @ WishComeTru: welcome back!
  • Little_Ms_
    Me again.
    I found out what 64kg is in pounds. So starting weight is: 141lbs and my goal weight is: 116lbs. Height 4 11'
    Thank you !
  • zanderzone
    so sorry I did weigh in Friday I jsut didn't get online to post it. my baby and I were both really sick. My Friday weigh in was 148lbs.

    So far I am really enjoying this group love all the positive support but what I need is an exercise challenge from someone. Exercise is where I need encouragment and accountibility.
  • DeterminedToBeHealthy
    Hi all. @ zanderzone hope you’re feeling better and like the exercise challenge idea.

    A mini challenge sounds good. Maybe a daily workout, say, aim to burn x amount of calories (something achievable). We all know it’s good to exercise but don’t always do that. Having to report back to the group, it may help keep focused. Any thoughts anyone?
  • Little_Ms_
    Zanderzone, my calendar today says 'You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club'. That is so very true of exercise. I aim to do at least 30 mins daily. Yesterday it was 90 mins but today may be less than 30 mins. It does become a habit.

    Just aim to do some every day and in a few weeks - you will not want to miss out on doing it. Find something you like to do, or like me, vary it daily. I get bored easily so sometimes it's just walking to the shops and back! Last Thursday it was 3 hours at the gym but the soreness I had for the next 2 days told me I should take it easy!

    It's not just for weightloss. It's good for our heart and our mind!
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    I would love an exercise challenge too. I was really into it in the beginning when I started and then vacation happened and I never got back. I want to start up again this week... Even if it's as simple as 20 min a day. Any exercise helps!
  • zanderzone
    Little_Ms_ and unfitunhealthy thanks for inspiration you are so right 30 minutes a day should be my goal and soon I will work up to more. I think I also sometimes try to hit the gym to hard and then kinda burn out. My favorite thing is switching up cardio and pilates at home and I need to do that 30 minutes a day. Today is November 1st and the start of me challenging myself to do 30 minutes of workout a day for the entire month.

    Thanks Ladies just what I needed!
  • DeterminedToBeHealthy
    Hi @ zanderzone, glad to be of assistance but actually, thank you, you inspired me to do some exercise. Hadn’t done any for a few days so thought I ought to practice what I preach! :laugh:

    I work out at home also – sometimes just getting in the right mental mind can be a bit tough. Think I’ll be joining you on the 30mins a day for this month – thank you for the inspiration! Anyone else in with us?
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I do some Jillian Michaels DVD's at home. They are 25 minutes each and I make myself do one every day but Sunday. It's only 25 minutes, I have no excuse not to do it...

    And then two days a week I also go to the gym and get on the treadmill or elliptical for 45-60 minutes.

    So far, that and eating properly is helping :D
  • WillandAway
    WillandAway Posts: 24 Member
    Does everyone feel ready for the upcoming weigh in?

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Little_Ms_
    Do we post our weigh in results here???
  • WillandAway
    WillandAway Posts: 24 Member
    Yes you need to post your weight loss results on this message board. Olive also needs your starting weight if you have never been apart of this group before.