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Over 200 new me part 53 (open group)



  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Girls, I did NOT get on the scale today. I know some of us are scaleaholics I personally go in the opposite direction. I avoid them like the plague this is how I got so large. I actually forgot but it is because I very seldom get on.

    jarrettfam Welcome!!! I agree with the other girls it takes a special person to do what you do.

    annasgyle- Happy Birthday!!!!

    Congrats to our losers this week.

    Snowflakes I am having baby withdrawals this is the longest I have ever gone without a new baby. I wished my sister would have one she is still in the age group. Hey I know women who are in their 40's still having them but this momma is done. Any how congrats I am happy for your family.

    lstpaul, you have been on fire this year. I am really proud of you. 2011 has been your year for weight loss

    Heather, good luck on that race tomorrow.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    PURPLE, PURPLE, HEY PURPLE.........................ALLISON...........ALLISON.....Come back we miss you!
  • Windchild
    Windchild Posts: 129 Member
    Weigh-in for me: Woot! I started the week at 278.0 and today I am at 275.6! That's 2.4lbs! I'm thrilled!
  • jarrettfam
    jarrettfam Posts: 186 Member
    Lost 3lbs since last week!

    Calories: yes
    Water: yes
    exercise: no

    Proud: That I only ate one piece on my foster sons birthday cake! I limited my calories before hand to make sure I had some left over for his cake! I love cake!!!! Didnt eat ice cream!

    P.S. Thanks for all the support! We survived today. My other children left the house in tears on the way to the bus. We werent going to do the birthday party till Sunday but I thought they needed some cheering up! It worked! Praying for a good weekend! Cant believe it is snowing!!! Agh!!! On the other hand, I might get to babysit my twin nieces tmrw!! The are 6 weeks old! Yeah!!!
  • I lost 2 pounds since last Friday.......

    I am so proud that I am stay focus and making sure I log on and track my food and water intake.

    My next week goal is to get 4 days of 30 min workout.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am doing quite well!! Sorry I haven't checked in for a few days I was sick with the plague (flu bug) all last week and couldn't not get up off the couch .Everyone is doing so well. I am finally controlling my diet very well.Its a mental game but I am defeating it slowly each day .
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    It has been a very rough weekend for me but my weighin is 244.

    Just found out that my youngest daughter was involved and actually spearheaded a robbery of our home while we were away on vacation last year. Cops are involved and all. Heirlooms taken and sold. I ended last evening emotionally eating and then angry with myself for doing it. UrghhH!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Oh Shelle, that is a very difficult situation to be in. Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Ann, so good to see you friend. Glad you are getting better

    Hey Girls I still have not been on a scale in over a week. I am not sure what I am hiding from but I need to get into gear.
  • jarrettfam
    jarrettfam Posts: 186 Member
    calories: yes
    exercise: no


    I am proud that I took time to listen to my body and rest today!
  • PURPLE, PURPLE, HEY PURPLE.........................ALLISON...........ALLISON.....Come back we miss you!

    I'm still here. Just needed a break to get myself together again - too much focus on the fact that my scale isn't moving even though I've lost a dress size. Trying to get my priorities in order ahead of the holiday season.

    Ran my 10K on Saturday and beat my internal time goal - ran it in just over 72 minutes! I got a cute medal and the race was a LOT of fun with people in costumes, running along the ocean, etc.

    Once I get myself together I'll be back more frequently, I promise. Thanks for the encouragement and thinking of me and kicking my behind. I do really appreciate it. :heart:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Happy Halloween!

    Allison: Great job on your 10k. I was 7 minutes slower than you on my first 10k, so be super proud of your accomplishment!

    The Tooth Fairy (me) is at her day job right now. I LOVE costumes and love the laughs dressing up brought to my co-workers today. Most can't believe that I ran 10 miles, let alone ran ten miles in costume!

    Yep, you read that right. I RAN 10 MILES!

    Saturday's race was mostly fun with some challenge. The first 6.5 miles flew by and felt really easy (10:20 pace) but I hit a wall at mile 7 and had to do walk/run intervals for the last three miles. I didn't run with music or chat with any friends, which was new for me. I'm pretty proud of myself. My finishing time was 1:48:09 for a 10:49 pace. I was NOT last and hit my goal of finishing in under 2 hours.

    However, when I got done, I almost broke down into tears; not because of the accomplishment but because I was disappointed in myself for having to walk so much. Just as the eyes were starting to water, I reprimanded myself by saying (to myself, not aloud like the crazy lady I am) "You just finished 10 freaking miles in under 2 hours...in a costume! Remember when you couldn't run one mile 10 months ago? You kicked *kitten* and need to be proud!" After that I felt much better.

    My legs were super tired, I was starving and I needed a long (2 hour) nap, but all in all my body recovered faster than I expected. I was even able to run around the playground playing tag with the boyfriend and kiddo yesterday. Afterward, I did some good stretching and feel great now.

    All of that being said, I'm feeling a lot more confident about the half marathon in May. Just need to make sure I do more hill training because the course is all rolling hills, according to my friend who lives there.

    Today's month end at work, so I may not get a chance to stop back in, but I'll try to get pics of the costume up soon. If I get out of work early enough, Spiderman (aka the kiddo) has asked me to Trick-Or-Treat with him. This is the first time he's invited me to do so, so I'm super honored. He was also the President of my fan club yesterday and had made a sign that said, "Go Heather the Tooth Fairy. Try to get a PR." How cute is he??

    He's become very interested in my running and is turning into my biggest fan. It's adorable and means the world to me. He's starting to think he wants to be a runner and will most likely be attempting his first race (2k) on Thanksgiving morning.

    Alright, enough babbling. Time to get back to work!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    annasgyal -1.8...............- 0.77%
    lstpaul -0.8................... - 0.36%
    snowflakes -0.6..............-0.33%

    Wow good to see so many LOSERS! Each of you that lost need to copy and paste the above chart and add your name and percentatge and whoever has the biggest percentage post our challenge so we can get started. To get your percentage take the amount lost and divide it by your body weight equals your percentage. Hope you can understand that.

    Heather I bow to you....You have come so far, litteraly all those miles. (my sides hurts thinking about it ha ha ha) Perhaps the tooth fairy wings helped glide you along. Maybe you will need to start running ever race as the tooth fairy. Now theres a visual.

    Purple way to go on your 10K!

    Shelle HUGS!

    awestfall glad that you are feeling better. This journey is a mental game and I find it such a balancing act to keep from getting overwhelmed. Keep up the good work.

    jarrettfam: Snowflake loves SNOW! ha ha ha I'm so looking forward to ski season.

    I would just like to throw out this idea to us all to do in addition to whatever our weekly challenge will be. Tomorrow is a new month and new start to prepare for the holidays... I would like to encourage everybody to weigh-in (yes momma you too) AND take your measurements and in two months on New Year Day do the same. Anybody who loses 8 or more pounds will recieve a little reward, (that is yet to be determined) This challenge is for me as much as anyone. In 2009 I lost consistently throught the holidays so I know that it can be done. I choose 8 pounds because that is less than a pound a week so there is room for enjoying some of our holiday favorites. Just not all...like I would want. So is anybody with me?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning gals. I am back and not very happy to report that the scale is up 5 POUNDS this morning! :explode: :explode: :explode:: Now I KNOW that I couldn't have actually gained 5 pounds of fat, some HAS to be water weight, but I'm guessing some is fat. YIKES. I did have a challenging calorie weekend. Fogo de chao on Friday night with friends, I thought I did ok but it was hard not to overeat there... then a buffet at the casino\hotel my husband and I stayed at Saturday night for our 21st Anniversary.. I know, I know - it was a bad choice for me for both eating and gambling but I had a coupon. :ohwell: I didn't do well with either the eating or the gambling ... the bottle of champagne I had for our Anniversary celebration may have had something to do with my bad choices.:drinker: I don't usually drink much anymore. So then Sunday was kind of a free-for-all because I was tired and hung over. But I did have fun most of the weekend, now I need to get serious and take this weight back off.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm with you snowflakes! I would be very happy to lose 8 pounds by Jan 1 ... I have to figure out if my starting weight should be what I was this morning or my weight last Friday which was 5 pounds less. hmmm
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    I know it has been a while! Let's just sum it up! I have been in Atlantic City, and it is my birthday! A calorie extravaganza. I know I would have gained at least three pounds. But, instead of beating myself up, I am glad that I now know how to correct the mistakes that I have made. One good week of eating right and exercise will have the pounds right back off. Again, my weight is spectualation, because there are no scales here. But i know I will get to my goal weight. Just not this weekend.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    lstpaul Happy Aniversary! No way is it all fat. Drink lots of water and up your fiber intake and that will help flush the blatter and bowels. Keep up the good work.

    annasgyal are in Altantic City all week? Sounds fun, good job keeping positive.

    check in:

    Water Yes +++
    Calories: Yes just barley
    Exercise: Yes Leslie Sansone bootcamp with bands to add some strenght traiing.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Oh wow! I haven't checked in since Thursday? YIKES!

    Here's the short version...

    Thursday - :noway: pulled pork is higher in calories than I'd thought.
    Friday - :grumble: so hungry then when I walked in the door there was warm pepperoni pizza
    Saturday - remores... with chocolate pumpkin brownies. Replacing the oil and egg with pumpkin is a great idea! But if you eat the entire tray it's kinda irrelevant. :ohwell:
    Sunday - Meghan's birthday and it would have been wrong not to eat the birthday pancakes right? :flowerforyou: and then the light dinner of venison larb - then uhm... maybe TWO pieces of Dairy Queen ice cream cake. FAIL!

    Which (or should I say Witch) brings us to today.
    Calories - just under
    Water - excellent
    Exercise - 10 minutes of faster run, 30 minutes of walking and 35 minutes on a bike!

    Proud - I've climbed back on the wagon and made it to the gym at 6:10 this morning where I worked out HARD doing the 5K101 and then 30 minutes of intervals on a bike getting my heart rate way way up!

    Not so proud - I entered an eating contest at work - and ate like a gazillion (8) snickers then ate more candy during the day. :embarassed:

    I'm all packed up for the gym - all i need to do is to GET OUT THE DOOR AT 5:45! I can DO IT!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Snowflake - I'm in! 8 pounds down by the new year! YAY! I lost a shoot-ton of weight in 2009 holiday season also! What a great idea!
  • jarrettfam
    jarrettfam Posts: 186 Member

    Water: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes 20min Zumba!!!!

    Proud: Being able to make up low calorie meals on the fly without having to stop and think about it to much!!:happy:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Looks like it's been a little quiet around here.

    Snowflakes: Count me in for the challenge. I weighed this morning (1st of the month!) and can take measurements tonight or tomorrow. My additional challenge to myself is going to be to NOT weigh at all again until January 1st.

    Last night I didn't do any exercise, but didn't eat too terribly except for the corn candy I HAD to have. It was Halloween, after all. I plan on getting a short run in tonight because I feel like I need it. Plus, I have that goal of getting to at least 150 miles for the year...my running buddy says I need to shoot for 200, so I better get on it!!

    I'm working on some blog posts and I'll post links when they're done. One is pending the bf's approval since I talk about his son and the other is waiting on pictures to be downloaded from the camera onto the computer.

    Have a great day!