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Do your thighs rub together?



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    My thighs are weird. My legs are skinny except the very tip top of my thighs which rub badly. So frustrating. If it doesn't get better once my weight is gone, I'll probably get something done about it. I've had bloody rashes from the rubbing.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Ugh, I hate this so much! My favorite pair of comfy, yet nice-looking sweat pants are now all but ruined because they have holes where my thighs rub!

    I noticed the problem was worse for me when I was wearing size US-28 pants years ago. Now at size US-21, it takes longer for the pants to wear out, but it still happens.
    Me too! At least I know I'm not alone... the world would be a quieter world without all the swishing we create !! Perhaps there is some untapped energy we could help create with all this friction!!!!!

    I like your thinking! :D Surely we could power our iPods with thigh rubbing static electricity.
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    Not to put a dampener on things... but a goal of a lot of anorexic people is to have a gap between their thighs. I have a feeling that this magical gap is a sign of being underweight - so maybe it's not a good idea to want it? Just my two cents...

    You are very correct... I have Anorexia.. (trying to recovery...) And my goal was for my thighs not to touch at a very young age. now 29 and i will never allow them to touch.
    Your thigh's are only not ment to touch on certain body shapes, normally when you have wider than "normal" hips in proportion to the rest of your body.

    Healthy women should not aspire for this! You may never get a gap between your thighs! And i dont reccomend anorexia to get it!!!!!

    Thank you, for the honesty and the perspective.

    My thighs will probably always touch, they have ever since I hit puberty. I'd be pretty damned happy though if I could simply wear a pair of shorts without them trying to creep up in the middle when I walk. :laugh:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    You are very correct... I have Anorexia.. (trying to recovery...) And my goal was for my thighs not to touch at a very young age. now 29 and i will never allow them to touch.
    Your thigh's are only not ment to touch on certain body shapes, normally when you have wider than "normal" hips in proportion to the rest of your body.

    Healthy women should not aspire for this! You may never get a gap between your thighs! And i dont reccomend anorexia to get it!!!!!

    There's a difference between your thighs touching when you stand and rubbing when you walk. My thighs have always touched even when I was thin, but now I get rashes between my legs where they rub, and it's painful.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I exercise in our living room on a gazelle. The best solution I've found for this is to exercise without pants and I have baby powder handy to rub on my thighs when it's bad. When I travel, I have sweatpants I use and they wear out, but not as fast since I'm not wearing them at home. Unfortunately in public places you have to wear pants.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    It is the worst when you're at the beach!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I think for some people it doesn't matter what size/weight you are, for some the thighs will always rub. Even when I was an emaciated looking teenager my thighs rubbed together (maybe not as bad as now, but they still did). I ran and biked a lot as a teen and was super skinny but always had big thighs (and calves).
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Honestly, it depends more on the shape of your hips than how large your thighs are.

    Mine don't rub together very much. I'm a US size 12.

    My husband, however, has so much rubbing, that he bought some of the Monistat Chafing Gel. and I think that's hilarious. I don't know why they market that toward women, because dudes get issues with, uhh.. stuff knocking around against their legs and that chafing gel should be marketed toward both genders, not just women.
  • SpringFever19
    SpringFever19 Posts: 180 Member
    A long time ago, I accepted my thunder thighs. I'm past that and I embrace them. However, I put holes in my scrub pants at the inner thigh all the time. I never knew it until once I sat down to go to the bathroom and saw the floor through my pants! I accept this too and enjoy buying new pants, because my thighs aren't going to stop loving each other any time soon. Or ever.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    That is how my scrub pants die too LOL
  • So funny! I was just putting away my size 16 jeans (that are now fitting big on me :happy: ) and the inside thigh part is looking a little thin, from when they weren't fitting so well, and the thighs were rubbing...

    I have always like my legs, yes, they are like little tree trunks, but they are strong and I love them! EXCEPT the inner thighs, it looks like I put, and for lack of a better description, a chicken cutlet on the top of each thigh...it just looked weird....BUUUUUT I have been doing the JM DVD's and the Butt Bible (don't know which one is having the best effect on them) and it is going away!!! I am hoping that in the next 15-20 lbs that cutlet will disapear and my thighs wont burn holes through my jeans... Looking forward to skirts and dresses since I refuse to wear them now, unless I am wearing a shorts style slip...
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I don't think it can always be changed. I know some chicks who are like size 0-4 or so and their thighs still rub. And if they get any skinnier they would be skin and bones.

    Myself, I'm a size 8 and it happens. I HATE it. I get rashes when I wear short shorts or skirts or dresses...and wear through the jeans faster than I wish to get rid of them. :(
  • Like some individuals have said..dont take it as a bad thing. Honestly some women do have space in between their legs and look like their pooped or something all open legged. It looks more normal for it to rub at least a bit :wink: , I'm just saying.
  • In the words of my friend!!

    ***Aaahhh.... My thights! They are rubbing against each other!" LOL
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    YES and I hate it too :(
  • mcintyrekn
    mcintyrekn Posts: 55 Member
    My advice...Embrace them ladies! Thighs are beautiful!!!, Fat or thin...so take em...and run with em ;)
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    Only when I walk.
  • Maputi
    Maputi Posts: 49 Member
    I developed the problem when I reached a US size 10. Prior to that I never had the problem.
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    I spoke to my mother today. She said that when she was smaller her thighs never touched, I an pretty sure
    she was a aus 10
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    when i started this journey, my thighs rubbed together. i remember using coconut oil on my body as a moisturizer while using sunless tanner when I was 118-124 pounds (highest weights) and it would always rub off in my legs...my skin would even come off o_o;;;

    Now at 97.5 my thighs have stopped rubbing together ^o^