What size pants do you wear?



  • I am 5 feet exactly and I weigh 136 and im in a 5/6 comfortably, 6 short in american eagle to be exact so i think your right on. some brands will have me in a 7/8 all dep on how they are made. good luck & keep it up, my goal is 115! size 3/4
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    My goal was always a Size 12 (I'm 5'10" with a large build and an hourglass figure). I would have been happy to stay there, but I don't mind being smaller as long as I'm healthy, which I am now and would be a little lighter or a little heavier. I weigh about 169 pounds.
    I'm now mostly in 8 for pants (I started in a 24W) and smaller in skirts and dresses (6).
    The biggest shock for me for sizes though was shirts - I went from an XXL to Small or even sometimes Extra Small. I didn't even know that was possible for someone with my build (especially because I have a large chest), but I guess my narrow shoulders and small waist make the difference there.
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    I think the more you exercise, the more compact your muscle is so you can fit into smaller sizes than you would think. I know that several years ago, I weighed less to be the same sizes. I've been through a wide range. And now I exercise a lot and weigh more than I did the last time I was this size. Fun! Like Oprah said, people get hung up on the number (or numbers) instead of how they feel and look. I have to learn that to, at 5'3, I'd think that I have to weigh less than 140 cause the charts say so but it may not be true for everyone, especially if you are fit. I want to be a size 6 too. Sounds perfect to me!
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    I was aiming for size 8 and I'm now a size 6 and I still have 8 pounds to lose before I reach my target weight. I strongly doubt though that those 8 lbs will bring me down to a size 4.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    US size 4. I'm 5'6 and 125 :)
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I'm just about 1/2 inch away from 14 again. I'm 202 and wearing a loose size 16. I know that 14s typically fit me down to 190, and then they get loose. However, I wear mid-rise pants (cause my butt and belly both like to come out and play) so I'm sure the answer would be different if I were capable of wearing those cute low rise butt crack exposing pants.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I am also 5'2" and currently wearing a 12 -- when I started I was a size 20!! Can you imagine, 5'2" size 20!!!

    My goal is also a size 8, but my goal weight is 136. I feel like at 136 I'll be much smaller than an 8!
    I'm under 5'3" and at 136 I was wearing 6s and 8s. At 125ish, I'm wearing 4s and 6s. I had a much higher body fat % at 136 than I do now, of course.

    I really think a lot of our size vs. weight has to do with our body fat %. Those with more lean muscle are going to weigh more but be smaller.
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    When I started MFP in March of 2011, I weighed 183 lbs and was wearing a size 14 in pants . My goal was to be 135 lbs and wear a 7/8 . Yesterday I went shopping and bought all 5/6 pants and they fit so comfortable!! Not tight at all. I weighed in this morning at 141. I am 5'2". I am just floored that I am not even to goal and am wearing a smaller pant size than I was even shooting for. :noway: Anyone else wearing a smaller size than you ever dreamed you would?

    When i started this back in august I too was in the low 180s! I started at 182 in a tight 14. Now I'm wearing a comfortable, almost loose 12. I tried on a pair of pants my sister used to wear and they were a juniors 9/10. They could button and zip but my belly is still a little large for them (the leg part fit perfectly).
  • When I started MFP, I was in a size 15[womens] in jeans, I am now in a size 11[juniors], and they are starting to fall off of me!! :-)
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    US size 5/6 I am 5'6" 151.2
  • I'm new and I wear a size 10 and i would love to a 5/6 so we'll see what happens! :)
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    I was 214 and a size 18 when I started I wanted to get to 145 and a size 10 (that's what I was in high school), and I lost weight I adjusted my weight goal to 135. A couple weeks ago I put on size 8 pants! I can squeeze myself into size 6 and with 20lbs to go to get to 135 I'm happy with the idea of ending up in size 6 . It's amazing the changes our bodies go thru during our lives with kids and weight gain and weight loss and muscle toning.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I am also 5'2" and currently wearing a 12 -- when I started I was a size 20!! Can you imagine, 5'2" size 20!!!

    My goal is also a size 8, but my goal weight is 136. I feel like at 136 I'll be much smaller than an 8!
    I'm under 5'3" and at 136 I was wearing 6s and 8s. At 125ish, I'm wearing 4s and 6s. I had a much higher body fat % at 136 than I do now, of course.

    I really think a lot of our size vs. weight has to do with our body fat %. Those with more lean muscle are going to weigh more but be smaller.
    That's definitely true. I am a smaller size than a lot of people who weigh significantly less than I do, but I also have a lot of muscle mass and a "sturdy" build.
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    I'm usually a Size 8, but those 2s and 4s stuffed in the back of my closet miss me... It's been so many years, but I refused to throw them away. I'm 5'6" and 153lbs, I'll get back in those 4s around the 135-140lb mark if history repeats itself and the 2s at 130-135.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I've gone from size 22 down to size 2.
  • When I started on here last year I was an 11/12, Now i'm at 155 with size 7/8 depending on where I shop. Bluenotes is funky, I bought four pairs of jeans from there and 2 are 27s, 1 is a 28 and one is a 29.. Also have 2 8s from American Eagle that are too big and could have gone with 6s, but another pair of 8s that fit perfect. All depends on the size/cut/fit/stretchiness I guess..
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I actually didn't even think about what size I wanted to end up, I just knew I wanted to be smaller, lol. So when I started in January, I was a size 16 (and they were TIGHT!), and now I'm an 8!!

    Totally loving my new pants and skirts, lol
  • Ten years ago I was a size 44. I lost 80 pounds over about 3-4 years by adjusting food consumption which brought it down to a 34. I slowly lost another 20 over the next five years leaving me at 32-33. Joined a gym for the first time in my life about four months ago and, while I haven't had significant weight change, pants are down to a 30 and not tight. I guess a little weight distribution was what was needed here.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    That's so awesome, today I'm wearing a size 6, but yesterday I was wearing a size 4 jeans. Definitely depends on the brand, but I'm happy with my size in jeans.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I started this journey wearing a size 12 pants and weighing 168lbs in February of this year. I am currently 125ish and wearing size 1!!!! I never in my life wore a size 1 and I am appalled everytime I go shopping!! I love it! LOL.. only downfall is its soooo freaken hard finding smaller sizes! sometimes I want to gain a few pounds just so I can fit in other clothes. LOL

    edit** forgot to add that I am 5'5 1/2.... it makes a difference LOL