Over 200 new me part 53 (open group)



  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Snowflakes, thanks for checking on me! I am in on the 8 pound challenge for January 1rst.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Heather, you mentioned moving first then focusing on eating next. That seems more doable for me since I am in a rut right now. I think that guy that has helped Oprah lose weight has said that before. It makes since if you are exercising that your body will start to crave better fuel. I think I will start with that and see if I can start heading in a better direction.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: very, very close ... I went over with a mini almond joy last night
    exercise: good - 45 minutes of step class
    water: good (see my proud2 note below)
    proud: I was SOOOOO tempted to buy chips and dip at the grocery store last night, but I passed them up. I had honestly talked myself into it but then when I got down that aisle I managed to just walk on by! I can tell I ate poorly over the weekend because I haven't had cravings like that since last January when I started changing my diet to 'eat in balance'.
    proud2: I'm down 2.5 pounds (of the 5 I gained over the weekend) ... it must have been water retention because I got up to use the bathroom 7 times during the night! Now I have to knuckle down and get that other 2.5 off that I gained.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I am thinking of making my food diary public to my friends. Maybe that will shame me into eating better
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: very, very close ... I went over with a mini almond joy last night
    exercise: good - 45 minutes of step class
    water: good (see my proud2 note below)
    proud: I was SOOOOO tempted to buy chips and dip at the grocery store last night, but I passed them up. I had honestly talked myself into it but then when I got down that aisle I managed to just walk on by! I can tell I ate poorly over the weekend because I haven't had cravings like that since last January when I started changing my diet to 'eat in balance'.
    proud2: I'm down 2.5 pounds (of the 5 I gained over the weekend) ... it must have been water retention because I got up to use the bathroom 7 times during the night! Now I have to knuckle down and get that other 2.5 off that I gained.

    WIN!!!!!! I know how you have struggled with the chips and dip in the past. Good for you sister!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So, so, so, so slammed at work right now. Didn't want you ladies to think I was AWOL.
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Well, my atlantic city vacation is over tonight. Will be back home tomorrow, so back on the grind. I am so scared to get on the scale that I do not know how I am going to react when I see the number. But it is a must. I know one or two weeks of solid water and exercise will get me back on track.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Littlespy happy to see you surface. Your picture is soooo ADORABLE and I love her name. What perfect little bundle you have. Have I mentioned I have tender spot for babies...My dream job would be to rock babies all day, not much of a call for that. hee hee

    annasgyal you have the right idea to come home and flush with water and up your fiber. Life is ment to be enjoyed and now you will get back into a routine and move forward.

    lstpaul sending you a high five for sticking to your will power. Chips is not worth undoing your hard work. If you need something to crunch try a few nuts. High is fat so you have to be careful, BUT it is healthy fat and good for your heart. Pistashios in shells are nice because you have to work a bit to get the reward. Just something I do, thought I would share.

    momma "I know you can", I loved reading that story over and over when my guys were wee ones. We are here to stock you. ha ha ha We are here for each other.

    Okay gals, hope you have all weighed and measured. This is only ment to help motivate us, no wall of shame if somebody doesn't achieve the loss of pounds or inches. This is helping me put it down on paper, thinking how bad I want this. Showing myself that I can and will have dicipline. Every calorie I put in my mouth is a choice as to how healthy the calorie is. Make your calories count ladies. Dinner tonight was super easy and healthy, banana squash warm out of the oven and threw a 5 oz. New York steak on the grill. Finished my water so anything more will be over and beyond.

    On my profile page I have uploaded some pictures of projects I have been working on. Quilts for my boys and I have been taking a stained glass class. I'm bit of a dabbler, I Iike to try lots of new things. I have learned so much.

    Where is everybody else? We need the chit chat to help each other. RAW RAW RAW uh ya, that was me cheering you on...

    check in
    Water YES
    Calories YES
    Exercise YES
    Proud Feeling strong and determined.
  • jarrettfam
    jarrettfam Posts: 186 Member
    jarrettfamily checking in:

    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes, Zumba baby!!!
    water: yes

    Proud: I have lost 3 pounds!!!! I am below the 270 mark now!!!!! Yeah!!!! 269 lbs baby!!!!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    LittleSpy - is it benefits season at work? I was thinking about you:flowerforyou: today when they were making announcements about our open enrollment. *hugs*

    lstPaul - you are doing GREAT! Chips are:devil: EVIL :devil:

    Momma - Move and rid the house of junk food. Nobody in your family needs junk so you're doing everyone a favor!

    Jarrettfam - GREAT JOB! 3 lbs ! :drinker:

    Snowflakes - actually... maybe not a PAID job but most children's hospitals need people to rock preemies who need "skin" time - right up against your bare skin - it helps them thrive :heart:

    Heather - you are doing SO WELL!

    Annasgyal - welcome back to reality :tongue: well get er done!

    Now to check in:
    Calories - OVER (there is still Dairy Queen cake in this house!)
    Water- fine
    Exercise - didn't sleep last night so the 5:30 alarm was turned off and I slept till 8:00! :sad:

    Proud - I broke down and ate candy at a stressful meeting but otherwise held strong and ate smart choices all day. I had my left over lentil stew from last night for lunch - cheap AND healthy!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesteday:
    calories: over :frown:
    exercise: none
    water: ok, didn't track it though
    proud: not letting my 17yo daughter push my buttons as much as she usually does
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sherry: Not only will moving make you want to eat better, but it will make you feel better about yourself all around and that's what everyone will see, even if the scale isn't moving.

    Julie: Love the new pic of the little one. She's just too darn cute! Thanks for checking in with us.

    Snowflakes: I've set a reminder on my phone to take my measurements today. I didn't have an appropriate tape measure at the boyfriend's house last night, so I'll take care of it today and will update (good, bad or ugly) on my MFP stats page. Thanks for being the driving force behind a new challenge. I need it!

    As for me, it's been a bit of a busy week with month end and payroll at work. I've still be slacking on exercise since Saturday, but am planning on going to see my horse tonight and maybe throw in a little 30 Day Shred.

    Next week will be challenging because I'll be out of town/traveling for five days.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over, had buffalo wings for dinner. YUM!
    Water: 80 oz.
    Exercise: None
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Checking in: Went down with back pain over the weekend and it appears that the chiropractor fixed it. Good!

    Calories: Under
    Water: Yeppers
    Workout: Nope, giving back time to heal

    Proud: I forgot to eat dinner at 6pm and when 8pm came and went, I accepted that it was my fault and but for a small bowl of cottage cheese, I went the rest of the night with no food. I am thankful that food no longer controls me.

    annasgyal -1.8...............- 0.77%
    lstpaul -0.8................... - 0.36%
    snowflakes -0.6..............-0.33%
    Shelle.... I don't know what my weigh in was... I'll have to look up the first one.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for today!

    Calories: Under (only one piece of chocolate!)
    Water: great
    Exercise: 5K101 week 3 fast jogging and walking plus 25 minutes on a bike at 90% max hr

    Proud: I had lunch AND dinner out and I didn't go nuts. FINALLY!:drinker:
  • jarrettfam
    jarrettfam Posts: 186 Member

    calories: yes
    water: no
    exercise: no

    Proud: Still here! Have to stop and regroup. But hopefully still do great!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Heather love the running tooth fairy:-)

    Shelle so sorry to learn of your back pain. My hubby has suffered for years. He had back surgery and is doing well but he has to be SO careful. It was trial and error until he learned what exercises agreeed with his back and what didn't.

    mstahl that must of been a heck of a calorie burn. Good will power!

    jarrettfam so proud that you are still here. I have seen several faces come and go. So I'm glad that you have come and stayed.

    Speaking of which, where is everybody? At one time there were several posting for the challenges. Let's all try to contact someone we miss. I so appreciate the personal message from mstahl one month ago. Deciding I was at a place mentally that I could jump back on the wagon I'm going to get to my goal with each of you. So I hope you all had a terrific day. Let's each think of ourselves thinner, trimmer, toner as we become all that!

    Calories No over by 150 so I will live with that. Boy I missed those exercise calories today.
    Water Yes
    Exercise No

    Proud that I finished all my ironing today. Happy to reflect on so many things to be grateful for. While I was pitty pitty pitty me consumed with stress, I was overlooking all the good in my life. Still have stress, just manageing it better, and realizing there are some things I JUST CAN NOT CHANGE. Make the best and move forward. I'm trying to walk the talk. Thanks for being here gals.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I have logged so far today and I logged my dinner as well. Not sure what I am having for lunch but I decided that I would log dinner so that I would know how many calories were left for snack and lunch. I am about to wash breakfast dishes, read my bible, then head over to my sisters house for coffee. You all have a great day!!!!

    Hubby and I are starting our walking time again tonight.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shelle: Hopefully your back won't be bothering you anymore. My boyfriend has had back surgery (in his early 30s!) and sometimes it still bothers him.

    I'm bummed. I went to the trouble of taking all of my measurements last night and stuck the post-it to my phone this morning so I could enter them on MFP. When I got to work, I couldn't find the post-it anywhere, which means it probably fell on the floor at home. This means that my cat, Leinie, will most likely stick it in the water dish and I'll have to take the measurements all over again. Argh.

    True story: My cat Leinie steals tissues right out of the box and puts them in his water dish. It's not uncommon to come home to a trail of wet, soggy tissues. The dog won't drink the water when there are tissues in it, so he stares at us when we get home if he needs fresh water. Leinie will sit and look at me like "what? I don't know how it happened..." even though I've caught him in the act in the middle of the night. It's a good thing he's so adorable, but we have to hide all of the tissue boxes so he can't steal them all. Thankfully he hasn't figured out how to steal toilet paper off the roll yet, but I fear that may be next.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over, thanks to 350 calories of corn candy. At least it's gone until next Halloween now.
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: 2 hours walking in the horse pasture.
    Proud: Didn't get mad at my horse and threaten to sell her when I still couldn't catch her after two hours of trying. Darn Mustangs....
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Good morning! :flowerforyou:

    I was up at 5:40 this morning and in my swim suit by 5:45. I didn't want to swim today.:yawn: We skipped Tuesday so I haven't swam in over a week and it was COLD and DARK and I was up late:sick: (and sleep is super important to weight loss!) and my nose was a little stuffy... Yes, my evil twin :devil: the excuse queen was up and running with all sorts or reasons why it would be smarter to go back to bed for another hour or two. :huh:

    I wear flip flops, running pants and a T (or fleece this AM due to cold) over my suit when I go into the gym, then I just have to peel off the outer wear and pick up my goggles, snorkel and cap - shower and I'm in the pool. I've started to put conditioner into my hair under my cap to help keep the chlorine out but that's tricky since it makes the cap want to slip back off :grumble: I put on my HRM with a nice line of gel goo down the sensors hoping that would allow it to work while i swim (it didn't').:indifferent:

    I wasn't in the pool until about 6:20 and I had to share a lane for the first ten minutes (and i noticed the girl i shared with had a workout post-it on the deck that showed she swam a MILE in 30 minutes :smokin: ) But I was able to dig in and work hard. My main set today was still more about technique than effort and I added about 30 minutes to it to work on other strokes beside the freestyle because frankly i can work out HARD doing both styles of back stroke thanks to the access to AIR and I use my training snorkel with the breast stroke so I can work hard there and focus on my arms. I also practiced doing forward somersaults in my early attempts to learn how to do flip turns (I get water up my nose and end up 90 degrees off so it will be awhile before I figure them out!)

    I'm really proud that I pushed through and got in a good workout! I hope I learn to like swimming at some point but for now it gives me a great cardo workout and I can't imagine lifting weights would be better for my upper body - the pull against the water is like moving rocks!:tongue:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Heather - have you seen the fairy princess riding crops? SO CUTE!!! (well - I'm sure there are many fat little ponies that aren't fans)