Beginner's Challenge November



  • current stats for november challenge are:

    196 pushups
    300 crunches
    209 jumpin jacks
    27.83 miles
    36 squats
    7 lunges

    not bad for second week on challenge...
  • This week:
    12 miles
    75 crunches

    17 miles
    75 crunches
    30 lunges
  • Lets do it! :)
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    My second check in!

    10/40 miles
    103/300 crunches
    103/300 push ups
    58/300 lunges
    58/300 squats

    Everyone is doing really good so far! 2.5 more weeks of this!
  • angeldelight13
    angeldelight13 Posts: 177 Member
    My first check in
    35/40 Miles
    35/300 crunches
    115/300 Push ups
    40/300 Lunges
    330/300 Squatts
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    nov 13, 2011

    0 / 40 Miles
    50/ 300 Crunches
    35 / 300 Push ups
    57/ 300 Lunges
    100/ 300 Squats
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    Hope everyone is doing good this week! I kicked it up a notch, not doing very good on my squats and lunges but I'm doing WAY better on my miles, push-ups and crunches!
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    why Am I always late for this! :(

    last week:
    8 / 40 Miles
    60/ 300 Crunches
    45 / 300 Push ups
    0/ 300 Lunges
    0/ 300 Squats

    16 / 40 Miles
    60/ 300 Crunches
    69 / 300 Push ups
    0/ 300 Lunges
    100/ 300 Squats

    Yikes, I got a lot of catchingup to do!! :tongue:
  • ok here my total scores for this third week...

    216 pushups
    136 crunches
    239 jumpin jacks
    39.21 miles
    46 squats
    7 lunges

    Its been a very rough week. so next week i gotta work harder...
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    last week:
    16 / 40 Miles
    100/ 300 Crunches
    50/ 300 Squats
    90/ 300 Lunges
    120 / 300 Push ups

    36 / 40 Miles
    160/ 300 Crunches
    150/ 300 Squats
    90/ 300 Lunges
    189 / 300 Push ups

    [EDIT: Yay I did it on time this week. :laugh: ]
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    WOW so far ya'll are doing awesome!!! I know there are more people in this challenge, I wanna know what ya'll are doing!!

    November Beginner Challenge week 3

    14.75/40 miles
    238/300 crunches
    238/300 push ups
    58/300 lunges
    58/300 squats

    I would also like to mention that I met my first weight loss goal this week!!!
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    :drinker: Congratz on your goal!!! <3
  • Late check in!

    This week:
    9.5 miles
    150 crunches
    160 squats
    20 push ups
    180 lunges

    26.5 miles
    225 crunches
    160 squats
    20 push ups
    210 lunges
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    I'm so proud of everyone who's kept up with this challenge! Even if we're not all doing the full amount of everything we're still doing our best and that's AWESOME! Only 1.5 weeks left :sad:
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Was not feeling well so i didnt do much this week

    last week
    0 / 40 Miles
    70/ 300 Crunches
    55 / 300 Push ups
    87/ 300 Lunges
    160/ 300 Squats


    This week
    0 / 40 Miles
    90/ 300 Crunches
    55 / 300 Push ups
    92/ 300 Lunges
    180/ 300 Squats
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Hows everyone doing? happy thanksgiving!
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    this week:
    4/ 40 Miles
    60/ 300 Crunches
    50/ 300 Squats
    60/ 300 Lunges
    61 / 300 Push ups

    34 / 40 Miles
    220/ 300 Crunches
    200/ 300 Squats
    1500/ 300 Lunges
    250 / 300 Push ups

    4 days to PUSH IT!!! Good luck everyone!
  • my stats so far

    pushups 300/300
    crunches 226/300
    jumpin jacks 239/300
    miles 41.35/40
    squats 46/300
    lunges 7/300

    pushups are done yes!!!!
    still have some work to get others done!!!!!
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    so far i have!
    Sorry I was sick still am a bit but better so I hope i can finish it :)

    5 / 40 Miles
    160/ 300 Crunches
    95 / 300 Push ups
    122/ 300 Lunges
    260/ 300 Squats
  • newmrswood
    newmrswood Posts: 167 Member
    Sorry I'm very late on this! I was in the mountains over the weekend and there is no internet or reception up there. I didn't work out last week, fell off the wagon, OOPS! So all my stuff is still the same. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!