Everyday I'm Shreddin it! 30DS 10/11/11



  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    L3,D2 complete.
  • L3 D2 and 3 competed even done it on my birthday :) Have also ordered ripped in 30 to do after the shred.

    We have all done so well and are now on the home straight :)
  • I completed D7L3 yesterday but forgot to post.. :/

    D8L3 - 34 days complete!! :)

    only two days left on the shred.. :/

    Im thinking I might just keep going until we start Ripped in 30.. idk yet. :)
  • L3D3 done. Kind of hating it (wrists don't like all the plank type poses) but will definitely miss it when i'm done!
  • Toenges1
    Toenges1 Posts: 99 Member
    Got Ripped in 30 in the mail today so decided to try that instead of 30 Day Shred. Very similar, but she divides the strength up into 3 moves rather than 2 moves. Also there are four levels, not 3. Supposed to do one level per week. So far so good. Level one complete, but I will start over when Faery starts the Ripped in 30 thread.

    Good Stuff!
  • Day 18 (Day 6 of level 2). Still HATE the plank moves! I know day 6 of level 1 was definitely easier then the first couple days, but not so much yet on this level. But I'm gonna stick with it! It HAS to pay off! Think I'm either gonna do Ripped in 30 or 6 week 6 pack when I finish level 3.
    By the way, if I still feel not an "expert" by day 10 of level 2, is it a good idea to keep at it a few more days before going on to level 3?
  • debbiebaz
    debbiebaz Posts: 45 Member
    D7 L3 completed .....
  • L3 D4 complete - Much easier now and starting to do Natalie moves apart from the last ab exercise it would take a crane to list my body up my arm aint gonna cut it :embarassed:
  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    Day 9 Lev 3 done!
    My Ripped DVD still hasn't come!
    It's showing dispatched but says it could take till end of Nov to come!
    So going to keep shredding till it does.
  • Soooooo....after I finish the 30DS, should I get the 6 wk 6 pack or the Ripped in 30 days? OR should it be TurboFire? I want to focus on my mid section (getting rid of tummy and love handles) as well as my butt/thighs....what do you guys think???
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    It is great to check in and read everyone's comments - I had to miss yesterday (not because it was my birthday but because I was at work and unable to log in.) Sadly I was not able to shred yesterday - but I have to say that if it wasn't for this group, I might not have been as motivated! Here I am in yet another hotel room, armed with weights and water, and about to do day 2 level 3...... Do you like level 3? I don't like it yet!!!!! I love it when people start noticing things like how long Anita's arms are... and I'm trying to see Jillian's chicken wings (we call them bingo wings in the UK!) but I haven't spotted them yet...... But I don't wish to be rude about Natalie, who has a very athletic and enviable form and strength - but I get annoyed watching her leaping around - but she seems so nice, so it makes me feel horrible having these negative feelings (ok - it;s jealousy!!!).

    Anyway, where have the stats gone from the tickers?????? Still - we all know our start weight, goal weight and current weight - and we are all getting there!!!!

    Sorry - I'm rabbitting on - time to shred.
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Still only mid way through level 2 - seem to have lost my way in the last week or so. Been really stressed and not feeling well. Stupid thing is I know the exercise helps me feel better.

    Glad to see everyone else is doing so well and keeping up with this thread is motivating me to get going again and not give up.
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    ..................... and done! Level 3 day 2....... I liked it today. Dripping!!!!! And I pity whoever is in the room under me!!!

    hahahaha!!! porn music - that made me laugh Jillian actually says "this is hard core" during the work out - I had a smile like Natalie's for that one today!

    Not losing much weight, not losing many inches by the tape - but certainly toning up, and feeling fitter!!!! Woo hoo......
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    Mrs Wibbly - hope you are feeling better - and it's all about doing what you can - and yessss - it does make you feel better (afterwards, lol)
  • gail16
    gail16 Posts: 94
    Apologies to everyone. I have not had time to post my workouts. My 30ds has slipped a bit and so where I have missed a day I have doubled up the next day as I don't want to be behind the deadline I set for myself.

    So today I have done D6 and D7 of L3 - legs are like jelly now ...
  • Skyrocket123
    Skyrocket123 Posts: 149 Member
    Day 10 Lev 3 DONE!!!

    I am a 30DS graduate now! :happy: Can't believe I did it 30 days straight too! :drinker:

    Will still keep a-shredding till my DVD comes and the new group starts!

    Lorislim - her bingo wings are at the start when she does the high kicks. She used to be 180lbs when she was younger so I wonder if its from then!

    I also saw Anitas freakishly long arms at the start! :noway: I can't believe I never noticed that before!
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    Soooooo....after I finish the 30DS, should I get the 6 wk 6 pack or the Ripped in 30 days? OR should it be TurboFire? I want to focus on my mid section (getting rid of tummy and love handles) as well as my butt/thighs....what do you guys think???

    We're moving on to Ripped in 30 when we're done with the Shred if you're interested in sticking with us.
  • D6-8, L3 completed (not in one day) Almost to the end!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!
  • L3 D5 complete I hate level 3 with a passion I can not weight to see the back of it.

    Looking forward to ripped in 30 I feel I need a change.
  • D9L3 - 35 days complete!

    aaaah i cant believe i goofed up and did level 2 twice instead of moving onto level 3. asdflskf i'm so mad i would have been a 30 day shred graduate! :(

    oh well it will happen tomorrow!!

    i cant believe ive been doing the shred for 35 days in a row!! aaaaaah! its so awesome.

    so does anyone know when we start ripped in 30?