My Personal Challenge - Anyone want to join me?



  • kittybells
    kittybells Posts: 63 Member
    Well, I didn't lose any weight, but I didn't gain either. That is a bonus. Last week was my off-week for boot camp class but I did manage to run 2 times and walk 2 times. This morning, my boot camp started back up and will go for 5 weeks. That will help. I logged in every day, but went over my calories twice. I have decided that I need to get rid of the "cheat day" for a while. Particularly with the holidays coming up. I just don't seem to lose when I go over my calories. I am like McHeather, I was doing so well and lost about 11 pounds and then just let it slip away a bit. I am not sure exactly when I got off track, but as the weeks went by I realize that I had gained a pound, my calories were way high but I just didn't seem to stop. I really have to go back to being very strict for a while because I don't want to go back. If I don't get back on track, the next thing I know it will be the New Year and I will be back where I started 5 months ago! I can't do that, I just can't. So, it is back to the basics for me. I would like to lose 6 pounds by the end of November. Still is not back where I was a month ago, but that is alright.
  • karenmetfan
    karenmetfan Posts: 62 Member
    You can do it! You did it once, you can do it again. I'm hoping I don't gain with the Holidays coming. I have to be careful about portions and should really save some calories at breakfast on Thanksgiving day. Have a much lighter breakfast to make it easier calories wise. Especially since I won't get my usual walk in that day--it will be much shorter, but I'll try to do as much as I can (we won't be home).

    I've actually increased the time I'm walking to an hour--2-2.5 miles depending on how fast my dog will walk. Yay me!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'll join in. 2 lbs down.

    Three days of classes a week (two zumba/one get pumped) and drinking all my water.

    Need to get back on track.
  • wiffe
    wiffe Posts: 224 Member
    I got up and did about 15 min. on the treadmill this AM> All the more time I had.
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    It's very late Tuesday night and I haven't logged a thing. I'm choosing not to - not because I won't admit to something terrible I ate, but because I know I did good today and I am too tired to think. No official excersize today but It will balance out in the end. I'll do better tomorrow. Good night!!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Yesterday was the first day I completely logged, got a workout in and drank all my water.

    I was grumpy about it the whole way through but I did it.

  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    Very late Wednesday night and couldn't do the same as last night. I made the strangest dinner for my family just for fun - I found the recipe on Racheal Ray website. I told myself I could portion control but didn't. I wanted to skip excersize but I couldn't do it two days in a row. So I rode the bike harder than I ever have. Burned 400 cal in 30 min. It says my heart rate highest was 140 - I can't get it to go any higher. Does that sound right or should it be higher? I had a slightly bad afternoon and really wanted to over eat - did slightly but not like I could have. I reread my commitment to this challenge and managed to stop - (until supper time) I have a terrible headache and am going to bed. Hopefully I'll be more committed with better outlook.

    Katie - It you can do it when you're grumpy just think what you can do when your cheery!
  • karenmetfan
    karenmetfan Posts: 62 Member
    Didn't have any exercise for the past 3 days--I was sick. Felt so much better today and took the dog for a 2 mile walk. Did good with the eating though, for the most part. Did go over on sodium thanks to the can of tomato soup when I felt really lousy the other day. Have to get some more things to snack on. I had over 500 calories left today. Just ate a yogurt with some cereal in it and will have a handful of nuts, but still had over 200 calories left :P I've been doing good so far. So proud of myself!
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    As of today I met my goal of 2 lbs lost. I'm less than when I began to backslide and gain. so I'm at my lowest weight since I can ever remember. But It's weird, I don't think my body looks as good. I had muscle tone and seemed slimmer at the hips. So less junk food eating now, more strength training, and no backsliding. My eating has been not so great, but at least I'm logging it - that was part of my challenge. I've been getting the excersize and loving that I can workout for 40 mins, or bike for 36. I can remember that 20 min video and 10 min bike just about killed me. This is great. I'm still going to keep up the logging and exercise to the end of November as per my challenge because I know how easy it is to backslide again.
    I hope everyone is still committing themselves to their goals. It helps to reread what you'd written before to remind yourself of why you are doing this. Have a great motivated day!
  • I am checking in.....weight for the week in check....from 342.5 and as of 11/18 a slimmer 340!
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    SW 137
    CW 136

    down 1lb...took 2 weeks to get it off though! but something is better than nothing...hope everyone has success this week with the holiday!
  • kittybells
    kittybells Posts: 63 Member
    I am down 2 pounds this week. Finally, a loss. Not where I was a month ago, but closer. I am going to boot camp 3 days next week so I think I will be in good shape for the holiday.
  • I am down 7 pounds since October 27th, and am 92 calories away from completing my weekly goal of having burned 5000 calories.

    SW: 278
    CW: 218
    GW: 160 (for now(
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I like the idea of taking things in small, attainable jumps. I've got maybe 8 more lbs to go before I can get back into the rest of my work clothes. I have a gym membership but have made excuses as to why I haven't used it in over 2 weeks and a recumbent bike at home that I don't use as much as I should . Since I don't have a lot to lose weight-wise, I really just need the support of a few people to help motivate me to get to the gym. I appreciate the whole, decidedly overly-energetic "Just do it for yourself" mentality, but that's a little too fru-fru for me. I know that I need to get to the gym. I just need a little encouragement (or a swift kick) to get me there.

    I need a virtual workout buddy / motivation buddy or two to motivate me. If you're in the same boat, please feel free to add me. :)
  • AudreySchach
    AudreySchach Posts: 8 Member
    Another pound came off but I didn't work as hard as I should have - too busy as work these days to motivate myself to exercise!
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    This week I've managed to improve my water intake, but I'm still not getting enough sleep. I haven't increased the intsneity of my exercise yet (I fell over while walking the dog early in the week, and then spent the weekend moving soil!).

    My weight this morning was 85.6 kg - down by 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs)
  • karenmetfan
    karenmetfan Posts: 62 Member
    Even though I was sick this week and didn't do any exercise for 3 days, I have lost 17 pounds now (almost 18)!!! :D Tried a resistance band today. That's harder than I thought it would be! LOL Since I walked, I only did the upper body part, with modifications. Had some yogurt after 8 a few days this past week. Want to get back to not eating after 8 (no way that's happening on Thanksgiving, but I'm going to do my damnedest to be good about what I eat). Pushed myself to walk yesterday and today since still not feeling great. Yay me for doing it! :happy:
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member personal goal of eating more veggies/fruit and cutting down on the wine ...I really stuck to this. I only got a bottle of wine this weekend and didnt drink any during the week! I ate tons of veggies/fruits too...I plan on kicking it up to 60 mins of exercise per day this week...
    I do 30 mins on my walk on lunch and then do a 30 min Leslie Sansone/Treadmill or Just Dance 2 when i get home...On Thursday Thanksgiving I am planning on taking the walk early before festivities start and hopefull will get some Just Dance in too...I am hoping i can pull off 90 mins this day...I would like some PIE AND WINE lol! :bigsmile:

    sw 137
    gw 135

    cw 136
  • McHeather
    McHeather Posts: 105 Member
    Well, my personal challenge is very hard. I've had a really hard time with eating and can't pinpoint why. I'm not sad or depressed. I'm not really busy and stressed, I've been keeping up with things pretty well and even really been proud to say NO to a few things to keep my life simple. I am waiting to see if I got a job I'd applied for and therefore kinda worried and thinking about work and money, but I feel pretty even and smart about knowing there's nothing I can do about it so why stress about it. So why can't I make better food choices? I met my goal so I think It's okay to slack off and go back to my old ways? I think that's it, but I know it shouldn't be true. At least I'm still working out and not completely giving up. I've met my goal and lowered it and met that goal. It's taken me years, but I can meet another even lower goal. This me talking to myself - sorry if it doesn't make sense, thanks for listening! I'm still in this challenge! log everything - excersize 30 minutes. Maybe I need to modify it to include eat healthy stuff to log =)
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    I PULLED IT OFF!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :happy: :wink: :smile:

    i cant believe it...even after all the food and wine I DID IT!!!

    i was so scared to get on the scale this morning ...I have TOM! and I drank so much Wednesday I thought I was going to die on Thursday...but I think that helped cuz all I could drink on Thanksgiving was water.

    SW 137
    SW 135

    CW 135