diet cokes...what's ur view??



  • lexikaye22
    lexikaye22 Posts: 28 Member
    I am addicted to Diet Coke. I know that it is 0 calories...but I personally see better results when I am not drinking one or two of those babies a day. Losing weight is about changing the things in your life... personally I dont think a diet coke will kill meeee if I have it every now and then....but mentally I know its hindering my weight loss in some weird way.

    Good luck though! Listen to what your body is telling you!
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Using tooth decay as an argument is pointless and worth ignoring, as EVERYTHING you consume, even water, can damage your teeth. Water can have a pH from 7, all the way down to 5, which can put it at the same acidity of coffee and soda. Which was the entire point of my earlier response, tooth decay is a weak argument. As for the study, no causation, no controls, no real rigor, means no useful results.
    Do you believe it is untrue that soda in all forms slows the body's absorption of calcium?
    Here's my problem, I don't care for the taste of diet sodas, so it's all academic to me, & I'm simply not interested enough to research the heck out of it. Lol all the signs pointing to it NOT being as good as water are frankly good enough for me,admittedly possibly partially because I have no personal interest in making a case for it.

    You know what, though, don't, because I guess you just told me that "the entire point of your argument" was... Ignoring my earlier point? Along with your other posts, well, I guess people so condescending & rude are rarely convincing to me. They instead come off like they are so desperate to "prove" their point and so defensive about the topic that I find their points a little suspect. If I ever fall in love with diet soda, I'll just look more into it myself, maybe I'll be more impressed with it than i think, ormaybe ill even try to convince myself it's uber-healthy. Lol

    And yeah, answering the op's Q, I still dont think diet soda is the equivalent of water, but I think it's probably fine to do on a moderate basis-- like many other things that aren't necessarily great.
  • I have to admit, I drink way too much Diet Pepsi. Have been for about 20 years. Like any other thing it becomes a habit and very hard to break. So far the water drinking is my issue, just can't bring myself to drink it.
  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 138 Member
    I was a major diet coke drinker in the past.....Now, water is my main friend....Staying hydrated with clear fresh water is the best for my personal health. I really do feel a difference in health.

    I probably have 1 diet coke monthly...and that's just fine.
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    I think it depends on how much you drink! If you're drinking more diet soda than water, I don't think it's good for you.

    I don't think that it hinder weight loss, but have you ever seen the video of someone pouring diet soda on a rusty car battery to erode the rust!? Imagine what that's doing to your stomach!!!

    Soda -- diet or not,leaves me bloated and feeling sick!

    I know people are scared because soda can be acidic.. but we all have hydrocholoric acid in our stomach naturally. I rather doubt the soda is doing anything particularly bad to a stomach that is insulated against pure acid already..
  • cufirst84
    cufirst84 Posts: 127 Member
    its all about moderation!! and that goes for everything you eat and drink !! Enjoying a soda once and awhile is ok !!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I'm totally for it. If I stayed away from everything that some article/expert/panel said was bad for me I would be eating nothing!!!

    Between pesticides, non-chemical pesticides that have been shown to cause cancer, vegan/vegetarian food beliefs (nothing against them but I'm not one of them....good for those who are), substances in water, foods, etc. there would be nothing left.

    So with that helps me break of the monotony of water. I only drink water at work through a filter, bottled water or Crystal Light at home (our water tastes horrible due to OLD pipes!!).

    I'm a Coke Zero addict, will get Diet Coke with Lime at restaurants and LOVE Diet Dr. Pepper as a "treat". During the week I have 1 - 20 oz during the day and on the weekends 2-3 sometimes. I also add in crystal light, count it for my water and log the calories.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I don't drink them often because I feel thirstier after I drink them due to the sodium. I also have to have the caffeine-free (caffeine keeps me awake no matter what time of day I drink it!). In restaurants, I usually have to do water because they never have anything that's diet AND caffeine-free, so I carry the little Crystal Light drink packets to flavor my water with. I will enjoy a soda once in a while, but not often. If you like them, though, enjoy them. I just wouldn't let ALL of your water intake be from sodas.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Diet soda does make me burp and fart more.

    I can't decide if that's a problem or a bonus. :laugh:
  • I love diet coke!
  • illecl
    illecl Posts: 30 Member
    They have Splenda-sweetened Diet Coke and many of the grocery store brand diet sodas are also sweetened with Splenda. Look for a different color on the 12-pack box. Aspartame makes my body ache (weird, I know). But Splenda hasn't gotten the bad press that it has.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Diet soda does make me burp and fart more.

    I can't decide if that's a problem or a bonus. :laugh:

    Definite bonus.
  • Babyblueeyez4O5
    Babyblueeyez4O5 Posts: 28 Member
    Against, personally I cut all pop out. I will sip on ginger ale when I'm sick, but that's about it.

    All about Aspartame which is in your diet pop:

    Wow, thanks for the info... I switched from sugar to splenda, from reg soda to diet Wow.. I did not know I was harming my body and taking away fuel by doing so... and that explaines why im craving Sweets more now... Great diet tip for me... Thanks again :)
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    I limit myself to 1 can of diet pepsi a day. The rest of the day consists of coffee in the morning, hot tea during the day and maybe, just maybe a half a bottle of water at night with my meds/vitamins.

    I don't believe soda is just like water. Water is water and other drinks are other drinks. I do find I feel better when I DON'T have a lot of soda....but that's me. I also suffered from IBS before I lost a lot of weight and cut out soda with aspartame and I truly believe aspartame was a culprit. So I limit myself because I don't EVER want to go through that again. I've been cured for over 8 years now....I NEVER want that back!!

    To each their own. If you don't feel bad and you aren't drinking a 6 pack a day, in my opinion you have nothing to worry about. If you drink a lot more than that, then I think there is a short somewhere in the circuit board and you may want to think about the fact you may be addicted to it and want to wean yourself off.
  • Sobe1970
    Sobe1970 Posts: 36 Member
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Personally, I love diet coke, and I have been drinking a ton of it. The last couple days, I have tried to switch over about half my consumption of diet coke to unsweetened tea to see what happens.

    I think that everyone should just do what is right for them. Scientific studies are hard to come by on this subject, and causation and correlation are two totally different beasts.

    I lost weight when I switched from regular pop to diet pop. Then, I gained it back with some other issues I had.

    Now, I am weaning off the diet pop, and so far so good, but I still love the taste of it and want it from time to time. I'm trying not to cut it out cold turkey, because that is a recipe for failure.

    Honestly though, if I give it up for a couple months and don't see significant changes, i will bring it right back in and drink it again.
  • mjsohm
    mjsohm Posts: 40
    I'm in favor of them. :) In moderation of course. I wish that they did a moderation test on lab rats instead instead of the "saturate every cell in their body continuously for five years and then say it causes cancer" test.
  • mom2teebee
    mom2teebee Posts: 76 Member
    I believe in everything in moderation. I replace sugar with Splenda in my coffee to cut the calories. I occasionally have a diet soda when I'm in the mood for one.
  • carolkobe
    carolkobe Posts: 18 Member
    I stay away from chemicals and processed foods in general now. I used to drink diet soda's as a sweet low cal treat when dieting but have found that because they are super sweet they made me crave sweet stuff even more. I did that experiment putting a dirty cent in a glass of diet soda and the soda made it shiny again. Something that can do that to metal is not something I want to add to my body:)
    I also found that I didn't like plain water when I started switching to it so I added a splash of different juices to help me acquire a taste. I reduced the amount of juice as I went and now water is my drink of choice. I just make sure there is a glass by me at all times and find that I drink it then without even thinking about it. If I don't have it beside me, the day gets away from me and I don't have enough time left to get in my days intake.
    I continue to pick one new habit I want to acquire at a time when it comes to food and figure out how to make that work for me. Some of my current habits have obviously not been working for me but I am getting there slowly but surely. I love this site, I found it less than two weeks ago and it's a habit I am acquiring quickly:)
    Good luck with whatever decision you make!
  • lisasays
    lisasays Posts: 142 Member
    I avoid all pop. My 6 yr old has never even had pop and my 18 year old is a vegan and avoids it, too. I really try not put anything that is not nourishing in some way into my body and soda pop isn't nourishment!