Going to the bathroom?

Soooo I know this is TMI but I have a hard time going to the bathroom. No matter how many veggies I eat, I cant seem to ever get regular. This has been since I was a preteen. Does not being able to go to the bathroom affect weight loss? Affect how big your belly is?
I noticed that lately I've been relying on laxatives(magnesium citrate) as well. Is that harmful to have to use them at least 2 times a month or more?

Not sure what to do as I've had this problem for quite a few years.


  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    Me too I can easily go a week without going. While it doesn't hurt I know this is not good for me. Id like to see the responses as I hate to rely on laxatives as well.
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member
    Me too I can easily go a week without going. While it doesn't hurt I know this is not good for me. Id like to see the responses as I hate to rely on laxatives as well.

    same here, it's nothing for me not to go for a week or more.
  • jennp1313
    Have you tried fiber supplements, such as Benefiber or Metamusil? Also, probiotics have helped my digestive tract emmensely.

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  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    I had the same issue most of my life--ever since I was really young. I found that taking probiotics has helped regulate my system so much!!! I take Florajen 3...just 1 a day helps. You can find it at health food stores in the refrigerated section. I know there are a ton of other ones, but that's what my doctor told me to use.

    Here's the other big kicker--DRINK WATER, and lots of it! I drink at least 8-12 (8oz) glasses of water per day. That helps a lot too!

    Yes--having all that waste in your body certainly does affect your weight. (Here's my TMI)...sometimes I can lose up to 3-4 pounds when things work the way they're supposed to.

    Good luck!
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    I used to have this problem. The doctor told me to take this stuff called fibergel. Just take a sachet each morning and it should help get things moving
  • jadick825
    jadick825 Posts: 34 Member
    I have had these types of problem ever since I was a baby. I take CVS brand stool softeners pretty frequently. You can get them with or without stimulant. I have never had a problem. Lately, I have been also trying Miralax and Benefiber and those do seem to help a little more. Good luck and please let me know if you come up with any other tricks!
  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    Hiya hun. Ive never been particualy regular, however, since having the Fruit and Fibre Balvita Breakfast Biscuits I go literally half an hour after eating a packet! Brilliant biscuits lol. Might be worth a shot.

    Personally, not going to the toilet DOES affect my weight loss, not by anything major but I tend to lose about 0.2 to 0.5lb less if I dont go the day before weight in xx
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Probiotics might help. Most yogurt will do- just look on the label to see if it has active cultures. Otherwise you can get acidophilus and bifidus pills in most grocery stores. Probably near the vitamins.
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    seems like you should ask your doctor. they should have some things for you to try. And/Or a pharmacist can recommend OTC things also
  • mrsfoose
    Drink lots of water, be active, and I find when I am having issue rubbing my lower abdominal's in a downward motion seems to make everything move a little easier. Also I will add that dissolving fiber to my water on days where I am having some issues. Hope this helps some!
  • jennp1313
    also, are you getting LOTS of water? I have terrible digestive problems and my doctor tells me to drink at least 1.5 times the "recommended" daily amount.
  • msmanners
    My Mom used Flax seed. She will mix it up with orange juice in the morning and Drink it. I think she only does it like every couple of days. She got it from walmart. Hope this helps. :)
  • alohabrie
    Have you tried fiber supplements, such as Benefiber or Metamusil? Also, probiotics have helped my digestive tract emmensely.

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    Have you tried eating a high fiber diet? Between fresh fruits, veggies, adequate water and exercise - you should be good.
  • Leviram
    I really think it has to do with how much fiber is in the veggies and fruits you eat. I like the Fiber Choice chewable tablets but prefer it be natural I try to up my fiber to 35g everyday it's hard but it helps you lose weight and make you regular.
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    Fiber is the biggest thing. However, if you do decide to go the fiber route, I would high recommend doing so after you have to take a laxative to clear yourself out, because when you first start using the fiber, it's possible you could get bound up, and you don't want that on top of already having not gone for awhile.

    Water definitely does help, so does regular exercise. :)
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    Mix coarse grind black pepper, sea salt, lemon juice, and warm water up. Then drink it. It should work.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    You may have (and this is just a wild guess - I'm no medical person) IBS or something like that. But you probably should not take laxatives too often unless the doctor tells you too. Some people take one or two stool softeners a day and it gets them in good shape.

    But what you're describing can cause you to retain water and gas and it will look and feel like fat but it's not. Have you seen a doctor? That might be the best place to start. They often are of absolutely no help in these matters. But it's probably good to at least see one or two.
  • vintx
    vintx Posts: 34
    have you considered trying probiotics? like eating yogurt or a good-quality supplement? they are the good bacteria that should be present in your digestive system and when they are not there (like when you are on an antibiotic) or you don't have a strong culture, it can affect your bowel movements. you might also consider drinking more water. your large intestine is where you absorb water and if you don't have enough water in your system, your feces will be extremely dry and will have a hard time moving through your system.
  • lottycat
    lottycat Posts: 333 Member
    Check you're not eating too much iron - sometimes supplements designed especially for women are packed full of iron which can cause this problem.

    Also try flaxseed (linseed), just a tablespoon mixed into yoghurt or oatmeal can really help. x
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Here are some things you need to do EVERY DAY!!!!!

    1. Drink at least your 8 oz of water not diet pop/coffee as they are diuretic and can make the problem worse
    2. Take Omega 3 Fish Oil Pills (I take it twice a day)
    3. Eat AT LEAST one salad a day (preferably not iceberg lettuce)
    4. Eat other green veggies like broccoli
    5. If the first 4 don't help enough start drinking Benefiber packs with your water. Start with one then up it until you get the results you want

    I looked at your diary and didn't see much if any, but if you are eating lot's of dairy/cheese this can compound the problem. I would suggest you stop with the OTC pills as they can really mess you up. Try these things and if nothing helps GO SEE YOUR DR. It could be a medical issue that needs to be resolved.

    OH I just thought of another remedy that my Mother always uses (I've only done it once as I was DESPERATE), drink Prune Juice-BLECH!

    Good luck!