Everyday I'm Shreddin it! 30DS 10/11/11



  • debbiebaz
    debbiebaz Posts: 45 Member
    D4 L3 completed earlier today
  • Didnt do shred today because it is my birthday tomorrow and I have had friends coming to stay. Have slotted in time tomorrow before my birthday breakfast to complete L3 D2.

    Really excited to do ripped in 30 I have loved the results from 30 DS.
  • debbiebaz
    debbiebaz Posts: 45 Member
    D5 L3 completed.... Come on ladies where has everyone gone only a few days left now.....
  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm still here!! :)

    Day 7 Level 3 done!!

    TOM so feel all bloated but still forced myself to shred. Not missed a day yet so doing the full 30 days is looking game on now!
  • D 2-5 L3 - completed. Didn't shred yesterday, but had an incredible bike ride through the river valley!
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    Level 3 Day 25&26 DONE! I'm suppose to be on day 27 but I had to skip one day because I was up for over 24hours and super tired.

    I'm excited about about Ripped in 30. I already ordered my DVD!
  • D6L3 - 32 days complete! :D

    woot woot 4 more days left:laugh:
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    Yay - level 2 completed. The delights of level 3 tomorrow!!! (I feel like I should do the shred again today as I cooked a very calorific lunch for my brother's birthday - 8 of us round the table....... and he was very controlled - but I indulged!!! Hmmmm - never mind! Tomorrow is another day!
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Feeling rubbish, getting a headcold and no motivation to do anything - let alone take a beating from Jillian! But I am missing the exercise so tomorrow, headcold or not I will be shredding again :-)
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    knees really hurt today - and its day 1 level 3 for me - will do it later this morning!!
  • Toenges1
    Toenges1 Posts: 99 Member
    Day 16 complete yesterday - forgot to log here. I did level 1 b/c I was just not feeling like doing anything at all. Good news, Level 1 is now pretty easy for me. Bad news, I probaby didn't burn as much as I could have. Will do level 2 today
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    Hi guys!! Everyone is doing so great! I haven't been able to log on here much, something has happened with my phone and it won't let me log into MFP's website anymore. I can only log on here when I'm at work now. So I haven't been able to track my completion on here. But I do see everyone is doing so great! I'm waiting for a few more responses about Ripped in 30. We have a wide range on where everyone is so far, so we may be starting a little before some of you are done with 30 day shred or a little after some of you are finished. I'm going to try to make sure we do an average. I plan on still working out after I'm done with my 30DS during the days we are waiting to start Ripped.
    So happy you all are on board and we're all still chugging along!!!
  • Toenges1
    Toenges1 Posts: 99 Member
    I am ready to start Ripped in 30 any time. Ordered it via Amazon last week so it should get here any time. I need to go get some 2 pound weights because I only have 5 and 8 pounders - I read you need some light weights for Ripped in 30.

    I am only about 2/3 of the way through the 30 Day Shred but listening to Jillian's instruction over and over again - saying the same thing gets old. I tried to put it on music only- but the music is like bad porno music (very distracting and not motivating) and I don't know when she is switching the exercise - so that isn't a good option. Also, wondering if Ripped in 30 will allow you to just forward right to the exercises rather than having to watch 45-60 seconds of Jillian's introduction each time. I hope so!!

    However, I have to hand it to Jillian. My arms have NEVER been so ripped - not even when I was active in sports in high school...and I am 42 years old. Thank you Jillian!! I have to do double takes in the mirror. Never have seen myself like this before and it is fun!!!
  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    Day 8 Lev 3 done!
    Didn't really sweat at all today very strange!
    Normally I am gasping and drenched by the end!
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    day 1 level 3 - I'm soaking!!!! and I'm just doing Anita moves!!!!!!!!!!!
  • debbiebaz
    debbiebaz Posts: 45 Member
    L3 D6 done, just 4 days left ..... But I am still on Anita moves !!!!!
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    Did Level 2 and had some time to spare so did Level 3 as well! I'm going to stick with it from now on, so I'll call it day 1 of Level 3.
  • snailrunner
    snailrunner Posts: 215 Member
    Is it just me, or has Anita got freakishly long arms?! I just caught sight of her with her arms outstretched for the high kicks in L2 and thought "weird!"
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    Level 3 Day 27 DONE!
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    hey guys- got sick this weekend, and wimped out on the shred tonight because i still feel feverish and am afraid to overdo it- hoping to jump back in tomorrow. i realize that this puts me pretty far behind- maybe i will overlap on a few days if it doesn't kill me:) lol. hope everyone else is doing great!