November Day by Day Challenge--OPEN GROUP!!!



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 1:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal.--Yes.
    2. HEALTHY food choices!--Yes.
    3. 30 min. walk AM and PM.--Yes and No.

    I'm a little late checking in today but it was a busy morning!

    I REALLY want to get back to walking in the evening! It's such a nice time of day. It's been wet and cold, though, and that makes it hard to get motivated. I hope its dry tonight!

    I plan on actually setting my alarm and getting up earlier tomorrow--I need more time for a REAL workout!

    Goals for November 2:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal.
    2. HEALTHY food choices!
    3. 30 min. walk AM and PM. --AM walk done!
  • frubjious

    Sorry I've been gone a while I was attempting a life MFP balance and gained 5lb :ohwell: I need help! I'll check in tomorrow morning (its pretty late here in the UK) to set myself the days goals & introduce myself properly.

    In the mean time I hope you all have a lovely afternoon.
  • majoca
    majoca Posts: 21 Member
    Good evening all (well here it is anyway :o)

    I've done okay with my 3 goals for today, I drank more water than yesterday so I've achieved my goal but it still wasn't good enough and I was rewarded with a headache (sure tell tale sign that I didn't drink enough), I didn't make it to my step class due to bad traffic but I got my butt in gear and burned 450cals in Zumba instead and I'm 26 cals under my net today and perfectly satisfied. Result! :o)

    Goals for tomorrow
    1. Drink minimum of 2.5l water which is the amount I feel best with
    2. Go for a run which I haven't been for a good week now
    3. Pick up 3 parcels from the post office (have to get my bum in gear as the sorting office is 15miles from here)

    Hope everyone else got on well!
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Hello, wondering if I can join this challenge??

    I've been on MFP since january and pretty active on the boards. But I haven't done an active challenge since September, but I know that I lose more with that accountability. I'm a SAHM to an 18 mo old girl, and I'm TTC #2. I had gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy and overall it was a pretty miserable 9 months because I was so unhealthy. So far I'm about 30lbs lighter than I was before I got pregnant so I'm hoping that if I can stay on this path my next pregnancy will be more healthy and enjoyable. Plus I definitely need all the energy I can get to keep up with my little one.

    Goals for tomorrow 11/3
    1. Stay within my calorie goal (no bingeing)
    2. Drink at least 64 oz of water
    3. 30 minutes of some sort of exercise
  • frubjious

    I’m Kim from the UK. I used to be a regular on this thread for quite a long time I’ve got gone from being a couch potato to training for my first marathon next April. I stopped using MFP for a while thinking that I had all my good habits down and that of course training for a marathon would keep me in check.

    Thursday’s Goals, keeping it old school:

    1. Run or go to the gym at least 30minutes of cardio
    2. Under on calories
    3. Water

    Have a lovely day!

  • agadoogirl
    agadoogirl Posts: 36 Member
    I'm Emma, and commitment and willpower aren't really my specialities.... BUT like the quote goes "every passing minute is a chance to turn it around" so here are my goals for tomorrow
    1. Drink enough water
    2. Start c25k
    3. Do 10,000 steps for the day
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    " Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day."

    Yesterday my 3 goals were:
    1. get my dog to the dogpark after a long hike so she can be social-when she doesn't even want to be there! (DONE!)
    2. to spend quality time wtih my husband before he goes back to work. (INCOMPLETE!)
    3. to really really really try & make progress on my weightloss & stop eating latenight! (INCOMPLETE)

    Wow! I actually reached all 1 of these goals!

    Today my 3 goals are:
    1.To attemt to take a "Rest Day" & not go over calories.
    2. to spend quality time wtih my husband before he goes back to work.
    3. to really really really try & make progress on my weightloss & stop eating latenight!

    I really hope to post first thing in the morning & set my goals for the day!!
    Hope everyone else did well!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for November 2:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal.--No.
    2. HEALTHY food choices!--Yes.
    3. 30 min. walk AM and PM. --AM walk done! No PM walk.

    Food choices weren't bad, portion sizes were. It was SO nasty yesterday evening that I couldn't even make myself go to the mailbox, let alone a 30 minute walk outside! I guess I'll just have to do indoor walking with Leslie when the weather is like that. For some reason I find it harder to do a video in the evening than in the morning!

    Hi Kim! Nice to see you back. I'm still struggling with my emotional eating but overall doing a bit better.

    majoca--I ALWAYS have to concentrate on getting enough water--I may have to add it back into my daily goals here soon!

    thedestar--O course you can join this challenge--it is open to everyone! Welcome. I've been caring for my 16 month old grandson in the mornings (temporarily) and know I know why younger people have the babies! He wipes me out!

    Goals for November 3:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal.
    2. HEALTHY food choices!
    3. 30 min. walk AM and PM.
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    November 2 Goals (Goals are going to run the same as another stated to get the habits in place)

    1. Workout once a day (currently doing the Biggest Loser Circut Training Workout) -NOPE
    3. Carbs and Calories UNDER NUMBERS (I love carbs they are my issue) - Calories yes carbs no
    4. Log it and admit it! YES

    Same goals today!

    Have a blessed day and good luck on your goals

  • majoca
    majoca Posts: 21 Member
    Good evening all, my goals for today were

    1. Drink minimum of 2.5l water which is the amount I feel best with - DONE
    2. Go for a run which I haven't been for a good week now - NOT DONE
    3. Pick up 3 parcels from the post office (have to get my bum in gear as the sorting office is 15miles from here) - DONE

    2/3, could be better but I'm chuffed that I managed two, especially the water. I've packed my running shoes for holiday so hopefully I'll be able to go for lots of runs. My goals for tomorrow will be

    1. Staying within my net calories, I'm off on holiday tomorrow and airports tend to mean snacking to me, so I'm armed with fruit and graze boxes
    2. Zumba at home tomorrow morning before heading to the airport
    3. Leave the flat in a good state so I have something nice to get back to, lol

    How has everyone else's day been?
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Goals for tomorrow 11/3
    1. Stay within my calorie goal (no bingeing)
    2. Drink at least 64 oz of water
    3. 30 minutes of some sort of exercise

    I'm within my cals, and drank 64 oz of water (no more than that), and I feel pretty good about exercise. I didn't have a chance to do an actual workout but I cleaned my laundry room and bathroom from top to bottom including scrubbing the floors so I think that counts :happy:

    Goals for 11/4
    1. Stay within my calorie goal
    2. Drink at least 64 oz of water
    3. No sodas (going out to dinner with my mom so that will be a challenge!)
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member

    Goals for Nov. 2
    1. Work out at gym or walk at home dvd-nope
    2. Finish bedroom-getting closer....
    3 Make better food choices-doing better.....

    I missed today's so here's Friday's goals,
    Nov. 4, 2011

    1. Eat better
    2. Drink water
    3. Finish bed
    4. Straighten dining area
  • frubjious

    Thursday’s Goals:

    1. Run or go to the gym at least 30minutes of cardio – An hour in the gym
    2. Under on calories - Yes
    3. Water - Yes


    Yesterday was a big success and the kind of thing I’ve needed recently to get me back on the straight and narrow.

    Agadoogirl – I loved C25k its what got me started running. The progress is fantastic.

    Fridays Goals:
    1. 30 minutes of cardio & a Body Balance class
    2. Under on calories
    3. Water (got to get back into the water habit)

    Have a nice day!
  • agadoogirl
    agadoogirl Posts: 36 Member
    I'm Emma, and commitment and willpower aren't really my specialities.... BUT like the quote goes "every passing minute is a chance to turn it around" so here are my goals for tomorrow
    1. Drink enough water
    2. Start c25k
    3. Do 10,000 steps for the day

    Did a terrible job with the water, started c25k & not sure about the steps because the pedometer and c25k program are both on my phone & it can't do 2 things at once!

    Tomorrow I'm going to
    1. Drink more water
    2. Go on a big beach walk
    3. To make better food choices-not just eat less junk than usual
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 3:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal.--Yes.
    2. HEALTHY food choices!--Yes.
    3. 30 min. walk AM and PM.--Yes and No (again).

    Got errands to run today so I guess I'd better get moving!
    Have a great day, all, and I hope to get here on BOTH weekend days for a change!

    Goals for November 4:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal.(Always hard on Friday!)
    2. HEALTHY food choices!
    3. 30 min. walk AM and PM.
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member

    Goals for 11/4
    1. Stay within my calorie goal
    2. Drink at least 64 oz of water
    3. No sodas (going out to dinner with my mom so that will be a challenge!)

    I definitely drank enough water and didn't have any sodas. But we went out to dinner at a chinese buffet so I'm pretty sure I went over my calories. The terrible thing is that my husband and I are going to dinner and a movie with some friends tomorrow night so I don't know how my food will be then either.

    Goals for 11/5
    1. Drink at least 64 oz of water
    2. No sodas
    3. Wear pedometer and reach 10,000 steps

    Have a great weekend everybody!
  • frubjious

    Fridays Goals:
    1. 30 minutes of cardio & a Body Balance class - Yes
    2. Under on calories - No
    3. Water (got to get back into the water habit) - Yes


    Hope you've got nice plans for the weekend. Today is my rest day so most of my goals are going to be about getting ready for the week.

    Saturdays Goals:
    1. Enjoy but don't go crazy at Dad's birthday lunch
    2. Water
    3. Plan weeks meals
    4. Plan weeks exercise
    5. Laundry

    Have great weekend!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member

    I missed today's so here's Friday's goals,
    Nov. 4, 2011

    1. Eat better-For the most part
    2. Drink water-Nope :frown:
    3. Finish bed-Yes!
    4. Straighten dining area-done!

    Goals for Nov. 5
    1. Get my "new" free side by side (freezer/fridge w/ ice maker/water) refrigerator this morning
    2. Log everything
    3. Drink water
    4. Healthy choices w/ 1 snack (limit 1 snack today)
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for November 4:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal.(Always hard on Friday!)--No.
    2. HEALTHY food choices!--No.
    3. 30 min. walk AM and PM.--Yes and Yes.

    I am having trouble with making healthy food choices. Maybe it's the cold, damp weather but I want 'comfort' foods.
    Time to search for healthy versions!

    Goals for November 5:
    1. Stay in my calorie goal.(Always hard on Friday!)
    2. HEALTHY food choices!
    3. 30 min. walk AM and PM.
  • majoca
    majoca Posts: 21 Member
    Hi all, been MIA for the past two days as I've flown out to see my OH so haven't had a chance to update my daily goals. My Friday goals were as follows

    1. Staying within my net calories, I'm off on holiday tomorrow and airports tend to mean snacking to me, so I'm armed with fruit and graze boxes (tick)
    2. Zumba at home tomorrow morning before heading to the airport (tick)
    3. Leave the flat in a good state so I have something nice to get back to, lol (tick)

    My goals for today are

    1. Exercise, preferably outdoors as the sun is shining
    2. Drink 2.5l water
    3. stay within net calories (which I haven't managed yesterday by a long stretch unfortunately)

    Have a great Sunday everyone