20 pounds down by Christmas!



  • abower150
    dropped 2lbs!! :) 147!! yay!!!
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    ^Nice job Cat & Abower! :)

    My weigh in is 169.2, from 172.2 last week, so 3 lbs! WOO HOO! I'm so excited to be in the 160s! I'm surprised because I only made it to 2 zumbas this week (I usually have 4) & had 2 cookies & a brownie yesterday at tailgating, which I felt awful about! I'm ready to hit the gym hard this week & eat well to try to have another good loss again next week. I'm only 7 lbs away from a healthy BMI, which is really exciting to me, because I've been overweight almost my entire life. My total loss for the challenge is 8.2, so I need to lose about 12 more before Christmas to make the 20 lb goal. 2lbs a week isn't impossible but will be tough. I will give it my best shot! :)

    I hope everyone else has a great weigh in today!
  • lauraOOOO
    lauraOOOO Posts: 103 Member
    same as last week....164.4

    although I did have a huge meal last night....after running 10km (so I earned it!!)
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    same as last week 131.5 :-(
  • chikachic817
    chikachic817 Posts: 55 Member
    11/6: 180
    11/13: 177.5

    I haven't exercised in the past 2 weeks, so while the number is still going down, I am always thinking about what it could have been if I would have kept up my exercising. I'm just been so tired with school these last 2 weeks :( Thanksgiving is coming up, and I don't feel too good about that whole week, considering I might be away from my gym
  • spottedlee
    Gain a pound, back to 260. :huh:

    Either I over ate last night or I gained muscle mass. I don't know. I was at a party last night and ate more than usual. I also been hitting the gym 5 times last week too, almost twice the number I usually go, possible muscle mass increasing? Who knows.

    In the past week, 5 people asked me if I was losing. It made me pround. I also had a major NSV too,, Tried on a dress I bought 4 years ago, hoping I will lose soon. I was never able to put it on because it was too small. Now it is just a little tight now, BUT I can button the dress so I am getting there.. I hope to wear that dress for Christmas to show off my success.

    Not sure if I should or not. I updated the spreadsheet to reflect this week's gain. If I shouldn't update it, I am sorry.
  • spottedlee
    double post,,, not sure how it happened
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    Great job so far folks! I'm about to go weigh in myself...scared after those cookies last night..

    Alright, I did it. 160.5... down a half. Not at all where I wanted to be, I better make this week count, I WANT to see the 150s and I'm not waiting another week after this one to hit it. Time for some intense burns! Watch me make it happen :)

    What's your goal this week? I had a great suggestion from one of our challengers, she said to go out and buy a pair of jeans a size or two! smaller then what you know you comfortably fit. Wrap them up and put them under the Christmas tree, because when you open them on Christmas you will be amazed at how well they fit!

    Anyone open to that challenge??

    Mini Challenge this week: Can we do 1,000 squats in one week? Let's see.
  • jgreer0109
    jgreer0109 Posts: 45 Member
    I updated the spreadsheet to reflect my weigh in. I'm down 3lbs from last week. Thats a total of a 9 lb weight loss since we started the challenge!!

    I also had a NSV this week. My 7 year-old son can touch his fingers together when he hugs me. That was the absolute best feeling in the world!! I've also hit a total of 40 lbs lost since I started with MFP on July 4.
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Well done on the losses everyone! Good luck next week to those who didn't manage a loss this week.

    Cschu: I LOVE that jeans idea!! I'm going shopping at the beginning of december, I'll get myself some really nice ones then. It'll be amazing to fit into a 16! I'm still wearing 20's even though I'm probably an 18 as I just haven't had the time or money to get new jeans yet!
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 197 Member
    I was considering going and getting a size 22/24 jeans just to see, I am getting new clothes from my parents for christmas I just hate that they will get me the size I am in now and I won't be able to wear them long... but I definately think I will get me some 22/24 jeans to shrink into b/c mine are falling off but as far as I know the size smaller is still too small, and I have 18/20 shorts in the closet that I am hoping to be able to wear by the time summer gets here b/c they are cute and I can take them on the honeymoon if they fit :D
  • lucylou9701
    down to 148.4 down 1.6 lbs from last week :)
  • janessac
    Weighing In:
    Start: 153.3
    Week 1: 151.7
    Week 2: 152.4
    Week 3: 152.7
    Week 4: 149.9
    Week 5 (today): 149.9 No change but I lost an inch off my waist and actually squeezed into size 27 skinny jeans :) yay!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    When I weighed in on Friday I weighed 164. Not happy about it.:sad: So I was thinking I should drink :drinker: more water. So for 2 days I have been drinking more water and weighed myself this morning and lost 2 more lbs, (162) So the key to this is to drink lots of water....
  • genene111
    genene111 Posts: 386 Member
    Hey everyone:) I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading everyones posts just now, there are some absolutely awesome NSVs here and I'm so proud to be part of thus group!:)
    LOVE the 1000 squat challenge lol this is going to be awesome :) and tough :)
    Also I tried to put my new weight of 160 lbs in:) down 2 lbs ! Hopefully I did it right
    Happy Sunday all and let's kick this new weeks but:) with squats!!!! Lol ( great challenge)
    Oh and ps I'm sooooo in for the Xmas jeans teehee this is right up my ally:)
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    In case you missed it before, THIS WEEK'S NSV: (YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Holy crap guys... we did the squat song in Zumba again this morning, which is "drop it low" with a bunch of different squats... I don't even know how I went to the bathroom without staying there forever. SO SORE. Just so you know, the CORRECT way to do a squat is to get as low as you can, make sure your knees do NOT pass your toes, stand only a foot apart, and pretend like you're going to sit on a very low stool.. Get your butt as close to that ground as possible and come up! If your knees start to hurt, you're doing it wrong. You should be feeling it in your butt, the top of your thighs and on the inside of your thighs. Everything about squats SUCKS, but it made my butt lose some SERIOUS cellulite, so do them girls!

    The music is super lame, but here is a video that will show you the form if you have no clue what I'm talking about:
  • Kerseygeek
    No loss this week. But I went up 2 lbs. during the week and have now gone back down so that's good. But no new loss. I think mine could be from some muscle gain or muscle water retention too. We'll see how this week goes. I'm not making any progress in this challenge weight wise but my clothes are fitting better and I'm looking thinner so I'm guessing I'm losing fat and gaining muscle. I'm dying to see the 160s though.
  • Lindseysund8
    Bump for later
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    Checking in 179
  • Doingitin2013
    Doingitin2013 Posts: 56 Member
    Ok, so from my weigh-in last Sunday (11/06) to when I weighed in again on Wednesday (11/09) I lost 1.4 pounds. From Wednesday to my weigh-in today I lost another 1.6 pounds for a total of 3 pounds for the week! Yeah me! I didn't have such a good weekend in regards to eating and didn't think I had lost anything. I thought I had more than likely gained. I am so excited! Here's to a new week.... Let's go!!!