30 Day Shred! Join me!!



  • weimawhat
    weimawhat Posts: 25 Member
    L1D6 complete! Yea! I am a little bummed because I have 4 lbs of excess fluid retention going on right now and I don't like the looks of my cankles. I know it will go away in a few days but I still hate seeing it on the scales. I had an OBGYN apt yesterday and although I weighed in 24 lbs. lighter than last year at this time, I was still 6 up from Monday of this week because of the extra fluid! Last year I was 260 lbs ( I hate even typing that number). Monday I was at 230 lbs. I still have a long way to go....
  • weimawhat
    weimawhat Posts: 25 Member
    Keep up the great work!
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Nice work everyone Keep up the Good work, Stay motavited and get others motavited to join in as well.
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    I just started Level 2 today but I would love to join...I will post pics later...
    Are you still with us
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    L1D4 completed, man I sure did not feel like I was going to get through this tonight not sure why but my body was not liking it I got tired quick but I stayed strong and finished!
  • L1D9 complete! :)
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    I'm not sure if we have lost anyone but if your still here give a shout out! Were here to encourage each other were all here for the same reason, Don't Give Up!!!! Send a friend request if you like to anyone of us we are all here for you!
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I do it as my stregnth training so it's not everyday but add me and we'll make it through.FYI,- If you have AT&T cable, it's free on excercise T.V.
  • I am gonna do Day 10 tonight, then take a day off tomorrow. My knees are really hurting me for some reason :( Its not a muscle thing, its like a stabbing pain with I straighten my legs. Hopefully it goes away!! I will also post pics and take my measurements to see my progress.

    **KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK EVERYONE!!! I just love seeing everyone's "circuit training" entries because it lets me know you are all still working hard at this!
  • Been doing the 30 day shred for about 7 days..Also Bobs Yoga (great workout as well)..I'm in
  • nanapapaof5
    nanapapaof5 Posts: 65 Member
    I don't exericse so how hard is the DVD and the name of it. Maybe I'd exericse if I was held accountable. Worth a stay.

    Thanks Shari
  • weimawhat
    weimawhat Posts: 25 Member
    L1D7! I can't believe I have done 7 days in a row.
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    Hey yeah anyone can join in any time Its the 30 day shred from Jillian Michaels she has 3 levels and you start out with Level 1 for ten days the L2 for ten days and so on its tough the first day but I know you can do it.
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    lvl 1 day 9 complete! 1 more day of level 1... then onto the infamous lvl 2 eeep
  • Yeah I can't believe I only have one day left of L1. It's not easy enough yet dammit!
  • Level 1 Day 10 DONE!!!!!! Pics and measurements to come tomorrow :)

    I agree, its not easy enough :( I struggled BIG time the past three days. I wonder why? Maybe like someone said I am just bored with it.

    So, what was everyone's favorite circuit in the first level? And after it's all over, which exercise still gives you a hard time completing?

    My favorite was Circuit 2, and the exercise that was the worst for me was the jump rope! For some reason, I could never finish the second set of them! KILLER!
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    HALF WAY DONE WITH L1 YAY Just Finished L1D5
  • i'm so glad i found this forum!! i just ordered this DVD from Amazon (along with a weight set) and did W1D1 tonight!! oh my gosh, my arms are so WEAK but i cant wait to change that!!!

    can i join your check-ins? i need to be held accountable and you ladies seem awesome!

  • Just started tonight!! So excited - Great workout:) Great thread for motivation:) Thanks!
  • lovecrystaljoy
    lovecrystaljoy Posts: 297 Member
    WELCOME!!!!!!!!! It is never to late we are glad to have you. Feel free to post Pictures Of day one the pictures after day10 Level 1 and so on. Its cool to actually see our bodies Transform
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