Leslie Sansone November Challenge



  • flip1329
    flip1329 Posts: 14 Member
    Did 2 miles today, 52 to go:)
  • princessf1
    princessf1 Posts: 495 Member
    Did 5 Mile Fat Burn Walk today - 12 down / 53 to go. Have a good one everybody!
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Great job everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • mjativa
    mjativa Posts: 46 Member
    Did 2 miles with Leslie today. 6 down 44 to go!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Walked 2 miles today.

    Goal for the challange is 50

    48 miles left to go.
  • bw7286
    bw7286 Posts: 12 Member
    Added 3 more. 51 to go!

  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Completed 4 Fast Miles today. Keep up the good work!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Got in another 2 miles. Total of 6 miles done... 54 to go!
  • Day 3: 6/70
  • 1toInfinity
    1toInfinity Posts: 68 Member
    Did 1 mile today.
    2.5 miles down, 27.5 to go
  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134
    Hi all!
    I'm back for the November Challenge. In September, my goal was 50 miles, and I did 100. In October, my goal was 100 miles....and unfortunately I missed my goal by 5 miles....I did 95. It wasn't cause I gave up though....I missed it because I got sick last week...just a bad cold/w a low fever......but when I started feeling better on Saturday, that's when we got the snowstorm here in NJ that the whole Northeast got...and we lost power that afternoon. Today is Thursday, and our power is still out....but luckily we have a generator, so atleast we've had heat, some lights, and we were able to hook up our well and water heater too. The phone/internet just came back this afternoon. Woo hoo! Hopefully our power will be back on in a day or too.

    So, my goal for November will be 75 miles. I only managed to get in 2 miles of WATP today, but that's after 1 week off of any exercising. Feels good to be back! :) Let's all get walking!

    Goal for November - 75 miles
    Miles done so far - 2
    Miles to go - 73
  • Day 3 - 4 miles! :)
    12 down, 28 to go! I may have to up my goal if I keep this up :)
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    Day 3 puts me at 9.9/60. Happy Friday everyone!!
  • hadley0910
    hadley0910 Posts: 91 Member
    I am a little late getting started but I would love to join! I will set my goal at 45 miles and hope that I go over!
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Hi all!
    I'm back for the November Challenge. In September, my goal was 50 miles, and I did 100. In October, my goal was 100 miles....and unfortunately I missed my goal by 5 miles....I did 95. It wasn't cause I gave up though....I missed it because I got sick last week...just a bad cold/w a low fever......but when I started feeling better on Saturday, that's when we got the snowstorm here in NJ that the whole Northeast got...and we lost power that afternoon. Today is Thursday, and our power is still out....but luckily we have a generator, so atleast we've had heat, some lights, and we were able to hook up our well and water heater too. The phone/internet just came back this afternoon. Woo hoo! Hopefully our power will be back on in a day or too.

    So, my goal for November will be 75 miles. I only managed to get in 2 miles of WATP today, but that's after 1 week off of any exercising. Feels good to be back! :) Let's all get walking!


    I am glad you are back and I am happy to read that you are ok. You were on it in both challenges and I am sure you will kick butts again this month. I didn't complete my goal either due to a migraine. However, we were all winners and it was so nice to read everyone's progress. I hope your power is back very soon!

    Goal for November - 75 miles
    Miles done so far - 2
    Miles to go - 73
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Happy Friday! I have a date tonight with either Leslie or the exercise bike (lol). I may do both!

    Keep it walking!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    11/1 1 mile
    11/2 .5 mile
    11/3 1.5 mile
    total 3 of 50, 47 to go. I better get walking.... :wink:
  • gmomlyn
    gmomlyn Posts: 134
    Power is still not back on yet. The electric company trucks are in my neck of the woods though, so hopefully by tonight.

    Feel so much better today. Still coughing a bit, but otherwise feeling good. Back on my game today......just did the 5 mile advanced walk with Leslie......2 fast miles, 1 mile w stretchie, 1 w ab belt and 1 w weights.
    Everyone, keep on walking!

    Goal for November - 75 miles
    Miles done so far - 7
    Miles to go - 68
  • mevans_bnb
    mevans_bnb Posts: 4 Member
    Would like to join my goal is to walk 60 miles
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    So I did another mile. So that brings my grand total to 3 miles! LOL

    I have a goal of 50

    So I have 47 miles to go, seems I better get to walking.