Sexy in Six ***closed group*** Week Six!



  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member

    Do you set mini-goals, with rewards? What are they, why did you pick those goals (and the fun part, the rewards!!!)

    I did have some for a while but I found I was too obsessed with the numbers.

    Kinda may need to get back to that though...although I'm currently traveling for TWO WEEKS and so there's no way I'm going to meet any goals!! My diet has gone know.
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 112 Member

    Do you set mini-goals, with rewards? What are they, why did you pick those goals (and the fun part, the rewards!!!)

    I have not set any mini goals with rewards. I should start - I did set a reward when I reach my goal weight. I want to buy me somehting sexy, go out with my husband (dancing) and show him my new body in something tight. Currently all he sees me with is loose clothing - lol
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    WEDNESDAY QOTD: We all know that women we see in magazines are airbrushed within an inch of their lives. Still doesn't make those images any less influential. Has anything in the media ever directly affected you and/or you weight loss goals either positively or negatively?

    For me what really upsets me is when a celebrity has a beautiful body, even thin by standards of average women, and then Hollywood gets to them and they get super skinny. I hate that! How are we possibly supposed to take it as anything other than "she was too fat" even though she was maybe a size 6. America Fererra and Katherine Heigle are good examples. I try not to let any media source get me down, I can't imagine how it makes the poor little girls feel.
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    ohhh great question!!! I think it probably affects us subconsciously a lot more then we think! There's a new doc out about gender and media called "Missrepresentation". One of the quotes from the trailer is that a women's worth in society is based on her attractiveness!!

    The media/advertising is just over the top. I was actually so annoyed yesterday when a recent picture of Nicole Ritchie was captioned, "this dress shows off her amazing figure!" REALLY!!! To me that's an extremely unattainable, and shouldn't be the desired figure!
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    WEDNESDAY QOTD: We all know that women we see in magazines are airbrushed within an inch of their lives. Still doesn't make those images any less influential. Has anything in the media ever directly affected you and/or you weight loss goals either positively or negatively?

    Directly negative for me? No, but my girls yes. We've had many discussions over the years about how what you see in a magazine, movie or on TV isn't always "real". Positively? Yes. Tosca Reno comes to mind. Don't agree with everything she says, but it's just proof that you can still look good no matter what your age.
  • 160poundgirl
    Wednesday QOTD:

    Negative? Too many to mention
    Positive? Jennifer Hudson and many others who have lost weight somewhat the healthy way. Its good to know that it can be done. I like visuals
  • mbw2586
    Do you set mini-goals, with rewards? What are they, why did you pick those goals (and the fun part, the rewards!!!)

    I didn't start out with mini-goals, but as I progress I kind of come up with them along the way. The first one I did was that I desperately needed my hair done, but would not allow myself until I had lost a total of 10 pounds. Uhm, let me just say that I had some roots for a while. :)

    My next mini-goal is a new pair of jeans when I hit 140, which is 8 pounds away. I have begun to wear older jeans that I can now fit into, but they are all getting a bit loose. It's a great feeling, but doesn't look so hot!
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    WEDNESDAY QOTD: We all know that women we see in magazines are airbrushed within an inch of their lives. Still doesn't make those images any less influential. Has anything in the media ever directly affected you and/or you weight loss goals either positively or negatively?

    Not really. It makes me really want a flat stomach, but looking around at the gym does the same thing. I'm a realist though and know that even though I'm kind of "model height" at 5'10", I will never look like one because of my bone structure and I like that. Maybe when I was younger, but really, I don't let that kind of stuff affect me.
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    WEDNESDAY QOTD: We all know that women we see in magazines are airbrushed within an inch of their lives. Still doesn't make those images any less influential. Has anything in the media ever directly affected you and/or you weight loss goals either positively or negatively?

    Hmm...I have a positive & negative all in one. I love the show Biggest Loser. My 7 year old and I watch it together (she always ask if she can watch it with me--she is actually my biggest supporter). The show is great because in the end they show you that nothing is impossible if you put the time/effort into it. They also show you it's not about just eating right and exercise--it's mind, body, soul. You have to take a look at what put you where you are and fix it. Now the negative is that they workout 8-10 hours a day everyday and have food prepared for them most of the time which allows them to drop so much weight. It's unrealistic for someone at home to do what they do in such a short period of time (time frame being the key to that). So it has a lot of people try but when they don't drop the weight like the show they quit. It sometimes sucks for me to look at the scale and see only 1 lb down when you watch them drop 5-10 like it's nothing.

    BUT...back to the good....I love seeing how so many of them have kept off the weight and pay it forward to help others. I only hope that once I get to where I want to be I can pay forward all the knowledge I have to help others.
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    WEDNESDAY QOTD: We all know that women we see in magazines are airbrushed within an inch of their lives. Still doesn't make those images any less influential. Has anything in the media ever directly affected you and/or you weight loss goals either positively or negatively?

    This is a huge hot button for me, to the point that I actually wrote my Masters Thesis on the idealized female image in the media and the damage it does to women's self images. I would like to say that those things don't affect me, but it's simply not true. Not only does the airbrushing and photoshopping make celebrities look more perfect than they already look, but normal, reasonable "flaws" are also taken off. Like pores, and knuckles, etc. It affects us subliminally, it really does. Even when they show a woman who is not a stick thin (or makde to look stick thin) figure, if the publicize their size or weight, it's not accurate. For example, there used to be a model named Emme, remember her? Gorgeous "plus sized" model, I absolutely loved her. But she made a huge deal on an interview that she was a size 8, and that simply wan't true, with her height, over 6 feet, and her luscious curviness, she had to be a size 12, maybe even a 14. AND THOSE NUMBERS WOULD HAVE BEEN OK. But she still felt the pressure to embellish, which made me sad, because she could have stood up and said, THIS is what a 12 looks like! Eat your heart out!

    Wow, rambling post, there. Obviously a soapbox for me.

    Edited to add, apparently she dropped the "I'm a size eight" schtick, and she still is awesome.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Wednesday QOTD - Media influence -

    Recently this has changed for me, I look at those awesome bodies in magazines and it inspires me to work a little harder and see what shape I will be when I have finally reached my goal. Models, actors, and singers come in different shapes and sizes too, and each of them work hard for what they have as well - as we might be figuring out , so there's some airbrushing going on - so what? That's part of their lives and their reality, part of the job, just like part of my job is to wear completely unattractive stretch pants with leather on the butt and a big helmet on my head everyday - But the more I work for it, the less unattractive the pants become LOL! (I'm a professional horse trainer and rider)
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Ditto, I hate hate hate when they consider a size 6 or 8 fat! So unhealthy!!!
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    WEDNESDAY QOTD: We all know that women we see in magazines are airbrushed within an inch of their lives. Still doesn't make those images any less influential. Has anything in the media ever directly affected you and/or you weight loss goals either positively or negatively?

    It use to bother me in the past but this time it doesn't guess I'm in a diffrent spot mentally on my journey this time.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Media Influence

    I would have to say Tosca Reno, even though I don't eat clean. I tried it once, it didn't last. But she influenced me because researching the "clean" lifestyle, I came across many profiles of women who were older than I was, and they lost weight and became lean and tone.

    I was already, at 37 years old, throwing in the towel and using my age as an excuse. "It's too late...I waited too long. I'll never lose it now." Those profiles proved me wrong.

    It wasn't my age holding me was me.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Wed QOTD:
    Meh, yes and no.

    When I was growing up, I looked at celebrities (at the time it was Britney Spears, Spice Girls, etc haha) and thought THAT is how I should look! I was a pudgy girl who was just one more sucker who looked up to celebs as physical role models. So I'm sure that my brain has been trained to aspire to look like the women on tabloid covers (not the "who's celulite booty is this?" ones tho!). Although now, I am more irritated than awe-struck. I'm a firm believer in loving the body you have, be it a size 00 or a size 10. We all are built differently, have different shapes and heights, etc. A healthy number on my scale isn't the healthy number on yours. I think we should all embrace our differences rather than striving for the sickly-thin images Hollywood often shows. If you are HEALTHY, who cares if you are stick straight, curvy, or somewhere in between?!
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    As I slowly reduce each week, I am finding myself excited to discover slightly looser waist lines , oh, and shoes that fit. I hadn't really realised how large I had got. It's not the thinness I aspire to, so much as the ease with which people move, The flatter stomachs , the fact that cardigans and jumpers don't rise up over ones derriere....this is what I'm longing for now.

    Nigella Lawson is very curvaceous, but gorgeous - still, things got so bad for her that she went swimming in a burkhini...... Sophie Dahl is another. But some people I see just look thin, not healthy, and definitely not sexy....
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    MONDAY QOTD-- What is the craziest thing you've ever done to break a loss plateau?

    This wasn't really to break a plateau-just dieting in general but I've tried both the Atkins diet-bacon and all. and also the Alli pills. EEK. Neither of these methods worked for me! I'm not quite sure what I would do without bread or cheese!!
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    Do you set mini-goals, with rewards? What are they, why did you pick those goals (and the fun part, the rewards!!!)

    These are hard questions!!! :) I was't really a mini goal setter either. Or at least I didn't write them down. My big goal at the end was rewarded with new clothes. I got rid of pretty much EVERYTHING in my closet! And bought new clothes. I'm a little too cheap to replace the entire wardrode at one time but it's actually been pretty fun to by clothes here and there...
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    WEDNESDAY QOTD: We all know that women we see in magazines are airbrushed within an inch of their lives. Still doesn't make those images any less influential. Has anything in the media ever directly affected you and/or you weight loss goals either positively or negatively?

    I feel bad for many of them-especially the super skinny ones. I know how they eat to stay that way!!! that's just too bad. And it's really not healthy at all. It's funny what people will do for a job and celebrities often take it to an extreme. No-but really, the celebrities that look like normal people inspire me. I hope that they eat normal food, don't do crash diets, and have regular and heathy exercise schedules.

    On the other hand-you know the ones that look awesome look that way because of hard work! Money can't buy you a hot body! it might be able to buy you the trainer or the crazy food but it takes work. That I recognize and admire.
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    WEDNESDAY QOTD: We all know that women we see in magazines are airbrushed within an inch of their lives. Still doesn't make those images any less influential. Has anything in the media ever directly affected you and/or you weight loss goals either positively or negatively?

    The first person that comes to mind is Jennifer Hudson. When she was on Idol, she was larger but very pretty and went far. Since then, she has become a spokesperson for WW and looks fabulous. I recently read an article about her (I think it was Self magazine) and she seems so down to earth and realistic about eating right and exercising.

    The other person that comes to mind, and no, I am not a fan of hers but I respect that she is not typical "Hollywood skinny", is Khloe Kardashian Odom. She gets a lot of crap for her weight and her curves because she isn't a size zero or even probably a size six and that is definitely sending the wrong message.