Looking for a few good men



  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Awesome job guys Thanks Tim for the chart! I hate red guess I'm gonna have to do something bout it!:mad:
  • Chaosdrone
    iu lost a pound now lol
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Greetings Gents,
    I had a little extra time this morning so decided to go ahead and post up an updated chart. I had a couple of typos or late responses. Here you go.

  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    SW 427
    CW 417.4
    GW 195
  • CampbellHendry
    CampbellHendry Posts: 84 Member
    Holy **** I can't actually believe I made it to the top :D This topic really inspires me! Makes me hold myself accountable!! Cheers boys!!!
  • KokomoJoe
    I would love to try and beat you this week, but there is no way I can double my weight loss. The progression has been reasonable and steady 12 lbs for Oct, and hopefully close to the same for November.
  • CampbellHendry
    CampbellHendry Posts: 84 Member
    Yeah I'll tell you something, p90x is Incredible!!
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    Update this week:

    Last week: 255.30
    Today: 254.10
    Loss: 1.2

    I am thrilled to have a loss this week, had a really bad loss of control on Halloween! ..
  • KokomoJoe
    Got 4 days. When I was in Costa Rica in August, I was probably 275 or so. I am hoping by Tuesday I am at my first mini goal which is 256.5. I am sure the 20 lbs or so will make it so much better for hiking and walking around. I am walking between 2 and 3 miles a day, so I am sure the hiking won't be as bad. This time I feel in good enough shape to white water raft. If you don't hear from me past early this week it's because I don't know if I will have internet.


    Leave Tuesday night and land Wednesday and get settled.
    Thursday White Water rafting
    Friday Massage on the Beach
    Saturday/Sunday Boat into Tortaguero national park (you can only get there by helicopter or boat) and spend 2 days hiking/exploring
    Sunday to Tuesday back in San Jose, drinking, recovering and otherwise sweet talking the chicas.

    If I can figure out how to post pictures I will. I have pictures from August, just curious to see how I look then to now 20 lbs lighter.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Checking in

    LWW - 258
    CW -258

    No change

    Two observations - I laid off the weight lifting this week to rest my elbows. I have some tendinitis going there. So I upped the cardio.
    The second thing is, I had a lot of stress hit me at work and personal life both. There was a genuine urge to give in to stress eating and I was experiencing cravings I have not had in literally months. Thankfully, I did not succumb. However, I am sure stress related hormones did not help my cause.
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in.

    LWW 200.1

    CWW 200.1

    I let the clerk at Papa Murphy's pizza talk me into a "family size" since it was the daily special and the same price as a "large." So I ended up eating left over pizza all week. I also ate more leftover Halloween candy that I should have. This was balanced out by more time on the elliptical trainer for a net change of 0. I did manage to get off to a good start this week with a 35 mile bike ride this morning. Beautiful but chilly (35F at the start of my ride) day in the Pacific NW.

    Does anyone have tips/good ideas for dealing with our upcoming Holiday eating season? In the past this is a time of year I've always ended up gaining weight. It seems hard for me to envision actually losing weight in Nov & Dec.
  • KokomoJoe
    Holiday time.... I am guessing moderation..... If your logging your food keep logging in order to keep focused.
  • BroDave
    BroDave Posts: 249 Member
    LWW 195
    CW 193
  • CampbellHendry
    CampbellHendry Posts: 84 Member
    Down to 175.4 now boys :D

    Had a lazy week so I'm not complaining!
  • graysie99
    Here goes last weeks weight 348, this weeks weight 346lb.

    2lb loss this week.


  • piratepiet
    piratepiet Posts: 45 Member
    Checking in

    LWW 290.4
    CW 286.6

  • KokomoJoe
    Checking in today 257.5 compared to 260 last week.
    I will miss next weeks check in unless I find a scale somewhere. I will have internet on Sunday but not until the night.
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    101kg approx -- 223lb


    Moved my Drs appointment so I get an official weight this afternoon
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Weighed my self and I am 7 pounds heavier (255lb) than I was a few months ago when I last weighed. :angry: Not unexpected given my eating lately.

    On a positive note, my clothes are still fitting well and I continue to gain muscle. Now that our shutdown is done at work, it is time to get refocused and back on the losing path.

    Good luck everybody!
  • Dclem1206
    Checking in at 275 :-) great week for me