Move-ember Challenge (Closed)



  • may5220
    may5220 Posts: 101 Member
    11/7/11 7th day on the challenge I am looking forward to working out this evening at home I have a 3 yr son who likes to work out with me. I will try to work out for an hour and half, I have Zumba class on Thursday and Saturday. I will drink 17-18 glass of water this week. NSV : my clothes are getting loose. Have a great week
  • Mechel79
    Mechel79 Posts: 99 Member
    So I didn't get to weigh in yesterday.... my digital scale has been acting up and I figured out it is because the floor is cold and the scale gets cold and I didn't have time to mess with it yesterday morning. So this morning I warmed up the scale with a space heater (ridiculous i know!) and 199.6 was the result.... ONEDERLAND!!! When I started this journey in June I wanted to weigh under 200 by my birthday but after looking at a calendar and calculating 2 pounds a week I was never going to make it so I adjusted my goal to 205 by my birthday. I hit 205 in mid-october so the dream resurfaced but I started hoping that I could make it under 200 by this coming Monday... and this morning I was rewarded!!

    I am so excited!!!!!

    Bring on the birthday celebrations!!!!

    AMAZING! what an accomplishment!
  • cptnjck0209
    cptnjck0209 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey ladies =D

    Today I have rediscovered WATER and I'm going to try and stay close friends with it! It does make me feel so much better to drink a lot of it =D

    Also, I got hit on whilst DONATING BLOOD. Of all places! I wasn't sure if the guy was hitting on me or just being friendly but the nurse dealing with my donation was convinced it was a hit and bullied me for not 'making a move' on the rather good looking guy!! But really, why hit on a girl and not ask for her number? He spent a good 7 minutes chatting with me and then left without any follow up. LAME. Not that I would have followed it up, I'm busy looking after me right now, but it would be nice to have the option =P

    How're you all doing? =D Any NSV's to share?
  • MrsFelton2010
    MrsFelton2010 Posts: 339 Member
    Under my calories, 11 cups of water and 60 mins of walking done today
  • Happy Monday everyone. Congrats on everyones weight loss. I will post my weight tomorrow and get on track and weigh in with everyone else in the future. My weekend did not have as much exercise as I would have liked but I will make up for it this week. I am struggling with water intake, running to the bathroom every 15 -30 min is frustrating.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    This has been a really tough week to log. I have drank a decent amount of water the past couple days, but have been living on mystery home cooked meals my coworker has brought in for me. Something like a dumpling soup but I have no idea. Maybe some beans? It is tasty and spicy and I only ate a little, but I have no real way to log it.

    Then today our paper supplier brought us a giant tin of cookies, what the heck :) ... so I lived on hot chocolate and cookies today. I am using all my food budget to buy birthday gifts this week, getting tough!

    I will post my weigh in and continue reading here this week, but I don't expect to be eating healthy again (sad!) until next Monday. I will stay active, though!
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104
    Last week was rough in regard to time to myself and time for exercise, but I still managed to lose half a pound. I went to the gym today and weighed myself and I've lost another 1 1/2 lbs!! I'm so excited. If I can get into the 180's by Dec it would be wonderful!

    I've lost 15lbs since August. My clothes must have been very tight because I still can't fit into a smaller size of pants. Scary!
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104
    Did not hit any of my goals this weekend, spend the entire weekend painting my living room and dining room then putting it all back together. I'm sure I did get some exercise out of the deal, but eating was not good, did not get in all my meals or my snacks. Did not even get in all my water. Monday will be a new day to get back on track.

    I'm sure you burned some calories w/ painting and moving furniture. Sometimes life gets in the way... The good thing is you'll get back on track and you have the support of your MFP friends and this challenge. I hope your Monday was a good one!
  • cptnjck0209
    cptnjck0209 Posts: 47 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. Congrats on everyones weight loss. I will post my weight tomorrow and get on track and weigh in with everyone else in the future. My weekend did not have as much exercise as I would have liked but I will make up for it this week. I am struggling with water intake, running to the bathroom every 15 -30 min is frustrating.

    Definitely can related to your bathroom frustration! But as my bedroom is downstairs at least it gives me some exercise every time ;)
  • Evenbetter
    Evenbetter Posts: 20 Member
    I am down to the wire. But you know what they say about that "last ten pounds"? It's true. I've been trying to get it off since March when I reached this goal. However, I tried something different yesterday, I only logged in my food all day and waited until I had completed it before adding my exercise. I stayed within my daily goal in calories then added the exercise and completed the days diary. Not having an added evening snack or anything, even though I had just received those extra calories. I was down a pound this morning. So I am going to keep doing that this week. See how that goes.
  • I have had a bad week. I have over indulged ever day, if not in calories than just in junk. I have gotten at least 15 push up done every day but once, unfortunately that is all I have done regarding exercise and it has led to a two pound weight gain. However my mom just joined LA Fitness and can bring me with her whenever she wants, so we will be going Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Tonight's the first night so here's hoping I can loose 8 pounds this month.

    Also I guess MFP has groups now. You guys want to do that?
  • kelleman1
    kelleman1 Posts: 148 Member

    Also I guess MFP has groups now. You guys want to do that?

    I think a group would be a great idea!
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    I think the "Group" would be a great idea :)
  • Ok so this week is not going as planned, but its a good thing my duaghter gave birth today to a 3rd son for her my 4th grandson. So neeedless to say I am not at home I am taking care of her 2 other sons. I will be away from my home and routine for the remainder of the week. I am going to really try to watch the calories but will probaly not get in the exercise I would like to. I will not be able to update the spreadsheet until I get home and can weigh in on my scale. (My daughter does not even own a scale). Have a good week everyone, will check in when I can this week.
  • pbear1
    pbear1 Posts: 42
    So this has not been a good week for me either. Nearly cracking up from sleep deprivation after 7 months of no decent sleep. So have not been great with food or exercise. Today though I am starting again - against my principles I am going to do the Dukan diet to try and get rid of half a stone (7lbs) then this will hopefully motivate me to keep going and lose the last 7lbs. So its protein only for the next three days and I will probably weigh in on Saturday. I really want to fit into some decent clothes so I have to do this.
  • RebeccaLeinen
    RebeccaLeinen Posts: 110 Member
    still no change in the scale... starting to get VERY frustrated
  • Mechel79
    Mechel79 Posts: 99 Member
    Also I guess MFP has groups now. You guys want to do that?

    I think the group is a great idea as well.

    I am a bit frustrated too- last weeks weigh in was at 158 almost a 2lb drop and now I am back at 160. Idk what is going on I have actually been really watching what I eat, I started going to the gym which I never did before....ugh I was at 226 and dropped to 156 (my lowest) and have been between 156 and 160 the last yr and can't move from there not matter what I try!
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    A group does make threads easier to find - I get behind on checking them and miss so many replies when it's further down on My Topics.

    Congrats on the new addition to your family lmifflin!
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104
    Pita chips are evil. As are co-workers who bring in chocolate chip cookies! It's going to take me forever to lose this 10 if I keep this up. Grrr...
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104

    Also I guess MFP has groups now. You guys want to do that?

    I think a group would be a great idea!

    I concur!