

  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    As long as your a "mama" yes, ma'am.... This a a group for moms :drinker:
    Can anyone join?
  • hannahmayr30
    hannahmayr30 Posts: 93 Member
    okay here's my weigh in:
    WL: 0

    honestly log every day
    30 minutes of exercise every day
  • maceycarey
    maceycarey Posts: 143 Member
    i did the 30 day shred today and im just woundering when will i be able to do the whole work out without having to stop!!!
    im so mad im on day 6 i should be doing better but i find that i cant do jumping jacks any more cause they hurt my knees to much that is to much weight to be bounching on my knees right now and im still tired after like 5 push ups ahhh i wanna throw the darn disk out!!! :sad:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Great number of Monday loggers!! :drinker:

    Was everyone clear on the reason we started a new post? There was a TONE with one of the posters and we don't want to make anyone upset or cause any negativity and sometimes I just call people out on Bull**** 'cause that's me... So, positive attitude, ladies!!

    We needed to clean up our thread and make an "official" thread, which I made clear several times on the old thread. This will be the thread that will roll over and that we will use from now on.... We also didn't have any outlines or guidelines for our group yet. So, after aliciazak and brainstormed and come up with them and everyone (or those who took time to comment) agreed they looked great, we posted them in this new thread. Please READ through the posts if at all possible for information... THAT is why on the "official" post we put the information at the BEGINNING to make it easier on us to get the info without having to sift through a lot of posts...

    Ok, housecleaning over....

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that so many of you have in your goals for this week to do something for yourself or say positive affirmations about yourself!!!.. .We, as moms, forget to take care of ourselves sometime... VERY IMPORTANT!! Don't forget YOU!! :flowerforyou:

    I didn't take a before pic... I WILL get around to it though, I promise... I have some reason pics, so I will post one or 2 of those...

    Ok, the most recent pic I have on my computer is a Halloween pic that my teacher's aid took of me at school LOL... Yes, those are dollar bills in my socks... I'm a goof and a big cut-up.... it's just me... I'm sitting on a bean bag so it's hard to tell too much, but you can tell that I'm a chubby bunny ROFL...

    I will take an "official" before pic asap....
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    i did the 30 day shred today and im just woundering when will i be able to do the whole work out without having to stop!!!
    im so mad im on day 6 i should be doing better but i find that i cant do jumping jacks any more cause they hurt my knees to much that is to much weight to be bounching on my knees right now and im still tired after like 5 push ups ahhh i wanna throw the darn disk out!!! :sad:

    Don't do that! I remember feeling that way, too. Just keep trying and going back to it. The more you do it the easier it is going to get, I promise!
  • Fit4Kateri
    Fit4Kateri Posts: 81 Member
    i did the 30 day shred today and im just woundering when will i be able to do the whole work out without having to stop!!!
    im so mad im on day 6 i should be doing better but i find that i cant do jumping jacks any more cause they hurt my knees to much that is to much weight to be bounching on my knees right now and im still tired after like 5 push ups ahhh i wanna throw the darn disk out!!! :sad:

    I have had problems with my knees forever!! One of the things my trainer told me I could do to help was do side lunges if the pain gets too bad. A little less cardio, but you are still getting a good stretch in. Keep up the hard work!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    You will get there, I promise! When I first did 30DS I was around 240... I had to take some breaks throughout (a couple seconds here and there) but I stayed with it and I steadily saw my stamina improve... it got to where I could get through without taking ANY breaks and I felt such an accomplishment... Just stick with it and keep pushing! I know sometimes I wanted to punch Jillian in the face and I would cuss her out frequently, but I really do love 30DS and saw LOTS of improvement... I need to start it again.... I lost 40lbs the first go around( I was also hitting the gym at least 4 times a week and doing jazzercise and zumba AND the C25K AND Hip Hop Abs)
    Stick with it, SEXY MAMA!!!

    i did the 30 day shred today and im just woundering when will i be able to do the whole work out without having to stop!!!
    im so mad im on day 6 i should be doing better but i find that i cant do jumping jacks any more cause they hurt my knees to much that is to much weight to be bounching on my knees right now and im still tired after like 5 push ups ahhh i wanna throw the darn disk out!!! :sad:
  • maceycarey
    maceycarey Posts: 143 Member
    < (feels much better) :bigsmile:

    thanks yall
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Ok, I have to deal figure out how I am going to take a before picture. I have already lost 11 pounds, and honestly, I do not have a full body mirror in my home. ( Shame indeed). The next time I go to the mall, I am going to have to take a before picture so that I can post.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Or you could get someone to take it for you.... Always an option... I don't LIKE this option for me :laugh: but it is an option :bigsmile:
    Ok, I have to deal figure out how I am going to take a before picture. I have already lost 11 pounds, and honestly, I do not have a full body mirror in my home. ( Shame indeed). The next time I go to the mall, I am going to have to take a before picture so that I can post.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    have to say... You are REALLY pretty!!! Very random, but you are already smokin' hot!!!! Can you imagine what it will be like when you reach all of your goals?!!!!! WOW!!! You are going to have to beat the men off with sticks!!! :bigsmile: Work it, SEXY MAMA!!! :drinker: Edited to say this was a reply to hannahmayr30 .... I forgot it doesn't post the OP when you hit quote.... geeezzz :wink:
    okay here's my weigh in:
    WL: 0

    honestly log every day
    30 minutes of exercise every day
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,070 Member
    Alrighty then. I weighed in today (even though my official day is Tuesday and it feels weird to weigh on Monday - silly, I know) and was a bit disappointed to have no change from last week :frown:

    Here it is:
    SW: 191.2
    CW: 191.2
    WL: 0
    GW: 150 or perhaps 145? Will evaluate when closer.

    I thought I would have gone down after this past week. I started the 30DS on Nov 2 and also do some power walking, I've heard that sometimes people level out at the beginning of the Shred - maybe that's just me being hopeful. I joined MPF Oct 12 and have lost 7 lbs so far, but I'm a little perturbed about not losing anything this week, even with being good recording my food intake and exercising. Sigh.

    Anyway, I plan to exercise 30 min per day (minimum), log into MPF daily, check Sexy Mamas daily and drink water (need to do more of that).

    I have yet to take a before picture - I will get my hubby to do it very soon. Kudos to all the brave souls who have already posted theirs. I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to post it (although I WILL at least, TAKE the pic).

    Good luck all!!
  • aliciazak
    aliciazak Posts: 18 Member
    WifeNMama - snap! I have a red chinese style shirt that I am dying to fit into again - definitely a motivation for me!

    stephyy4632 - yes please join us! Just tell us you SW and be sure to get the Sexy Mama signature :smile:

    KJ - maybe I should check out some Tae Bo DVDs - I pretty much have to do all of my workouts in the lounge room or the shed :P. I like your goal of doing something for you this week - I might have to steal that, I think I might take a candle lit bath :happy: . Oh and by the way you are gorgeous!!

    RMitchell1186 - I am on a mission to say something nice about myself everyday now - thank you so much for that idea! My self esteem really needs the boost.

    rhaya96 - good luck at your 8k - I'm sure you will do awesomely!

    03bfischer - of course any mummy can join - as long as you are motivated to be a sexy mama!!!

    jennyph2006 - you are looking great - well on your way to complete sexiness :wink:

    maceycarey - hun you only just had a baby - don't be too hard on yourself :smile: - you are definitely on the right track and with our little group you will have the motivation and inspiration to carry you through! And don't give up on the 30 day shred - just try your hardest every time and it will make a world of difference :flowerforyou:

    KOlmert - looking the goods!

    tmarie2715 - I can't wait until I am at the stage that you are at - toning up my body! You look fantastic!
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    Hiiii...so its GOOD MORNING TUESDAY!!!

    Talking about strugles today right. Well I shall talk about my past struggle so that I can talk about my motiviation for future by next Sunday. I am just copying and pasting this as I had wrote this on another board. :blushing: Yup lazy me!! :tongue:

    I had been slim and sexy all my life (minus the last eight years). :bigsmile: At 5' 9" I weighed 140 pounds the max. Confident, gorgegous and feeling beautiful. (I mean if thats the truth I got to say it as it - calling a spade a spade.)

    "My husband" (now ex) was all good . Until of course I got pregnant and had my son. It was obvious he could not stand the sight of me bloated and all. Hint hint. :wink: And was constantly grumbling :grumble: of my weight and the need of me having the baby. He was rarely around as he was in another country at that time. But when he was around he avoided me like plague. Especially I was reaching full term. :cry:

    Two months after delivery I was on my way to lose the last 18 pounds. This got slower than anticipated. I had C section due to some complication and had a slow recovery. To make the matters worse C section tore up and got infected. And I choose not to have antibiotic to continue breastfeed my son. Causing the recovery to become even slower. It took me almost a year to recover completely.

    Despite all that he started pressuring me to lose weight. To the point he actually told me...fat and ugly is not what he had bargained for when he married me. And thats what I had been and that it was not fair to him!!! (I think I forgot to mention that he had been overweight throughout his life.)

    Now that was a low blow...:angry: But for a very long time (even after divorce) my self esteem was pretty dented. I took it upon myself...all his words literally and got myself obese. The fact is that it left me at almost 70 pounds heavier. We got divorced just 2 years after the marriage. I was weighing 210 pounds at my heavist and divorced anyway.

    It took me a while to realize that I am worthy to have the life that i deserve and to provide for my son the life he deserves. That's the past struggle. But knowing how life is...it throws in new struggles!! :wink:
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    opss...look like I am a day ahead...moderators SOS
  • marmar1977
    marmar1977 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everybody!!

    I've just started getting to the gym since my doctor has given me the go ahead. (had csection in May followed by complications)
    can someone give meinstructions on how to post a before picture because I am clueless. Thanks!

    CW- 266
    GW - 160 (for starters)
    WL - 0

    My goals for this week are:
    Go to the gym at least 4 times this week
    Do 30DS and zumba on the days where I cannot get to the gym
    Log all food an exercise on MFP
    DRINK MORE WATER!!! No wonder why my skin is so dry
    Stop eating after 7:30pm

    And most definitely DO NOT get mad at myself if I cant do all of this everyday..I need to realize that I have 4 kids and no partner so sometimes slipups will happen and it isno reason to give up!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    SW: 192.8
    CW: 192.2
    GW: 162

    Sorry for posting so late. Was all over the place today and work has been absolutely killer lately. And Monday nights are Date Night for me and my three year old girl :)

    My goals for this week:
    -Exercise everyday, even for just 15 minutes
    -Run at least once, I miss it like crazy
    -Make it through this week at work without an emotional breakdown
  • hannahmayr30
    hannahmayr30 Posts: 93 Member
    Awe, thank you! I have a long way to go but you just made my day! :0)
    have to say... You are REALLY pretty!!! Very random, but you are already smokin' hot!!!! Can you imagine what it will be like when you reach all of your goals?!!!!! WOW!!! You are going to have to beat the men off with sticks!!! :bigsmile: Work it, SEXY MAMA!!! :drinker: Edited to say this was a reply to hannahmayr30 .... I forgot it doesn't post the OP when you hit quote.... geeezzz :wink:
    okay here's my weigh in:
    WL: 0

    honestly log every day
    30 minutes of exercise every day
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I have the scale hidden away until the 15th of the month ( removed it from the house for a month).

    today I got in 45 min of jogging on the treadmill and 20 min on the elliptical machine :)

    My last known weight was 177 and here is a pic from this past Saturday at my hubby`s parents 40th wedding anniversary party

  • aliciazak
    aliciazak Posts: 18 Member
    nonafat - no worries for starting with Tuesday Struggles - it is Tuesday here in Australia too. I'm so sorry to hear about your ex - to be blunt he sounds like a it of an a-hole. I'm glad that you are now on a path to a better and healthier life - you are doing an awesome job so far - 25kg is a fantastic loss!

    marmar1977 - if you have an account with photobucket you can upload your photo there then copy the link that looks like <photo-url>, change the uppercase IMG in the opening and closing tags to lowercase img, stick it in your post and hey presto you have an image!