Thanksgiving Challenge - 08/17-11/23 // (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Wow! There are some really good results on the spreadsheet.
    Can't believe that we only have 4 more weeks left.
    Congrats to those who have gotten much closer to their goals. You still have time to make a greater difference before Thanksgiving comes around.
    Not sure what happened to the rest of our bunch. If you notice weights on the spreadsheet that are highlighted, that means that there was no weight data received for that week. Either the person did not weigh in or simply did not submit their weight to Ashley or me, or possibly they have not logged on in quite a while to check in with the group.

    Regardless, those who have stuck with it, my hat (if i were to wear one) is off to you! Great job!!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I hope are group isn't losing motivation! We have a weigh-in tomorrow and then just 3 more weeks to our final one.

    What is everyone doing to stay on track?
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm still motivated, but it's been tough this week.
    Candy is my downfall for sure!!

    I think i did good, though.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what the scale says in the morning!!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I'm still motivated, but it's been tough this week.
    Candy is my downfall for sure!!

    I think i did good, though.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what the scale says in the morning!!

    I'm thinking Halloween was rough for many! I'm excited to see what the scale says too as I think it's moving downward again. fingers crossed.
  • Yay Me!! I'm finally down 1.4 lbs making my weigh at 200.4.. Just a couple more lbs and i'll be under 200 lbs again!!!!
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm down half a pound this week, so i'm happy.

    i weigh 160.5
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Yay Me!! I'm finally down 1.4 lbs making my weigh at 200.4.. Just a couple more lbs and i'll be under 200 lbs again!!!!

    That is really exciting!

    WTG dajndae!

    I'm down another 1.6 since last weigh-in but was up .4 so overall down 1.2 lbs. I can see the light at the end of a long tunnel to get out of the 300's! It's almost here!
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    I was just looking at the spread sheet.
    looks like everyone (who is left) is doing great!!

    way to go!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Yay Me!! I'm finally down 1.4 lbs making my weigh at 200.4.. Just a couple more lbs and i'll be under 200 lbs again!!!!

    That's fantastic! You will definite hit that goal by next week!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    4.9 lbs in 3 weeks! I really hope I can do it!!! Didn't really think I would reach my goal in the beginning, but now I can taste it!!!

    I'm so proud of everyone that has stuck with this! It's not easy literally changing your life, but how great does it feel? Today I just cannot stop smiling! I'm wearing a new dress and heals to work and every time I pass the mirror I can't help but stare at myself! lol... imagine how conceited I will be when I reach my goal weight? Lol kidding! (sort of!)

    Does anybody have any goals they are trying to reach in the last three weeks to help obtain their weight loss goal? I've got about 2 weeks left of Ripped in 30, so I'm hoping that might inch me closer! That leaves me with one more week in this challenge and I think I will aim for 2 body pump classes, one or two spin classes and a couple days of running!

    Also, what have you achieved in the past 11 weeks?! Something you've done that you never thought you could do before? For me, I ran 10K straight (on the treadmill) in under an hour! I can't remember the last time I have ever gotten anywhere close to doing that! It felt great! I was so exhausted after, but damn it really felt good! Looking forward to doing it again soon, but will probably wait until Ripped in 30 is finished! :)

    Keep if up your turkeys! :tongue:
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Today I just cannot stop smiling! I'm wearing a new dress and heals to work and every time I pass the mirror I can't help but stare at myself! lol... imagine how conceited I will be when I reach my goal weight? Lol kidding! (sort of!)

    Also, what have you achieved in the past 11 weeks?! Something you've done that you never thought you could do before? For me, I ran 10K straight (on the treadmill) in under an hour!

    Keep if up your turkeys! :tongue:

    Stare away you have earned it! Congrats on the run time!

    I'm working on toning up the abs and just overall increased activity.

    What have I achieved that I didn't think I could do? I knew I could do it before but I didn't think I could do it now. :bigsmile:


    Full story

    Go turkeys! Gobble, Gobble!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I am struggling :( I weigh 192 right now but my kidney thing has gotten bad again and I know I am retaining water. I have a follow up doc apt. tomorrow. Mostly I am trying not to freak out.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    137, same as last week. I've mostly stayed under goal but have slacked on the exercise. And enjoyed some halloween candy the last few days. But holding steady and hoping for a loss next week!!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I am struggling :( I weigh 192 right now but my kidney thing has gotten bad again and I know I am retaining water. I have a follow up doc apt. tomorrow. Mostly I am trying not to freak out.

    I hope you get good news tomorrow and can back on your feet. :flowerforyou:
  • I was 91.6 on Weds - kilo's that is - before you start wondering how I've dropped from over 200lbs!!
    Another business trip tomorrow....I'm doomed!
    Good to read about all your successes, and new habits.....
    I'm finding it difficult to fit in my early morning walk now it is dark and wet, and I am back at work, but I have been running up and down stairs, and doing a wall to wall relay with myself!! Im also dancing a lot more at work, and thrilled that I can.

    I think I under challenged myself with my goal for Thanksgiving, so would now really like to achieve the last few pounds between obese and overweight, which would also herald my entrance into Onederland. It is my birthday on the 22nd, so it would be a great present to myself.....
  • No such luck!! No weight loss or gain here.. but not discouraged still working hard at it..
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    No such luck!! No weight loss or gain here.. but not discouraged still working hard at it..

    It's good that you aren't getting discouraged. You've been doing great!

    I'm down another 3.6 lbs this week! After the rough Sept/Oct it's nice to see another good loss.
    Measurements are good too. Finally after 2 months I've lost an inch off the waist and .75 off the hips! Overall down 3.25 from last month.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    136 today. 134 *is* posssible by Thanksgiving, and 130 *is* possible by Christnas........trying very hard to stay motivated!

    Is it next week that we measure again?
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    Way to go Ash!

    I'm down 1 1/2 pounds this week . . .

    but considering yesterday was my 39th birthday (and friday my son turned 14) i'm thrilled with that!!! :-)

    Hope everyone had a good week and month with measurements!

  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    134 *is* posssible by Thanksgiving, and 130 *is* possible by Christnas

    yes it is possible!!!

    way to go and hang in there!!