
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    Finally Friday..... It's been a stressful day. My husband was sick a couple of weeks ago with vertigo and migranes. Our doctor referred us to a neurologist and the appt was this morning. On Wednesday, Chris (my hubby) came home limping...his knee was sore and swollen. I had him ice, elevate, do tylenol arthritis. He went to work yesterday and it was very swollenand painful after work. Today, after the neuro appt (which was good but referral for MRI's, EEG and blood work) we went to his primary care office. He then had to make sure it wasn't a blood clot (it wasn't) and we have an appt scheduled with the orthopaedic doc for Tuesday. I am very worried about him (...and I am also worried about how much all these test are going to cost us----our health care has big deductables and lab work is only partially covered---but I am not reminding him of that). I guess it really hit me that this could be something very serious.
    So the big NSV today...was when we finally got home the docs, labs and visiting his job to let people know....I went to the gym!!! It was a push but I knew that I needed to get there. I know that there is always going to be stressors but it felt good to still get my workout in.

    Have a good night....and thanks for listening (or reading!).
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,462 Member
    Viv - we had a neighbor whose dog was old and not expected to live much longer. They got a puppy and the reasoning (which makes sense to me) was that this way they'd be used to the puppy and when the older dog passed on, they wouldn't feel as much loss. Oh, they still felt loss, but they had another puppy to pour their love into already in place. Congrats on the kittens! Give Wiz time. Trust me. When we introduced Loki to Lexi, she would have nothing to do with him. Now they are the best of buds. When we introduced Clyde and Bonnie to the home, Lexi took it as "oh, another one" but it took Loki a while to acccept them. Now they play together. Just give it time.

    Sally - good thoughts for your hubby. Keep us informed, OK? Exercising really helps get stress somewhat under control. Good for you for going to the gym!

    Well, Vince was supposed to be at the hosp at 11:40 today, the surgery was SCHEDULED for 1:40. Around 12:30 the nurse comes in to tell us that the MD is running behind and it won't be until 2:30. Then.....shortly before 2:30 another nurse comes in to tell us that it'll be ANOTHER hour. He didn't go down to the OR until almost 4. I felt so sorry for him, I could tell that he was somewhat annoyed and he must have been starving. I know I was, and I had breakfast! Thank goodness I'd brought 1/2 a sandwich, some carrots, hardboiled egg whites, walnuts, and an apple with me. By the time I could have gone to the cafeteria, they were closing up. But at least I had my food (which was better for me anyway). By the time he got into recovery then back to his room and we got home, it was almost 8. But everything went fine.

    I was going to go to a yoga class, but I think I'll probably just do a yoga DVD at home so that I'm here for Vince if he needs me, at least early in the day.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Michele,what a stressful day.Good planning for your food.Glad hubby is ok,except for being hungry and stressed.
    have a good week-end.
    Sally-praying for your hubby.Hope everything turns out ok.
    HUGS jane
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    It's the WEEKEND, again. This week flew by with houseguests here mid=week...I have been a bit turned around. My parents called this morning and wanted to drive over with some old friends and take us to lunch. It was great to spend a few hours with them, as always. And as always, I give thanks that I still have both parents and that they are still in pretty good shape:love:

    Sally: I hope that all gets resolved well and quickly for your husband and I am VERY proud of you for going to the gym as a way to work out your anxiety! It is such a positive way to deal with things. Please keep us posted and I'll be thinking about you and your DH! Take care!

    Jane: Your walk sounds lovely and I am glad that your back is a bit better!

    Michele: Also glad that your DH got in and out ok. I am sure the delay was annoying though!

    Peggy: Good to have you back!

    the Mommy: I am sure you will take care of the little gain in no time! Good luck:-)

    Barbie: You are so right about sugar. Once I get away from it, I do not want it. But if I allow myself to have more than a just a bite the cravings come back. I feel so much better without it...too bad I can't seem to give it up altogether! Candy doesn't temp me, but homemade baked things do, on occasion.

    I'm getting bleary-eyed. Time to go to bed I think. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend:heart: Kackie
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    Ronna, good to hear about your migraines, good thing you read about artificial sweetener.

    Jane, thanks for your story, yay on being the lowest weight in a long time.

    Joyce, do you use those nice lights that help with seasonal disorder? I have a few friends that swear by them.

    Viv, the only low cal thing I can think of at an Indian restaurant is salad. When I go, which is rarely, I just figure it will be a high calorie day. Sorry I’m no help.

    Pam, ouch on the wrist and how nice on the brownies.

    Mommie, dang nice kids.

    Peggy, why is it so easy to slip back into those bad habits, even when we think they are gone forever? Gotta stay vigilant.

    Sally, hoping things aren’t serious for your hubby.

    Michele, good to hear the surgery went fine even though it took so long.

    I find I look forward to my daily workouts, it’s when I can just think about whatever I want and don’t have to study, lol. Usually I imagine myself thinner and hiking in the mountains or riding my bike on a dirt trail. I’m meeting a friend for Thai tomorrow and have planned to day to accommodate all those calories since of course I must have thai iced tea. This restaurant uses coconut milk so it’s even better than usual.

    I can’t believe how cold it is here today, like I thought we completely skipped any kind of fall. A friend posted on fb that she saw snow mixed with rain!! That’s crazy talk.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    @jane happy to hear your back is improving...i suffer from lower back issues and i remember the PT exercises worked worders

    @sally....sorry about your hubby, hope the tests come up positive...great that you relieved your stress by going to the gym

    @michele...sorry about the long day at the hospital, so glad to hear your DH is doing well..great idea on being prepared with your food

    @kackie,...how wonderful to still have your parents with you and enjoy them...

    @cynthia....like you i also look forward to my daily workout, it is a time that i zone out , or tackle some big problem...have fun at the thai restaurant.....

    my wrist is still hurting but i feel it less swoolen, so i believe im headed in the right direction....going to a spinning class this afternoon, hope to do 90(the instructor starts the class 30minutes before)i was able to do two back to back classes this week ...i am aiming for at least one a week, two preferably....have a great weekend all:flowerforyou:

    i forgot to mention: i finally caved:sad: and had some of the leftover candies from halloween(1060 calories worth):explode: , the candies being in the outside fridge they are still too tempting, so i will make cookies dough and save them for Christmas, which i make lots of cookies for family and friends....i had to share
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: Happy in Vegas with my preggers baby girl. Life is good.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,119 Member
    :bigsmile: I am enjoying a wonderful visit with my best friend who flew up from California on Thursday. She went to line dance with my on Friday. I had hoped that we would take long walks together and talk but she says it's too cold for her here so I turned up the heat in the house and we've been visiting in the house instead.. She eats a lot like I do during the day and we've been going to restaurants for dinner----I haven't posted my food and although my eating has been moderate at the restaurants, I've eaten cornbread, sweet potato fries, and tuna/cheddar melt). at the very least, the sodium has been out of sight.

    :bigsmile: I've still done my walking with frisky poodles in the morning so I'm getting some good exercise even if later in the day all I do is sit and talk.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sally, I hope there will be positive news for your husband.....you are so wise and sane to get exercise in the midst of stressful times.

    :flowerforyou: Michelle, that long day at the hospital sounds like a challenge for both of you.........some months ago I took my hubby for his colonoscopy and he and several others had an extra long wait in the waiting room and I couldn't believe that someone brought coffee and sweet rolls to eat in the same room with people who weren't allowed to eat until after their procedures.

    :flowerforyou: Jane, I like your new picture......i hope things continue to get better for your back.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Robin, glad you're having a great time with your daughter and soon to be grandchild :bigsmile:
  • Hello ladies, how are you all?? Been very busy at work and at home helping my sister pack. She is moving into a apartment soon, we have been cleaning and packing to exhaustion. I'm still fasting and taking supplements to boost my body after the fast. They are doing very well for me. I can have a good salad and protein with it, with a light supper or snack before six at night. Really liking the image I am seeing in the mirror in the morning.

    Hope all is well here, I will be posting again soon. Love to all and good luck!!

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I am taking a break from sorting clothes and hunting equipment to take to Michigan. DH is building another hunting blind that he can assemble when we get there, so we are taking a trailer in addition to the truck. Tomorrow or Monday he wants me to paint it for him. Maybe I'll try to get creative and put a bird or squirrel on a tree branch while I'm at it. That will probably get me a comment or two! We hunt out of the old farm house my brother and I grew up in. My brother never sold it when our parents passed and it makes a good place for his occasional farm help to stay and a great place to use for hunting season.

    Barbie & Michele - I grew up helping turn farm animals into dinner, so dealing with deer is no big deal for me - except for the physical part that is. It is the hardest work, in the shortest amount of time, that I do all year - that's for sure. It's odd, it doesn't bother me but my brother is very squeamish about blood and always has been.

    Barbie - When I had my colonoscopy the staff had a room off the waiting room with coffee and dozens of donuts for everyone. It was a nice gesture for those that could have them but dang it was not fun for the rest of us. The coffee smelled sooo good! :noway:

    I finally found some standard red snapdragons. I got them planted yesterday. I'm hoping we get enough rain to keep them going until we get back home. Next year I am going to try starting them and pansies from seed. Looking all over for what you want is not much fun. I never did get any Vidalia onions. I guess they are scarce because of the drought we had in Georgia this year.

    The gym I go to has started a class that I enjoy - a mix of cardio, weights and floor work - finally something besides zumba! I have tried it but it's just not for me. I look like a fish flopping around. :sad: I don't mind how I look so much, it's that I am so bad at the moves it's not doing me much good. :ohwell: There are several of us that want them to do a step aerobics class but the instructor said they don't want to buy the steps. The thing is that all of us in the discussion has their own step, so maybe the bean counters can be convinced to have a class if everyone brings their own.

    Well, DH needs me to hold something for him - he's working on the hunting blind.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :love: Just spent some lovely time with DD and grand baby. Oh what a munchkin. He will be 3 months old in less than a week. And you can tell that this grandma is quite smitten :love: :love:

    :flowerforyou: I am interested in doing a liver cleanse. Does anyone have any experiences they can share? Either with products or foods? You can also message me.

    :heart: Rebel
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    It was cold and wet today.Got out to take of the animals. I did get a DVD from the library Getting fit after 50(yoga) Made it through the stretching.Boy I'm out shape. Will try more tomorrow. Do have some good news I can now fit into size 12 jeans. I haven't lost alot But I'm losing inches. But I have to go and get winter tops. Only have t-shirts. Just going to get a few things.

    Viv- Have to see how much those lights are.

    Rebel -enjoy every moment they grow up so fast.

    Michelle- Sounds like a very long day but you were prepared.

    Jane- Nice picture way to stick with what you can do.

    Barbie- I understand how your friend fills.

    Marilyn-Glad to hear you are liking your image. I hear that is hard sometimes.

    Robin_ sounds like you are having a nice time.

  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Evenin' All,

    I feel like I haven't been here in a while....and it's been only since yesterday. I try to pop on and keep up w/posts a couple of times during the day. This is such a busy place...I miss too much when I don't check in!

    Peggy.....I have to work real hard to not revert to my bad habits....sometimes I slip. But I have way more good days than bad...so it's progress. Once I have 1 piece of chocolate....I'm good for a few more. I know just how you feel.

    Jane...Glad your back is feeling better. Hopefully the numbness will ease up soon.

    Sally....I hope all goes well for you and your husband. It's very unsettling when the people we love aren't feeling well. And the worry is compounded by what insurance does/does not cover...doesn't seem fair at all. The only thing we should have to worry about is getting well. Working out is a great way to de-stress and you'll be feeling better to help your husband get back to health.

    Michele...What an annoying time at the hospital! Good thinking to have planned it all so well by bringing your snacks. Glad it all went well.

    Cynthia...Thai food....yummy!

    Pam...Why can't we have a holiday that centers around fruit or veggies????? These sweet holidays are tough.....I indulged in M&M Peanuts...my weakness. But that's over now......

    Barbie.....Time with your friend is priceless...Enjoy!

    Renny...I love your profile picture...He is adorable!

    Finally finished w/Eric's birthday....it started Thursday. That was his real day...dinner out. Last nite was dinner at his parent's house. Today I cooked dinner for the rest of the family...chicken pot pie and lemon meringue pie. That's what he wanted. First time I made the pie...it came out good thanks to Alton Brown's recipe. Knowing how big the dinners would be..I tried to keep the early part of the day lighter..so I'm not doing too badly. Haven't lost a pound...maybe someday. I can dream.

    Here's to the start of what I hope will be a week of some weight loss....I have to get the poundage to go down this week!!!!

  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Hello all you lovely ladies.... gosh, a couple of days of being busy and not reading the thread .... and sooo much to catch up on!!

    Too much for my tiny brain to name you all and give individual messages.... but I love reading about all your lives:bigsmile: and feel so much a part of all that is going on.... and I feel for all those with health issues and wish you well.

    I've had a few busy days.... and not being very disciplined with either food or exercise..... so much for my fresh start for November!! I feel like I am teetering on the edge of slipping into old ways.....

    Started with my husband's birthday on thursday although I handled that day really well with heaps of exercise early to keep within goal.... but friday I worked all day sitting at computer.... so no exercise, quick not good lunch, and then drinks after work with antipasto platter..... oh dear.

    Saturday no better.... went with friends on a cafe crawl through a multicutural area of the city.... lots of coffee, some cakes, some pizza.... oh dear again. (but had a great day).

    Today (sunday).... worked hard around the garden after going to the markets.... but feeling very slack and disorganised with food and the croissants I bought at the markets for my kids were still sitting on the bench.... so they ended up in my stomach (on my hips)..... and then it rained unexpectedly and heavily and all the good work I had just done sealing some stone pavers was washed away.... so now I feel very low.... was going to go to the gym this weekend but actually I just feel like sitting and having a glass of wine!:drinker:

    Think I will just go with it for now and wake up to a new day tomorrow and make sure I go to the gym very early and do my C25K and get the week off to a good start..... I really want to hang in there and not repeat my usual patterns.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    For those of you who have been posting here, you know I have had a very rough year or two. Well, I won something for the first time in my life and I am hoping it is a sign that my luck or fate will be changing. I won an iPad2 in a drawing at a press conference on Assistive Technologies for People with Disabilities. I got it Friday and went to the iStore yesterday to get an introduction to it. It is the basic one,but I am very happy and so are my kiddos.

    Now, to get Dad up and try to figure our if we ran out of water or if the pipes are frozen.

    Oh, I am also grateful that we have a new furnance and for the first time in YEARS we woke up to a warm house.

    Have a great day everyone,


    PS: Mac products in general are very accessible to people with disabilities in case you know anyone in that situation looking for computers or other electronic products. We may get an iPad for our public accessable work station in our medical library at work.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies,

    Hope that you are all having a nice weekend. It is windy, windy, windy here so DH hasn't been out in the boat so he isn't too thrilled...but I just got back from a nice walk/jog and feel great. Down half a pound for the week...had hoped for more but will take it. Slow and steady, right?

    Jeannie: CONGRATULATIONS on your win and I do hope this is a sign of good things for you and your family.:drinker: I don't have an IPad but DH and my sons do. Even our 2 year old GD can use it, so you are right...it is very user friendly

    Joyce: Way to go on getting into the jeans and I am sure that the yoga will get easier. Way to go for being persistent.:flowerforyou:

    Rebel: Your GS is darling and I love the pic too:love:

    Barbie: So glad you are enjoying time with your best friend. Time spent with special friends is very precious! Enjoy!

    To those who are struggling, I hope the week ahead is a good one for getting back on track. I am the poster child for that up and down and the best thing for me is to keep logging in and reading. I get such inspiration from all of you! Thank you for being here:flowerforyou:

  • 79smudge
    79smudge Posts: 26 Member
    I'm a 52 year old, married, with two adult disabled sons for whom I need to stay healthy and strong. I've managed to lose some weight and inches since I started with MFP in early September.

    I have joined (late, but better than never...) the 10500 Kettlebell Swing by year end challenge, so getting caught up in swings will be a focus this month. Started the 30 Day Shred in late October and will continue with this through November. And I downloaded the Couch 2 5K app last night, so will start on this, although I have no idea how far I'll go with it (to say I'm not a runner is a huge understatement!)

    Continuing the above three projects, as well as continuing to log daily while watching my food intake, will be my goals for November.:smile:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Welcome, 79Smudge! You sound like you have really jumped in here with both feet. You will find lots of support and friendship here. Good luck on this journey and look forward to getting to know you. (Darling profile picture!) take care, kackie
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Happy Sunday Everyone :flowerforyou:

    Just popped in to read up on how everyone is doing! I've had a really good week which is totally surprising. :noway: My official weigh in day is Saturday and I was down 1.4 lbs (finally). I hit the gym today and on a fluke decided to weigh myself again. Down another lb! Love it when this happens. :laugh:

    My Packers just won!!! Doing the Happy Dance . . . :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Janet AKA bellawares
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I hope everyone is having a good weekend. We had a nice day. My husband seemed to feel better—the swelling in his leg went down and he was able to move it more. I hope we get the results of some of the bloodwork tomorrow. My medical degree from WebMD is leaning toward a type of gout…time will tell. I am so relieved that he seems a bit better.

    In the meantime, I have had some time to read through a book I got out of the library ( The 17 Day Diet). I don’t like the sense of “diet” but it reading the book it made me think about how little by little, I add processed food into my day. I have been whining about my difficulty in losing anything consistently. I decided to follow the plan and after this first day, it feels great.

    Michele….I hope Vince is feeling better. What a tough day that the surgery kept getting moved back. That happened to me when I had my gall bladder out many years ago and my poor parents were so upset.
    Kackie…What a nice day…to get to visit with your parents. I miss my parents so much—we had lots of good memories.
    Robin…Enjoy Vegas and your daughter!
    Rita…A three day birthday—that’s a good way to celebrate!
    Jeannie…Congrats on the win..what fun.
    Welcome 79Smudge
    Janet…Congrats on the weight loss!

    Have a good night!