50+ with 50+ To Lose Group



  • greenhydrangea
    greenhydrangea Posts: 39 Member
    First and foremost, KeriA, you are so awesome for monitoring the group and supporting us all. To all the rest of you: keep spreading the good spirit, while I don't have enough time these days to comment as much as I'd like, I appreciate you all and feel fortunate to have you on this journey of self discovery (which is what this seems to me at times more than weight loss!)
  • James, don't hurt yourself with all that thinking and scratching your head! : ) ha ha

    When I was trying to think of goals for the rest of the month, my first list was much more ambitious. Then I started making it shorter and more realistic. Figured I'd be more likely to succeed that way.

    If today is any indication, even keeping up with the short and simple list will be quite a challenge.

  • Okay, call me a liar. I decided to go back and make my goals more specific, and add a couple things. It's actually good for me to be giving it this much thought, though.

    So here are my (newly revised since yesterday!) goals for the rest of November:

    1) Start the day, before getting out of bed, with some deep breaths. Then at least twice a day, relax with feet up and take several slow deep breaths.

    2) Right after getting out of bed, and after each deep breathing break, do 10 minutes or more of stretching, isometric exercises, and gentle marching on the rebounder. Maybe begin trying the resistance bands and dumbbells to prepare for more focused work in a few weeks.

    3) Eat between 1200-1850 calories, depending on hunger.

    4) Work on including more vegetables, fruits and protein, and eating less bread, cereal, milk, cheese, pasta, peanut butter, and especially less sweets.

    5) Drink three giant mugs of iced plain water from the time I get up till an hour or two before bed. (Don't drink too much right before bed).

    6) Take vitamins and supplements, especially the ones for heart health.

    7) Start getting to bed by 1 a.m. instead of 3 or 4 a.m., if only to be able to enjoy more daylight hours.
  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member
    Brynn, I see seven very specific, well-thought-out goals there. I saw the seventh one on your profile as well, and it got me to thinking about a November goal. My first thought was the obvious one: there's three weeks left in the month, so lose, say, 6 lb by month's end. But then, having seen your #7, I thought: I know I'm not sleeping even nearly as much as I should, and that's seriously not good. If I'm concerned here about "fitness," as opposed to just weight loss, that has to include adequate sleep. Besides, they're not unrelated: late-night snacking is one of my weaknesses, and if I'm not up so late, the opportunities decrease. I'm not even sure how much sleep I'm getting. So here are my November goals, three in number:

    1. Every day, log my bedtime: defined as I'm in bed, my book (or Nook) set aside, and the light out, and my subsequent getting-up time, defined as the time at which I hit OFF instead of SNOOZE and don't lie back down. And also log the difference between those two times, which is my sleep time.

    2. On Wednesday of every week, report the results of that logging right here: accountability.

    3. Make the average sleep time for each week come out to at least 6.5 hours/day. (I know that's less than the eight hours everyone's supposed to need, but it's an initial compromise goal: I suspect it's at least an hour more than I'm averaging now; and I have an old man's back that complains bitterly to me if I'm in bed longer than about 7 hours at a stretch.

    So, there's my goals. Thanks, Brynn, for the inspiration; and thanks, Keri, for the time, effort, and caring you're devoting to this group.
  • Ohhhh, James, I can REALLY identify with the late night snacking problem. I'm pretty sure it must be psychological, but WHY AM I SO HUNGRY AT NIGHT? Sorry, didn't mean to shout. But seriously. The later it gets, the hungrier I get, and nothing seems to satisfy, so I just keep trying different foods. Not good.

    Maybe if we discover that going to bed earlier helps with the snacking, we can just start going to bed at 9. :laugh: Like that'll ever happen. Hard to teach an old night owl new tricks.

  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member
    Yep, I don't know how successful I'll be with bedtime reform, either. Weekday mornings, I need to be up at 4 to take care of my before-work exercise. So, if I want to sleep 6.5 hr, that means, what, a 9:30 bedtime? That's right. That may be a bit of a culture shock for me!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Brynn weak lungs run in my family. I really have problems with high altitudes and hills. I am proud of completing C25K which stands for couch to 5K runs but really I am not sure my slow jog would be called a run. It ends at a 30 minute run and there is no way I make it to 5K in 30 minutes but still with my lungs I am glad I can run. It took me a year before I realized I could do it. That's alot of aquafit.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    McYoung great to hear about your month. Yay you! Drinking water and half way there! I have let my Zumba slip too but I decided it was time for weight training. I was supposed to do that today after Aquafit but I had a job interview at late notice. It went well but there are alot of us planners out there looking for work so there is probably one that has experience that fits better but it is great to have an interview in my profession at least. Yes unemployment and underemployment has certainly boosted my amount of exercise. Sorry to hear that your hours were cut though. I have vowed that when I get a job I won't let it go by the wayside although I am sure I will have a transition period.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I should have been checking in here every now and then, I think. Short-term goal setting: something I've never been much good at, or really tried, as far as that goes. So, I'll start VERY short-term: my first goal is to set some end-of-November goals, and to do so by this time tomorrow. Now, to go and scratch my head a little ... OUCH! When you're as bald as I am, you have to be pretty careful about that head-scratching!
    After last week I have been very careful about where I scratch my head or brush or anything else. I ran into some playground equipment at my part-time temporary job last week. Ouch!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    James getting enough sleep is such a good goal to go with. It not only is healthier but it does help weight loss. WTG!

    Brynn you are going to have to stop posting new goals because everytime you mention ice water it makes me thirsty:drinker:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    First and foremost, KeriA, you are so awesome for monitoring the group and supporting us all. To all the rest of you: keep spreading the good spirit, while I don't have enough time these days to comment as much as I'd like, I appreciate you all and feel fortunate to have you on this journey of self discovery (which is what this seems to me at times more than weight loss!)

    It is ironic the day everyone posts and I get such sweet cudos for monitoring the group is the day I am not on here until after dinner and then even later since I had to respond to an urgent e-mail to get a free class. Sorry. I got an call yesterday about an interview this afternoon!!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Hi All,
    There is a new feature on MFP. Groups. We need to decide whether we want to make this a group. They can be public of private. If we do I would post the link on here. So pleas all let me know what you prefer. I will try to do some research on how they work. This would happen on such a busy week.
  • greenhydrangea
    greenhydrangea Posts: 39 Member
    I say the more the merrier! I'm all for opening it up. But I will defer to our group.
  • I don't know much about it, but whatever you all decide is fine with me.
  • MCYoung
    MCYoung Posts: 49 Member
    I wish there was a Smiley doing thumbs up.....
    Wouldn't that be cute :flowerforyou:
    Oh, I mean sure that would be fine..... I am looking for UTAH people too.... anyone know any???
    Have a great day!!!!!
  • MCYoung
    MCYoung Posts: 49 Member
    I wish there was a Smiley doing thumbs up.....
    Wouldn't that be cute :flowerforyou:
    Oh, I mean sure that would be fine..... I am looking for UTAH people too.... anyone know any???
    Have a great day!!!!!
  • I think being a group might be a good idea. I'm not sure the difference between public and private. I just don't want the group to get too big to where I feel like I can't pay all the attention I want to pay to the members I need to. Whew! That was a drawn out sentence that may or not make sense! Also, believe it or not, I'm a pretty private person. Don't even have Facebook, Twitter, or any of that. (Hard to believe, right?) I gues my vote for now would be yes, (maybe with a little reservation).
  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member
    Without knowing the advantages and disadvantages to group status (also public vs. private), I have no opinion that's worth anything. I'll cheerfully support whatever recommendation or decision Keri has to make.
  • swimmer54
    swimmer54 Posts: 29 Member
    I tried checking this out by clicking the groups tab at the top and then choosing an established group. Unless I am doing something wrong, it appears that each entry by someone is like a separate thread within the particular group of threads. Therefore, you can no longer just scroll through the posts as we do now. For me personally this seems like a disadvantage if I have to click on each person's entry to read it.

  • swimmer54
    swimmer54 Posts: 29 Member
    I put this info in the home page roll as well. You can click on groups after first clicking on your profile or community. There will be a tab at the top for it.

    It appears that when you select a particular group, the threads, or topics, appear. One person can start a topic and others can reply. If you click on that topic you will see the initial posting and all the replies. If you want to see anything else, you will have to click on another topic. I assume some topics could be ongoing, so if you wanted to keep up with an old thread you would have to look back at it. I think it's pretty different than our current set-up.

    I would suggest that we all go to groups and try reading posts in an already established group in order to decide on our preference. If we wanted to be an official group in order to attract members, I wonder if it would be possible or desirable to just have one long thread which is like an ongoing conversation. Or maybe more organization is good. What does everyone think?