Losing the last 15-20 lbs?



  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    ^^awesome! About to knock out my 40 as well! :smile:
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I cranked out 50 sit-ups!!
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Did my 40!

    Sitting here eating dinner now. I feel a little hungrier today but not in a bad way, just may eat all the food in this cleanse today. I don't know, I'll probably be stuffed after dinner, so I may not!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    40 crunches done. Still have a sore side in certain positions--mostly while I'm laying down.

    I also ran 4 miles and walked a mile this evening. I did the JM No More Trouble Zones dvd this morning.

    Today I also made banana bread (although a healthier version) and ate lots of it--eek!
  • mommy2jkserjlja
    35 sit-ups done :)
  • ehwilson
    ehwilson Posts: 19 Member
    55 sit-ups and 50 push ups done for today:glasses:
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    Well, 25 situps are done...finishing the other half after classes :glasses:
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Got my 50 in!

    Just went for a walk after breakfast, and I feel great! I am just doing a moderate pace right now, because although I want to lose weight, I don't want to burn so many calories that I create a bigger deficit that I'm not able to eat back right now because of the cleanse. Also, I was out of exercise for a while so there's no need to go crazy. But I see all of you guys' posts about JM and 30DS and Insanity and stuff and I just feel lazy!

    I am on day 3 of the cleanse, I have lost a legitimate pound (I know where it went, if you know what I mean), not water weight because I've been drinking lots of water and eating water-filled veggies. You get some healthy carbs during the day so there really aren't any cravings. Before dinner last night I was thinking, "I can't do this for 4 days" but once I started eating that yummy chicken, brown rice, artichokes, and salad, I was happy because it all tasted really good! The only thing I'm not happy about is the asparagus I roasted. It was thin to begin with, and some of it is really hard to eat... tastes good, just out of season so difficult to cook.

    I'm going to get ready to continue on with my day! Hope everyone else has a fantastic Wednesday!
  • Addicted2Fitness
    I did my 50 situps and got challenged to do 20 more, so I did 70!!!
  • ehwilson
    ehwilson Posts: 19 Member
    60 situps and 50 pushups :smile:
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I did crunches again. I think I'll attempt actual situps tomorrow since my side is feeling better.

    I ate like a wild woman again today but I also burned a lot--I did Level 1 of Ripped in 30 early this morning, did the 45 minute JM Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism cardio dvd this afternoon and ran 4 miles + walked 1 mile this evening.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    72 crunches done today.
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Everyone is doing so awesome with this crunches challenge!

    I am trying to hang onto this cleanse for one more day then I am going to take Fri-Sun off, and just eat normally, but still relatively within my calorie goal. I am going to see if doing it just the first 4 days of every week will jump-start me more. However, if it doesn't, then I am going to try to do it more consecutive days and just take maybe one day off per week. It's not that I'm not enjoying it, I just have to make sure I am doing it right and it takes more effort than my normal eating. How about that LOL. I am enjoying what I am eating. Part of it is the cost too. I have to see if it will be more expensive. Just have to look for sales!

    Amy, I think as long as you are making sure your net calories are adding up, don't worry about eating a lot! Even the smallest amount of exercise seems to make me hungrier. Just have to fuel that body! Awesome job on all that exercise!!

    My fiance leaves for SERE training tomorrow. He's not here anyway, he's been in Pensacola, FL while I am in Greenville, SC. But tomorrow he goes to Spokane, WA to be even farther away. And I don't really know when I will talk to him between now and December 2. We are used to Skyping every day. Only a few more weeks of this long distance crap!
  • Robes
    Robes Posts: 17 Member
    I booted out 100 situps/crunches yesterday, mostly because I was distracted by my tv and just kept going until commercial break! Can't wait to see what this weekend's challenge is, I'm leaving on vacation on Saturday morning for a week but plan on continuing at the resort I'll be staying at!
    On another note, I complained about not being able to break past 160- but shortly after complaining I DESTROYED that mark. Not sure what I'm doing differently... I'm gonna assume it was my frustration, threats and complaining that scared the weight away. :)
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Great job Robes!!! I am right behind you, looking forward to busting out of the 170's before my wedding next month. I'm SO close!!

    Got my 60 done! Whew! Going to go for a walk later, although I've done some extra walking today at the mall and grocery store! The more the merrier!
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    I was out and about for most of the day yesterday, and didn't get to do my situps so I just busted out 110 today! Ahhh!

    I got so much cardio exercise yesterday, and was eating so well, until I got stuck out all night with a friend who was in party mode. I managed not to drink too much, but I was starving when I finally got in at 3 am and ate like 1/2 a bag of chips.:sad: I wasn't that far over on calories, but I feel gross today. I'm gonna eat light today to cleanse my body.

    Everyone is doing so well!
    Jesstiger81- How has the cleanse made you feel so far? more energized? Lighter? You're doing awesome sticking to it!
    Robes- Congrats on busting out of the 160's! Hope that's in my near future! Good luck and have FUN on your vacation!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    72 crunches!!
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    Glad everyone is doing so great with the sit ups! I really wanted to come up with a wkend challenge but I have a crazy day tmrw..gotta study, clean, and do about 10 loads of laundry then work 13 hrs straight :sick:
    Any ideas for a mini challenge are welcome though! We can vote on them here or send me a messege and I'll pick one :tongue:
    Sorry I couldn't come up with one for this wkend, I feel really bad about it! :frown:
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Channing, the cleanse worked really well! Except for a few minor details, like missing things like milk, cheese, chocolate and pasta (hmm, probably the reason I'm here!), I really enjoyed the food I ate. I did tweak things a little, like: adding a tsp of honey to my night time tea, using a tiny bit more oil in my salad (probably because it was really big), not sure if the yogurt was cheating (Yoplait dessert ones) but I did what it said, and it was fat free, I got dried blueberries instead of fresh, and I got a trail mix that wasn't necessarily "natural" and had chocolate pieces in it. But I am down a couple pounds at least (final weigh in in the morning!) and I do feel good. I did light exercise, including our sit-up/crunches challenge. I really didn't feel deprived at all. I was eating whole, natural, healthy food, which is the way it should be. My body has just gotten used to yummy splurgy stuff like pizza, pasta, cheese, processed food, dessert, alcohol, so much!

    Tomorrow I am not going to do the cleanse. Not sure if I will just take one day off or if I will take Friday and Saturday off then resume Sunday. A day off is not required, I just think it might be good to trick my body by eating a few different things since it is probably getting used to this fuel by now. I am going to see if it helps or hurts. I got a few Lean Cuisines, but probably will stick to the breakfast because I loved it, and some of the snacks too. I think taking at least a day off will be good for me because even though I will stay within my calories, I will be tricking my body into thinking I am splurging.

    Ok... up WAY past my bedtime... AGAIN! My fiance was on Central time before but now he's on Pacific time, I gotta make sure I am disciplined about my bedtime!
  • Addicted2Fitness
    Got my 60 in last night along with 15 pushups, 60 squats and 40 lunges!