Thin for the Holidays Group



  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,175 Member
    Sorry... didn't weigh in until today. 146 lbs. I don't think that I'll be able to make my Halloween goal of 138.6 pounds.
  • Sorry... didn't weigh in until today. 146 lbs. I don't think that I'll be able to make my Halloween goal of 138.6 pounds.

    Don't feel bad. I am having a hard time as well. We still got our Christmas goal to look forward to!
  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    Was sick all last week and was MIA to MFP. Ate my comfort food to get me through the week and didn't do an ounce of exercise. Finally felt well enough yesterday to start back up again. Stayed under food goals and began working out today. Gained a couple of pounds but considering where I've come, I'll take this little setback and hit it hard for Thanksgiving. Still planning to run the Turkey 5K Trot! Everyone is doing well!!! :)
  • Was sick all last week and was MIA to MFP. Ate my comfort food to get me through the week and didn't do an ounce of exercise. Finally felt well enough yesterday to start back up again. Stayed under food goals and began working out today. Gained a couple of pounds but considering where I've come, I'll take this little setback and hit it hard for Thanksgiving. Still planning to run the Turkey 5K Trot! Everyone is doing well!!! :)

    Woo Hoo for feeling better!!! Thats good to hear. Congrats on the 5K, Im sure your going to gobble those miles up lol.......
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,175 Member
    Weighed in today at 145 pounds. I lost a pound this week.
    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Starting Weight-150.6
    Goal for Labor Day (9/6/11)- 146.6
    Goal for Halloween (10/31/11)-138.6
    Goal for Thanksgiving (11/24/11)-135.6
    Goal for Christmas (12/25/11)-131.6
    Final Challenge Goal for New Years (1/1/12)- 130.6
  • Weighed in today at 145 pounds. I lost a pound this week.
    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Starting Weight-150.6
    Goal for Labor Day (9/6/11)- 146.6
    Goal for Halloween (10/31/11)-138.6
    Goal for Thanksgiving (11/24/11)-135.6
    Goal for Christmas (12/25/11)-131.6
    Final Challenge Goal for New Years (1/1/12)- 130.6

    Great job!!!

    I am still the same this week. Weigh in this morning at 182 :-(..................4lbs away from my Halloween goal and don't look like im going to make it!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,175 Member
    Definitely not making my halloween goal. weighed in this morning the same as lasr week 145 lbs. just glad that i didnt gain.
    did not make halloween goal.

    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Starting Weight-150.6
    Goal for Labor Day (9/6/11)- 146.6
    Goal for Halloween (10/31/11)-138.6
    Goal for Thanksgiving (11/24/11)-135.6
    Goal for Christmas (12/25/11)-131.6
    Final Challenge Goal for New Years (1/1/12)- 130.6
  • First, I want to apologize for not being in the forum to give encouragement and motivation to you guys. Work these past couple weeks has been super busy and exhausting.

    I want to say that I MADE MY HALLOWEEN GOAL!! Lol. Just today! Exactly!! My first goal met and it feels super awesome! Lol. I was doubting myself this whole time that I wasn't gonna make it, but then BAM I surprised myself !! :D

    I know I haven't been posting, but you guys are doing great! Keep up all the great work!! :)
  • First, I want to apologize for not being in the forum to give encouragement and motivation to you guys. Work these past couple weeks has been super busy and exhausting.

    I want to say that I MADE MY HALLOWEEN GOAL!! Lol. Just today! Exactly!! My first goal met and it feels super awesome! Lol. I was doubting myself this whole time that I wasn't gonna make it, but then BAM I surprised myself !! :D

    I know I haven't been posting, but you guys are doing great! Keep up all the great work!! :)

    Congrats on meeting your goal!
  • I sucked this past month. I did not meet my goal. I am at 185.0 which is my labor day goal. I was doing so good and started slacking. I am going to redo my goal for the Thanksgiving and Christmas and I WILL meet them. Promise to myself!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I did not make my Halloween goal either.:sad: I am so mad!! I was actually at 142.2 a couple of weeks ago, but just could not hang on to it!:cry: I will get back on track though! Good luck to everyone else.
  • I did not make my Halloween goal either.:sad: I am so mad!! I was actually at 142.2 a couple of weeks ago, but just could not hang on to it!:cry: I will get back on track though! Good luck to everyone else.

    I know. It sucks!!!! We will do good on the next goal!!!
  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    You guys are doing so well. Thanksgiving is coming up in a few weeks!!! Let's work hard and get it for gobble gobble day! That means I have about 3 weeks before my 1st 5k run!!! YIKES!!! I was so dedicated using my Couch2 5K app on my iPhone but recently, there was an update and all my running/jogging--- logging for the past 8 weeks----GONE!! I was so discouraged that I opted to just use the elliptical. It was so rewarding to see my progress and now when I launch my app, it's back to week one. Well I best be hitting the treadmill if I want to survive the 5K LOL

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!
  • You guys are doing so well. Thanksgiving is coming up in a few weeks!!! Let's work hard and get it for gobble gobble day! That means I have about 3 weeks before my 1st 5k run!!! YIKES!!! I was so dedicated using my Couch2 5K app on my iPhone but recently, there was an update and all my running/jogging--- logging for the past 8 weeks----GONE!! I was so discouraged that I opted to just use the elliptical. It was so rewarding to see my progress and now when I launch my app, it's back to week one. Well I best be hitting the treadmill if I want to survive the 5K LOL

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!

    Congrats on your run!!!
  • Well I have 3lbs more to go and I'll meet my Thanksgiving goal!! I am kinda excited because I am also so close to being under 200lbs!! I am really looking forward to being less than 200 for Christmas!! Wow, I can't believe how far I have come already, I didn't think I could do it. I have blown my own mind!! Lmao.

    I hope you all are doing great!! I can't wait to see what you all have accomplished by next week!! Just 10 more day!! :)
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I will not be meeting my Thanksgiving goal.:cry: I weighed in this morning at 141.6. My goal was 139. These last few pounds just do not move!! Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!
  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    Didn't meet my Thanksgiving goal. I had originally set it at 145 but had changed it to 140 since I was tracking so well prior. I weighed in at 143.9 and I'm happy with it!!! Now I just need to get on track to hit 135 by New Years. It would be an awesome Christmas present if I hit this goal a week early :)

    BTW, I just completed my 1st 5k. My goal when I started MFP was to be able to run the entire time and I did!! :)

    Wishing everyone a wonderful and happy holiday season. It's been busy with work on this end, but nice to have a little mini break during this long weekend!
  • I put my scale up a few weeks ago but I will pull it back out tonight and see if I came close to my goal. Fingers crossed!!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,175 Member
    Hi y'all. I am not meeting me holiday goals, but I am happy to have kept 5 pounds off since this group started! I know that it is really about losing, but I am thrilled not to have gained! 145.0 pounds. I DO hope to have lost by Dec. 25th!!! :smile:

    Weigh in day- Thursday
    Starting Weight-150.6
    Goal for Labor Day (9/6/11)- 146.6
    Goal for Halloween (10/31/11)-138.6
    Goal for Thanksgiving (11/24/11)-135.6
    Goal for Christmas (12/25/11)-131.6
    Final Challenge Goal for New Years (1/1/12)- 130.6
  • Well I was 1lb off of my goal. But I have no problem with it. I haven't been really working out or anything. So I'm still happy with where I am. :) But for Christmas I am hoping I will be out of the 200's!! I hope. lol.