

  • mimi7grands
    November already. Yikes. I missed October altogether. I missed all of you too.

    Moving was distracting, then I went up to Tahoe for a couple of weeks, where I don't have Internet. The weather was gorgeous though and I got to spend some time with my folks. I feel fortunate to still have them. My dad will turn 90 in March. Hard to believe.

    I've been back from Tahoe for a couple of weeks but still don't have a kitchen. :frown: I have a much harder time tracking what I'm eating when I'm eating out a lot. I use my daughter's kitchen some of the time but it's not the same as having my own place. Kitchen or no kitchen, though, it's past time for me to get back on track.

    My son has promised to finish the kitchen before Thanksgiving. I'll do my best to log what I eat until then but it will be WONDERFUL to be able to cook in my own kitchen where I can weigh or measure my food.

    I expect the next two days to be difficult while I get back in the groove. I have to focus on how much better I'll feel when I'm eating right and more on top of what I'm eating.

  • PamelaHoneyHuggy
    PamelaHoneyHuggy Posts: 37 Member
    Amen to that! :flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Welcome back Mimi. We all missed you so much.
    Rebel, my oldest daughter is expecting on 1-29-12 that is one year to the day that she got married. I still don't really grasp the concept that I will be a grandma.

    Welcome to all the newbies. This is an awesome thread with awesome women. Advise, support and a place to rant when you need to.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    White Rabbits

    I had done a post not thinking that we were now in November and it was a new thread, so it disappeared off into the ether somewhere and is probably floating around looking for a home.

    Welcome to the newbies - you are most welcome. This is a great group.

    Must go - my students have arrived while I've been looking for my message.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I am just peeking in for a couple minutes between tasks. This is one of those days when I have several things going at once. The major projects today are sifting items that will be taken on our annual trek to Michigan for deer hunting season, defrosting the big freezer and sifting/sorting the freezers in our two refrigerators. The upside of all this is that I think I have unearthed enough precooked and vacuum sealed meals that I won't have to do too much cooking when in MI. Good thing too, as I butcher all the meat we bring home. We don't have time to wait for a commercial butcher to do it and I also don't like bring home bone-in meat. I hope to show our son and grandson how to do it this year. They will be lost when they need to do this if they don't get some pointers.

    Mimi - glad to see you are back! I hope you get your kitchen up and running soon. So glad you had a good visit with your parents. I treasure all the visits I had with mine.

    I would love to "talk" to more of you but I need to get moving or I won't make it to the gym this afternoon.

    Oh, as to Oct goals - I drank my water and went to the gym. It seems the keeping my head in the game part was where I fell short. I neither gained or lost this month. I plan to try harder this month and hopefully with all the work I will be doing I can report a loss for Nov.

    Take care everyone!

  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Marking my spot so I can find this thread easily. Still plugging along. Seems as when you have less to lose, you want to cheat more........ugh.! Oh, well, I have nothing but time so I will keep at it. After all, it is a lifestyle now!

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member

    Our guests just drove out of the driveway and I fell like taking a nap:yawn: We sat at the table until after 1AM TALKING! I go to bed WAY before that usually. Its either nibble or nap. I think I'd better nap!:yawn: :yawn:

    Talk soon, Dear Friends,
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Happy November!!

    And welcome to all the new friends....this is a great group for motivation and support and just plain fun.

    I didn't set my Nov. goals yet. I'll be setting those in a little bit. I didn't set anything concrete for Oct and didn't do horribly...but since I didn't really have a plan for most of the month, I feel I could have done better.

    Thanks for getting us going again, Barbie! I'll be back in a bit with a plan....I want to get some exercise in before I have dinner...and lose ambition.:laugh:

  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Hi Everyone :flowerforyou:

    I am Elaine and I am 52, (53 in a few weeks),

    Anyway I have a android app called Vida One Lifestyle Pro, which I bought a couple of weeks ago as I had previously used similar app from same ppl on my WM5 mobile phone....however despite it being a good program and having a journal which I liked most about the WM5 version, it is awkward to add the foods I mostly eat, ie Raw Vegan about 75% of the time and mostly vegatarian the rest with the odd bit of meat and fish once or twice a week at most.

    I think this site is fantastic and offers everything I have looked for before plus a fantastic android app and all FREE of charge which I find amazing in itself.

    Best wishes and happy weight loss...:happy:


    Welcome Elaine :flowerforyou: I 'm new to this forum as well. I'm also on a journey to eat a Raw Vegan / Vegetarian diet. I read your post and was happy to find someone else like me on MFP. I still eat some processed foods (mostly my dinners) but I am trying to cut down on them. Feel free to to send me a friend invite!

    Hi Everyone :flowerforyou:

    Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this great group. My name is Janet and I am 51 ( turning 52 on Saturday:bigsmile: ).
    My weight loss journey started last December one month after I was laid off from Corporate America. I was angry, depressed, and morbidly obese so I decided it was time to do something about it. Since I had nothing to do with my days I decided to get my fat butt back into the gym. I hit the ground running and never looked back. I have lost a total of 69 lbs so far. I hit my first plateau in September and decided it was time to count calories again which ultimately landed me on MFP. I have lost 6 lbs since being on MFP but I am still struggling with this plateau.

    My goal for November is to get off this plateau. :explode:

    I look forward to getting to know everyone!

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Everyone:

    Thanks, Barbie, as ever, for getting us here, again. What would we do without you? I think we all just assume you are going to take care of this end of month link for us and we appreciate it very much :flowerforyou:

    To all the newcomers, Welcome, welcome.

    This is just a quickie visit just now. I will read all the posts later, I am basically just marking my spot, I will be back.

    Talk to you later, Hope all are well. Hope those affected by the awful storm are okay.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Rita AKA topaz2986 - I love your profile pick! :heart: :heart:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Happy November:
    It feels good to be staring another month....with a clear slate. October was exciting because I hit a new low.....for about 5 days. I find such a cyclicle pattern in my weight loss. I know that I need to be grateful that I am doing this in a healthy way and building better habits but the slow progress is tough. I am going to go over my numbers (I track so much stuff--cal, sodium, carbs, fat, protein, sodium , exercise) and really look at my goals...with fresh eyes.

    Today was a great day. I got together with friends I haven't seen in a long while and we played golf (got some great walking in) at a course overlooking the ocean. We went out to a late lunch. It was an enjoyable day.

    To all the newcomers...Welcome! This is a great board. Enjoy and please share your thoughts, successes, frustrations and ideas!

    Barbie…Thanks for getting us started. The Gratitude Journal is such a great tool…good idea to start it this month!

    Robin…I hope the baby shower is fun. Isn’t it amazing to realize those little ones around us have grown up. I have six godchildren that are all adults now…I just don’t know how that happened!!

    Mimi…Glad to see you back. Not having a kitchen is so hard! We were in that situation a couple of years ago and it was a killer but once you get your new kitchen , you are going to love it!!

    Kackie… I laughed when I read the “nibble or a nap”….. that hits the nail on the head. Hope you had a good time with your company.

    To a great November,
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Again,

    I finished my first kettlebell workout...really good...lots of legs and abdominals. I only did 15 minutes not counting the warm-up with an 8lb kettlebell. (I didn't want to be so sore that I couldn't work tomorrow :laugh: ) According to WebMD, the calorie burn is about 20/minute..I logged it as running. It seemed like the closest comp...but it doesn't take into account the weight training that goes along with it. Does anyone have any info about logging it more correctly?

    Joyce...I like cleaning out too. It puts so much into perspective...money I've spent that I didn't need to, realizing that happiness doesn't accumulate as I accumulate more stuff. And my house is easier to keep clean w/o clutter. My hubby keeps telling me to keep life simple and it's more enjoyable.

    Robin...congrats on the new baby!

    Elaine...Ice cream is always my favorite treat! I tried a vegetarian diet about a year ago for about a month...but I felt really off during it. I was tired alot and weak. I made sure I got all my proteins and other vitamins from other foods. Does it take a long while to adjust to the new way of life?

    Janet...great dedication! How did you adjust to a vegetarian lifestyle? I'd be happy for any info you and Joyce can throw my way.

    Bellawares....Thanks! The picture is my dog, Hershey. So named cause she's the same color as Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate. If anything, she makes me lose weight unlike chocolate. She's always busy and wanting to play.

    To everyone that dropped a few, exercised regularly, met their goals, didn't give up when ya thought you might, drank all your waters, enjoyed life and had fun.....WTG:drinker:

    Here's to a new month!

    To quote Bill (a co-worker)..Make every second count. And count your blessings.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,975 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I don’t know where to begin to express my delight at all the sharing on this thread today. I hope that we all can maintain a momentum of regular posting. When I started, I posted every day and responded to everyone on the thread and when I didn’t have time to do that I felt rotten and guilty. I think now I’ve found moderation and post a few times a week and occasionally spend the time to respond to everyone.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: It’s great to see new faces and new enthusiasm. I hope those of you who are new will keep coming back and take the time to get to know others. I don’t think any of us can build a relationship with everyone on the thread but connecting with a few women who say something that strikes a chord is a good way to get started. I used to think that if I responded to only a few people that everyone else’s feelings would be hurt so I’d respond to no one and that felt terrible because I things I wanted to say about what I’d read. Yes……I do over-complicate things.
    Mimi, I’m glad you’re back even if you aren’t posting your food right now. You know the right way to eat even if you can weigh and measure and control the way you did in your own kitchen.

    :bigsmile: Nita, congratulations on getting into jeans that didn’t fit before----the size on the label doesn’t matter---on my first shopping trip after losing some weight I bought two pairs of jeans in two different sizes and the ones with the smaller size were bigger than the ones with the bigger size.

    :bigsmile: Lisa, reaching small goals and being glad about it is much more sustaining than feeling despair about not reaching big goals……slow and steady wins the race……take baby steps and you’ll get there

    :bigsmile: Joyce, when we got ready to move we spent a lot of time going through stuff and discarding so that we had a lot less stuff when we moved into the new house. It was a very satisfying endeavor.

    :bigsmile: Michele, I was so grateful this year that we knew that we’d have no trick-or-treaters so we bought no candy at all.

    :bigsmile: Ronna, where do you live? I love your picture by the ocean.

    :bigsmile: Kathy (plantlady), keep doing what you’re doing
    getting below 160 will happen soon

    :bigsmile: Rita, I love the picture of your dog and I love her name.

    :bigsmile: Elaine, I’d love to hear more about your raw vegan eating. Consider opening your food diary so we can see what you’re eating. There are many vegetable lovers on this thread who are always looking for new ideas.

    :bigsmile: Faye, I am very impressed that you butcher your own meat…….the best I can do is cut up a whole grocery store chicken.

    Kackie, visiting with friends makes me sleepy, too. I actually dozed off for a few minutes this morning during the after brunch conversation.

    :bigsmile: Janet, you are an amazing inspiration to us----using being laid off as an inspiration to get active and eat healthy

    :flowerforyou: My goal for October was to work in the yard no matter what the weather. We had good weather almost every day and I got a lot done. I slowed down on yard work when I started making applesauce every afternoon during the time I would have otherwise been in the yard.

    :bigsmile: My goal for November is to continue with my daily 90 minute walks with my frisky poodles. I started these morning walks in May when the days were long and the weather was mild. Now I am facing much shorter days and the advent of colder weather so my goal is to continue and not let darkness, rain, or snow deter us.
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Hi Again,

    I finished my first kettlebell workout...really good...lots of legs and abdominals. I only did 15 minutes not counting the warm-up with an 8lb kettlebell. (I didn't want to be so sore that I couldn't work tomorrow :laugh: ) According to WebMD, the calorie burn is about 20/minute..I logged it as running. It seemed like the closest comp...but it doesn't take into account the weight training that goes along with it. Does anyone have any info about logging it more correctly?


    Rita - I'm totally into the Kettlebell work out as well. I bought a 7 lbs bell and have been taking a class on Mondays at my Health Club. The first week every muscle / bone in my body hurt but it has gotten a lot easier for me ( I'm on week 3). I love it! :love:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Catching the thread. So nice to see so many familiar faces.

    My goals for November are to get over this physical funk and get back on a good program.
    Drink more water, and eat less refined carbs!!!!

    Have been swamped working at the pumpkin farm and it is over for the year so hopefully things will slow down. I do have to go back to my weekend job the 18th, but will have a lot more breathing room. Finishing the applesauce, and rediscovered stewed apples, cooked in their own juice which cooks down to a lovely syrup. No sugar added and It is grandchild approved!

    Off for my night rounds, Alice
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member

    I did terrible in October and I hope to do better than terrible this month. lol My scale died and I need to get a new battery for it. :grumble:

    Happy November everyone!

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mimi. So glad you are back!!

    Went to see DD and grand baby today at lunch. It was great to hold baby for a bit. My work place is about 10 minutes away from their house, so I try to get there once a week (like anyone can keep me away, since I have key :bigsmile: :bigsmile: )

    :flowerforyou: Robin, grandma Robin. So excited for you! A lady at my work just became a grandma. We show each other grand baby pictures. So fun.

    :heart: Rebel
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Hey all, better late than never. Hugs to you all and welcome to the newbies.

    Recap for October:

    Now for my goals.
    - I will log in all 31 days of October
    - I will exercise at least 5 days a week in October
    - I will track during my friend's 40th birthday extravaganza over Halloween weekend.

    I was successful with them all :-).- I

    Now for November:

    - I will log in all 30 days of November
    - I will exercise 6 days a week in November
    - I will track everything that goes in my mouth Thanksgiving weekend.

    I started of November rather nicely, a 2.75 lb loss for a total of 21.5 lbs. Feeling really good and the aches and pains are starting to com few and far between. You know the ones, when you stand up and your ankles and knees are stiff and you have to walk slow till they warm up :frown: Even did pretty well on a weekend hike!
  • qofsheba
    Feel like I might have already posted this. Some days my brain feels 91 instead of 61.
    Drink the water EVERY day
    Exercise 5 days a week. Exercise 2x 3 days a week. Trying to add Zumba at ngiht.
    Move to higher protein, lower carbs and more varied eating. Started this last week and it is already paying off.
    Hit 184--probably too ambitious but what the heck.

    I stayed at a 10 lb loss forever but now have dropped another 3..so seem to be on the way.