

  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Happy Monday!!! Well I went over about 200 more calories yesterday then I leads to snacking. :frown: However I keep pop chips, veggie sticks 100 cal popcorn on hand to get the max amounts with lowest calories. The wine is gone and the new week is here so foward is the direction I am going!! I did get all my water in yesterday and I made sure I drank it all before I was allowed anything else to drink! I took a 33oz bottle and just refilled it to get my 8 glasses :drinker:

    When I started "this time" losing weight I started thinking about focusing on how much a recovering anorexic would eat!!! So I really tried to focus on just eating until I am satisfied!!! Staying present while eating not just shoving food in like I have in the past. It really is amazing how little we need to eat!! Then there is the emotional eating :angry: But I found a quote that helps me with that...IF HUNGER IS NOT THE PROBLEM THEN EATING IS NOT THE SOLUTION! I am hoping drinking the water will help keep me full and on track.

    Well I better get to work :grumble: Just filled my water bottle - bottoms up :drinker:

    Make Good Choices Today!!! :flowerforyou:
  • corinneselene
    corinneselene Posts: 306 Member
    100 calorie popcorn is amazing-- I indulged as well as I watched Dexter and Boardwalk. I am amazed i was able to get a 2 mile run in yesterday- I worked a 12-hour day following the run!
    Don't even get me started on Bridesmaids- that scene in the bathroom- Oh goodness, I'm surprised I left the theatre with dry pants!
    Yesterday I was able to enjoy Skinnytaste- Mexican pork carnitas- well I put it on some lettuce and it was amazing. Tonight I am planning on cooking the Chicken Sofrito Stew.
    Time to head off to the gym and the supermarket!
  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello there and Happy Monday!

    Judy – thanks for keep the group “entertained” while I was starting the charts. We are all 37 participants in this group. Here are the screen names and real names (for the ones that wanted to reveal their identity) in alphabetical order:

    3ericaAnn (Erica)
    AuntyOlive (Olivia)
    Belinda_81 (Belinda)
    BGent (Barbara)
    Cckwmh (Chris)
    Corinneselene (Corinne)
    Cppeace (Kimmy)
    Fattofragile (Lauren)
    Gennybunny1 (Genny)
    gerink (Geri)
    gettinghealthy4life (Andy)
    Guerita83 (Michelle)
    Helenabc (Helen)
    In_your_dreams (Kim)
    Johanna_elaine (Johanna)
    Katchena (Kat)
    Kckramp (KC)
    Kristyz26 (Kristi)
    lorika1977 (Loredana)
    mamakeke22 (Mackenzie)
    merlk (Merlanda)
    monet31 (Marge)
    MsImperfect (Nicole)
    mummytosteven (Claire)
    PositivePower (Judy)
    Redrevolutionary (Jamie)
    Selphira (Laura)
    Snarky (Elizabeth)
    thefifthvalue (Stephanie)
    xBeautifulBreakdow (Julie)
    Yoga_Chick (Zoe)

    Most of you posted your current weight and goal weight at 12/31/2011. Some of you emailed me your stats. For those of you that haven’t done that yet, please do so as soon as possible so I can update my chart.

    So, now that the housekeeping items are behind, a little about my week-end … it was .. not that good food wise. I stopped logging because I was on a emotional rollercoaster and the eating stopped making sense. But, I swam about 90 minutes (almost 2 miles) on Sunday and this morning I went to a spinning class followed by a core training class. The water intake is always good with me – I have a 24 oz glass on my desk which I fill about 3 times a day. The challenge is during the week-end when I am on the go all the time ….
    Exercise for this week – I decided I will start training for an indoor triathlon in January, so I need to find a training schedule to include the 3 components – swimming, biking and running. I am planning to work out at least 5 times this week – 3 swimming sessions, 1 running, 2 spinning. We’ll see what gets done. I have a swimming goal to swim 70 miles before the end of the year which I set up in September. I still have about 40 miles to go so I have to “taste the chlorine” at about 3 times a week.

    Yesterday I found a book I received from my mother in law called “The Present Moment” with 365 positive affirmations – one for each day of the year.
    Today’s affirmation was “Today is a good day to be happy, healthy, productive and creative”. And so it is …

    See you guys later!

  • lorika1977
    lorika1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Ok, I gotta see this Bridesmaids movie .... we started watching it but my two boys were around and the movie starts with a pretty descriptive scene .,... we had to stop.

    Dexter .....DEXTER .... I am an addict. I have not watched the last 2 episodes, but can't wait to make room for that and watch back to back. That's going to be a treat!
  • gennybunny1
    Bump for later
  • gerink
    gerink Posts: 50
    Loridana - thanks so much for starting this group and keeping it together - it is really the incentive I needed right now. Good Luck to all and we can do this!!:bigsmile:
  • cckwmh
    I just did day 1 of the 6 week last chance workout video. moutain climbers kicked my butt!!! Any idea the best way to log it? I used the circuit training option in the log.

    Thanks for starting this and taking on the big task of tracking everyone's progress.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Wow nice to see a committed group.

    My goal is to log everything Monday through Friday and it depends on how hectic my Saturday is. For me I need a mental break from logging in. On Sunday I will weigh or measure some food item to help me with portion size, and this is working well for me.
    Well on my way to downing the water today and plan to get in a hike this afternoon.

    Over the week end I was thumbing through an old issue of a Readers Digest and thought I would share from Funniest true stories: A woman from our office brought in her new bundle of joy along with her seven-year-old son. Everyone gethered around the baby, and the little boy asked, "Mommy, can I have some money to buy a soda?" "What do you say?" she said. He replies, "You're thin and beautiful." the woman reached into her purse and gave her son the money. (Laughter burns calories...) Make it a great day.
  • Belinda_81
    Belinda_81 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Guys,

    I am doing great so far, 8+ water drank today, all food logged and 70 minutes of Zumba done plus some core exercises. So far so good :happy:
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 543 Member
    Hi everyone, drank 8 glasses of water. Its my fourth day with 30DS.I am on level 1, I am logging it as general
    Aerobic's which comes out at 300 cals, is that to much, I am not sure. Advice please..........
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Checkin in for today. I'm at 7 glasses of water so far and finished my Day 1, Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred. I had to stop quite a few times and I've got a bad right wrist so the planks were a bit difficult. I'm excited about this level as it's new to me and I'll really be able to push myself.

    These next two weeks are going to be insanely busy so I'm glad this challenge got started when it did! :flowerforyou: I hope everyone is having a great Monday. For some reason I'm thinking it's Tuesday...not good! :ohwell:

    Drink up and get movin' guys! :drinker:
  • ehunte
    ehunte Posts: 125 Member
    Hello everyone! I signed up for the challenge last week and then ife got in the way of progress :-) I've been called in for an IRS audit so I've been eating, breathing tax info... The good news is that I can now see the lite at the end of the tunnel and I can go back to living.. Right now, I'm only doing breathing exercises. I'll be focused again tomorrow...
  • mommyjeans
    I bought the 30 Day Shred today at Target- everyone seems to love it and my old DVDs are getting a bit stale after doing them for the past 8 or so years :) I'm really excited to try it out tonight after the baby goes to sleep!

    Good job everyone! Keep up the good work!
  • april1126
    april1126 Posts: 65 Member
    Very excited to work at this challenge trying to drink the 8 glasses of water I am up to 6 . been working out . SW 196 want to get to 176 then eventually 150 but will take it one day at a time .
  • cozytune
    Hello. My best friend OperaBound convinced me to join. I need all the motivation I can get.

    I am doing my best to eat right and drink lots of water. I find it difficult to find time to exercise since I work a full-time job from 8-4 and then I go to graduate school at night. I lost about 30 pounds 3 years ago after college and have managed to maintain. But I Still want to lose 25 more lbs and that's where I have problems staying motivated. I have a lot of things coming up between the holidays, 2 weddings (1 in february, 1 in march and 1 in april) and then my graduation in May. I now also have the greatest reason of all, besides of course my career. I will be auditioning soon for a government position where there will be weight and health standards. Currently, I am 18 lbs above the maximum for the position.

    So here I am....I am a great supporter for others, just not for myself.

    2008 = 198 lbs
    August 2011 = 176 lbs
    Today = 169 lbs
    Need to be...
    By 2012 =152 lbs
    By February 2012= 144 lbs
    By May 2012 = 135 lbs and holding!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hi.......I hate daylight savings..who's idea was this. I have running class tonight and it will be dark before the class even starts! I feel like it's so much later then it is and I'm tired.... OK I'm done complaining:huh:

    Corinne ~ I love Dexter too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am really behind I have only seen the first one of the season...I better get caught up..Boardwalk what is that one??? I watch way too much TV, but all on DVR so I fit it in when I can...after exercise of course:happy: The bathroom scene OMG!!!!!!!!!! Also the sister and the air marshall she was SO FUNNY... I need to dvr Mike and Molly. Sorry way off track.. WOW you are super woman!!! 12 hour days then running!!! AWESOME. Looks like you might be able to share some good recipes with us too.

    Snowflakes ~ I'm Laughing too cute. I also think you have a good plan. Way to go with the portioning, it is soo important to plan ahead...that extra time you take will equal success!

    Belinda & Olive ~ Great job with water and exercise!!!! Olive, how long is the 30DS??? In my cardio classes 1 hour I burn around 400 and up depending on the class.

    Ehunte ~ Yuck sounds crazy and alittle stressful. You'll be fine - we're here for you:happy:

    April ~ I am glad about the water too...except all those bathroom visits! I am feeling alittle less hungry too..bonus

    Loredana ~ you are the Bombdiggidy!!!! Good job with your swim and you know how much I love the affirmations!!! THANKS

    Well I really need to go get some coffee or maybe some B vitimans....I haven't gotten any work done today!!!!!:grumble: I had to take my son to the doctor. The poor guy hurt his knee in football practice last week:sad: :sad: He has always played baseball and is really good at it, he's a big lefty:smile: He quit after his freshman year and decided to play football in his senior year. The goofball has never played and never even watches football! But he made the team and made alot of new friends:bigsmile: He has always had knee issues with both knees....long story shorter he had knee surgery in March and last week hurt the same doesn't look good. I hope it just needs rest, got xrays today and his doctor is going to push to get him in to the orthopedic ASAP. So we did the doc thing then lunch then a dvr show....and sleepy Mom.

    Wow this 30Shred sounds great. I need to know how long it is? I have so many classes etc...but I might have to get it just incase. Anyone have P90X??? We have it, my husband was doing it with my son...but they didn't finish:frown: It was hard I joined them a couple times. You really have to commit!!!

    Well I guess I should zip it for now....You guys are doing great!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up and Thanks again for joining!!! COMING TOGETHER IS A BEGINNING, KEEPING TOGETHER IS PROGRESS, WORKING TOGETHER IS SUCCESS!!! We can do this :bigsmile: :heart:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hello. My best friend OperaBound convinced me to join. I need all the motivation I can get.

    I am doing my best to eat right and drink lots of water. I find it difficult to find time to exercise since I work a full-time job from 8-4 and then I go to graduate school at night. I lost about 30 pounds 3 years ago after college and have managed to maintain. But I Still want to lose 25 more lbs and that's where I have problems staying motivated. I have a lot of things coming up between the holidays, 2 weddings (1 in february, 1 in march and 1 in april) and then my graduation in May. I now also have the greatest reason of all, besides of course my career. I will be auditioning soon for a government position where there will be weight and health standards. Currently, I am 18 lbs above the maximum for the position.

    So here I am....I am a great supporter for others, just not for myself.

    2008 = 198 lbs
    August 2011 = 176 lbs
    Today = 169 lbs
    Need to be...
    By 2012 =152 lbs
    By February 2012= 144 lbs
    By May 2012 = 135 lbs and holding!

    Hey Cozy!!! Yes Ms Opera said you were glad you found us!!!!! That's all sounds so funny:laugh: I am laughing..burning calories right Snowflakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyway sorry for the goofyness. Great job maintaining your loss. I am in the same place..having kept 20# off for close to 7 years now...but lose and gain the same 25 - 30# more. This is it for me..I am going to make that goal and you can make yours too! I understand how a busy schedule and throw you off...but if you can just take 15 mins a day to check in and log your food it will make a difference. Of course you don't have to be as chatty as Loredana and I can be.... but take some ideas and inspiration and you will make it happen!!!

    Welcome :happy:
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    o.k.! hERE GOES NOTHING! Looking forward to losing some weight!
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    Yay! I'm so happy that CozyTune has found us! She's coming to visit me for Thanksgiving out here in beautiful Colorado and we've got lots of activities and semi-healthy meals planned! Here's to great memories while staying motivated and healthy. We owe this to ourselves....ALL of us!

    Back to this research paper.... :grumble:
  • thefifthvalue
    thefifthvalue Posts: 93 Member
    Hey guys!

    So, this weekend wasn't my best food-wise, but that's part of what happens when you visit a new city (Detroit). Food is part of the culture and feel, so had to partake :)

    Although I went over my calories, I did get a run in early Saturday morning, which is definitely a new thing for me (exercising while on a trip) woohoo!

    Now that I'm back home, I'm back on track. Went for a run today (week 7 day 1 of Couch to 5k!) and am excited for Zumba tomorrow.

    Love reading everyone's posts! Everyone's doing so great!!