Calling all SEXY MAMA's and WANNA BE's ;)



  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I like the Sunday motivation and Monday weigh-ins. Happy to oblige!

    I also think rolling over will be easy enough, but sometimes that can be hard to catch up on, and with a group this size we'd roll over a lot... Maybe I am too much of a forum newb.

    I missed this post before, so I wanted to add my motivation. It sounds terrible and shallow, but looking good in my clothes (and without, of course) is huge. I've had such a stressful October / November, and despite that I am sticking to this lifestyle change. Of course my darling son is motivation, but I've always been a relatively healthy eater, so I am really trying to focus on getting in the exercise I need and weight management I would like.

    Edited to add:

    My motivation to the group is that WE ARE ALREADY STEPS AHEAD! We chase kids all day, run up and down and all over the house / town doing chores, errands, and everything else. We can do this! We will do this! <3<3<3
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    My motivations!!!
    my husband and children!!!
  • KOlmert
    KOlmert Posts: 50 Member
    Sunday Motivation, Monday weigh in works for me! Gives me reason not to cheat on the weekends! :wink:
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Oops, almost missed the Sunday motivation!
    First a bit of an intro:

    My name is Colleen, I'm 41 and the mother of two. My son is 11 and my daughter is 9. They can run rings around me and I really want to even the playing field :laugh: I lost 75 lbs in 2005/06, but have slowly been putting them back on (to the tune of 38 - grr) so this website is a God send.
    I'm from Alberta, Canada.

    My kids and my husband motivate me :flowerforyou:
    See you tomorrow to weigh in.
  • aliciazak
    aliciazak Posts: 18 Member
    Hello all! I'm very excited to be a co-moderator with KJ - I'm hoping that together we can make this a super motivational and awesome support group! Sexy mamas unite!!! :happy:

    Now for my addition to MOTIVATIONAL SUNDAY: my current motivation at the moment is probably completely vain but I really want to look good! I'm sick and tired of hiding in my old maternity clothes and feeling frumpy and gross. I want to look ah-mazing again - so I actually feel like buying some nice new clothes and doing myself up when I head out in to the big wide world. I have had a major issue with self-esteem since becoming a mummy (a large part of that is because of the marital issues that I had, that has resulted in me being a single mummy) and I think looking good will give me a large boost in confidence again. Here's hoping anyway!

    It has been lovely to read about everyone's motivations - yay us! It seems a few people are motivated by wanting to look good - so now I don't feel so vain :laugh:

    mybabble - I'm an Aussie too! But I live in Adelaide, so I guess we aren't really that close :tongue:

    Personally I am pretty easy in terms with rolling over the thread vs a monthly thread, so whatever is easier to moderate :tongue:
  • silvereve
    silvereve Posts: 69 Member
    Is it too late to join? I am trying to lose the baby weight.
  • kiahpyr
    kiahpyr Posts: 85 Member
    I have two motivations. First is for myself. I'm tired of feeling like a frumpy unsexy sahm. I always told myself I would never be fat. My starting weight was on the bottom of the obese category. I felt lazy and finally decided to do something about it. So I joined a gym. It has been wonderful and I'm there 4-5 times a week. I want to be a sexy mama and rock a bikini in the summer.

    The second is for my kids. Obesity runs in mine and my husband's family. I want them to know how to be healthy. The youngest two came up with the word squishy for me and I so don't want to be squishy anymore.
  • McCallsmommy
    McCallsmommy Posts: 32 Member
    Can I join? I'm definitely a wanna be, but I hope to be a sexy mama by next summer!! My motivation is my family and my health.
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    Can I still join?!

    My motivation would be my kids and my future career and just for myself I need to be more confident!
  • RMitchell1186
    RMitchell1186 Posts: 11 Member
    My motivation is right not is probably just being vain and wanting to look good or what I think looks good for me. I also just want to be healthy so I can live as long as possible and be as healthy as possible and be a good example for my son.
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    Im in!! :)

    Mumma of two on a Mission!!!
  • RMitchell1186
    RMitchell1186 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm sorry I can't type. I meant to say my "motiviation right now is". Forgive me I have a 4 week old and lack of sleep lol!
  • I hope I'm not too late. I am a 31 SAHM with 3 kids, 12, 3, and 2 months. My current weight is 184. I am pretty new to MFP and have lost 2 lbs. My motivation is to LOOK SEXY AGAIN! I feel like it's been forever since I felt that way.
  • RMitchell1186
    RMitchell1186 Posts: 11 Member
    I also want to be a runner. I don't know if I could consider myself a runner pre-pregnancy. I was training for a half marathon and I got up to about 9 miles. I just started running again on Monday and I am starting out very slow lol. I forgot how hard it was to actually START running again. But that is the hardest part and if I keep it up I know it'll become easier and easier. I also kind of have to run atleast 1.5 miles and do push-ups and sit-ups because I am in the AF Reserve. I take my next PT test in April so hopefully I will be back in good shape by then!! I haven't done real push-ups or sit-ups in quite a while so I'm a little scared to get started on that again lol.
  • deb782
    deb782 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in as well! I need something to keep me motivated as my husband isn't very helpful :(
  • jofromnz
    jofromnz Posts: 82 Member
    I hopew I'm not too late to join - I have been going through looking for a group exactly like this one!!! I am a stay at home mummy to my gorgeous son who is 8.5 months old. I live in New Zealand I have about 15 kilos I want to lose. This is my first week on MFPand I am really loving it. I really related to an earlier poster's comment about wanting to lose weight to be part of my baby's active life (he's only just crawling but I know it will be walking and running in mere months! I want to be in my togs with him not a simple bystander hiding in baggy tops! I have my first weighin tomorrow and am feelng very positive about it as I have been workng really hard! :)
  • Fit4Kateri
    Fit4Kateri Posts: 81 Member
    Count me in as well! I need something to keep me motivated as my husband isn't very helpful :(

    I feel your pain, Deb. My roommate doesn't support my quest either. :grumble:
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    In reading everyone's posts it looks like we have a GREAT group here!!!
  • aliciazak
    aliciazak Posts: 18 Member
    Definitely not too late to join ladies - a big welcome to all of the newcomers!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    YAY!!!! And we have even MORE new SEXY MAMAs!!!! I already feel close to you guys :laugh: Like you guys are my posse and their ain't nuthin' we can't do... WORD :bigsmile:

    Ok, we had several people say the roll over is ok, so I'm thinking that is the way we will start this.... if it seems to be overwhelming to anyone, please speak up and let us know. We want this to be as STRESS-FREE as possible because, let's face it, we have enough "STRESS" in life as it is.... So, at any time, let us know if something isn't working well. You can email either Aliciazak or me (or both) and express your concerns. We will do our very best to make things run smoothly for everyone. Please keep in mind we already have A LOT of members so as hard as we try, it may never be EXACTLY the way you want it, but we will do our best to get it close :drinker:

    I will start a NEW THREAD tonight being that it is already MONDAY for some of you guys! Be sure to weigh yourself at the same time of day and dress the same or similar ( I always weigh naked :bigsmile: and first thing in the morning) Weigh on the same scale if at all possible for the most accurate caculation for weight loss. AND if you can (or if you already have one) take your BEFORE pic... AGAIN, if you don't feel comfortable sharing it now with the group, that's ok, but be sure to save it so you can share it later with your "in progress pic".... We will want to do one of those at our 6 month mark... YES, we are in this for the long haul, ladies :wink: BUT feel free to post it with your Monday weigh-in and goals for the week. (Photobucket is the easiest I have found to post pics from. Save your pic to Photobucket, then copy your code, paste it in the thread and change the uppercase IMG's to lowercase img's)

    HEre is our weekly line-up that we have come up with to give you a head's up and know what you get to look forward to:

    Sundays - Motivation (what keeps you motivated? Or you can share a motivational affirmation, saying or story)

    Mondays - Weigh-in and share your goals for the week. Let us know what your plans are. Fail to plan and plan to fail... so share with us what you are expecting from your week. The other SEXY MAMAs will help keep you motivated and accountable. Don't be afraid to STRETCH yourself with these goals... Shoot for the moon... and even if you miss you will land among the stars (I probably butchered that saying, but ya know what I mean )

    Tuesdays - Struggles. Tell us what you are struggling with on your journey. This can be weight related, relationship related, job related, LIFE related. Share with us. We are here for support! And it is healthy to have an outlet for your frustrations. Please be encouraging to the other Sexy Mamas on this topic. Don't judge! This journey is different for everyone and we all have different beliefs and circumstances. We don't want this to become a place for heated debates, but instead of acceptance and support! Keep in mind "if you can't say something positive, uplifting or helpful don't say anything at all" on this day

    Wednesdays - Nutrition. Share any and all things about diet and nutrition. If you have a fabulous recipe or idea for nutritional meals and snacks, this is the day and place to share! Share with us what you keep stocked in your cupboards and share ideas with other moms in making our meals and snacks healthier!

    Thursdays - Gratitude. What are you Thankful for? What do you LOVE? Remembering those things in our life and along this weight loss/ health journey that we already have that we are thankful for can really encourage a healthy mindset which is essential to success!! No matter how "small" or how "large" it may seem share with us your gratitude! Even the relatively smallest thing is HUGE! And we need to remember to be thankful for so many things in our lives.

    Friday - Burn, Baby, Burn! Share with us your workouts or workouts that are in your goals to start. What are you doing to get your burn on? We have to burn those calories and get those muscles moving! What's your favorite part of excising? What is your favorite exercise? Share all things about getting your sweat on!'

    Saturdays - Get Your Laugh On!! Laughter is a good medicine.... AND burns some calories (BONUS) Share something funny! This can be a joke, or something funny that has happened during your week. Something funny your kiddos have said or done (let's face it, you know we LOVE to talk about our kiddos ) If it's funny...we want to hear it! Let's literally LAUGH OUR BUTTS OFF!!

    November's challenge is:

    LOG, LOG, LOG :bigsmile: Log into MFP every day and log yoru meals and your exercise!! Lets get those numbers up on our walls... you know, the ones that say, "So'n'So has logged in for X amount of days"... Lets do it!!
    AND (yes, more than one....we can do it :drinker: ) Get in AT LEAST 30 minutes of workout activity every day.... We don't call it a "Challenge" for nothing! Whether you have to take a bathroom break at work and get in 20 or 30 Jumpin Jacks at a time, or sneak in a quick walk during lunch... those minutes add up. So, get that magic number 30 in every day... On Fridays, we want to hear how your fitting it in and what exercises/activities you are doing. Some of us may have to do 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there to get our 30, but the important thing is that your getting it in!! You can count your normal exercise routines in this as well.... so if you are doing 40 minutes of ZUMBA!!! Log it, BABY and tell us about it! :wink:

    Ok, there's our weekly line-up and our monthly challenges!!! Can't wait to check in and stay updated on you SEXY MAMAs! You rock my world!!!!

    ******NEWBIES********* Please feel to add Aliciazak and I (Group Co-Moderators) and any of the other SEXY MAMAs... We ask that your refer to this group in some way in the comment section of your friend request! THANKS!! :drinker: