Over 200 new me part 53 (open group)



  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    I sooooooo have the jiggly under my arms. Sometimes I really think that I can fly with those things! I do the resisitance band training at least 3 times a week. Have seen some sort of change, but been focusing on cardio. Gonna have to get back to focusing on my jiggly arms.

    Well, today I walked six miles, could not belive it. But my legs, and thighs are sure telling the tale. So far, I am doing good with my calories, and water, could be better, only got 2 glasses down.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Okay snowflakes, I will mix up the parts I tone like arms 1 day legs another and I plan to do it ...Monday, Tues, Thurs, Friday.

    By the way I don't believe that I ate that many over maintenance last week so here is to water. I drank 64 ounces right before bed last night. I am still not sure what was going through my mind but needless to say I made 4 trips to the bathroom by morning. Thankfully, we have a master bathroom so I did not have far to go.

    The living room is painted and we went out to eat while the paint was drying. WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over ate. But that is behind me and I am moving on. No dinner for me today I ate enough at lunch.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    By the way I took my measurements this week and posted them in my check in. When did you want us to check them again snowflakes?
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    What is the best stride to set my pedometer at? I did not even know you could set your stride?
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I did not know that you could set the stride either. It is usually quiet around here on the weekends maybe one of the girls will know tomorrow. Have a wonderful Sunday.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Where is everyone?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Good morning! (almost afternoon here in the EST)

    Checking in for Friday and the Weekend:

    Friday -
    Calories - OVER! By like 400+ :noway:
    Water - Good
    Exercise - nope. :grumble:
    Proud- worked late at the office with my candy jar beside me and I was able to resist the call of chocolate (for the most part). I went over in calories but at least they were calories I enjoyed! Wine and hard salami consumed by the fireplace with my husband :flowerforyou:

    Saturday -
    Calories - Just under:wink:
    Water - OK
    Exercise - GREAT :bigsmile:
    Proud - I was slow getting going on Saturday but i managed to get to the gym and put in 30 minutes on my "run" (week 3 5K101 at a faster jog) and 35 minutes hard core biking! I was a puddle by the end!

    Sunday -
    Calories - under by 400
    Water - good
    Exercise - helped stack firewood
    Proud - I was ready to eat the last 400 but realized I didn't need it and I knew I hadn't padded for my 400 calorie overage on Friday so I just stopped eating and went to bed!

    I weighted myself at the gym this morning because my coat seems to be shrinking? I'm up FIVE POUNDS :explode: I'm sure it's not all fat, I've been working out HARD so there is water in there plus I have built some arms muscles up and I'm sure that's adding to the coat issues but it was still a HORRIFYING number to see! (wheres the emoticon for nail biting fear?)

    This morning was really tough - I forgot what I was doing and headed for the office (in my gym clothes) and had to backtrack to the gym, then I forgot my iPod thingy and my husband who met me there couldn't find his headphones. He suggested we throw in the towel and go for breakfast but we prevailed! I ended up finding my mp3 player in my bag and I was able to get through week 4 with my faster pace (no walkers have passed me yet!).

    This week I switched from the 5k101 to the Couch to 5K (or C25K) program because it seems harder this week. Instead of four sets of four minute runs, I did two three minute runs and two five minute runs (3,5,3,5) with shorter recovery breaks after the three minute runs.

    I started reading the Barefoot Runner book and I'm still reading Chi Running. They are very similar but the barefoot running book really emphasizes softer knees and a more upright posture. The barefoot book rings a little more true to me. I'm so excited to think that I'm only another four weeks away from "running" 30 minutes without ANY walkers passing me! :drinker:

    Heather - my personal goal for the April Tri is to FINISH and to not be last in my age group :tongue:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Mstahl: My goal for new events (longer distances) is always to finish, no be last and have fun. You'll be awesome. I'm glad your running and swimming has been improving so much and quite quickly!

    Snowflakes: Thanks for adding me to the Friday check-in list, even though I won't be weighing in weekly. It's so much better for my own sanity to not weigh in so often. I'm still deciding whether I will weigh-in monthly or wait until January 1st, but I guess that will depend on how I feel come November 30th.

    On Saturday, I ran three miles in the wind, so I'm thinking that probably counts as resistance training AND cardio. I'm thinking I won't get a lot of exercise in this week because I'll be leaving for Kentucky Wednesday night and won't be home until Saturday night. I'm excited for the vacation and hanging out with some wonderful ladies for the week. Lots of coffee and beers in my future, I'm thinking!

    Saturday evening I went to a fundraiser for the riding program I volunteer with and was so amazed at the generosity of those who attended. We raised enough money to install electricity this spring, which means we will be able to help 8-12 more riders right away and start growing even more. Just awesome.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm focusing on getting an entire week's worth of work done today and tomorrow so I won't have to think about work at all while I'm gone. I hate when people don't know how to properly vacation...calling into their work and checking work email. I swear, I'll never be THAT person. I'm too lazy! Haha.

    Have a great Monday!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    I sooooooo have the jiggly under my arms. Sometimes I really think that I can fly with those things!

    ha ha ha You fly West and I will fly East and we will meet up. You are doing awsome.

    annasgyal the first pedometer I had you set your stride by walking a short distance at your leg stride and would calulate the milage from what ever you set. Now the one I have counts only steps. So maybe theres not not a way to set it. Phones are so darn fancy now days it got me to wondering how it calculates how far you go. Was it an app the you downloaded or was it a feature that came on your phone?

    Momma way to take those measurements. My thinking was to take measurements again on New Years Day. Hopefully that will help keep us focused through the holidays. Doesn't it feel so good to have your painting done. Nice going on your water; but at bedtime?!? You crazy girl:-) Keep the water going today. You have a good schedule set for strength training. Strut your stuff...

    Okay everybody come out, come out where ever you are...make good choices today!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Phones are quite fancy. I just ditched the pedometer, and downloaded a app called cardiotrainer, that maps out my walk, and gives me how much miles I walked. I just wanted to know, how much miles I walked, plus an idea of how much calories I am burning.

    Yesterday, I was just under my calories: I had 36 to spare
    Water: Epic Fail....not one glass....
    Exercise: none, was my off day

    Today, so far so good, I got 4.6 miles done for exercise, got 6 glasses of water down, and i lost a pound from yesterday. So maybe this week, I can see myself in the 220's. Hummmmm....let's see how this is going to work out.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    I started that last post over a half hour ago and I had so many interuptions that I missed mstahl and Heather.

    mstahl way to win the morning battle. I'm afraid if my husband said lets go to breakfast I would have said 'I'm already in the car'. Don't let the scales discourage you. Your coat feels looser and you are seeing (feeling) results. It would be nice if all the numbers would drop together but my experience is that's not how this journey works. Be proud!

    Heather let me just remind you how awsome you are! Have an enjoyable time. Just maybe you will have time to take a walk and work on stregthening your arms.

    mstahl helped me realize I hadn't been accountable for the weekend.

    Calories Yes
    Water No a bit under
    Exercise did some arm reps.
    Proud took my mother in law out to eat for her birthday my choice of sides was fries, onion rings that make me drool just thinking about, or a side salad. Happy to report I order salad with dressing on the side.

    Sunday I don't track it gives my brain a day to rest. I choose carefully and I will weigh or measure some food items to help with portion size.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Okay did arms/tummy toning today. legs/tummy tomorrow. Wed. off, Thursday arms/tummy, Friday legs/tummy
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Wanted to mention that I will not be weighing myself for 2 weeks. I want to work on this for a couple of weeks then step on that scale.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    So far today I haven't done so swell... but now I'm heading home from work and hoping to enjoy my black bean tacos (cabbage leaves for wraps) and a little time by the fire :wink:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Melinda, you have to share that recipe with me. mmmmmm

    Okay so I did real well today. We have not had dinner but I still have a lot of calories so I am good there. I have exercised finally getting close on my water.

    I am proud of me today!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    So today, I did pretty well.

    Calories: Yes, way under, this is due to exercise though. Just could not eat all those exercise calories back.
    Exercise: Yes, did my two a day today, and did 4 miles walking this morning, and did 5 miles in the evening, for a total of 9 miles walked today. Burned a lot of calories, hence being under my calories.
    Water: Yes, got a solid 8 cups down today, I need to get where I can drink 8 glasses consistently, then up the ante.

    I am proud that while walking, I resisted temptation, and did not stop at the food trucks! How mean for my local city to have food truck Monday's! If you only know the temptation it took to constantly walk past those food trucks, and keep exercising. But I resisted, where I normally would have stopped.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    BRRRR! Windy, blustery, and cold! I too am spending time by the fire tonight.

    Good going ladies!

    Calories: yes
    Water yes:
    Exercise a big fat NO I planned a hike but too stinkin' cold. And sadly I had no will power to get out a dvd.

    Proud that I stayed within calories with no exercise.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Alright, ladies, I think this is my last check-in before leaving tomorrow evening. I'm wrapping things up at work today, then after a trip to the barn tonight I'll be focused on laundry and packing. I'm really hoping I can fit everything I need into a carry-on bag so I don't have to spend $50 on checking a bag. I still think charging traveling folks to bring one suitcase is the dumbest thing.

    I am going to be taking a pair of tennis shoes so I'll have one less excuse to not get some activity in, but with late nights, early mornings and lots of beer and coffee...we all know how that goes.

    Hope you all have a wonderful remainder of the week and weekend! See you ladies Tuesday!

  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Have a nice trip Heather, we will miss you!

    So the message boards have been slightly dead this week. What is going on ladies?

    Today is legs/tummy for me so I am going to get on that after I am done here. I already took a walk. I actually walked about 3 mph but I stopped at the grocery store and walked around very slowly for 10 minutes so I just posted all of the time as 2 mph to average out the slow time in the store. Seems safest way to go. Hubby, myself, and our 10 yo daughter will be walking again tonight. It was fun last night. She just talked and talked and talked for the entire 35 minute walk. It was probably nice to have her parents all to herself. No sharing with that little boy who requires a ton of attention!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<I am sorry but isn't that too cute? I put oil in his hair while he ate chocolate. hahahahaha