Breakfast ideas for a person that doesnt eat breakfast.



  • Great shake for the morning.

    A2 low low fat milk 100ml
    purified water 200ml
    1 tablespoon of Flaxseed oil
    1 tablespoon phyllis husk
    1-2 tablespoons of mixed berries
    1 scoop protein power
    3-4 ice cubes

    I have this every morning and sometimes just as a snack..
  • Doesn't it take more time to prepare and eat six meals?

    Not if you do it right. I eat 6 times a day. apple and cashews, greek yogurt and fruit, a smoothie. I make a double dose of smoothies and freeze 1 for later. Cook up 8 hard boiled eggs and take two out. Grab a tablespoon of nut butter and 13 crackers. I package my leftovers in containers and freeze them, pull one out the night before and you got lunch.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    I'd say grab a slice of ham and cheese on a wheat bread. I do this every morning now because I don't have time to feast on a bunch of stuff or I'll miss my bus. So I grab my sandwich and eat on the way. If you do have time though oatmeal is fantastic or healthy cereal.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    . But I really need to eat breakfast to boost my metabalism

    You can literally go a full day without food (potentially longer) with no adverse metabolic effects. Breakfast will not boost your metabolism.

    I wish I could just not eat it but really feel I need to for energy.

    This on the other hand, is a valid reason to want breakfast.
  • KayeRichards
    KayeRichards Posts: 19 Member
    Fruit! Already prepared by nature, nothing to do but eat it!
    But if you don't like having breakfast - don't, have something at mid morning, just make good healthy choices :o)
  • savannahgro
    savannahgro Posts: 113 Member
    I am absolutely in love with breakfast foods but I am no no way, shape or form in love with early mornings.
    So on my rush to work I eat a cliff bar (mm, pretzels and peanut butter!) or some type of protein bar and a coffee, which round out to about 245 calories. Then mid morning I do a serving of almonds (150)
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    meal replacement shake? such as ensure or "instant breakfast" which is what my mother fed us when we refused to eat breakfast before school : ) not sure on caloric content or how "healthy" it is - but it works
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I really like the vanilla protein shake in my coffee. Great ideas everyone! Thank you!

    I mix the shake up in the blender with milk, then add it to coffee like creamer. 2-3 cups of coffee doesn't take the whole shake so I just drink the rest.
  • AllisonMart
    AllisonMart Posts: 156 Member
    I tend to get sick too if I try to eat too early in the morning. I usually have a ThinkThin bar about 8:30am, they are very high in protein and not too sweet. The Crunch versions are not as high in protein but have a lot of nuts. And - gluten free for those Celiacs out there. Just one gets me to lunch easily. They're cheapest if you order through Amazon.
  • JaycrazyRose
    JaycrazyRose Posts: 104 Member
    I wake up at 4 am and I definitely do not feel like eating anything that early in the morning. What I usually do is once I get to work at 6am. I usually eat a 90 calorie Quaker granola bar as I am walking around and drinking my hot tea or my new kick from McDonald's Fat Free Peppermint Mocha.
  • Either a small bowl of oatmeal or maybe get a "magic bullet" blender and make a smoothie. You'll find the thing usefull for all tasks but put some fruit and orange juice together and magic...your breakfast.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I used to be that way as well. I would actually get nauseous if I tried to eat too early. I started by simply having a piece of fruit or a handful a nuts when I go up. Then mid-morning I'd have an egg or a protein shake. Since I take a water aerobics at 9am, most days I have a shake before and then eat breakfast (usually eggs) after. It's enough to get the metabolism going and I don't get sick. I also don't have a problem eating a non traditional breakfast. As the weather gets colder some days I'll have miso soup or I'll make savory grits with sauteed mushroom, onions and peppers.
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    Good-for-you lifestyle change to begin the day with breakfast. I was just reading in Prevention magazine today that those who do not eat breakfast are 4.5 times more likely to be obese! Several good ideas above. Even a glass of milk may be a good way to start your day until you adjust to more substancein the morning....and then have a healthy snack a couple hours later (whole wheat peanutbutter crackers).
  • Either a small bowl of oatmeal or maybe get a "magic bullet" blender and make a smoothie. You'll find the thing usefull for all tasks but put some fruit and orange juice together and magic...your breakfast.

    I love my magic bullet. I got it as a wedding gift. Its amazing!
  • Once again thanks guys for the advice and info. I am NOT a morning person at all. Maybe I should get up earlier, eat something for breakfast and go for a jog all before my hubby wakes up so that I'm not rushing around so much. I enjoy my sleep but its time for a change.
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    Once again thanks guys for the advice and info. I am NOT a morning person at all. Maybe I should get up earlier, eat something for breakfast and go for a jog all before my hubby wakes up so that I'm not rushing around so much. I enjoy my sleep but its time for a change.
    I wake up an hour to an hour and a half before Elijah. I miss my sleep, but I LOVE the peace and quiet in the morning to get ready for the day.
  • ange0628
    ange0628 Posts: 39 Member
    I really like the vanilla protein shake in my coffee. Great ideas everyone! Thank you!

    I mix the shake up in the blender with milk, then add it to coffee like creamer. 2-3 cups of coffee doesn't take the whole shake so I just drink the rest.

    GREAT idea, I will try this :)
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    Kroger Active Lifestyle - Instant Oatmeal - Chai Apple (1/2 a packet)
    Calories 170
    Sodium 135 mg
    Total Fat 3 g
    Potassium 0 mg
    Saturated 1 g
    Total Carbs 29 g
    1 g Dietary Fiber 7 g
    Monounsaturated 1 g
    Sugars 4 g
    Trans 0 g Protein 8 g
    Cholesterol 0 mg
    Mixed with
    Fred Meyer Carbmaster - Blackberry Yogurt

    *Fred Meyer Carbmaster - Blackberry Yogurt

    Fred Meyer Carbmaster - Blackberry Yogurt


    Calories 60 Sodium 100 mg
    Total Fat 2 g Potassium 140 mg
    Saturated 1 g Total Carbs 4 g
    Polyunsaturated 0 g Dietary Fiber 0 g
    Monounsaturated 0 g Sugars 3 g
    Trans 0 g Protein 8 g
    Cholesterol 10 mg
    I really had a craving for yogurt and granola and this was the best without going over on sugar. Carbmaster saved my yogurt loving butt!