Anybody up to start 30 day shred Wed.?



  • yari
    yari Posts: 25
    Good Morning :flowerforyou: everyone, It started my morning off with day 2 of my sit up challenge…I did day 2 and it was a breeze I managed to get in 49 sit ups and it felt great getting my mini workout in early in the morning before starting my day…I have packed my gym bag and I will be hitting the gym during lunch today, instead of shredding it with Jillian….

    Kasuki~~Custodians are great people the ones at my kids schools are great and really friendly…you can tell that they are children people LOL…it takes a lot to work around children every day…I cant wait til I am finally there!!!!

    Well Ive arrived at work and already we have an emergency meeting, will chat with you gals later….

    Oh and I have lost a pound since yesterday, i guess the gym time, the shredding and the sit ups work...:happy:

    Lets get this shredding in !!!!!!

    :heart: Yari :heart:
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    Hello everyone! Yari...I'm impressed! I can barely do 10 sit ups! Well, day 1 of the Shred was a killer! I'm not sure what did me in: I ran this afternoon.....then did the Shred just a while ago. I wasn't able to do all the push ups but I can see how this will kick your butt! I'm ready for Day 2! Congrats on losing a pound! What grade level are you hoping to teach? And if you find out about the heart monitor...let me know. I have one with my Garmin but I'm not sure it would work for this.

    Kasuki...I love the custodians at my school, too! We can't do without them!

    Everybody let me know how it went!
  • kasuki
    kasuki Posts: 74 Member
    Day 2 was not quit as easy as day 1. I was huffing and puffing alot more and almost couldn't keep up. My muscles were a little sore today but I had also done some heavy yard work (about 4hrs worth) of clearing out a wooded area, raking endless years of leaves and debris. I can do 15 girlie pushups in the first set a pushups and only about 10 in the second set then my arms start getting shakey. I haven't treid to do a regular pushup yet cuz I am not ready to dissapoint myself. I will try one after I have done this for 2 weeks as I know I don't have alot of arm strength yet.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I just found 30 day shred on my On Demand from Time Warner so I think I'll give it a try tonight!
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    Day 2 was not quit as easy as day 1. I was huffing and puffing alot more and almost couldn't keep up. My muscles were a little sore today but I had also done some heavy yard work (about 4hrs worth) of clearing out a wooded area, raking endless years of leaves and debris. I can do 15 girlie pushups in the first set a pushups and only about 10 in the second set then my arms start getting shakey. I haven't treid to do a regular pushup yet cuz I am not ready to dissapoint myself. I will try one after I have done this for 2 weeks as I know I don't have alot of arm strength yet.
    Karen's awesome that you're on Day 2!!! And it seems that it's always harder the second day. I think it's fantastic that you can do as many push ups as you do...even the girlie ones! They aren't easy just because you're on your knees. So keep at it and don't feel frustrated about regular ones! That will come! I'm right there with you...actually...not even up to where you are on push ups! So let's keep in touch about how we do and cheer us on!!
  • yari
    yari Posts: 25
    Hi Ladies, How is everyone doing?? It’s supposed to be a very nice day here in NYC…I signed up for a spinning class for my trip to the gym…should be interesting, I haven’t taken a spinning class in a very long time…I am down two pounds since Monday, I guess all the working out and eating well worked LOL…I am hoping to lose another 1 pound by Saturday

    McQuinny~Thanks i took the day off today, cause my abs are killng me!!! LOL~~Good Job on gettign the workouts in...I didn't do the shred last night, but i am hoping to get it done today~~I want to teach between grades 1st and 5th...not sure i can handle the teens, but hey who knows...Kasuki...I love the custodians at my school, too! We can't do without them!

    Karen~~maybe you should take a break in between the workouts, i know i cant do the shred two days in a row~Dont feel bad i can't do one girly or regular push up...I hate them LOL

    Ice Princess~That's awesome..I was so mad last night i tried to get the exercise channel on demand through cablevision and guess what?? they did away with it..I was so pissed...I loved that channel

    Well, I have to get back to work and then getting ready to hit the gym for this spinning class at noon...

    Have a great day all!!!

    :heart: :heart: Yari:heart::heart:
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    Wow, Yari! You're really losing the pounds! I've never had a spinning class...but just watching it makes me tired! :laugh: Let me know how that goes. I teach 4th and 5th grade science right now and LOVE it! As for arms and legs are so weak...I'm not sure I can go out this evening to run! Ok, good luck with spinning and I hope to hear from you again soon!
  • kasuki
    kasuki Posts: 74 Member
    Day 3 - I almost let the day go by without doing this dvd but at 11:30 pm I finally confinced myself to get off my butt a nd just do it. I can tell already that my arms are getting stronger but I didn't push myself as hard today (according to my hrm) as I burned about 20 less calories today then I did the last 2 days. Anyway maybe tomorrow I should excersize in the morning before I get burned out from my daily yard work and stuff. How is everyone else doing?
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    Day 3 - I almost let the day go by without doing this dvd but at 11:30 pm I finally confinced myself to get off my butt a nd just do it. I can tell already that my arms are getting stronger but I didn't push myself as hard today (according to my hrm) as I burned about 20 less calories today then I did the last 2 days. Anyway maybe tomorrow I should excersize in the morning before I get burned out from my daily yard work and stuff. How is everyone else doing?

    Hey Karen! Sounds like you're doing great! I'm off today for Good Friday so I'm going to Shred in a little while. So far so good. The push ups are the hardest! And that exercise where you lunge out to the side while lifting weights straight up in front of! My arms still hurt! What kind of heart rate monitor do you have?
  • kasuki
    kasuki Posts: 74 Member
    I have a polar F4 and I love it. I got mine on e-bay for $69 dollars with free shipping so I feel I got a good deal. I have had it for about 2 months and use it alot, like when I am walking my dogs, doing my yard work, even sometimes to my job as it is kinda physical work and I wanted to get an idea of what I burn while at work. I even wore it to bed a couple times to get a better idea of what my bmr was and I found out it is somewhat higher then what several different internet sites caculated it to be. Wearing my hrm makes me want to move around and do more just to see what I burn or if I over eat I can better caculate when I have burned off the extra which I have been doing alot lately. Evening snacking is begining to be a problem again and though I haven't gained any weight back I probably would have if I didn't have my hrm. I suggest everyone should have one as an extra tool in their quest for a better healthier lifestyle.
  • kasuki
    kasuki Posts: 74 Member
    Day 4 - Well I surprised myself today and did 4 plank pushups before I had to give in and do the rest in modified style. I didn't think I would be able to even do 1 so that made me happy. How is everyone else doing ?
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    Karen...sounds like you're doing better all the time! I didn't get to do the Shred yesterday but I did run 2.25 miles. I was so sore yesterday that I'm not sure I could have done it anyway. I am going to do it today and try to do it every day that I can. Let me know how it's going.
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Is it too late to join?

    I started my Day One today after a while of not shredding. I really like this cd because I sweat like mad and it's only 25 minutes. I do it in the morning before leaving for work. I plan do it at least 4 to 5 times a week. I'm doing Barry's Bootcamp in the evenings plus additional cardio when I can. I want to see if I can really keep this up for 30 days!

    Has anybody else lost weight on this? Toned up?
  • Shadowpaws
    Shadowpaws Posts: 109
    Tried it today.... only got through like 10 minutes before nearly collapsing :frown:

    I hope it gets better after awhile.
  • queenmina
    queenmina Posts: 84 Member
    Tried it today.... only got through like 10 minutes before nearly collapsing :frown:

    I hope it gets better after awhile.

    Don't worry about it. It definitely gets better. The last time I gave this a go, I could barely get through the first 30 sec of jumping jacks. A week later and I could finish the whole thing. Just keep at it. :)

    I'm starting from scratch again since I haven't done it in a while, but I love how it gets my heart rate up and I feel like I really really worked out. :)

    Let me know how it goes.

    Created by - Easy Calorie Counting
  • Hi All!
    I was hoping I could join this thread. I just joined mfp last week, and am determined to lose some weight before my 10 yr high school reunion in July. My awesome husband got me the 30 day shred for Easter, and I did it for the first time today. I couldn't believe I got such a great workout in 25 minutes! Crazy! My arms are a little shaky, but I think that's a good sign. For me, when I feel the effects of working out, it reminds me that it's not worth it to eat junk food. I worked out really hard, and eating that chocolate donut will just ruin all that effort I just made!! :smile:

    I also have a question for you all. How do you figure out how many calories are burned? I don't even know what category to put this in when trying to track my exercise! What do you all do?

    We can do this!!!

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    Hello ladies!

    Is it too late to join?

    I started my Day One today after a while of not shredding. I really like this cd because I sweat like mad and it's only 25 minutes. I do it in the morning before leaving for work. I plan do it at least 4 to 5 times a week. I'm doing Barry's Bootcamp in the evenings plus additional cardio when I can. I want to see if I can really keep this up for 30 days!

    Has anybody else lost weight on this? Toned up?
    No it's not too late!!! I've only done it 4 times now and there's no way you can do it and NOT tone up! I can't even do those shoulder lift to eye level things all the way through yet! What's Barry's Bootcamp? So YES.....keep in touch here and let us know how it's going with you! Glad to meet you!
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    It gets better! Day 2 is WAY worse than Day 1. But hang in there! Glad to see you!
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    Of course you can join us! We're all basically at the beginning! It really helps talking to other people to see how it's going. I have no idea how to track the calories. I've just put in high impact aerobic but somebody else might have a better idea how to do it. If anyone finds out...share! Glad to see you here! Let us know how you do!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    One day down, 29 to go!

    I am striving to get my workouts in before I leave for school in the morning (I'm a teacher). I figure that I can do ANYTHING for 25 minutes in the morning, right? I only have 30 days of school left, so I have to do it EVERY Day! Then I will be prepared to don my bikini -- or at least better prepared than I am now!

    As for other workouts, here's my gig. I am training for a half marathon on May 31st, therefore I need to run! I run 3 days per week: Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. I plan to do the elliptical machine and/or Jillian Michaels' Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism at least three days per week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and/or Sunday. It's rigorous, but it should help get the job done!

    Looking forward to seeing everybody's success!


    What grade do you teach?
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