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Over 200 new me part 53 (open group)



  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey ladies, I have been very busy not sure how often I am going to be checking in. Gonna try daily
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    double post
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi ladies!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: I was over by almost 400 calories ... but it seemed like I actually made some good choices, and I just lowered my calorie goal - so I'm not feeling too badly about it
    exercise: none planned
    water: I worked pretty hard at getting more water in - but didn't actually track, so I think I hit this week's daily goal of 64+
    proud: that I was mostly back on track

    today is going well so far, but I only have 500 cals left for dinner and bedtime snack ... I don't know if I'm liking this new total calorie goal that I set for myself - but I think my goal was too high before.
    I tried a new exercise class this morning - Body Vive ... not my choice but I'm glad I got to try it. My Step instructor was sick and she asked the Body Vive instructor if he could take her class, it was fun to do something different. I didn't burn as many calories as I do with step but it was still a good workout and it's good to change it up.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    :flowerforyou: hello!

    Checking in for Tuesday:
    calories - over! (but homemade bread with roasted garlic and rosemary so it was worht it!)
    exercise - none :(:grumble:
    Water - good!:drinker:

    Proud - we had friends stop by and stay the night on their way to MO. I made a big pot of chicken soup, Ken made a loaf of bread adn they guys all drank beer. I did NOT drink beer! Yay me!:flowerforyou:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hello... It has been quite some time since I checked in with most of you. (There are some faced I have not yet met) I am slowly getting back on the wagon, or should I say... I am starting over!

    I had a pretty serious reality check at my new job when the top they ordered for me fit so tight it showed every roll and cut off my circulation. OMG.. how did I manage to let myself gain almost all of the weight back?

    Well, I am holding myself accountable as it is me who ultimately make the choices I make.

    I will try and check in here at least once a week, but I will also be logging all of my exercise and calories EVERY DAY!

    Here it goes! :)
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Today's Check-In:

    Calories......Thank God for exercise calories...did not use all though
    Exercise: Yes...and I was able to fit in my evening workout! Tomorrow is my off day, and I so need it! Had to break out the Icy Hot for my knee. One of the reasons I am losing weight.
    Water: Smashed it! 64 ounces down, apparently I went way over on my sodium today, so the water certainly will help to flush it out!

    I have so much to do, because I procrastinated on what I was supposed to do today! So I am hoping to do everything tomorrow!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi ColoradoGirl! It is soo good to see you. I so know what it is like to fall off the wagon and get run over by the wheels before I got up. What is your new job? Logging your food everyday will help you so much in your weight lose.

    momma are a bright spot to my day. With being so busy you will burn some extras calories (crossing fingers).

    annasgyal I hear with those exercise calories!!! The water challenge has made me measure and be accountable thanks. I wasn't always getting enough.

    lstpaul mixing up the exercies you will feel different muscles. I rode a lot of miles on my bike this summer but I'm feeling it with the hiking I have been doing. Keep up what you are doing to see results.

    mstahl way to recognize that it could have been worse and not all is lost.

    It is not my intention to not reply to someone. Please don't feel ignored, know that I read everyday and I appreciate your triumphs and struggles. Please add me as a friend if you are interested.

    Today's check in:

    Calories: NO Hanging head in shame...Just HAD to have a second piece of pear pie warm out of the oven. Have I ever mentioned that warm out of the oven goodness is my idea of PURE COMFORT...until the scales tell me otherwise.
    Water: Yes even a bit over.
    Exersice: Yes It was really hard for me today, I had to stop a few times before I got to the top but I did it
    Proud: I really didn't want to go on a hike in the cold fall air, but I bundled up and went. Not ready to stay inside for exersice, that will be here soon enough.
  • jarrettfam
    jarrettfam Posts: 186 Member
    Hello!! I def want to join in! I am a foster mom with 4 foster (8 1/2 months, 3 yr and two 6 year olds( and 2 step-children (only one lives at home now)! I keep busy keeping up with them. I rarley have time for myself unless it is after every goes to bed! I'm trying to lose 108lbs! So far I am at 15lbs. My profile says 18 b/c I didnt realize that my WII fitness weighs totally different from my scales! Oh well.
    I had lost 16 then had to go to the er. I spent 2 weeks recovering and gained 7 back during that process. I then lost 6 of that then gained 6 back from muscle gain from doing major Zumba! I was so discouraged! Now I am slowly loosing again. I am hoping to have lost 10 lbs by Thanksgiving!
    Cloths that I havent been able to wear in a few years are starting to fit again!! I can fit a 20! Yeah!!!

    Calorie: way under!!
    Water: yes!
    exercise: yes! Zumba baby!!
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    Hi everyone! Here is my checkin stats!

    Wednesday 10/25/11

    Calories: Over by less than 100 - given that I stayed on track and had not exercise, I am ok with that!
    Exercise: Day off! Much needed one, I might add!
    Water: Yeppers! 72

    Proud: That between lunch and a 7:00pm dinner I did not snack, grabbed a cup of coffee when I was feeling famished, decided to not eat out while running the errands that had me busy, and sat down and ate the meal that was planned earlier in the day. MAJOR accomplishment!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    So Today's Weigh In:

    I started the week at 233.8, and today my weigh-in is 232.0. That is a total weight loss for the week of 1.8 pounds. I will take it! I switched my calories to 1.5 pounds per week, and exercising three times per week, ( doing two a days on my exercise days). Had to start from the basics, because when I had it at 2lbs per week, after my first initial loss of 5lbs, I had been fluctuating, so I decided to scale back, and take the slow and steady pace. So far, for the past two weeks, I have seen a loss, so I am going to stick with that until I see it is not being effective anymore, then I will make changes accordingly.

    My percentage loss for this week is: 0.77%....

    Have my birthday trip to Atlantic City planned this weekend, so I have lot's of stuff to do, and of course that includes school work. Procrastinating certainly has caught up with me.
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    Happy Birthday, annasgyal ! Have a great time away!!! You are doing an amazing job on your weightloss goals too!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Happy Birthday annasgyal!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: a little bit over but I think I did pretty good
    exercise: good - 50 minutes of Body Vive
    water: good, although I don't know the exact amount
    proud: I am trying to get back to 'losing mode'
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Happy Birthday, annasgyal ! Have a great time away!!! You are doing an amazing job on your weightloss goals too!

    Thanks! I am ready to get the weight off, and keep it off!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Annasgyal: I've actually tried the Cardioke workout and it wasn't too bad. Then again, I love singing and dancing so it was a great combination! Whatever gets you moving counts, so keep up the great work!

    Cogrl: Welcome back! It's so nice to see you here again.

    jarrettfam: Welcome to the group!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over...I was an eating machine.
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: None
    Proud: Got my Halloween costume done and rediscovered my love of glitter glue!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Happy Birthday annasgyal!

  • jarrettfam
    jarrettfam Posts: 186 Member
    Water: no
    Proud: Not really sure. I survived today! My foster baby is going home tomorrow and my family is upset. Long weekend coming. Hoping the scales will be nice to me tomorrow! We will see!
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,687 Member
    Friday's Check-In:

    Calories: Yes
    Water: yes
    Exercise: No, today is off day, however, back at it tomorrow, and trying to squeeze in a two a day
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    annasgyal -1.8...............- 0.77%
    lstpaul -0.8............. - 0.36%

    yippee, hooraah! ..... not only did I lose the 3-4 pounds I had gained ... but I lost a little bit more .... very happy with my weigh-in this morning! :drinker:

    jarrettfam: that must be so tough when you have to say goodbye to a foster child, especially when you know they may be going home to an unstable life, but many kudos to you for being a foster mom. I think that is one of the bravest, giving, and important jobs in our society.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Great job, Annasgyal and lstpaul on your losses this week. Way to start the weigh-ins on the right foot!

    Last night I had a great run. We did a 5k at my usual race pace, which is pretty awesome considering I never run that fast in training (with the exception of last week's killer tempos!). My running buddy noted some observations about my running which I found super helpful and motivating. She told me that I actually run better (breathing is better, I talk more and my posture is better) at a 9:55 to 10:02 pace than it is at an 11:00 or slower. Crazy, right?? This means I need to start pushing myself when training by myself and the potential for a sub 30 5k is actually in my future!! I should pay her to pace me for a 5k this year so I can hit that goal before 2012.

    Tomorrow is the big 10 Miler that I'm scared and excited for. I'm not setting any goal times and I'm not limiting/forbidding walking breaks. It will be all about finishing, not being last and having fun. I'll be running in costume, so it should be awesome. I have to pick up my packet tonight after work and I'm super excited to get the running jacket, which is the entire reason I signed up in the first place.

    Hope you all have a great day. I'll try to check in later if I can!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    annasgyal -1.8...............- 0.77%
    lstpaul -0.8................... - 0.36%
    snowflakes -0.6..............-0.33%


    Calories: No My own poor planning! Hangs head in shame.
    Water: No
    Exericse: Yes Another hike

    Heather what is your costume? Way to go on your improved running that is super great. By the way I love that you can't help be so awsome! I smile when I read that.

    lstpaul throwing you a high five for having such a great week. Hope next week goes as well for you.

    Sending birthday wishes to anaasgyal! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUU. Sung in total party mode Another great week for you my friend.

    jarrettfam I echo lstpauls sentiments you have a heart of gold. Hang tough.

    My niece had a baby girl and I was albe to go spend time with them yesterday. So I was in 'auntie' heaven. They live a hour south and I didn't plan my meals or water and snacking. PHOOE! But I came home so happy that my sweet family keeps growing. Off to the theatre tonight. You all have a grand weekend. I will pop in when I can.